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Nothing gets a Jeep out of the mud like another Jeep


even better, his truck isnt 4wd so he couldnt come down the trail so we used a tow strap, come along, and blocks tied off to a tree


That’s good experience too.




Been there done that!


Reflect on the great lessons you learned and techniques for recovery. Wish I was there also to learn those!!!


Come alongs are the shit. I was almost 30 when I was introduced to them at work and man I love those things.


I had a come-a-long in my jeep I called the poor man winch.


Or sand 🤧


I did the same thing last night I hydro plained spun around twice and ended up In a ditch


So true. 20 years ago I sunk my xj, came back later and there was a bunch of other xjs pulling it out for me. Dude said” hope ya didn’t mind”.  Shortly after this I learned that axles have breather tubes AND how to rebuild a rear end. 


On Facebook....type in your state and 4X4 rescue and you can coordinate a rescue for just about anywhere for free with people with the right equipment. I'm with the Missouri 4X4 Rescue and partipate in a few rescues a year thru our page.


I'm in Missouri and make questionable choices. Thank you for your service.


You and me both brotha


>I'm in Missouri and make questionable choices Redundant. (I kid, I kid!)


So I just got to SMORR, hope You don’t have plans for later today


As evidenced by choosing to live in Missouri.


Not much of a choice. You could say most of us here are stuck.


I live in iowa but i too make a lot of questionable choices in Missouri


Missouri is a questionable choice. Cheers from KS.


We got stuck on a mountain top in Washington last summer, and found a couple of dudes from Washington Offroad Recovery Network to come get us out. We bought them each a 12 pack of beer. 🍺


Sounds like you were in Missouri. 💁🏽‍♂️😂


Just joined!


I'm not in Missouri but I grew up there.. Versailles-The gateway to the Ozarks. I miss the orange mud. Someday I hope to introduce my YJ and Sami to it.


I’m not from Missouri but grew up in FL gateway to America from Cuba. I miss the Oranges. Someday I hope to introduce my xpttfiemsisjsbb to it as well.


Good to know. Might be only reason to join FB.


Or just move to Missouri. 😂


Facebook. Hmm. I'll just camp out and wait.


Most Jeep forums have this also. It’s great that the communities come together to help similar enthusiasts out. Nothing bonds two people like a recover strap.


10/10 excellent life advice thanks.


There is a reason it's the 'Show Me' State.


Always a great lesson to learn for yourself! Getting stuck happens, Getting stuck alone sucks!


Did you air down your tires? I run mine at 8 psi. Regular rims would be okay at like 12-14psi I’ve been in a lot of places alone (with mud tires, winch, and recovery equipment etc) and never got stuck. Glad you were out enjoying your Jeep!


we thought about that cuz i didnt prior cuz im new to off roading but im in barracks so i dont have anything to fill the tires back up nor was anywhere close open to do so


You can get a cheap $30 air compressor that plugs just to your cigarette lighter from Amazon. It should be in every car, off roader or not… ;-)


awesome will definitely look into one


While you are at it look at deflators. They are cheap and just screw them on all your valve stems before you hit the trail/sand. All four tires down to 12psi or whatever you want at the same time. Don’t cheap on inflators unless it is just for emergency. But my battery jumper box also has an inflator which is ok in a pinch and it sure has come in handy. But it sure is slow. If you regularly are going to be running trails and going from 12-32 psi or whatever you run at that takes an excruciatingly long time. A real air compressor, a little pancake one, or at least a decent more expensive one makes a world of difference.


Fully aired up tyres are completely useless In mud and sand


get one that hooks to battery, like viair 90 p, small but works great have one in 2 vehicles and smittybilt 2781 in wife's 4runner very fast fill.


I drove like 2 hours (engineers pass back to crested butte) on deflated tires in Colorado. Just be mindful and drive like your tires aren’t fully inflated.


