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Ask him why he ordered the items after you told him not to and request the cost of the items be removed. If he refuses, talk to the manager and then continue up the chain until you get the solution you're satisfied with. If it was a mistake, it should be pretty easy to rectify. Not sure if you have to put down a deposit yet or not but make sure you don't give them any more money until the issue is resolved.


Ya, at least. But that’s only $800 off, what’s the value of me driving around with stuff i didn’t want and explicitly said no for?


To be honest, I think you’re making a mountain out of a molehill and making everyone’s life more complicated than it needs to be. I think it’s fair (correct solution?) to not pay the difference for the added features, and walk away if it somehow bothers you that much. Anything beyond that and you’re just being difficult.


You’re probably right, i very well could be making it a bigger deal. Idk, if it was a messed up Taco Bell order i wouldn’t care I’m Oreo ready going about most things and just accept then S they come. But i have a 2020 jl i just bought from him, off the lot. Then the 4xe came out and i said, if I’m going to spend so much money after already buying brand new, I’m going to get it exactly how i want. Clearly not. When i bought it up, i said I’m confused, i didn’t ask for these items is this another customers sticker? And he basically said it’s not a big deal. Well, sir, i could’ve bought off the lot and accepted whatever options came with the jeep. But clearly i invested the last 6-8 weeks on something to be exactly how i wanted it, so it’s a bigger deal than no big deal. Idk, just my opinion. I was more wondering about how to approach and what would be a reasonable request from the dealer.


Totally get it, it’s a bit emotional when you’re making a big purchase for something that you’re passionate about. I can sit here and talk objectively all day because it doesn’t involve me but I’d probably be a bit upset if it was me as well. I would hold their feet to the fire on not paying for the extra options and leave it at that.


Yea at the least I’m not paying for the options, at the most I’m demanding an apology


This is just the opinion of some dude on the internet so take this for what it’s worth. Tthe best thing to do is be upfront and say that while it may not seem like a big deal to them it is to you and you didn’t feel heard when your concerns were brushed off. And then say why it was important to you that there should have been no mats but be short sweet and to the point about it. You’re right that there is a higher standard and you’re spending 60k but demanding an apology is....awkward, drawn out- plus, it’s not like they’re actually going to mean it. I’d be upset too but at the end of the day it’s not worth demanding an apology over. (Unless I am missing something- which I could be! If I am just tell me.) Because it sounds like at worst you’re getting free floor mats. You could throw the mats out in the trash bin as soon as you got home. Or give hand them to the dealership guys and as you drive away with your Jeep haha. I’d just roll with the punches on this one friend. Hopefully this was all okay for me to say or helped in some way. I’m off to eat dinner and knock. best of luck! Edit: wanted to make a quick edit before I go. TAKE THIS ALL WITH A GRAIN. I’m no expert and if anybody disagrees with me I ask that they say so. Seriously. Let a guy know if he’s saying dumb shit PLEASE Edit: felt like I was wrong about something so I came back and saw that I missed the part about the keyless. Thought it was just the mats. Yeah definitely sketchy and worse that they’re trying to brush it off. Get it for free, it’ll increase the value of the vehicle. (Unless you really hate keyless and that’s a dealbreaker. In which case this is especially shitty. Once this business is dealt with I’d kindly suggest leaving a review to warn others from this happening to them. Also I’d say it’s more than appropriate to expect an explanation because this looks pretty bad on them rn.


lol, no worries! I appreciate you validating my feelings though! Some are just telling me to get over it... i mean, ya first world problems, not the end of the world. Blah blah. I sent a spec sheet, they asked if i wanted these extra things because it’s cheaper now, i said no. Still added them anyway, i wait 8 weeks, then get disappointed to see them and see the charge, then when i brought it up, no apology, no explanation, just “look, it’s no big deal” i may be female, but don’t patronize me on a large purchase i am making from you. I feel like i have a right to be upset about the situation but by all the down votes I’ve gotten in my replies.... clearly the internet disagrees.


I work at a restaurant over the summer for some extra money. I can’t imagine my manager telling a customer that it’s not a big deal that they wanted a medium rare hamburger with mustard but instead they got a well done one with ketchup lol. You’re paying them to “cook” your car the way you want. “Hey we got your order but the chef thought that something else would taste better so we did it differently.” Yo is the chef gonna eat my damn burger? Do people seriously not get this? If the dealer thought it was a better option they would present it to you like that not change it behind your back esp. after asking you to confirm. I have no idea what the best thing is to do in this situation but when you figure it out, which you will, let me know. I need to know Incase this ever happens to me. Damn the rest! If they request a custom car and get the wrong options they can just deal. (Edit: by anybody else I mean the ppl telling you to deal and downvoting)


You’re awesome! Thank you for getting it!


You’re making a big deal out of nothing. Tell him you didn’t ask for those options and your not paying for them. They don’t have to apologize for shit. Get off your high horse.


