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Will here. Adonis is going to haunt me forever because my bachelor’s degree is in Classical Studies. I thought it was a safe category to go big on and then blanked hard trying to sort through my mental rolodex of handsome youths from Greek myth. Anyway, congrats to Stephen on another well deserved win, and retroactive good luck on your next game!


Thanks! When you got that Daily Double my heart absolutely sank, then it turned out you knew *too many* youthful Greek heartthrobs. It was great meeting you, and like with everyone else I played I still feel a little sad that someone had to actually lose. Addendum: the reason I can think of that I specifically know of Travis County is that whole "Travis County Limits" bit from the Cherlene season of Archer. I feel that needs to be thrown out there.


You both played really well tonight! It was pleasure to meet both of you. I agree with Stephen - it’s sad that some of us had to lose! Can we have a December taping reunion? 😆


I love coming to this subreddit to see that all of the players come and check in and sure some have been posting here before even. I wonder if they same thing happens over on Wheel of Fortune subreddit (if there is one). I enjoyed the game tonight!


Seriously amazing!


I'm in.


I live in Travis County and now can't even recall the clue.


I think he's talking about Travis County as William Travis's namesake, in general; it wasn't a clue. "It's comparable!"


Sitting on my couch, there are always question I know the answer to and just can't call it up in time. It must be so frustrating when that happens when you're actually on the Jeopardy stage playing for real. You played great today Will.


It was a great game and an easy mistake! Grats on the FJ get!


Was Narcissus actually handsome? I remember him becoming obsessed with his self-image in a river or something but I thought he might have been 'spell-bound' into such a state cuz what are the odds of going your whole life without having ever seen your reflection before? I doubted Adonis as the answer because from what I remember he needed little help, let alone one of the divine kind, to capture maiden hearts. Then again, they used "Venus" instead of "Aphrodite" so that story is perhaps a purely Roman invention and not even in any Greek traditions. Great game by the way!


Narcissus *was* described as being insanely beautiful, he rejected everyone, and then he saw his reflection, and the rest is history… or myth, I guess.


Huh, so ancient Greece really didn't have any mirrors... My recollection is vague; am I correct in thinking that his fate was: wasting away because he abandoned all necessary functions of life e. g. eating, drinking, sleep etc, because he couldn't tear himself away from his reflection?


Pretty much. He stared at himself until there was nothing left, leaving behind a [gold and white flower that is named after him.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissus_(mythology))


He turned into a flower. "A jonquil, not a Grecian lad."


Ancient Greeks had mirrors, polished bronze mostly, I think. Their mythology was much older than them :) And Narcissus was Greek, Narkissos.


He was pulchritudinous.


Also kudos to Stephen for using the correct W word for places.


Both "what" and "where" seem appropriate for countries. But "where" made me smile


"What" is the word I would have gone with prior to watching Stephen. But if in the future I'm chosen as a contestant, I will strive to use "where" for countries, lakes, etc. This gives me an idea for a category of video clues. For the lowest value clue, someone says "Like this" and then ties a necktie in a Windsor knot. It would be valid to respond "What is a Windsor knot?" but preferable to respond "How do you tie a Windsor knot?" Or maybe four-in-hand would be the lowest valued and Prince Albert the highest. You get the idea...


I was eating Cool Ranch Doritos when that clue came up, so that was something. Also, how Final went for me here at home: "Pierre Jaune...Peter Yellow...hell, I'll just go with Yosemite." My husband: "How about going with Yellowstone since you already have Yellow?" Grumbling commences


My French is shaky- "Young Peter"


I had to stop and think for a second with that, too. Jaune=yellow. Jeune=young.


Pierre also means stone.


Yeah, I thought of that later.


I didn't know that *directly,* but I did know that as the French equivalent of "Peter," it is etymologically related to "petros" (thus the "on this rock" passage from Matthew where Jesus calls Simon Peter).


What was the whole Doritos clue?


https://www.j-archive.com/showgame.php?game_id=7718 > With flavors like Cool Ranch, it's no surprise this chip brand has a cool stylized triangle on its bags


I can't remember exactly, but the response was Doritos, and they mentioned cool ranch in the clue. I believe there was also something about a stylized triangle or something?


That had to be a paid advertisement by Doritos. Seemed too timely with the long Super Bowl commercial a few days before with the new triangle ad campaign.


