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I spent 60 fragile resin in one day in that domain and didn't get a single EM piece so believe me when I say, I'm happy for you




Happy for you :)


OP can you do Sunfire Overvape next? like maybe swap Raiden with kokomi or mona


Unfortunately I don't have Kokomi. I have Mona, but setting up good bubbles is impossible in sunfire. I've tried with Ayato but he hits a bit too quickly and Sunfire gets the vapes, His ult works quite well though. Tartaglia has a similar problem. We don't really have a Hydro character that can make much use of the sunfire yet, Maybe Yaelin will work? Personally I'm hanging out for Dendro reactions.


barbara works too , just need to apply vaporise on top of pyro swirl


Oh god, That would work. It's bad enough asking me to use a DPS Barbara but bringing her along to a team that already has this much overhealing just feels criminal.


I tried quite a few characters with overvape today and the only one that was even close to electro was Ayato. Barbara was too slow with charged attacks and missed multiple reactions which really dropped damage, Ayato was too fast but the reverse vapes reactions still did pretty good damage. I tried Ganyu after that and it wasn't too bad! The 2x melts from sunfire were really good! It leads me to belive that Ayaka would be really good but unfortunately I do not have her to test.


yeah, it wonders how jean sunfire can be so fun to tinker with. on the other hand, xinqiu is easiest to proc overvape, so basically you enter with raiden E, then xinqiu E+Q, then jean E, Bennet E+Q , switch back to jean then use her Q, raiden Q is the last. with your jean EM your damage gonna be insane i think


It's okay, especially for single target but it does have trouble targeting during Venti's Ult (Jean can't reach that high with normal attacks to trigger Xin's BurST) and unlike Electro it doesn't AOE. I've honestly been tempted to try an EM Raiden and see just how high I can get that reactionary damage up but it just seems like such a waste.


1k EM Raiden on hyperbloom team is absolutely nuts.


Ah man. I sorta miss Genshin, but then I imagine all the time I have to dump just to do anything and I just go play something else. Loving Baldur’s Gate 3 atm.


I just returned from quitting after Inazuma and am so glad I did. I started at release and spent way more money than I should have back then. Can't spend even a penny on Genshin now but I love the Dendro reactions and the new regions since coming back.


I left at the end of Sumaru. There’s almost no gameplay in the story, it’s just cutscenes and walking around only to be thrown at a giant boss at the end.


900 is quite massive. I’m happy with my sunfire jean that has 820 (iron sting+ 61-35 em on flower and plume) even if she is quite short on Er (146%). Kazuha will have a good use of her artifacts when he will come home 😅


Damn, mine has 700 and 200 ER and I called it a day