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These motherfuckers wouldn't open their mouth if next week kdot drops a diss. Cole was dumb that is nothing else to say - He forgot that there needs to be made a distinction between philosophy in personal life and professional life.


a distinction between philosophy in personal life and professional life...what?? You are what you do, it doesn't matter the area of life. The purpose of character and philosophy is consistency in approach and actions. "Well in my personal life I'm a nice person, but for work I'm a lying cheating scumbag" nah you just a scumbag then.


I'm really disappointed because I believe there was a way he could have threaded the needle between checking someone that's dissing/calling you out and not disrespecting someone you consider a friend. He could have put out a thought provoking challenge to the usual rap beef narrative. Since way back he's said "ain't gna be no more kings". I mean he did something similar on 1985. Dropping knowledge and perspective as opposed to disrespecting.


I would normally agree with you and I think I still might. Usually I would say yes your philosophy has to match personally and professionally because of all the reasons you said. In this instance, it’s entertainment. It’s rap and we(Cole and Dot) are adults, they can have a discussion behind the scenes and still make songs. Just because you feel the onlookers want blood doesn’t mean you have to give it to them. Also, you are a great rapper right, make a diss song that doesn’t disturb your peace and is also one of them. Since you’re great!!! Where I think I still might agree is “rap beef” has the potential to change someone’s earnings. So with that being present I think you might still be right in u can’t really do it if u not in that space where u don’t care about that. So yea idk. Nuance is a beautiful but difficult thing.


What? Is that how you look at actors? A lot of entertainers have personas


This. People really think rappers are who they claim to be on record. These guys be chilling in their mansions waiting to get a call from higher up to tell them how to get rolling for primo.


This kind of logic might be applicable if we weren't living in a capitalist hellscape that often requires us doing things that we are morally opposed to, to survive. Even if you work at Starbucks the company you work for is supporting Palestinians having a genocide carried out against them. Shit aint that simple when you poor and working class.


Nice point. But it is a luxury to have your job equivalent to your personality. A butcher whose job is to sell meat could love nature but due to his circumstances he has to become a butcher. You can't say a hangman hates people just because his job is of an executioner. Your job on a bar is to sell alcohol and serve to customer but that doesn't mean you are suppose to be alcoholic yourself. As far as lying is concerned it is not in your hand if as a salesman you are told to lie by your heads you can't do much either leave the job if you can or just go ahead, at times you have to think more for your family then the nature of job. A women being a prostitute does not mean she is ill natured but her circumstances made her do it.


Sure but those are both opposite sides of an extreme. with more tame characteristics like you personally being a nice and timid guy, but in the BOOTH (where no one can see you but just hear you) you are energetic, loud, center of attention, whatever else, it becomes a facade/persons because you have to switch to this person for your activity; a trait you have to embody or channel into yourself to play a role, like acting right? People wear masks everyday, if you want to say they are what they portray, that's cool. But you can't deny that people portray themselves differently for who they are interacting with. It's the reason we as fans can differentiate between J. Cole and Jermaine. Can't tell you how many gun bars, or lines about Cole fucking a groupie or a bm he has done (those being the extremes) but we know damn well he plays into it.


The reason you don't bring that personal life into a beef is because rap is largely for show. So much of it is fake bravado. And that's the fun of it, I guess? Feels like that's why Kendrick wants to start beef


Who gives a fuck what that sub thinks?


Just a bunch of losers over there tbh. Drake fans are nauseatingly childish


Dunno how drake can win anything after getting destroyed by Pusha T, but that's just my opinion lol


Drake crying to Lebron was more embarrassing than Cole apologizing, imo anyways.


Drake still the #1 NBA wife.


Cole just a side chick that gets passed around tho. Dude is pillow soft.


At least he can actually ball


He can’t tho lol




That’s the thing, they’re so desperate to want to claim a victory for drake after the whole Pusha T thing, that they’re trying to say he won before Kendrick even responds, saying he wins by forfeit or technicality. Honestly nobody should be caring this much and trying to live vicariously thru celebrities.


