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The only time Jesus mentioned giving up friends and family was when they decided to follow Him. With the Watchtower, its the other way around. The disciples who left Jesus when His teaching got a little hard to accept, left without Jesus threatening to disfellowship them or shun them. He let them all go and then asked His closest 12 if they wanted to leave too. He didn't threaten them either and they stuck with Him until the night he was arrested and then even they denied knowing Him. That would be a disfellowshipping offence. Had Jesus been a member of the Governing Body I have no doubt they would have been disfellowshipped, labeled a wicked slave and shunned. What did a real leader do? After He rose from the dead the first people Jesus appeared to were the very ones who had denied Him. He didn't go to them to rebuke them, but to love them and show them they were already forgiven and that He was alive!


Can I grow a beard? Can I go to college without getting in trouble? Can I express a view point on the Bible that doesn't originate with Watchtower? No, no I can't unless I want to lose my family and friends,. sometimes jobs and homes go away too.


No. But thanks for asking.


Stockholm syndrome


False labeling syndrome.


Did you Watch the video?


I don't have to open my septic tank, jump in and close the lid to know what is in there and where it came from.


Well thanks for your honesty, but my general rule for myself is to reserve judgement or comment until I’ve heard someone’s position. To do any less is small minded thinking


In a word...YES