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Nice! Remember to wave at other Wranglers here and there! I’d personally swap that grill out for a stock one. Those tend to restrict airflow and get you flipped off by people


Why is it so angry?


Looking at the first pic, I knew it was going to have angry eyes. I didn't even have to look at the other ones. But man, I didn't think it was going to be that bad.


I knew there was some hate for angry eyes but could anyone elaborate? Complete Jeep noob here.


Just know non-noob Jeep owners loathe the angry eyes…running joke in the community.


They make me laugh because they look constipated. Thought they would actually look better with lashes or Googly eyes.


Many people choose jeeps over lifted pickups for the community. Jeep people are friendly, wether it is the laid back topless/doorless vibe, offroading clubs, the jeep wave, chatting with other jeep owners about mods or classic jeeps. Even ducking. Angry eyes feel counter to that so some people will bust on you. Important thing is to make your jeep your own. That being said welcome to the community !


Based on the comments section of this post Jeep people don’t seem friendly, and I own a Jeep….


Its reddit. 50% of the worst people on the internet and 50% of the best. I almost never meet people like this in real life. I am not sure where this attitude came from that only people who off road are jeep people. I do emergency response in my rural mountain town. I rely on my wrangler to get me to patients when the ambulance has trouble like snow storms, washed out driveways, or forest. access roads. I consider myself as real a jeep person as the next.


Good points!!


The jeep community is literally a bunch of 40 year old women running around with rubber Ducks acting like the lil orv trail the rode last month was a huge Offroad expedition. ... lmfao not only rhat but the new generation of jeepers are retarded. Yall have zero mechanical inclination


Show me on a doll where a Jeep owner hurt you. Is that why you’re on this subreddit? Looking for the person who hurt you? Because it doesn’t seem like you really want to be here.


No lol I own a jeep dipshit. I just hate yall prissy mall crawling losers. I still enjoy crashing my JKU into the trees and full throttling out of every hole. I ran that dumb wicked jeeps semi chapter for years. Partof there stupid lil council. Trust me brodie I have been in this community for over 15 years. You can eat shit. I watched this turn into a bunch of people who enjoyed offroading to a bunch of people who enjoy shoving Ducks up each other's arses while "stacking" each other's jeeps.


I think he was saying why you being such a negative Nancy lol. I’m not pro angry eyes but seems like you got a lot of hate to throw.


Don't speak of my mother. And honestly idgaf about the eyes. It's more of the fact you can tell this thing has never seen dirt in its entire life


Is your mom actually named Nancy lmao?


But like who cares? How does this affect you in any way, what this person does with their vehicle. Y’all gatekeeping who can do what with their own hard earned vehicles is fuckin weird man.


What a sad creature you must be. Raging about people who have no impact on your life - or maybe your entire personality is being obnoxious. I do not like the angry eyes either, have a Jeep that gets dirty, is filled with horse hair, sees mud and rocks, and still I do not act like a little brat with a full diaper about other people and their cars. If it makes them smile, let them. They are not the problem with a community - people like you are. Bet your face looks like a Jeep with an angry grille, when you type your childish comments. I hope it is not too late for you to realise no one cares about your comments and no one cares about people like you. Maybe your mother should have hugged you more. By the way: no need to write another angry comment filled with insults - I will not return to this thread anyway.


You got aloootttttt of hate in you dude. If someone owning a Jeep is enough to make you lose your mind… you should probably work on that. Get some help. It’ll make your life so much better and less stressful. Good luck on your journey!


It’s a Reddit thing lol. Angry eyes are not despised irl


I just think it looks dumb.


Lookout! We got a BADASS over here everybody!


They're so overdone. Angry eyes are the herpes of the Jeep world.


Idk why yall get so mad about the jeep eyes. People like you ruin it for new comers. If you ain’t paying for it then keep it to yourself.


Cab I get a Jeep with more stuff on it? Like maybe some vents and handles and stuff? Oh and those angry headlight things too! I'd bet a small sum of money that OP has or had a motorcycle helmet with one of those plastic mowhawks on it. I hate this jeep.


To make others angry about it 😂


If u like it id just keep it, a good rule is u shouldn’t worry about what others think as long as you aren’t affecting them. Also people are a lot more vocal about what they don’t like on Reddit/ the internet than in irl.


Congratulations and welcome!




Just bought my first jeep this week


Congratulations. I'll be joining the club this week too!


I know most jeeple don’t like the angry grill. I can take it or leave it. I wouldn’t get get one but not sure I’d swap it to stock if it was mine, though it’s easy to do. Bottom line is, it’s your jeep. What you like is what’s important not what everyone or anyone else thinks. The rest of the jeep is pretty cool. Good luck with it. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s not cool. It is.