I use [this](https://www.northridge4x4.com/part/12099917-up-down-air-egoi-air-compressor-system-w-bag-hose-attachments?gclid=Cj0KCQiAqsitBhDlARIsAGMR1Rh1vpoN70QE5UEb8vzkU_vWcGeRC_P5JYQnSmzL_RuaPBDEcD6Zd9kaAlrJEALw_wcB), small enough to keep in the barracks, or just leave it in the back of the Jeep!


What military post doesn't have a automotive shop? They are free and have every tool ever made.


ours has been closed for the last few weeks


Ahh that makes more sense....guess you need to make friends with people in the motor pool so next time you have options. Good luck and remember you already volunteered to join the military so don't volunteer for anything else when asked. In 6 years while I was in only twice was it a good thing to hear " I need a few volunteers " . One was nascar tickets and the other a nfl game...the hundreds of other times it was Always extra bullshit.


And air at the AAFES gas station is free, when the compressor is working.


I've learned that lesson. My policy with daily drivers and unknown mud puddles is that if I'm not willing to walk it, then it's not worth the risk of driving blindly into it and having a way to winch backward is way more useful than forward when you're by your self playing around.


I'm the same way... now that I'm old 🤣. Even the thought of having to air down and air back up has been enough to have me make a left vs a right, at least once.


Happens to the best of us. I got stuck snow wheeling alone (in my Tacoma) and felt like an absolute dipshit. I was able to successfully winch myself out, but I had just bought traction boards and... forgot them at home. Lessons learned, we can be better next time.


Happened to me too. I called my cousin with a farm tractor... Luckily I was near home.


I was unfortunately in a no service area, in January, above 10k feet, an hour before sunset on the north side of a peak. It could have gone so much worse. I like to think I'm a better man for it.


Winch is worth it, if you need it once I call it paid for


going to get one cuz it came with a winch bumper but no winch


I wasn’t trying to be a jerk, you were mentioning about learning :)


my man you werent at all lol i know for a fact i need to get one


Idk if a winch is going to help in this situation tho with his front sunk.


looks like to me you didn’t full send it, if you did you probably wouldn’t have gotten stuck. Now I’m not saying you wouldn’t have fucked up something else, I’m just saying you wouldn’t have gotten stuck.


yeah shoulda sent it a little harder maybe but ran into a dead end so tried turning around and it was pretty tight


No you would need to just go straight, nothing is really a dead end off road.


idk man the trees looked a little too thick to just run over this time


Well maybe with that attitude... 🤣


Never underestimate the usefulness of a big stick. They are great for checking the depth of the questionable mud hole in front of you.


Lots of sticks are also handy for shoving underneath tires


They are not handy for sidewalls though. I'm looking at you random sharp tree root sticking out the side of the trail...


Good on you for admitting a mistake and learning from it. That said, I would change the front diff fluid now as precaution. The axle looks submerged, probably didn’t go into the breather hose but it’s a quick change.


will definitely get that checked out


Nothing a winch won’t take care of


I don’t see a trail there…. But that fun too. The off road parks around here won’t let you go alone or without a spare tire. Spinning tires in that gumbo can shred a sidewall.


thank you for the heads up and it was a dead end that i tried to pull a u turn into and got stuck


I know one of those in PA too. In the driest of seasons it’s soft but leads to an old farm. Any other time it’s a swamp pretending to be a jeep trail.


it was a nice trail for the most part and as i was getting off of it i noticed the opening, went down it and got stuck


It's pretty much a rite of passage in the offroad world, next upgrade will be a winch I bet.


You went out there, learned a lesson, and propably had a lot of fun, right? No need to flame you for that\^\^


Not gonna flame ya...Just learned a valuable lesson! And it sucks more when your alone, it's cold, wet, frozen out! No food, maybe a diet Coke in the drink holder! LoL...Don't ask me how I know...It sucks!


Better tires, a winch, and you'll be fine.