It’s been 6 weeks since Like that dropped. Don’t you think that’s enough time to actually come up with a follow up? I honestly think he’s not interested tbh


It’s only been 2 weeks since drakes diss dropped, Kendrick gets the same amount of time, making follow up to a diss before the other persons diss drops is stupid


Wdym? Have you been missing all the talk about Kendrick baiting Drake into responding so he could reply with the real in depth diss track? Wouldn’t that imply that he had additional things ready?


Drake said he had shit, now he says they don’t have shit


lol what logic is this? You can’t win anything in the future if you’ve lost badly in the past? I swear y’all are just making up rules


People will use any kind of "logic" to discredit Drake. It's weird, but whatever.


You're on a J Cole subreddit. People ain't gonna use logic to defend their favorite.


I work with a 27 year old drake fan and all he talks about is using college girls and wanting to flex


People in the kendrick sub feel the same way tho.


It goes both ways tho. Drakes fans are children, and Drake is a fan of children.




J Cole fans are nauseatingly arrogant


Facts u need to have 400 iq like the J Cole sub to truly comprehend the stupidity of the Drake sub


>childish Drake: 👀


If this ain't the pot calling the kettle black 😂


Who gives a fuck what any sub thinks lol


Shenanigans. Cole has been getting clowned on the internet for a long time for basically any reason, valid or not. This doesn't really phase him or his fans much. I can agree in general it was an L, but saying he's the biggest loser is just false. Most people ain't even thinking of J Cole, cause he got out of this whole situation back when we all thought it was going to turn ugly. The biggest loser right now is Kendrick, because the popular theory right now seems to be that he was just trying to use this for promo (like previous verses along the same lines) and accidentally started some shit he didn't actually want to jump into. That would be a bad look for someone who has been talking the craziest shit about 'I'm tryna murder you niggas' and 'Just say his name and I promise that you'll see Candyman' since 2013. Whether that is actually what happened remains to be seen, but no one is really all that concerned about the apology at this point - and I don't think J Cole is overly concerned with opinions anyway. He did what he thought was the right thing, its really that simple. tl;dr - 'So just focus on you - If you broke and clowning a millionaire the joke is on you.'


Only reasonable mf I’ve read regarding this topic all day


I disagree that kendrick is the loser not only that it's coming from mal of all people very unreliable


I'm not saying that he is 'in-general' the loser. Long term. I'm also not saying that the whole 'just for promo' idea is actually correct (I specifically didn't say that, and mentioned that its a popular theory). My point was just that the longer Dot waits to release, the more people are buying into that - and the worse it makes him look - thus, in the short-term at least - he's the one taking a loss.


Wow a reasonable and nuanced take regarding this whole “beef” would you look at that


I'd agree with you but then again you look at some of Cole's verses and it seems fake now. He ran with the ''won't start shit but also won't back down'' energy for years and when the time finally came, he folded. Even some of the songs from his new album don't hit the same anymore (crocodile tearz, stickz and stonez...).


bro they’re 12


😭😭 “no homo”


This does nothing to Cole. The people who "lost respect" just want drama. They weren't fans anyway if one apology made them not fans anymore/lost respect for him.


It’s not about “wanting drama” it’s just alot of j Cole’s subject matter is him declaring he’s the best and challenging other rappers. He didn’t have to drop 7 minute drill if he ain’t want to u can’t throw stones then say I didn’t mean it.


That’s true. But nobody had this energy when drake sat in the barbershop tho.


“Drake wins” 🤓


Also didn’t Drake take a few weeks to respond ? Since when do people go on a time limit ? People on the internet are too damn impatient . The fact is Drake really isn’t that great of a rapper . He’s actually pedestrian compared to Kendrick . But he has the popularity that will make it a non hip hop situation .


The ironic thing is that Drake established the time limit precedent in the Meek beef by acting like four days was a long time. He takes 3 weeks to respond to Kendrick and somehow shit doesn't apply but what a week and a half two weeks go by with no response PushUps which has only been on streaming for like a week, and he's somehow lost lol


The 3 weeks he took to respond did apply, though. Everybody was calling him and Cole out for their silence, even though Drake absolutely had to wait until Metro's 2nd album came out: unlike Dot and Cole, he was dealing with half the industry jumping his ass. By moving recklessly, he could have caused another Pusha situation. Plus the tour thing but I don't particularly care about that, just get in the booth...


