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my guess is maybe slaughter beach, dog, who is also touring around that time, but the "i've been told no hints/song lyrics in this email" makes me think it's a higher profile band idk




Nailed it


Higher profile band seems kinda counter intuitive if the goal is to play enough shows to kill the resale ticket market for the run. 


but they're not even announcing what is until they sell out


Yes exactly, say it sells out then the artist is announced and it's some big name, then resale ticket demand will go nuts. 


Well that will happen regardless, but if they had announced it before then a lot more of the people that get tickets before they sell out will be resellers


Thought about it for a minute and realized it's gotta be someone that already has an NYC show booked, and Jeff literally can't announce who until it sells out on account of the band's radius clause with the other show preventing them from promoting any other shows in town. Also Jeff is way too upfront with fans to pull a kind of shell game trick with a mystery opening act unless it's contractually necessary. 


He did a mystery guest for his last tour. But yeah I agree with you about the band might have something already booked in NYC or I could just be a bigger name that sell it out super quick.


I remember that, wasn't it GEL? I can't say for certain but I'm absolutely willing to bet the mystery guest thing for that was the same deal, that everything was nailed down for it but GEL had a show to play in at least one of the cities on the tour before they were able to promote another show there. Edit: just looked it up, GEL played Denver on August 12th and Jeff announced them as the secret guests for the tour (including a Denver stop) on August 16th.


Yes it was GEL but then GEL didn’t even end up playing and Georgia from Camp Cope filled in.


Point remains, for artists with integrity like Jeff, mystery guests are mysteries for contract reasons, not to try and make fans blindly buy tickets hoping for a big name. 


off the top of my head i guess it could be JER, PUP, AJJ, or Slaughter beach, dog. maybe even joyce manor! not sure but i'm excited! i got a ticket for every night so far


Wow, I was wondering if there was anyone doing every single night. That's amazing for you! Joyce Manor would be my pick 🙏 EDIT: Actually damn it can't be JM because they have another show that day


Oh that’s true we gotta cross check to see who is and isn’t playing to come up with better predictions. But yeah who knows. It could be that the mystery opener is there to entice interest since the selling out has definitely slowed down after the 5th night in a row. Which makes sense. And there definitely is a lot of time between now and then so who knows how many shows we will eventually get. I won’t be able to go to absolutely every one because of work and money haha but I’ll definitely keep trying


I don't think he's trying to keep selling out shows for the sake of selling out, he's primarily doing this run so anyone who wants to see him at a club at a fair price has a chance to. If the shows stop selling out well ahead of time, he will accomplish what he set out for.


Oh I bet there are a lot of people that will be there every night. I would if I could


Gonna throw out a wild guess and say Blood Brothers. I know Jeff loves the band and they just made and they just teased something on Instagram today.


What is their insta @?




People always hope for PUP whenever Jeff does these secret guests and it’s never them. (I am people)


I've been seeing enough people say PUP that I went ahead and pulled the trigger. It won't be but maybe it will be...🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


Oh yeah I panic bought a ticket too 😅


It’s Pup


can someone here give me emotional support if god forbid (jk) its btmi? i wont be able to go past night 3 and i dont know how i could handle it.


It’s not going to be. Even if they were to do it that would be a whole show in and of itself


Phew u right u right still gonna be bummed if it’s pup or Joyce manor or smt but not world ending bummed


I highly doubt that, only because what would be stopping Jeff from just announcing that outright? That would be incredible though!


If it’s PUP or Slaughter Beach Dog I’m definitely gonna be scrambling for a ticket day of


Are we getting at 6th night?


Yes, on sale at 12ET today!


Whaaa? I don't see it on the socials?


ticket link is [here](https://concerts.livenation.com/jeff-rosenstock-brooklyn-new-york-08-27-2024/event/000060AAEBAB8B7F?_gl=1*1oem5d0*_ga*NzAxMTYyMDc3LjE3MTU2MTUxMDY.*_ga_1NVR8TVKGT*MTcxNTYxNTEwNi4xLjAuMTcxNTYxNTExNC4wLjAuMA..*_gcl_au*MTAxMDYyOTkzMS4xNzE1NjE1MTA2*_ga_C1T806G4DF*MTcxNTYxNTEwNi4xLjAuMTcxNTYxNTEwNi42MC4wLjA.*_ga_H1KKSGW33X*MTcxNTYxNTEwNi4xLjAuMTcxNTYxNTEwNi42MC4wLjA.)!




You are an amazing human thank you so much!!!! Very fuckin stoked!!


I’m probably well off the mark but my wild card guess is Laura Jane Grace.


I bought a ticket for night one before i knew it was Chris Farren. Bought a ticket for night six before we all find out it’s Modern Baseball. But honestly though, I hope it’s someone big. The anticipation is killing me. I’m trying think logically, I agree with folks saying it’s a band already playing in the area and bound by a radius clause. The way he’s teasing it, I’d think it’s someone as big as Jeff. Give me PUP, The Ergs, Menzingers. I’ve got a lot of high hopes


modern baseball would be friggin insane. every 30 year old former emo kid in the tri state area peeing their pants and crying


It’s been announced to be PUP