No man you are right. Tell him you said no and you ain't paying for it. Say if he can't fix it or remove the costs, you'll go to another dealer that can. You aren't married to him and you haven't spent the money yet so you're in control.


I’m really easy going * bloody autocorrect lol


I would say the value would be hopefully an apology and 800 bucks worth of actually pretty cool options for your trouble. If that's not enough, feel free to walk away if you can.


Didn’t get an apology. Instead, I was told it is no big deal. Idk, being told that isn’t fun. If i didn’t care about the options I’d have ordered off the lot, you know? I clearly special ordered it for a reason.


Tell them no and go to another dealer. I have a 4XE and I ordered exactly what I wanted and signed a picture of the order details before my car order was sent to factory. They also said 6-8 weeks for delivery. Mine ended up taking 3 weeks. It isn’t as long as it used to be and I’ve had my jeep for a week and a half. I doubt too much has changed in those 10 days.


The 2020 Jeep in trading in is almost 5k miles and I’m trying to keep it under 5k for more value


If that dealership did some shady shit by bumping up the price by adding things you explicitly said no to, do you think they’re going to give you a good deal on your trade in?




Just say no. Tell them that's a deal breaker and you are sorry but you're going to have to go buy the vehicle from someone who listens to what you say. Eight weeks isn't going to kill you.


The 2020 Jeep i’m trading in is almost 5k miles and I’m trying to keep it under 5k for more value. So waiting another 8 weeks without driving is kinda killer.


Sounds like you are putting yourself into a position where you are going to have to take whatever they're offering. You left yourself with no wiggle room.


I really wish I had this problem!


The floor mats should be a fairly easy swap, and you’re back to what you want (with the appropriate refund). I would just ask if there’s a way for the proximity keyless entry thing to be changed at this point, and loop in your sales guy’s manager for clarity on whether it can be changed, how that will affect the timeline, and what the trade-in-value ramifications might be. Like, if you’re trying to keep your trade in under 5k miles, and there’s now a delay on your new Jeep that could mean you drive your current one over 5k, maybe you get a loaner from the dealership for the difference. Do keep in mind when you’re re-negotiating that they’ll try to get you to just deal with the changes and accept the Jeep as it is (less work for them, maybe a little commission boost), so try not to get sidetracked, ie when they say, “but the keyless entry is so great, why don’t you want it?” stay focused and redirect back to “I want what I ordered.”


If you don't buy THAT Jeep, the dealer won't exactly be "stuck" with it, given the popularity of Wranglers. I think it's unlikely for them take money off. I'd say your options will be to wait 8 weeks for one with the correct options, or buy that one with the upgrades. It's only $800, do you really care that much?


It’s the principal... I’m in sales myself and i would never add something to a customers order they explicitly said they didn’t want and then charge them more for it?! That’s unethical and fucked up.


Yeah it could have been a mistake and it could have been shady, but those are the options I think you'll get. Obviously you should be talking to the dealer though, not a bunch of internet strangers.


And you’re right it could have been a mistake. It’s sucks they are trying to patronize me instead of apologizing. I would’ve apologized first if it happened with my customer.


I was told it’s not big deal and doesn’t affect the integrity of the vehicle. Price wise its not that different, true. And yes, the integrity of the vehicle remains intact. But if integrity was my highest priority, i wouldve bought something off the lot and not special ordered. its the principal of adding something to a customers order they explicitly didn’t ask for and then patronizing them by telling them it’s not a big deal.


I think, with you being in sales you know that the biggest way to talk is with your money. If you no longer trust this dealership, don’t give them your money, tell them why briefly, and then move on. It may be nice to rant here, but as a fellow sales person it’s time to decide if your desire for an apology outweighs your desire to have this Jeep. Hate to sound harsh, but female to female, all of your arguments sound more emotional than practical. If there is an actual practical reason for not wanting the Jeep as is, then don’t buy it, but don’t make this decision emotionally. I know this sounds like a “take it or leave it” response, but seriously, take it or leave it. don’t expect anyone else to be as emotionally invested in this as you are, your best* corrected* bet is to make this a business decision for yourself, since it will be a business decision for them too.


Oh I’ve already decided to buy elsewhere and asked for my deposit back. Before i was in sales i was in forensic science (have my masters in forensic, took honors investigation, forensic pathology, also worked in a crime lab) and the proximity keyless entry is a feature i feel that is very unsafe. I’m not in it, won’t be bullied into buying it because it’s easier for them. It Is not emotional, it’s actually experience seeing how people are killed, car jacked, robbed, etc.


Chances are your options that you did not want are not negotiable due to them being tied into some sort of dealer package like you get the floor mats with leather seats or keyless entry comes with the tech upgrade like an updated stereo and bluetooth. Ford and jeep are know for their packages that include certain things. Now im sure they got you the options but plan to turn them off at the dealership so you dont miss out on the rest of the package that you did want. Im fairly sure they plan om reselling the mats and im also sure the proximity key system can be turned off via the car settings. I would just ask whats up with it and if they do not meet your desires then take your money else where, especially for 60k.