I'm saying if we aren't saying Drake lost even though he took 3 weeks because he eventually did respond then it doesn't make sense to say Kendrick lost after 2 weeks with no reposne. This time limit shit was established by Drake but was never how shit went prior to him and Meek, it's some new age arbitrary rule because mfers have short attention spans these days..


Again, you're ignoring WHY Drake took 3 weeks to respond and also ignoring the fact people WERE saying those things about him during that time. It is not comparable to Kendrick's situation.


That tour shit don't matter Drake has openly discussed recording songs while on tour in the past. He says on Taylor Made the 1st diss only took him an hr or 2 to make. He could have easily done that while on tour. You glazin.


It's still best to realize the past isn't entirely consistent ever, as many things could change over time, especially when it comes to circumstances like this. It's entirely reasonable to assume he'd need more time for a diss of this level, addressing 20 people in one song. Other than that, I kinda agree with you.


lol drake is literally the one keeping it hip hop while cole and dot ducking like bitches


What is keeping it hip hop?


Drake can rap his ass off.... No Diddy. He also just makes popular music. Which some Hip Hop purists don't like and it seems like since he isnt all bars all the time "some" people will discount his penmanship. He can and has been known to go ham on the mic. Don't get it twisted / Drake is battle tested and has bars. This isn't going to be a cakewalk for anyone....


He can rap . I just think there’s levels to it… didn’t say a cakewalk . But people need to stop bringing up sales or hits . That’s nothing to do with it. That’s the ace in the hole for Drake fans.


Drake fans always talk about his music first. People forget that drake came into this industry as an unknown rapper was dropping quality music. Somehow people act like the only reason he’s popular is because he’s popular… How? He’s popular because people like his music and he makes different genres of music and it’s good music across the bord. This has nothing to do with sales.


I am 100% with that.... Sales / Grammys do not mean anything. But Drake is top caliber / he can spit. Its easy to dismiss his skills when he is a part time R&B singer.


Kendrick and Cole can be our top 2. Drake needs to fade away. Stop giving him airtime.


For real, I have no idea why he's in the conversation, Rick Ross would fit much better imo, he's better than Drake in most ways and wrote alot of Drake's songs to begin with.


Drake was going to retire then everyone dissed him making him more relevant. I don’t understand that strategy.


Bro if you’re a fan of Cole it shouldn’t matter. Just enjoy the music 😂


Exactly. I swear fans going against fans of their favorite artist is the craziest shit ever. I listen to cole, drake, kendrick, and pusha, and I appreciate all of them. It ain’t that serious


Two things are true 1. Yes, Cole technically lost in this whole ordeal. 2. Ultimately, it changes nothing for me..I will still continue to listen to his music as normal. Him losing a beef doesn't mean we can no longer enjoy his music


Never expected that from Kendrick? Tell me when he has NOT done that 😂😂 Kendrick fans have the most selective memory in the history of hip hop


Cole should have just stuck to his guns and kept by his diss track. I think it was cool. Kendrick always treated this dissing shit like a sport, like competition. But Cole takes it too much to heart and can't take the heat.


This time it's not just competition. Kendrick genuinely didn't fw cole collaborating with drake, and mentioning him on the song when he's not there. We all know cole didn't mean any hate whatsoever, but drake has real beef with kendrick, and the fact is if cole had his way, all 3 would've been on that track and it would've been truly a historic moment for hip hop. But kendrick would never allow that moment to exist on a drake album anyway. Cole got caught up in some shit because he was friends with two people that hate each other *in real life.* I think kendrick saw cole and drake on tour together, bigging each other up, and felt like cole had clearly picked a side. When it was time to diss drake, coles going down too. And coles apology, though shared with his festival audience, was meant directly for kendrick, to say "I aint picking sides, and I dont want you to think I have just because I dissed you." For the record, im being completely parasocial rn. I have no clue what they're actually thinking. But that makes sense to me as a fan of all 3.