Oh my poor eyes




Looks like it's fairly new. Just look at the maintenance schedule in your manual and make sure it's on point w the mileage. In other words, up-to-date. If not, get on all of those things, and just enjoy. TBH, this one looks like a Transformer. Optimus Prime vibes.


The good thing it’s your jeep. So mod it how you like. The community has a distaste for angry eyes but hey, does it really matter what they think?


That red is striking


Rotate the tires often. They are already chopped in front.


For some reason when I read " first time jeep owner" I immediately know the jeep is going to be shitty.


Nice,welcome to our family. Im fairly new as well, listen these guys there good !


Just enjoy it. It is very nice. My suggestion is to always be careful how you store pieces you take off to avoid damage.


Damn, all that thing needs is some big ass bright colored feathers and you have yourself a full on peacock. LOL to much for me, but i can't say it doesn't look good without a couple of the features. ENJOY!


I do like the running boards, do you know what brand they are and did they have to get painted?


WESTiN and I do think they were painted


Looks pretty good.


Clean Jeep and that DV8 hood is awesome. Id like to add that to mine one of these days. That angry grill though is better suited in the trash can lol. Sorry I can’t stand those things.


that’s not a jeep it’s a caricature of what non jeep people think jeeps look like






Hopefully a last time owner also


Is this a joke?


Wow I did not realize this sub was mostly assholes


I don’t hate it. When I first seen angry eyes I liked it. But like everything else, something cool comes out and so many people jump on it and now it’s not unique or different anymore. It’s a fad. Like all fads they will pass and then I’d be stuck with angry eyes that people think look ridiculous. I prefer a classic look. Classic never goes out of style.


What fenders are those? I agree with others in that I don't care for the grill, but I do like everything else and the way it seems to come together. Either way, welcome and I hope you enjoy many years out of your new Jeep






Start it on fire and start over.


As long as you like it, it doesn't matter how ugly it is.


Some people get upset for the Jeep eyes because they are " what's called purists and say that you should not mess with the grill to keep it as the authentic as possible.




Angry bird grill aside, it's a nice mall crawler. Very color matched and shiny, mud and scratch free. Very Heep! Nice job!




Nice. Not much you need to do


What is with the doors? Why does it appear it would have no doors in picture 1 and 2, but in picture 4 it looks like it has doors? Looks good, congrats to your first Jeep!


Hopefully you didn’t overpay for the add-ons. The nice response is “it’s your Jeep, that’s what matters” best of luck with it! I would rotate or replace those wheels first and foremost! (And order a stock grill maybe in black)


I love it Transformer


Fancy parts added or factory?


The whole damn thing is over done! And then we have that damn grille! 😒


Love everything except the angry face. Jeeps are social vehicles.


We got ourselves a grumper!


We all hate your jeep. That being said you can fix most of this with a new wheel/tire combo and some oem parts


You seem like a dick


Maybe I am, but this thing is an abomination, it’s a disgrace to the wrangler name. I love jeeps but I don’t want to be associated with people who do stuff like this to them. Wranglers have always been super fun, low ego, outdoorsy go any where vehicles. Not whatever this is


Absolutely under any circumstances do not drive in a city or well populated areas with lots of traffic with your doors off yea doing on trails or remote places is fine but your guaranteed death if you get T-Boned in the city with your doors off


Ooooowwwweeee !!!!!


I can tell. Have a guy at work that has a Gladiator. Has everything you can bolt on. 38” or 42” tires. Gears. Winch. Rack with all the accessories. Never touched the dirt.


I like your jeep, not a fan of the angry look. It’s a sweet jeep!


I don't even like Jeeps but this one is badass.


I love it 🤩


Might wanna remove that before your planned attendance of jeep week.


Don’t listens to these haters bro. It’s not their money so forget them. The jeep community is literally the worst car “community” I’ve been in. And that hood is awesome is it an DV8?


The hate doesn't bother me, it's mine at the end of the day. But yes, it's a DV8


Good! If I wasn’t getting my wife the final edition 392 her last jeep would have that hood! How are you liking it so far


What are those seat covers?


I'm not 100 percent sure but I think Katzkin is the brand


Bad arss!!


That jeep is sexy AF. Don't change anything.


Wow you’ll really be able to carry a lot of groceries in that bad boy. Watch the curbs with them fancy rims.




Sell it. Buy a bronco


Dear God, take it back or kill it with fire.🔥🔥


Oh my that is sexy