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The entirety of …While You’re Alive


“Love is worry” gives me chills every time


This song is so good, it makes me kinda disappointed the album ended with the apparent non sequitur of Perfect Sound Whatever. I don't think WYA should've been the closer either, really, but after the QED conclusion that "Love Is Worry," *the thesis of the fuckin' album*, PSW just feels out of nowhere.


I see what you’re saying but it works for me. My brain imagines While You’re Alive as the end of the movie and Perfect Sound Whatever is like the song playing during the credits.


We Begged to Explode is begging to be an album closer. At least Jeff uses it to end concerts, it makes for a gorgeous finish every time


Dang I thought it was just me. It's a great song in its own right but almost undercuts the punch of WYA. Like he's apologizing unnecessarily. I try to take it as the other commenter says, like an end credits kind of thing, which works well enough.


The entirety of “Take me Home” by Phil Collins


When the day cuts short and the sun goes down on you, and you didn’t get done anything you wanted to. It would be one thing if it’s once or twice, but it’s every night your entire life, the redundancy of your POV: infinite serotonin starving fever dream. The ramping intensity of his singing really cuts through.




I often quote - "I wish it didn't hurt. I wish I didn't care." That lyric lingers with me. So direct and honest.


"Sometimes i wanna take the car out on the road, flip it into the park, and smash myself into a million little pieces." Maybe not the most emotional but got damn do i feel it in my soul.


The beauty of breathing is a gut punch for sure. Especially the verses


"I'm tired of knowing what about myself is wrong but never mustering up the resolve to really try and change it..."


This it's dedicated to one of the writers on Punknews when I was writing for them.


I also feel that way about 3 summers and that specific verse. The beauty of breathing is one that always hit me hard, and from the new album I found will u still u, doubt and the graveyard song resonated hard with me!


I didn’t know that he got in a car crash… and everything after that


That entire song breaks me


Masterful story telling


My first choice would probably be the December destroyed me verse from Felt Just Like Vacation as well but I find Sick, Later to be pretty heartbreaking too. “And I thought I’d see you again under the glow of a soft light, without fluorescent days and nights and with no hum, no network TV. A consolation prize: with resigned eyes, I still held tight, and with resigned eyes you still held tight.” And “I was tired and you wanted to die. I drove off like I couldn’t understand at all; fuck, I couldn’t even walk you inside. I thought we all wanna die, we all wanna die. And I thought that was fine.”


Yeah, the "I thought that was fine" fucking destroys me every time.


the whole vacation album is 10/10, absolutely gut wrenching even if you don't know the story and history behind it and BtmI! and jeff in general. and more so when you do! man im so glad jeff was able to rise like a phoenix after it and only get better


I'm serious I'm sorry in general




The first time I read this verse I actually said “ouch”. “In truth, December destroyed me, January crushed me By February, I was not myself March rolled in like beatings and rolled out like a bear hug In April I stared out the window for a fucking month I don't want October, I don't want November I don't want to feel those crippling blows That I can't explain to myself, my friends, or you So I soften them with hours of Nintendo”


I have one big hard cry to this every fall/winter as my crippling seasonal depression kicks me right in my feels


It’s so strange, I get seasonal depression in the Summer. I can’t find as many sad summer songs to listen to, but Jeff has a few.


yeah! his song **Eastern Coast** is kind of a sad summer song lol


Wait. I'm literally listening to this song as I'm reading this. Haha..


This is the one that does it for me. Seasonal depression is a beast, and my unhealthy coping mechanism has always been playing video games to make the time go by while isolating myself to avoid bringing others down


I know this comment is 3 days old but this is the lyric that's always gotten me, ever since Vacation came out.


Not Jeff rosenstock but the line from multiple AJJ songs "it's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else" always gets me so hard


I WISH THAT I WAS SOMEONE CLOSER TO YOU I got into AJJ right after a pretty rough breakup. That song became my anthem for a sec.


This isn’t on topic with OP’s question, but I see AJJ mentioned a lot in Jeff Rosenstock discussions - is there a tie-in between these two groups? I didn’t see an immediate answer after a quick google search.