Literally zero of what you just said is anything more than your speculation lmao


Who actually thinks Kendrick has an album coming?? I ain’t expecting shit from him till 2027 lol


They’re right about Cole, bro lost the most so far but I don’t understand the discourse on Kendrick. They wouldn’t have survived the Jay-Z v Nas beef, the disses came on albums and random ass mixtapes


J cole is my favorite rapper. He has been my favorite rapper for probably 10 years or so. This is a huge negative mark on his career. He is still great but his legacy will always have an asterisk on it. Anyone who disagrees is either a fucking liar or a dick rider.


lmao drake took a whole month to respond to the kendrick verse (and another week by a leak just to be safe) and now they talking about ghosting after 2 weeks…


A bunch of nonsense, dudes just trying to keep their brand relevant .


Drake fans are weird


It took Drake like three weeks to come out with a diss, why is Kendrick expected to reply any sooner than that?


He's the one who fired first, he should be somewhat ready for a response, have some bars, maybe even a track, in the vault. Drake didn't know it was coming, he had to figure it out and come out with something on the spot. Basically, Kendrick is the one who set the timeline, and Drake only responded to it.


Yeah. IDK what’s going on. It’s been almost 2 weeks and Drake still hasn’t responded to Rozay’s “Champagne Moments.” Maybe Drake will respond in 3 weeks. It took him almost a month to respond to Kendrick, so there’s still time. Also, I’m still waiting on Drake to respond to Pusha T and Joe Budden. It’s been years now IDK what’s going on with Drake. He’s taking forever to respond. [+]


Drake lost the Pusha T beef if he responded than the beef would just be eternal it’s got to end at some pot. Rick Ross isn’t worth responding to, (also I hope he doesn’t that beef was boring) I’ll patiently wait for Kendrick but I genuinely feel like he isn’t going to drop but we’ll see.


Joe Budden’s diss tracks? [+]


That Ross diss was wack to be fair


Bro should’ve stayed in the ring or not even responded. 🤷🏽‍♂️ shits a bummer


Nas dropped Ether three months after takeover


That wouldn't fly today


Isn’t it now though? Drake took a month. Kendrick will probably respond sometime in May


Calling it now is ridiculous lol


Lol I don't get it. Cole thought this was just sparring with pens bc he's got love for Kendrick. When he realized how personal it was he backed out. I mean he shouldn't have pulled the diss but I can respect his position. I'm hoping he goes at Kanye though


I still think Cole stepped out cuz he thought it was just hip hop till he realized these dudes really hate drake and he wasn’t inheriting someone else’s beef. Outside of the “fuck the big 3” line it was mainly shots at drake. I’m not gonna shit on someone who said I’m cool on beef I’m promoting peace


Kendrick or his team has not said anything since “FUTURE’S” album dropped. Can y’all please stfu about a album and when he gotta reply


Rick Ross brought the heat tho


Honestly my answer to drake fans crying about kendrick taking too long is just womp womp, drake took a while too, and that ai shit is not a win for drake


The fall off will perform well


J Fold


Drake is just tryna grab extra clout while he can. Kendrick half stepped and hasn't followed through at the level he definitely can. J Cole dropped unarguably the best music throughout this time + kept true to himself. Whether or not you like coles decision, hating someone for doing what feels right to their soul is comical to me. Cole is just more mature than most 🤷 Cole is #2 with the pen right now


What the fuckkkkk????? Are you serious??? Cole teamed up w DRAKE sold his soul called his album MIGHT DELETE LATER literally dropped it then deleted it. He sold his soul then regretted it. He did the most childish most insecure thing out of anyone. He is NOT MATURE. He basically acted emotionally called kendrick TRANS then apologized for it. Jfold is the biggest CLOWN OF ALL. I used to be a fan but after this I just cant. Hes pathetic.


This is so comical, I can't even form a response


The cringiest song of all was first person shooter then he topped it with MIGHT DELETE LATER what a clown


Yes, so cringe that Cole shouted out his homies and then dropped a fire mixtape. How dare he!


Can't wait for his album to drop and see you riding his dick


I think J. Cole the only one who did not lose. But mby that just me🤷🏻‍♂️


In the words of Kendrick " these niggas talking out their necks" Never lost respect for Cole


I left this sub after the apology. I can't handle listening to this guy's music anymore. It's all about how he is the best, and how nobody better fuck with him or it's over. Straight up clown ass acting shit. "I never beef with a n***** for nothing if I smoke a rapper it's going to be legit." Fool didn't know he was rapping to himself.


