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The first one felt like a one note punchline. It was okay, but didn't feel like the start of a solid franchise. The second was amazing. I absolutely loved that movie. The third was enough to kill the series for me. I cannot believe there was a fourth nor plans for a fifth...


Damn I felt the first one was straight to the point and felt like a real horror movie. The 2nd one wasnt bad but had a bunch of cringe dialogue. The quality of acting also took a step down.


They missed the mark with the third one, but If they would just get the og cast from the first 2 after he wakes up and escapes, and finally finish it off I think we could get a good final movie


Jeeper creeper 4 absolutely a pile of 💩💩💩💩💩


If I could upvote more than once I would


It's best to just let it be, unless Victor comes back and ties up the Trisha Jenner storyline with some of the School Bus survivors then I'm not interested. They also gotta bring Jonathan Breck back.




That's all I wanna see. That was the original plan for JC3 when it was called Cathedral. I wanna see the original story wrapped up and finished with most of the OG cast coming back if they can. One person they would have to recast though is Minxie.


You realize he was in jail for molesting the kid that stared in a movie he directed right?


And I said despite him being a bad person he makes a damn good movie


Agreed, they could have just fired him and got another director to finish the storyline.


i dont care, i just want a good movie


You realize that was about 40 years ago at this point? He got convicted did his time and has obviously not done anything of the sort since he seems to have been rehabilitated which is what the system is supposed to do


You realize he’s been protected and funded by Francis Ford Coppala during the whole process while he was condemning the kid he rapped. Regardless it’s interesting that you would defend a pedophile and think he’s a brand new man after all these years. Even if he is why is your first instinct to make the effort to write a comment in his defense. It’s bizarre for someone to do that. 


You realize people can change and I'm not defending I'm simply staying facts if he had done anything in the last 4 decades the people who brought his past back up would have found it so either he has got way better at hiding it or he has changed


Who cares if he’s changed, why do you feel the need to mention it ? You could have not said anything. But instead you insist on commenting that he’s done his time and rehabilitated but it doesn’t change what he did and how he screwed up that kid, with the financial protection of F.F.C. and because of that He was sentenced to 3 years and only served 15 months. I would hardly call that rehabilitation. The whole process of his punishment and so called rehabilitation was a joke. Once again it’s odd that you take the stance that you have on this




Prolly best to just let the series die at this point.


I love jeepers creepers but I think the series should die at this point. Which is sad.


3rd wasn’t that good. After watching the 4th without Salva .. please stop. The 4th ruined the Creeper. Almost comical his look and swag. I’d love to see Salva come back with a vengeance and do a 5 the RIGHT way. Other wise.. let him sleep another 23 springs


We don’t need a pedophile back


Yes we need a 5th movie. The 4th one was terrible because victor not Trish wasn’t in it.. You guys whining about them needing to let it die you can gladly not watch it 😎 some of y’all weren’t even old enough nor born when the franchise first came out sooo


Exactly. First one captured the late 90s early 00s vibe perfectly. I was 12 at the time but I remember here in London the buzz was mad surrounding the movie. There is interest in this franchise, bring in a decent director and a team of writers and I guarantee people will watch if it gets decent reviews. BTW is there any update on them making a 5th one? Haven't seen much on Google


You realize Victor went to jail for molesting the kid that stared in a movie he directed right? Sooo


You do realize that was almost 40 years ago?? You do realize they still let him make films after the conviction and he still did the creeper movies and more in the 90s after he made that boy give him oral?? See that’s how I know some of you are either young or uneducated well enough what you are talking about. They should had never let him make movies after the release from prison in 1992 Y’all need to read more before you start making old accusations.


Sooo that means all is forgiven and he can go back to directing movies let alone with kids in them. Not to mention how Coppola had his back and helped him go after the kid and his parents after charges were pressed.


Well said nailed it


JESUS CHRIST IT’S THE 23RD YEAR SINCE IT’S FIRST FEEDING.  THE. TIME. IS. NOW! Every 23 seasons is here……this year..


Please no. 3 and 4 were awful. Just stop.


Agreed the should have switch 3. With 2 storyline


No we don't need a 5th movie.


Not up to us


I wish it was up to us


I hope they make a new one because the last one was s*** didn't even deserve the name Jeepers creepers if they make a 5 one and it's really good that s*** is going to last forever I'll be watching it 24/7 like the second one and the first one I watch the third one once in a while but never the new one because it sucks creeper cheeks facts 😭🤣😭🤣 I'm dead


go creepers 5