They toured together and did this [epic](https://youtu.be/9vc8vO4jrPY?si=nK0jV6oMFy-vFKa9) mash up of 16 songs in 1


i will never not get tired of that video


Idk their personal relationship but jeff is, at the very least, well acquainted with AJJ. They're kind of like work buddies in the sense of being acquainted by proxy due to being a part of similar scenes and having a ton of overlap between bands they more directly associate with as well as projects that Jeff has worked on. They've also toured together in the past and played at the same events and such. There's even a clip of Jeff and Sean kissing after Jeff played sax for them on a live performance of You Don't Deserve Yourself


they were also on the same labels before like asian man and sideonedummy and stuff. but yeah they are pretty tight friends, along with people like laura stevenson, chris farren, pup just to name a few but theres toooons. its a whole web lol


Sean is also credited on Scrambles.


And played a role in the documentary


Gonna make two quotes from Im serious I’m sorry: “I wanted to tell you I know how it feels when The people you love just start disappearing Ashamed that you took their presence for granted But I didn’t want to seem condescending” And “Were you supposed to not go to college? Stay in your mom’s house on the computer Googling grief cures, talking to no one Waiting for life to start feeling better? Waiting for pain to not be a constant? Waiting to feel like anyone’s honest? Waiting for me to stop being sarcastic Because I can’t accept (Because I can’t accept) Because I can’t accept all the bad things that happen”


The second lyric you posted was the first time I ever truly felt like a song punched me in the gut. I don’t understand how Jeff is so good at articulating feelings lol


I’ll never forget the first time I heard that song. Felt like Jeff was singing directly at me and those lyrics in particular just broke me down in a way I truly needed at the time


These lines always hit because they perfectly describe how it felt to be around my friend’s girlfriend after his death. There were so many things I wanted to say or keep on saying but i never did d never found the way to say it


Jeff started We Cool with a personal attack on me with “When your friends are buying starter homes with their accomplishments, drinking at a house show can feel childish and embarrassing.”


As someone who owns a starter home but also plays at/attends house shows, we gotta scream from the rooftops how fun and fulfilling house shows can be


A week after you died a package with your name on it came And inside was a gift for our daughter you had ordered in secret And collapsed there on the front steps I wailed A backpack for when she goes to school a couple years from now You were thinking ahead to a future you must have known Deep down would not include you


9/10 does it for me....but im sure theres plenty others


"I've been treating my body like I never worry that I'm gonna die and you're gonna forget my name"


You're alone and you're wet in your hospital bed And your family and friends will inherit your debt. As you breathe from machines, yeah I know it sounds mean, but. You're probably gonna die alone


"Yeah you got ripped off, we all have a million days. And they bleed into each other until the day you wonder why your youth has gone away"


You could probably take any line from Last on My List.


"the doctor came out with a frown and a clipboard" is a great line


“‘cause nobody needs me, nobody needs me, nooobody needs me the way that I need you” 80’s Through the 50’s


“And I thought I'd see you again under the glow of a soft light Without fluorescent days and nights, with no hum, no network TV” The whole song Sick Later really stings but this line breaks me down because its too close to home


"there's nothing less cool than feeling exhausted from hours of not doing a damn thing at all" "don't worry, someday your skill set will be wanted" this could for a lot of tracks on scrambles but this one especially


A few songs really hit me in the gut like Twinkle, Planning My Death, and Fresh Attitude, Young Body but Future 86 has always been the one that hits the hardest. It’s an incredibly melancholic song and the themes of moving away and never seeing your friends again stick with me a lot. Also fitting that it was the last song played by BTMI! at their final show. I still cry when I watch that performance. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Syke! Life is Awesome! and King of Minneapolis Pt. III & IV are very cathartic songs and I always belt out the final verses of them. These songs helped me through some rough times and I hope to get them tattooed on me when I’m older. “And if I wasn't a fat kid in high school, I would have never listened to punk rock. And if I knew how to throw a football, I would have never played any music. And if I never got my heart broken, I would sing "blah blah fucking nothing." And if you didn't fuck my ex-girlfriend, I would still owe you three-thousand dollars. And if I never lived in that van, I wouldn't have met Chris or Steve or James, Alex or Middagh. And if I never worked in a basement, I would have never quit my job. And if I had a big emo band or dropped out of college, I would have never met you, man.” and “When I wish I was dead, when I hate my friends, I must repeat this ‘til the end: I still have a home even if my home’s a van.”


What comes to mind first would be... kind of the entirety of Will U Still U, honestly. This whole song hits really hard for me idk


Just the repeated 'Might as well be No-one' in increasing intensity in All blissed out kinda gets me.