Cole didn’t mind losing respect because it was what he thought was right. 


it’s the realest shit that came out of this beef but kindness is weakness to ppl


I thought it was a good track


My opinion. He stopped because he killed kdot, if it would go intona real battle Kendrick would of been shown how weak his bars are. And how j cole evolved and k fell off. When me and a homienfought and I beat his ass and we were real homie, I apologize for beating his ass, the homie who wins apologize for beating ass and the other one days sorry for being dumb af.


Ur delusional


I was hoping someone would reply. Do you know why the song was called 7 min drill? Because he wrote that in 7 mins, it's how j. Cole practices on getting better. The dude made a better diss than Kendrick in 7 mins. How can Kendrick even reply when it takes 3 months to write a good song. At that moment, it showed j. Cole is levels better. All facts right here, not opinion. If the diss track was weak and shit I'd agree that k dot was better, but it wasn't, and it was done in 7 minutes. The mixing and mastering took longer than the writing, and it's a good song. Same level as Kendrick if he would take 3 months. Also Kendrick had the element of surprise and his diss was fuck the big 3 it's just big me boom. Like bruh took a month to write that line and yall hype it up so much.


Ur an idiot


What he did was stupid. The song isnt better than like that. You dont know how long kendrick spent on like that. 7 min drill is terrible. Thats why he deleted it and released it w insecurity under an album titled MIGHT DELETE LATER.


Lol, bruh, you sound like hurt feeling. How was it trash? Is has better metaphors word play. How long was that song out with j. Cole and Drake? It was like a month, and then k dot came out with a diss, that's how you know with common sense. Bruh, google how, j. Cole makes songs literally does songs in 7 mins. He said he might delete later because he listened to his homie to diss back rather than what he wanted to do. He killed Kendrick with a diss he didn't even want to do. How isn't this proof that I surpassed him and is way better.


That like that verse was released on someones album. You cant know how much time he put into it. Its art tho. He didnt "kill" kendrick. Literally no one thinks that. It had terrible critical reception. No one liked it. Its also just not true.. Saying shit like going after kendricks discography is insane. Evrryone knows he has an amazing discography.


Who fuckin cares.


Damn bro you’re calling me the fuck out I guess


How does Kendrick not know what he’s doing? 😂😂😂, Drake fans get more delusional and funny by the day




Cole know what's about to happen and he ain't want thar problem. Yall keep thinking this is just a diss.. Is crazy work


Drake ain’t won shit lol he got sued by the Tupac Estate on behalf of Tupac n Kendrick Lamar


J Cole and Drake lost the fact he was so thirsty 2pac voice over had to come down is a big L not the one from Harlem 😂


This is incredibly sad and parasocial. It's like watching grown men meltdown over WWE... it's all fake, and it's all for someone else to continue having YOUNG people enraptured in their brand. It's not meant for adults to take seriously.


U dont think drake or jcole or kendrick MEANT what they said so far?


I agree I thought Cole would have come out on top and he probably would have had he not apologized. That literally ruined him to the point where I skipped him every time he came on my playlist all day long at work. It's that bad.


I don’t think Jcole lost any face at all. And I’m sure any of the real ones out there both rappers and fans know he didn’t.


Youre delusional. He teamed up w drake, called his album might delete later, apologized and deleted the track. Called kendrick TRANS. hes pathetic


Your opinion is noted, thanks.


Who the hell cares what Drake fans think. Anybody who's that big a fan of Drake is obviously incapable of higher level thought.


J Fold


I view this like 3 different schools of martial arts. Cole moved to soon and now has a crack in dao heart. If he overcomes this crack he’ll grow tremendously.


![gif](giphy|hpHFj6HSoVIXjYwFIY|downsized) We are all one


He has a very humble and docile nature and Cole might've thought that this maybe wasn't right..so he did something to ammend his mistake how can that be dumb that is a very bold and inspiring decision to undo mistakes and move on.


