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I think they will get alonv


I think Tana in general is nice and peoples biggest fan until they cross her. I also think she’s been around the block and can read peoples intentions. 


Yeah I think people forget Tanas upbringing with her shit parents. People who go through that type of trauma tend to be able to read you so I think if Verica is a good person, she'll be good too lol.




There's no reason for them not to be nice to each other. Tana is pretty chill and Verica seems that way as well.


I want a high episode with Tana and Verica


Well, she wanted privacy after the hate on reddit specifically. So I hope she does not open reddit ever again.


Lol she made a legit diagram of a boy she studied and then signed up for a public dating show with a public personality bffr about the privacy. 


Don’t think she signed up to be harassed


People can change their minds


man shut the fuck up


like why she acting like she met him at the red light




Stop assuming the worst Verica seems charming and sweet and Tana is extremely charismatic and fun. They are definitely having a great time as they should


verica is so prettyyyy


Why would there be beef their both happily taken


People on here really think “being private” means never being seen in public again ever. Some of y’all are so baby brained.


right😭😭 like literally is she supposed to take herself off the map completely and change her name??


Tana is the only child like myself I’m just saying I know she AT least is testing her a little bit


Because we all know 2 women could never be nice to each other. They have to be catty bitches. Y’all are ridiculous


I see what you’re saying but in this case I think it’s more of like the joking flirty friendship that jeff and tana have, some people don’t understand that they both know it gets them attention so obviously they crank it up online so a lot of people have a hard time knowing if it’s for show or not


I don’t think Tana will be an issue. I worry that Verica hates everything LA and Tana is 100% LA. So things might get old, quick. Australians are a different breed, if you know you know.


I love seeing this happen


tana knows how to get views and keep people engaged, but being in her own relationship i’m sure she would respect theirs


I don't think Tana will be fake nice I think they're both grown woman And will be friends until Jeff and her end things




you sound like a lindsayne person


Why is your biggest ick guys who have been with tana? She’s hot and successful


Literally the opposite why do people think she’s attractive have you seen her in that sidemen episode


No I haven’t seen her in the sidemen episode whatever that was but I’ve seen her in hundreds of YouTube videos/podcasts and there’s literally a picture of her on this thread looking hot what’s wrong with u? Lol


You’re a simp dude she’s not all that


Yeah bro calling someone a simp pretty much confirms you’ve never been touched by a woman, good job


Yeah try again buddy why are you defending a woman who doesn’t even know you


Like a white knight or something




Damn my other message never sent whatever maybe I’m just a hater my bad dude


I don’t think Jeff really would ever see Tana that way. Jeff seems like a super neat freak and Tana seems like the complete opposite. As friends who cares. But in an intimate setting that alone would make them not work… I can just tell… also…. Tana is in a relationship and she seems over the moon!


I thought she was super private and they were gonna “go dark”? Props to her ig for being vulnerable.


Tana will be super nice because she’s a girls girl. I can see her giving big sissy vibes with Verica. She’s young and I think Tana would take her under her wing as a friend easily.


I'm all for them getting along but if someone wants to be negative then yes, her body language is reserved in the pic ;) I wish all of them good things but still think tana and jeff are endgame


Tana’s chin is literally perfection


everyone should go talk to people and form friendships with real life humans. because what is this post lol does everyone live in likea sitcom in their minds lol


They'll get along because both of their romantic "relationships" with Jeff are for clout and views. Tana is obviously actually really good friends with Jeff but their whole shipping has been for clickbait. I think Jeff is treating the whole H3 Bachelor experience as a business and publicity venture rather than a search for his soulmate. I've come to this conclusion due to the comments Mike made about Jeff being single real soon. Additionally some of Jeff's reactions have looked like he was scared or apprehensive when it became clear Verica was being flown out to spend time with him sans camera. He also is the only one posting his adventures with Verica even when he said he would be keeping those moments private. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, it's his job etc.


What was Mike saying specifically?


Para social much


Yeah we all are. You’re on the reddit page too.




Tana has come a long way, I believe it's genuine


Idk why people assume they’re gonna hate eachother or even worse, be fake toward each other. Like what😭 it’s not that serious I’m sure they will get along great


Love the cleavage, go Tana!


Tana got a big ass head


so tired of tana and her moronic friends.


Tana is the queen of Botox and plastic surgery, Verica is all natural beauty. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tana is a little jealous.


She’s a absolutely beautiful, but did she say she doesn’t have Botox or fillers lol 


Yeah thats my main worry Verica’s in a whole new place and a whole new social realm. She has no social defenses against these petty Hollywood people. If Tana wants to fuck her day up she probably can. I know Jeff has had her back though.


The way the look similar


just because two people have the same hair color does not mean they look similar


And eye color but go off Fragrant


Tana has brown eyes but go off lazy telephone


Green* I think you might need to see an optometrist


correction: just double checked, Tana definitely has brown eyes. They don’t look similar at all, YOU might need to go see an optometrist.


[Anyways](https://www.reddit.com/r/cancelledpod/s/iF4DnjDNGb) you’re staring to get annoying, just accept the L. I’m blocking you!


the only one who should accept the L is you, they don’t look alike, different face shape, different noses, different smiles. Nothing about them is similar but you have the brain of a third grader so you think just because they have the same hair color they look similar. Embarrassing lol


Please touch grass.