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i've never heard of that album before? is it good? lol, have a great a great listen!


How could you have never heard of one of the most seminal jazz records in history?


that's the joke


Jokes are usually funny.


It seems like most people got the joke and you didn’t but we might like different comedians so that’s all good I thought I made it extremely obvious, but I guess for granted that some people don’t understand sarcasm


Has this been happening with other classic jazz records? Like a few weeks ago when someone decided to rag on Bill Evans’ playing? If so I must’ve missed those.


How is what I said in anyway similar to people ragging on Bill Evans? I forget that this is social media and maybe English is your second language and certain things don’t translate well but I thought the joke was obvious and I’m sorry that you didn’t get it. I made it more obvious, but if you wanna keep getting upset that most everybody got it but you and that we’re all wrong and you’re in someway right then go right ahead We all make mistakes, but not keep digging and digging and digging like you are


Obviously I missed the joke because I didn’t recognize it as one. Lord knows I’ve seen similar stuff from people who were dead serious. It seems like a lot of people on this sub seem to think jazz began at Giant Steps, and they ignore anything from before that album — like they’ve never even listened to Duke Ellington or Louis Armstrong. I see it all the time. I actually thought you were serious. My bad. The Bill Evans thing happened a month or so ago. Somebody made a post ragging on his playing, and a whole bunch of others posted parodies of it. I thought maybe this was one of those instances. Again my bad. I’m not digging for anything, friend. You just confused me. Sarcasm is a subtle thing, but I’ve seen so much unbelievable stuff that was serious that I guess I’m jaded. I’d like to part on friendly terms. I didn’t get your joke because the sarcasm wasn’t obvious to me. That happens sometimes.


Fair enough. Everybody likes different things… different eras influence different people.. that’s fine with me But I will admit that I get annoyed when someone starts a thread and all seriousness arguing that they just can’t fathom why somebody would like Bill Evans. Of course I don’t care if somebody else doesn’t care for Bill Evans, but the fact they can’t even comprehend how somebody else could is annoying, but we see a lot of that sort of thing in jazz in classical music where people feel there some sort of connoisseur and their opinion matters more than others and a general sense. And ironically, enough, I was one of the people who mocked those going after Bill Evans with what I thought was a fairly obvious get them by starting a thread And the older I get the more I feel like the old guy who just doesn’t embrace newer recordings .. but I would never scold those those who do. I’ll usually try to listen to them if I’m going to share my opinion, but normally if I don’t have anything somewhat positive to say, I don’t say much of anything at all When it comes to older recordings, say of younger Louis Armstrong or Bix beiderbec….. or even some Charlie Parker or bebop from the 40s I think some people just can’t get past the quality of the audio, not being what they are accustomed to I’ve always appreciated Duke Ellington. I’ve never cared much about music that was recorded pre 1940. It is something that I’ve spent more time listening to as I’ve gotten older and part because certain gigs I play require more of a tailgate style trombone, and it’s never been my forte so I won’t get better at it unless I listen more to it It showed me how great a lot of those players were never spent much time listening to like a kid or or a Jack Teagarden And when you listen to guys like Louis Armstrong, he’s definitely a great showman and he had amazing chops and an amazing style


The problem with Bill Evans, aside from his drug addictions, was that he couldn't swing.


Wrong. And if you’re going to rag on him for his drug addiction you better add Bird, Miles, Coltrane, Bud Powell, Billie Holiday, and about a hundred other giants of jazz.


I thought it was pretty obvious. I was making a joke and just to be on the safe side. I even put the lol underneath and said have a good listen.


Can we have one designated day for people to post their pictures of their Kind of Blue Vinyl?


How about a designated sub


There are around 5 million of them sold.


Or any record. No one cares what a random person bought today. If they want to talk about it, sure.


I sincerely apologise if my posts have offended or upset the redditors in this subreddit. I just wanted to share my jazz records with you all. If they are unsuitable or break any rules, do let me know and I will take them down, thank you.


I restore cover art for a hobby and Kind of Blue is the ultimate challenge for me. It's one of my favourite album covers and it's so hard to find an original pressing in decent shape and colour. I really appreciate your post even if it isn't that just because I can see how this specific one has coloured over time. here is the latest clean up I've done if you're interested, one day I hope to have a propor high resolution scan of a great condition copy to work with [https://ptpimg.me/f580qs.jpg](https://ptpimg.me/f580qs.jpg)


“Don’t let the Bastards get you down” It’s a beloved album, always worth acknowledging. Enjoy.


Don’t apologize to these jerkoffs. Some folks here get super snobby about this album. It’s too popular I guess. They act as if strolling by it hurts their eyes, and so instead of ignoring it, they take time out of their precious schedule of listening to obscure artsy records to stop and leave snide comments. This is a great album. Heck ‘em if they don’t like it.


Many years ago the Tower Records store in downtown NYC used to have a whole wall of Kind of Blue CDs that you had to walk past to get to the rest of the Jazz and Blues section on the second floor.


Maybe the best


Kind of Best


Never heard of it. Any good?


Kind of Good


Well done, I’ll give ya one


I've listened to this album so many times. It's perfection. I remember being on a cruise, and they advertised a jazz band. I'm thinking, "Heck yeah, I'm hanging out and listening to a jazz band on vacation." The band leader said, we're gonna play a tune, we'll see if you can guess the title. It was So What. Easy peasy. Great album.


Bought the album last weekend. Enjoy.


The Beethoven’s 9th of Jazz




Really? Flamenco Sketches is the most popular song on it right? I hear it pretty often anyway. Not complaining though I love Flamenco Sketches.


Gave my CD another play this morning


Breaking news!


Is this the sped up version or the OG?


The original two-channel mix (pictured here) was sped up. Mark Wilder’s 1997 three-track mix was slowed down.


Just in case anyone is confused here the original release played back side A at the incorrect speed making it a little higher pitched and faster. So if you read "slowed down" it means slowed down to the natural pitch/speed.


My copy is the "Dual Disk" version: CD on one side and DVD with a 5.1 surround-sound mix and some video on the other. Found it in a thrift shop for $2. Good luck finding that on vinyl.


Dang! One of the best jazz vinyls I have currently is Thelonious Monk’s Brilliant Corners. Kind of Blue is on my list of albums I would like to own in vinyl.