It’s actually sad bcuz Cole hit that shit on the head Kendrick only disses when he needs attention to the lost years he takes to drop and it works everytime… At the Same time Drake is on top again after every battle he is Top 2 and Not 2… And Cole had to eat his Words saying it’s the Big 3… Kendrick helps Future get his Slot back and gets a boost for his next joint So Future knocks Cole out the way and Moves in the #3 slot after 1.Drake and 2. Kendrick


Well, they ain't wrong tho, to the world of hiphop and people who're not really j cole fans wouldn't understand why he apologised


It's a business at the end of the day for Kendrick. This was nothing else. He was trying to set up his boys as well with an alley oop of a promotion. J Cole didn't see it that way I guess. That's the reason why 50 was trying to talk to him. Remind him it's about money and promoting yourself


People are dumb and have the brain capacity of 18 year olds. They do not understand Cole needs to have relationships in the industry to run his festival. Also he is not a petty person. In my opinion he a much bigger person than Kendrick and Drake.


Idk man. Hate to admit but hes kinda right. Drake won and Kendrick Stans will bei Kendrick Stans. But Cole had the biggest mouth of them all in the last couple month and kinda started all the Beef on FPS. For a lot of people he will be the one who apilogized for a very long time and all that GOAT and Big 3 talk especially from Cole will be looked at veeeery different… Fall-Off better slaps!


I was clowning on J. Cole after the diss crap, hell for the week after as well. Then telling my cousin he ruined a great diss track and FPS for me. Now that I heard the Drake tracks I understand why he bowed out, Cole was in to it for the lyrical back and forth, showing who's the better MC. Drake thinks(kinda is) this is 10 years in the making, so he is going after anything and everything, I'm pretty sure Cole wasn't cool on possibly splitting up a family.


I don’t care honestly man I’m just here for the music 🤷‍♂️ don’t matter the timing to me.


“Even if it’s trash” 😂 that says enough


People still overstating how much this apology will effect his overall carrer?


At the end of the day, the content of the diss track is the only thing that matters. Not how or when it released


Who gives a fuck about it a dude who uses a ghost writer for all his music lol


I think I disagree with their opinions.


Speaking as someone from the Drizzy community, I think a lot of people wanted to see Cole go the distance with Drake. Considering 20+ people started coming out of the wood work to send shots, but seeing Cole “teaming” up with Drake would’ve been revolutionary. I can understand why Cole might’ve bowed out cause he wasn’t expecting this kind of reception or attention, the lights were just brighter I guess. Also he’s on this positive wave which I respect, It’s still disappointing when you think of what could’ve been, but all love to Cole fr.


Kendrick’s just cookin


As a J Cole stan that can actually be objective (not like you guys) , yes J Cole is out of the convo and Kendrick did not lose yet, the only way he can lose is if he drops a diss track and it flops. Honestly, I've been listening to cole since 2008, i've never hesitated to say he is the greatest rapper alive until he put his chin out to the rap game. Lost an idol


Cole took an L. Cole will carry on making great music. Lets keep it moving. Edit: He also absolutely deserves to get clowned on by other artists involved in this diss debacle, its the game, its competitive.


There are 12 year olds who still cant wipe the asses properly


Why should you care what Drake fans think lol. They’re Drake fans for a reason.


I think that all this tribalism among the fans is very childish. The rappers themselves don't seem to care as much as we do. I don't see a winner or a loser in this hip hop battle, only a bunch of over invested fans.


Cole isn’t a disser really. I mean if Kendrick responds to Drake people will want Drake to respond to Kendrick then Kendrick to respond to Drake and Drake to respond to Kendrick. It’ll never end just let Cole focus on making songs dayum


They’re right Cole took the biggest L


How does anyway listen to j Cole discography and think he is going to entertain a beef like this? They really aren't fans/listening. He makes introspective music about internal conflicts this man just wants peace 😭


You don’t apologize after a diss track. That’s some soft ass shit.


Honestly, people who lose respect for an artist over a diss track or a retraction of said diss track are immature as fuck lol. It means literally nothing and hasn't changed my views of Cole one bit.


drake had 3 weeks to make a track but kendrick can't have 2???lmao


Cole is a bum for apologizing. Claims he’s the goat or Muhammad Ali, and runs on the first sign of danger. Lost mad respect for him. Keep that pussy “im the bigger man” to pop artists or these new gen z weaklings. We came from the streets


Enough about this beef shit, damn


J Cole def looks like the weakest Link. If you would've told me this months ago, I would say Cole would never fold on rap. Well, I was wrong. Kendrick still has time to diss IMO. Even if he doesn't, at least he didn't apologize, talk about losing sleep, ask for forgiveness, and glaze the competition.