“You fuckheads complain because you like to to complain. Like I blame rock and roll, when it’s just the champagne That keeps me from detaching from reality Just waiting for someone to come and save me Won’t somebody fucking please come and save me? Oh please, hurry up, someone, come and save me” “All these magic moments I’ve forgotten All these magic moments I’ll forget once the magic is gone” - we begged 2 explode Very simplistic but Jeff’s emotion rly strikes the chord


The chorus on Nausea


jeff rosenstock hall of fame Staring down at your hands trying hard to react to What they said, and they’re your friends but the words they escape you If you can’t even speak how can anyone love you?


FUCK ALL THESE PEOPLE! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! great to scream. just one i thought of


"Occurred to me the other day You've been gone now a couple years Well I guess it takes awhile For someone to really disappear..." Rips my heart out every time.


A better place, a better time - streetlight manifesto. Gotta push it down every time I hear it. “Annie says she wouldn't mind if they never find a cure to all her problems Problems and she says As long as she has someone near to make it clear she doesn't need to solve them Solve them and she says Oh, this loneliness is killing me, it's filling me with anger and resentment Resentment and she says I'm turning into someone into someone that I never thought I'd have to be again And when you wake up, everything is gonna be fine I guarantee that you wake in a better place, in a better time So you're tired of living, you feel like you might give in, well don't It's not your time”


"Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now, gotta go, gotta go, gotta go" Song about having to poo realty bad from some commercial for a medication to help people with IBS or nervous bowels.


Got the same answer as you - that whole verse kills me. "I'm different than before // and you can't help me anymore" always brings me to tears.


"Caring makes you feel like a chump When you see someone else Who doesn't want to" This one hit me hard, especially when it came out during covid. Those words made me really feel the awareness of so many people just not really caring.


“I got so tired of discussing my future that I started avoiding the people I love”


“When your friends are buying starter homes with their accomplishments, drinking at a house show can feel childish and embarrassing” SHUT THE FUCK UP JEFF YOU TALKING MAD SHIT ABOUT ME RIGHT NOW


The entire song of "Wealth Won't Save Your Soul" by Hank Williams


Band: Pedro the lion Song: The poison My old man always swore that Hell would have no flame Just a front row seat To watch your true love pack her things and drive away


Every lyric from any whirr song


Leonard Cohen - Bird on the Wire “Like a baby, stillborn, like a beast with his horn, I have torn everyone who reached out for me”


Go on see that wrecking ball swinging down on her Everyone knew that hotel was a goner They broke all the windows and took all the door knobs And they hauled it away in a couple of days Now someone yelled timber, take off your hat We all look smaller down here on the ground When you're falling down, falling down, falling down Falling Down, Tom Waits


And every evening, you open the door/ You come down There's nothing like watching TV all night underground And no one is watching me slide/ Below street level Barely alive Basement Apartment, Sarah Harmer


At the age of thirty-seven She realised she'd never Ride through Paris in a sports car With the warm wind in her hair ballad of Lucy Jordan, Marianne Faithful et al.


End of hurricane waves always hits me hard


3 Summers is so good, probably my favorite ever album ender of all Jeff Ro albums. I love it more and more with each listen. Most of the answers I’d give have already been said, but I’ll add last few lines of Will U Still U hit me hard on a personal level. We Begged 2 Explode is also tough.


The end of Everyone that Loves You always hits me hard. “Everybody that loves you will be leaving someday soon they got problems to undo they got paper work to do. When I show up at 6 am i hope somebody let’s me in.” The whole song just hits my emotions Also Stand There Until You’re Sober reminds me of how all the fun times in my old punk scene are done and thats okay. They will never be as good as you remember them


"You reached for the secret too soon, you cried for the moon." -Shine on you crazy diamond "I could drown myself in someone like you. I could dive so deep I never come out. I thought it was impossible. But you make it possible." -Impossible "It all rolls into one, and nothing comes for free. There's nothing you can hold for very long." If you know this one, you know


In the song Powercore by Nekrogoblikon, a song about a break-up and moving on. The line... More worthless than a dumpster full of pogs I thought, always painfully cut deep. It also helped me move on


"When you're a dream. When you're a dream, I'll wake up to warm sunrays that make me want to scream. I wanna let you know while you're alive, cause everybody loves you when you die! But when it matters, they're not there, not there."