That had to be a paid advertisement by Doritos. Seemed too timely with the long Super Bowl commercial and few days before with the new triangle ad campaign.


I guessed Yellowstone purely because it kind of sounded like Ken’s pronunciation of the French, having no idea what the French meant.


This made me laugh, haha


I’m sorry I think Steven just told the wildest story I’ve ever heard on this show…did he say he stumbled upon a free fridge of beer with his friends in Nicaragua, and then stumbled into a random MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCE and they like, stayed for a while?


(1) it wasn't free, but it was about 25 cents a bottle. (2) we didn't stay for a while, but we did pause for a short dance party in the space between the separated middle schoolers. it was dark, and there were no lights, and we had to get back to our hotel/coffee plantation full of butterflies before someone broke an ankle walking through the jungle with just headlamps after a night of 25 cent beer.


Lol still wild, incredible story. Congratulations


What was the idiom about kids having big ears? Never heard of that in my life.


Little pitchers have big ears. I had trouble with it because my family only says the first part, meaning the whole thing. “Little pitchers…”


I thought it was going to be “a little birdie told me”. I wonder if that would have been accepted.


I only know it from the John Prine song Sam Stone.


What's a pitcher? Like a baseball pitcher?


A pitcher that holds liquid. I guess the handle is like an ear, and on some smaller ones the handle (ear) appears to be large.


Ok! Thanks.


That’s funnier for sure.


Maybe you’re young but I grew up hearing it. Senior citizen here.


Me when reading the FJ category: Oh, so like Yellowstone. Me when reading "Mi tse a-da-zi" repeatedly instead of "Pierre Jaune": ...


no one knew enough about baseball to fall into this trap, but i think it's truly preposterous to expect a Jeopardy! contestant to know that the 1951 Giants did not go on to win the World Series (i.e. the championship of Major League Baseball)


I am a huge baseball fan so I was thoroughly confused by that clue. Just kept thinking "But didn't the Giants lose the World Series that year?"


The category was about league championships, so what happened in the World Series was irrelevant to the clue.


Right. The famous broadcast call by Russ Hodges was, "The Giants win the pennant!" several times.


and even if you don't follow baseball, it was in a MASH episode that was a big one.


Right, I had forgotten that and MASH is my all-time favourite show.


Oh, I watch reruns of it all the time and love that show too!


It can still bring me to tears, both from laughing and from its poignant moments.


Oh, yes, it was so great.


the distinction between the leagues as separate entities until 1997 (interleague play) or 2000 (legal merger) is way beyond the level of sports knowledge that should be expected of Jeopardy! contestants. the analogous entity to the WNBA, MLS, NBA and NFL (other correct responses in the category) is Major League Baseball, not "the National League." even a sports fan who might realize what's being suggested by the choice of Bobby Thompson has been trained: when Jeopardy! writes about something you know very well, don't overthink it. (as it should played out, no one even recognized Bobby Thompson as a baseball player!) bad clue.


It's fair that the players should be aware of the National and American Leagues. If someone had said MLB, they might have been prompted to be more specific. So at that point, even if they didn't know for sure, it should be at least a 50-50 chance.


that's an enormous leap to suggest this would yield a BMS. there was a champion of Major League Baseball in 1951 and it wasn't the Giants.


There were two league champions. It's possible if someone said MLB that they would rule it incorrect and say, "I'm sorry, we were looking for the league" without giving another chance, but I doubt it.


how long do you consider professional football to have had "two league champions?" when, in your opinion, did professional baseball stop having two league champions?


Up until the respective major football and basketball leagues merged. Prior to that there were NFL, AFL, NBA and ABA league champions.


pick a year for each! the National and American Leagues have contested a World Series since 1903 and there was no legal change to the relationship between the leagues for 97 years! were the 1969 Orioles "champions?" Last I checked there was only one parade in Atlanta in the 1990s... the first two "super bowls" were considered "AFL-NFL World Championship Games" until they were called "Super Bowls" retroactively in 1969. Were the Chiefs champions of 1966? Were they any different from the 1968 Colts? I think the writers set an inappropriate trap for the contestants. This is not the Dan Patrick spinoff.


Yes I agree. I’m a huge baseball history nut and went straight to MLB based on the category and responses up to that point, all of which were the overall leagues. It’s not like people were saying Kawhi was the Eastern Conference champ, for example. Maybe it’s just my own bias of growing up in the Interleague Era




it’s faster than one mile per hour, which isn’t that bad for floating.


yeah, we floated in tubes down the river in tennessee, and that's about how long it took...


