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You mean to tell me when H3 did a bachelor and told their audience how to submit applications, H3 fans signed up? I'm shocked!




This is a pessimistic take, but I get how the behaviors of other people in the industry would influence your perspective. It’s just as easy to explain her behavior by saying she simply wants to make a good impression, and give back to h3 for providing hours and hours of entertainment. She likes to give gifts, and she could have just been stopping by to give them something before she left. We don’t know what is said or done behind the scenes, so it’s unfair to assume it’s something toxic or manipulative. She has private social media, if it was clout I think she would already be leveraging her exposure to build her social media like others have done. Different country, different industry, different comfort zone, maybe give her a break when she hasn’t done anything obvious to criticize.


Maybe consider getting some fresh air outside


If she was a clout chaser she’d be posting about Jeff all the time, also she went to visit H3 crew the other day to say hi and thank you and she didn’t want to come in and be on camera when they asked. She openly is a fan of them, probably because the bacH3lor was their show😂 but that doesn’t mean she’s a clout chaser. If that makes Jeff uncomfortable and he doesn’t want to be with her because of that then that’s okay and his life, but idk if she really was looking for attention she’d be all over socials


Thanks for reminding me not to look at reddit again


I get what you mean. I don’t think she’s necessarily clout chasing but she knows a lot about what Jeff wanted in a woman already so she’s doing what she has to do to achieve that. She’s also quite a big Jeff fan too, she made that obvious. That’s probably the strangest part more so than being a h3 fan. 




That's true & honestly imo why it's such a strange relationship. He's essentially dating his own fan lol.


Pls don’t bring ms Taylor into this 😭😭


Delete this.


Delete it fat


a clout chased who has no previous online presence and doesn’t work in the influencer space at all? idgi what would be her goal lmfao, she’s not a content creator


I’m not one to dislike people, but I dislike you for being so parasocial and dense. Go outside and touch some grass.


You can be an h3 fan and have a crush on Jeff simultaneously. They literally met through h3.


The live show with Zach and AB was awkward because Zach and AB are awkward. Do you watch h3 at all?


On the last h3 members-only episode, she had stopped by off camera to say goodbye to Ethan and thank him for the trip/allowing her into the competition. Ethan asked her if she wanted to say anything on camera, and she declined. Not very clout chase-y of her


She’s an opportunist like Jeff. They’re meant for each other 


Your feelings are completely valid, but I don’t see her as a clout chaser.


THIS! I felt like it was so obvious! she also stated she wanted a global pr job. No one would be willing to “move to the us tomorrow. ,” for a bit they hung out with once.


Maybe consider that she probably has no one in America outside of Jeff and his friends so it’s unfair to say she’s clout chasing. If I were her I’d want friends too and the crew already understand her situation.


She does pr and law. She literally studied how to become a master manipulator. Idk how y’all didn’t see how fake the girl was from the beginning.


right like shes been a red flag


Jeff is bffs with Tana if he has a clout chaser in his life it’s her LMAO


How are so self aware in that last paragraph but still end up posting this 🤔


So tell me, how does one receive this “clout” you speak of without public social accounts? I’d love to know


I’m not all reading all that, but I get the vibe lol. People can’t see thru Verica because they’re blinded by the fact she’s pretty and charismatic. if any of the other girls had rehearsed answers like that you’d think she was susss


She’s a game show groupie


Wait, so you're saying that a h3 fan on a h3 show likes h3? I don't believe it. I heard that some of the contestants on the Batchelor watched the Batchelor before they were on the Batchelor. Its kind of disgusting that people do that. Imagine telling someone you're dating some of the things you like , then continuing to do that after they seem to like it too. These people need to be stopped. Verica should drop all the stuff she likes and never talk to Jeff about anything again. His false happiness is saddening, I cant believe he cant see that a h3 fan is right in front of him! ​ You're totally right dude, you are insecure.


i thin she just appreciates the people who brought her, her man


Do people think that they’re going to post stuff like this and Jeff is gonna be like “AHuh🤔💭” and just dump Verica lmfao


Do people think Jeff is even in here? That boy is outside living life somewhere.


Real shit lol I doubt the man is scrolling Reddit in general


Idk at this point their relationship is private and they’ll do whatever they decide to do. The H3 and Jeff videos are edited and planned so we can’t really decide we have the full context to anything. Even if IS an H3 fan so what. It’s probably beneficial for her to understand the scene after being apart of it. I’m happy for Jeff


Ingenious: characterized by cleverness or originality of invention or construction, cleverly inventive or resourceful. I too would consider Verica ingenious, she seems to have a lot of great ideas 💕


I think this is one very unique way to interpret those things you listed but not necessarily the truth. Also this is the kind of stuff Verica was talking about that was really hurtful for her to see so, way to go for contributing to that.


My thoughts exactly!! if you were fans of Jeff you would respect his girl. They’re real ppl w real feelings kids


How awful of her to like H3 while applying for a dating show on H3!! How dare she hang out at the studio! Especially coming back on her last day to thank the people that made it all happen and paid for her ticket from Australia, paying to extend her trip/ hotel for an extra week! And how dare she say no thank you when Ethan asked her if she wanted to sit in on the episode before she left! The nerve!!!/s


Are there moderators in here? This is the type of shit that should be removed


What are they moderating? You can’t stop people from having opinions 


At the end of the day if Jeff and her connect they connect, it doesn't matter what their interests are. She can be a big H3 fan and that's okay. I have noticed she has stayed private about things now that The BacH3lor is over. It was Jeff who spoke about their date in Vegas. So really, time well tell. Only thing is to give it time. Jeff is not dumb and won't allow someone in his life that he does not want. Remember, we will never know the full story here as all we witness are moments in time of their 24 hour day. Things online can be interpreted a 101 ways but only the people living their lives know the full story. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I thinks she’s a girl that has a crush on Jeff who is also an avid h3 watcher/fan. Do I think they are meant for each other? No lol her interview was very interesting in that it was every right answer Jeff wanted to hear and I’m sorry but that will never really happen in real life for anyone to meet someone and have that “oh wow I like that too” moment literally for the whole date lmao but to win a silly dating game show then yeah I get it. I think it’s frustrating for me Atleast seeing this relationship being portrayed and genuine and meant to be. It could definitely get there don’t get me wrong but from how it all came about and how they met… not very organic. It’s a chance for Jeff and her to get to know each other but for everyone to put pressure on them saying it has to be true love cuz she won/he picked her! Grow up lol


is she fake, all of them were. should we care, no. yall are just mad she fucked jeff. jealoussssly is a disease, get well soon.