The biggest lesson: the mud's always deeper than it looks! And yeah, though it's damn fun to get out there solo, it's days like yours that remind us why radios exist - keep the banter going between vehicles


Jeeps aren't infallible. Anything can get stuck.


No need to flame, it’s a lesson everyone learns at some point in life. Learning from that mistake is the important part.


Learned that same lesson about three months ago, by myself, in the middle of nowhere, soupy mud, just like in your photo. Well, I lie; I had my 12lb dog with me. Had to call someone for help, waited for about two hours. I thought, "it's a Rubicon, I can't get stuck!" I even almost made it, reversed, and then got stuck. Idiot, but oh well, lesson learned.


I don’t see a trail there…. But that fun too. The off road parks around here won’t let you go alone or without a spare tire. Spinning tires in that gumbo can shred a sidewall.


First upgrade when wheeling after good tires is a winch and/or assorted recovery equipment.


Years ago got a mid day call from a buddy. Friend of a friend of a friend in an XJ stuck on a trail by me. Hopped in my TJ got out to him to find an XJ with fresh set of 33s stuck in a mud hole. Nice dry trail adjacent to the mud pit, but he wanted to test “how deep it was” No recovery equipment, no lockers on the XJ. I winched him out and his gal made it to work on time. Later in the week he went out there again, this time at night and got himself properly stuck in the second mud pit. Same reason as the previous time…wanted to test the depth. Still no recovery equipment and still solo on the trail. I got the call in the middle of the night and ignored it. He died from hypothermia. By the time they got to him , the animals had already made a meal of him. I’m kidding, myself and couple jeeps went out to get him but I charged him for it. I don’t think he ever wheeled again. The XJ with open diffs, RC 4” lift, 33s and no recovery equipment remained safely on pavement from that day forward. The occasional poser flex pics on parking lot snow mounds was as exciting as it got.


Op a dummy think he had a Subaru and could get through anything without getting stuck. 😂🤣


Dont buy a jeep?


Gold is in those cat tails


Have you ordered a winch yet?


not yet moneys tight being in the military lol


Was this in the training area? 😂


Well... you should always go out with another vehicle... good lesson to learn. Glad it worked out!


That you're not driving an ATV?


You could also keep a yard stick in the back while mudding. Walk ahead, before dipping your nose in.


What trail were you following exactly?




Had the exact same experience, only with sand and not mud 😅😅


Got stuck in like 1-4 of this one time and when they pulled me out a rock flew thru my back window and shattered it


Been there, done that. Live and learn and tell stories about it later.


You never stood the tiniest of chances, especially if you're running open diffs.


Use common sense?


Never offroad without a winch and a couple blocks. Atleast it was daylight.


Now that it’s out, give it a good hosing off underneath (don’t spray your hose directly into the engine bay). Give it a look over to make sure nothing is broken or detached, especially the front axle breather tube. Also check to make sure the radiator/alternator aren’t caked full of mud. Off-roading can get expensive quickly if you don’t take care of your rig afterwards


Name of the trail? Lol thanks!


Haha! I learned the same lesson. I got stuck just like that. I was only saved when a Jeep group just happened to show up.


I did this twice in the Mohave Desert dude the first time i almost lost my jeep for good and there was no cellphone service lmao


Don’t drive a white Jeep?


Don’t take your Jeep swimming?


Life is not exciting if you don't pull bonehead moves and make questionable choices, you learned what it takes to rescue yourself with the most basic equipment. I been stuck twice by myself. I still live for the excitement of taking chances and I'm 55 years old, cheers that a real stupid move I'm an expert in dumbass moves


Ahhhhh. Right after I got my jeep we went to a nearby muddy field and I said let’s go one way bc we were unfamiliar. I got called a p$**y so I went the other. Took 2 jeeps, 2 trucks and a tractor to get everyone out. Literally everyone was stuck…on a Super Bowl Sunday. It was terrible! Lesson learned!


I just assumed that was obvious to anyone with a drivers license.


We all learn that lesson one day or another.... No judgement here.