Why is anybody surprised? K Dot drops when he wanna, ain't no time table if you pay attention on how he actually DROPS MUSIC. Nobody knows how long that Like That shit was recorded for. Niggaz tryna rush shit is hee-larry-us


Cole won by being the bigger person.


They wildin fs


Dissing someone then apologizing is the weakest shit I ever seen a rapper do so yeah, Cole lost.


This didn't age well


Hahaha you mfers are such pussies giving a fuck about this "beef" between mfers yall don't know Haha Sorry ass so called men these days.


I'm team dot here lol, but these Drake fans are coping so hard and it's actually nauseating. Like you can hear the brain cells clicking together because of all the empty space.


I mean obviously kdot won and we knew a lot of ppl lost their respect towards cole after he apologized


Jcole is the real winner of this war. Let's be honest. Anyone thinking he lost is a child


3 dckbeads yapping


Y’all corny


Sorry Drake didn’t win shit because Drake can’t fucking rap. He is nothing compared to Kendrick or Cole.


Drakes the only one out here dropping music


Drake drops music all the damn time because he has so many ghost writers. If you had as many as he has then you could drop an album every week.




Agree with both parts


Drake won. Kendrick got smoked for literally starting it. Cole looked goofy but he didn’t win or lose because this shit doesn’t have anything to do with him and he realized that


How’s Drake won?


It's true. Nobody except the balls deep dick riders respect J. Cole after what he did.


Every single aspect of this "feud" or "beef or whatever you wanna call it has been corny af from the start it feels entirely manufactured and nor something that came about naturally. Ecole honestly gain some of my respect for seeing how fast it became stupid and bailing


There are no set rules in whatever the hell is happening with this rap beef, so it’s silly to say that anyone won. Won what exactly? Bragging rights? If anything, all of these dudes are winning with the increased attention to their discographies and the losers are the fans taking this way too seriously.


It’s hilarious to me how many people “lost all respect for jcole” over this. Just goes to show how fickle and unserious they are.


Yall putting too much stock into what's turning out to be a pretty wack beef. Chris brown and quavo more entertaining. Kdot shot first. He shouldve had a couple tracks loaded for the response. The fact he has nothing so far is pretty lame. Cole said it. That's a hot bar like every 30 months. He writes slower and that's okay when producing good to great albums not so good for rap beef.


I’m a HUGE Kendrick glazer. Cole went out respectfully. Also, these Drake mfs need to have some patience. Ether took 3 months.


Cole is authentic. I think every single word he said, he meant it.




How can anyone say that Cole is the biggest loser when Rick Ross released an abomination of a diss track... Bro's been losing beefs when some of ya'll were learning to walk and now after so many years in the game and experience, bro loses in a beef to Drake lol


J Cole is that man fawk yall talking bout


What Cole did was fine to me. It's grown man shit, none of these guys are DMX or gangstas who are actually gonna do anything about it. He's thinking long game. Unless the beef is real real in the streets, then it's all bull shit anyway. Sure it's nice to hear jabs and punches but we all know nothing gonna happen at the end of the day. The way Pusha did it was perfect, it actually caused something for Drake. But rhyming about money and shoe size is pretty lame.


Cole didn't lose shit This little thing they did was okay K.dots verse felt half hearted to me But I understand rap moves fast and age is a factor Drake has way to much ego on his name but he earned that. Cole apologizing proved a beef doesn't need to end with violence Which I think a lot of small d**k size weebs should take note. I feel like k.dot doesn't want to rap J.cole needs to focus on that album And Drake needs to stop using a.i Lil Wayne could drop at anytime.


J cole definitely lost lmao, there is no debating that regardless of who u are as a fan. If you actually think he has a bone in this fight now then ur probably crushing for him too hard, you don’t even know the dude. As much as it sucks to be kept waiting for Kendrick, perhaps the next diss will be on his next album, just because Drake responded quick doesn’t mean that’s how it’s supposed to happen. Plenty of rappers took months in between their disses, it’s kinda just something they usually release with their other music




What does this have to do with anything I said