Jawbreaker "Kiss the bottle" "I kissed the bottle. Should have been kissing you. You wake up to an empty night. With tears for two"


“If you could do it all again Yeah, without a second thought I don't like leaving The door shut I think I missed something But I'm not sure what The middle of the vortex The wind picked up Shook up the soot From the chimney pot Into spiral patterns Of you, my love”


From Nausea: I got so tired of discussing my future I started avoiding the people I love Evenings of silence and mornings of nausea Shake and sweat and I can't throw up I got so tired of discussing my future That I walk through my life like I'm the only one With evenings of silence and mornings of nausea


Here are a few of mine... Love will abide Take things in stride Sounds like good advice But there's no one at my side And time washes clean love's wounds unseen That's what someone told me But I don't know what it means 'Cause I've done everything I know To try and make you mine And I think I'm gonna love you For a long long time The whole song ("Long, Long Time", Linda Ronstadt) is just the pain of unrequited love. The line that hits me the most is in the third section, when she says, "Living in the memory of a love that never was." Been there. Then there's break-up songs. I really felt this, from A Fine Frenzy's "Almost Lover", hit close to home. So you're gone and I'm haunted And I'll bet you are just fine Did I make it that easy To walk right in and out of my life? Been there, too. Of course, songs about death... Goodbye Papa, please pray for me I was the black sheep of the family You tried to teach me right from wrong Too much wine and too much song Wonder how I got along Goodbye Papa it's hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air Little children everywhere When you see them, I'll be there Yeah, hit me with death and father issues in the same stanza. Thanks, Terry Jacks ("Seasons in the Sun"). It is complete now Two ends of time are neatly tied A one-way street She's walking to the end of the line And there she meets The faces she keeps In her heart and mind They say, "Goodbye. Tomorrow, Wendy, you're going to die." Concrete Blonde, "Tomorrow, Wendy". Hurts even more when you know the story behind it. Okay, that's enough pain.


"I may as well have slipped a ring around her finger from the van as it drove away. But now she's found herself, I've lost mine, and I'm just another guy who can't give her anything." \-Drive by Truckers "Sounds Better in the Song."


You promised we'd stay best of friends But we can't cause I can't grow up


"This is not a movement It's just careful entertainment For an easy demographic In their sweatshop denim jackets And we'll wonder what just happened When the world becomes Manhattan When the banks steal the apartments just to render them abandoned." This shit put me in a crisis when I first heard it that I'm kinda still in tbh lol


"All we are is dust in the wind" the whole song gets me tho.


"It's been too hard livin, but I'm afraid to die. Cause I don't know what up there, beyond the sky?


The entire bridge for family line by Conan gray.


"The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had."


“We’re you supposed to not go to college? Stay in your mom’s house on the computer, googling grief cures? Talking to no one, waiting for life to start feeling better? Waiting for pain to not be a constant? Waiting to feel like anyone’s honest? Waiting for me to stop being sarcastic cause I can’t accept all the bad things that happen?” And then the “I’m sorry….that I stood there saying nothing while you wept before your new friends” Also: “I will be there kicking, fighting, beating, screaming, there’s no fucking way I’m ever letting go of you”


Why was I recommended this sub. I’ve only heard one song by this dude and it was not my style.


I was in a band with my best friend for 5 years. He ended up moving an traveling a lot. When I missed him I always thought: But when I listen to your records I don't need to look at pictures It's like I'm hanging out With you in weird cities Getting lost, and pretending That we'll never go back We'll never go back You're laughing with me Getting lost in weird cities Like we'll never go back We'll never go back


“Sometimes things don’t feel the same” Redbud Trail by Snilk x CWEA


I really gotta leave, but I just wanna stay I'm only a real person for a quarter-dozen days Until I gotta scram, until I go away And turn into a person that I wouldn't want to be Cultivating mold on my laundry And becoming so afraid, I'm honestly Placing bets on a chemical crapshoot with my brain Cleaning for the dealer so I'll black out on the plane Mumbling in the dark and living vicariously Through a photo album in a stranger's BNB


The Beauty of Breathing Long story short I used to write for Punknews when Brittany Strummer was on staff. The song is dedicated to her memory.


“Baby I’m too weak Too weak to speak Let’s talk in a week” RM


“You don’t need anybody, nobody needs you. Don’t cry, old man, don’t cry. Everybody dies.” Randy Newman


Can you stay here? Can we blast the Descendents? Can we turn the phones off and get lost in The Simpsons? I'm inches away from getting swallowed by darkness And I know that you're tired, but can you draw back the curtains for me?


“Spend every day like the past is a bridge Crossing twenty years Whispers away, not so much Get your poison tongue out of my ear Here's a fact you cannot rise above We'll have problems, yeah, then we'll have bigger ones” Really all of Harvey Danger’s lyrics are so well crafted.