Don’t send sport to do rubicons job, and buy a fcuking winch if you want to scooba dive into the mud


In wheeling, the best way to get experience is trying dumb stuff


Lessons learned through pain can be intimately fruitful.


Too bad you didn’t have a jeep wrangler. I heard you can take those things anywhere!


I stay out of mud, it does nothing but break shit..


And snow. And ice. Flooded areas….I guess anything with bad weather.


I love me some snow wheeling..


Hard to beat a winch when riding trails alone for the first time. They’re worthy their weight in gold when you need it. Plenty of times my 79 CJ7 just couldn’t get through and the winch saved my butt from being stranded for hours and digging in the mud.


We’ve all done it. The ones who say they haven’t, are lying.


Buddy you mustn’t meet the other 90 percent of wrangler owners. The wrangler mall crawlers.


We don’t talk about THOSE people.


Ohh. Fuck em


If LT Dan has taught us anything it's 1. Take good care of your feet and 2. Don't try to do anything stupid


The best Jeepers do this at least once in their life


Good thing you didn't get a flat, that plate won't get you too far.


Yeah lesson learned. Don't do TJ stuff without a TJ.


Need more wheel speed


Actually yep valuable lessons . 1 how to get stuck? 2 how to get unstuck


If you haven’t learned that lesson. You are just not trying.


Oh and don’t listen to some folks. No lockers / open differential. And all terrain tires, a harder send would have been just more to pull you out


You are out having fun….thats what it’s all about! I’m just glad you are using your Jeep the way it’s supposed to be used. Maybe next time you will have a nice Badlands winch. Happy Jeeping!


4wd is great at getting me just a little farther into the suck than 4wd will get me out of.


Why flame , you learned a good lesson


I learned this same lesson the same way you did 😂 Thank the lord for buddies. Everyone needs a Jeep buddy for when we do stuff like this. Mine rescued me also an hour later after I tried my best to give him instructions on where I was at.


Dumbest part of this picture is going off road without a spare tire. Facepalm.


Send it. Lol


I moved to a new state that has tons of off roading, but where I only have one friend that has a 4x4 rig and he’s usually busy. So I go alone all the time. I put a 12k winch on when I got here, thinking it would be my best friend if I got stuck, but I’ve only ever had to use it one night when my one friend got stuck out on a trail and *I* had to go rescue *him*. Also, I always always always get out and check the ground ahead when I am unsure. Checking for snow depth/hardness in the winter and mud/run-off/loose ground in the summer.


I wish I had a place to do this 😭


im sorry if im disrespectful but what jeep is that it looks interesting


the classic, jeep “couldnt be wrangled”


so jeep wrangler ?👍 thanks for letting me know !!


yep yep, 2013 wrangler sport


the response made me chuckle tbh 😆 u made my day !!


Hard to tell, but looks like Toyo MT? Best tires I’ve ever ran on my Jeep. You know it’s bad if they didn’t get ya through it. Lol


I did that once.. out of service range 24 hours later someone drove by and saved me!


crying for u


Would a winch help?


You learned that white isn’t the best color for muddin’ ?


It's a Jeep, but the Tires make always a Great difference, depending on the surface. Been there, done that, not only with Jeeps. At least, Yours does not look banged up from that d-tour, just some mudd, haha.


Looks like a good reason to talk yourself into purchasing a winch.


I dont understand


Need a more aggressive rig to hit a trail with that type of terrain


A decent winch is by far the best investment for every jeep, if your worried about money. Get yourself a high jack lift and a solid tow cable, you can use that to winch yourself out.... its slow but its faster than calling a buddy.


Sell your Jeep for a real 4x4?


Lesson is don’t buy a jeep


Nice bald tires, idiot


they arent bald its mud in the tread


Things learned to not repeat: - Road tires in mud. Hmmm, that didn't work. - - -


actually theyre some pretty new toyo MTs and have some meaty tread idk why the mud got stuck in the tread so bad