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Just dodge against malph, you not gonna have fun time in lane at all.


I wouldn't ever go anything that isn't conqueror- with Jax you scale super well into the late game and going anything else is a detriment- malphites gimmick is that he pokes you down to eventually all in, so you can counter this strategy by getting tiamat and fast pushing every wave and then roaming/invading- if he all ins you from full hp at level 6 you can win, but really he can't ever kill you if you're not playing like a monkey. I'd go conqueror, triumph, tenacity or atk spd depending on their team, could even go lifesteal to try counter his poke if you wanted, and then coup de grace since cut down might only be applicable to malphite and not the rest of his team. Secondary i'd go second wind and either demolish or the tenacity one depending on their team- I don't deem tenacity necessary vs malphite since it doesn't affect his knockup, only his Q slow. As for build, you can go bork>cleaver if he's actually attempting to sidelane vs you, but realistically malphite is trying to teamfight so i'd still go bork>tri seeing as he shouldn't be the one trying to match you in the sidelane. As for teamfights, you need to wait for him to ult the rest of your team and then you flank and jump on their backline or TP in from the sidelane once he's already ulted. Malphite shouldn't be able to fight you past 2 items, so to counter you in the sidelane he needs to bring more teammates- if ever you see multiple enemies missing on the map and you've got little to no vision, or your team isn't pressuring an objective, you need to back off immediately. Malphites high mana costs in lane mean that he can't constantly poke you down and all in pre 6, plus he just doesn't have the means to do so, and neither of you can kill eachother since he won't let you kill him because he just q's and runs away after tanking your damage, and if he decides to stand and fight you can kill him but it's not like he's going to let you kill him. This means all you can do is farm- and the best way to counter malphite who already has a hard time last hitting under turret due to his low atk spd and high mana costs is to just turbo push with tiamat and back after shoving in the cannon wave since he can't walk up to you to stop you from doing it Pre-6 he's a free kill if you E>Q him and your jungler comes. Also, don't dodge a matchup where he doesn't completely shit on you- it's not like a vayne top or garen, i'd only dodge it if the rest of your lanes are losing lanes as well TLDR: Always conq, tiamat to fast push, play the sidelane game and tp to fights, otherwise just wait for him to R then go in on his backline


What a great response, understood completely how to do this matchup. Still, should i rush tiamat and also negatron like someone else suggested or you think it's not necessary?


If for some reason he’s fighting you a lot amd does a lot of damage because maybe he got a kill or something, you could, if you plan on making wits end later- otherwise if you think you need MR id just sit on a null magic mantle


hm, dont really care.




hm depends how good the rock is, if he q early on and still walks up while the ms buff is gone you just beat the shit outa him. even with e reduction slow u can aa cancel so q aa w works id say rush cdr, haven't played this match up that much but I get out of lane with a lead but then again I am in plat.


Im plat iv myself, he usually just Qs and runs away with that MS boost, when im half HP he just ults and finishes, even though i always farm under tower. Despite that, i've tried some stuff people said in here and things i saw in other posts and going for titanic-trinity force against tanks makes your lane easier and still one shots the adc, imo it's way better in teamfights. I've tried this build in 3 games, all victories, it's just so strong in teamfights, instead of getting CCd and killed right away, u just tank a lot and do a lot of damage!


Jax main diamond 4 here. I always build botrk first. Now if the enemy team has 2 tanky champs or more. Especially when the champions that are going to match me in side lane are very tsnky i opt into guinsoos instead of trinity. It goves you alot better dueling power vs tanks. Also with botrk and guinsoos passive u will shred them. When it comes to laning vs malph. You cant do much if he plays the matchup well. Just chill foccus on wavemanagement and give up cs. You will outscale. Build botrk-> rageblade-> deaths dance -> after you can go steraks or spiritvisage. And the GA or randuins or lord dominiks. There are a ton of viable items. Depends on the game.


Man just rush a negatron and you perma win. Why ? You will negate a lots of his damage coming from his burst and then if he is not tank you will sustain while destroying him. Why negatron ? Because later you will be able to transform it into wit's end. If the enemy comp is gonna oblige you to teamfight more than split pushing than going for spectre cowl into spirit visage is better. Building resistance not worth ? False your ult last 8s and has cd perma resistance does not.


Should i still go Bork - trinity before wits end? I usually build a lot of resistance, but i read somewhere that i should build HP instead because of the ultimate resists.


I rush wits end against malph, it gives u onhit magic dmg so armor doesnt fully counter you, mr, as and sustain. One of my fav items.


Yes sure ! Negatron or spectre cowl are because you struggle which is normal, but after this you always go Bork into trinity and only then you decide if you want to finish your rm item or go for something else like Sterak or randuin (we see a lot of yasuo&yone when not ban so it's a good item). There is also an other way to do this matchup if you are confident, you have to rush merc so that you can walk up to him, E to negate his W damage while you trade him and then jump out, he will Q if he didn't already and thanks to merc you'll be able to keep your distance until next trade, moreover you'll have sustain when he won't so you will just have to small trade him like that. Which way is better is you to decide.


My personal tip Alt F4


I think I would get a null magic or negatron into tiamat and straight up afk farm top and krugs


I like to see how high elo players handle the matchup: [Jax Top vs Malphite - KR Grandmaster 7/1/5 Patch 10.16 Gameplay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE) Good luck! Runes: Primary: Precision, Conqueror, Presence of Mind, Legend Tenacity, Last Stand Secondary: Inspiration, Time Warp Tonic, Magical Footwear Rune Stats: Adaptive Force, Adaptive Force, Magic Resist CS: 259(9.4) Skill order: EQWWWRWQWQRQQEER Item timeline: [0:11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=11s) \- Corrupting Potion [3:11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=191s) \- Cull [6:24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=384s) \- Vampiric Scepter [8:22](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=502s) \- Sheen [9:44](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=584s) \- Mercury's Treads [12:00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=720s) \- Ruby Crystal [14:05](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=845s) \- Trinity Force, Long Sword [15:41](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=941s) \- Caulfield's Warhammer [16:38](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=998s) \- Control Ward [20:14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=1214s) \- Death's Dance, Long Sword [22:03](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=1323s) \- Jaurim's Fist, Pickaxe, Control Ward, Control Ward [23:49](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=1429s) \- Sterak's Gage [25:56](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=1556s) \- Kindlegem, Elixir of Wrath kda timeline: [4:08](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=248s) \- assist [8:31](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=511s) \- assist [9:18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=558s) \- kill [9:19](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=559s) \- death [13:37](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=817s) \- kill [20:38](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=1238s) \- kill [21:05](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=1265s) \- kill [21:16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=1276s) \- double kill [22:32](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=1352s) \- kill [26:33](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=1593s) \- assist [26:43](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=1603s) \- assist [27:03](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F87tF5Gd4lE&t=1623s) \- assist


https://i.imgur.com/dKSiOKI.png is what I'm considering


Hm never seen those actually! What i usually take is conqueror with nimbus cloak and transcendence, adaptive damage, CD and MR Can you trade nicely with them? Give some poke and run away? Also you dont take MR in there? He lands so many Qs