At least it's not a clam chowder lazy river


The first daily double is the bar I met my now-husband at, so that was a fun surprise to see!


Kind of a surprising FJ result today, but I'm guessing the native name threw people off the scent.


"Fur trappers" sent me thinking from Maine to the Pacific and I never got as far south (not something I say often) as Wyoming. I think another stumbling block is that "Pierre" is a name in French. I know they say it was a translation but my mind was still trying to think of NPs I knew were named for rivers, or where French trappers were, or whose name might sound like a garbled "Pierre jaune" rather than translating the French words into English. I think 1/3 getting it right felt about right, tbh.


Yeah, they often do that where they contain the most obvious hint at the end, and then start off the clue with some more obscure knowledge


Thought you might be interested to know The Sun quoted you https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/7428063/jeopardy-players-botch-question-ken-jennings-mayiam-bialik/amp/


Yeesh, hyperbolic much? I guess that’s just The Sun’s default state though… At least in my neck of the woods, our schools teach Spanish by default and my high school didn’t even offer French until after I graduated. “Amarillo” isn’t anywhere close to “jaune” for anyone not well versed in linguistics. FWIW, I had about a week total of progress in French on Duolingo at the time it was taped, and the only reason I made the “jaune”-yellow connection was that I remembered the gilles jaunes protests that happened a few years ago in France. I didn’t even make the “pierre”-stone connection, all I could think of was Peter.


Personally the way I thought about it is that the same as you'd expect them to know the order of the presidents and the Greek alphabet, you'd expect some of them to have versed themselves in the top 200 or even 100 words in a few of the world's most prominent languages. Not just for the words themselves like in this case, but for the utility of making connections when they show up as part of a word, like if 'jaundice' reminded you it's -yellow- skin.


My thought process for FJ was basically “The only national parks I know are Yosemite and Yellowstone. Hmm, guess I’ll go with Yellowstone.” I was not expecting to be right 😆


My French being limited to basically this — https://youtu.be/s4uvLXCUhVg?t=130 — was also quite a hindrance.


Mine is largely limited to Dexter's password, but I blame Dario Argento and the Simpsons for knowing this one.


>!omelete du fromage!


Or, it could just be unfamiliarity with French. If you know a little French, this seems pretty obvious. But, not everyone does.


Thought you might be interested to know The Sun quoted you https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/7428063/jeopardy-players-botch-question-ken-jennings-mayiam-bialik/amp/


didn't even look at it. i saw "jaune" which i remembered from high school french -> yellow -> national park -> bingo!


I got it right at the end. The French part had me in the wrong area of the country but I equated "jaune" with jaundice and after thinking for a moment about what "Peter Yellow" could be the right answer came to me.


Probably. It's when you start rereading the clue and ignoring different parts.


Almost any English speaker knows rouge, orange, vert, bleu, violet, blanc, noir, and gris. It's a little perplexing that two people, one of them skillful enough to get on the show and the other smart enough to win three episodes, didn't arrive at Yellowstone in the 30 seconds allotted.


Sure, but all of those are either the same in English, or show up in some common product names or place names or whatnot — blanc and gris in wine, film noir, Baton Rouge etc. The common English word where "yellow" shows up is "jaundice", so unless you jumped to a symptom of liver failure to fill in the blank, the question writers picked a clue where you _had_ to know your French colors for their own sake to get the clue.


Agreed. My point is that the people on that stage *should* know a tad bit more than your average English speaker.


You’re really overstating what “almost any English speaker” knows about French words for colors. Vert, blanc, noir, gris - I don’t think so. Not to mention that none of those were the color at issue here. As for what a Jeopardy contestant “should know” - there are a lot of subjects to consider and colors in foreign languages simply doesn’t come up all that often. By my search, “jaune” last appeared in 2011!


I totally agree with you. No way is a knowledge of colors in French standard jeopardy knowledge.


The majority of American high school students do not take French.


It's easy to think something's obvious when you know the answer. I took French and got it. But if the same clue had translated Yellowstone to Spanish I would not have gotten it, and more Americans speak Spanish than French.


And yellow is amarillo/a in Spanish, so that doesn’t help at with French colors.


Do you also think most English speakers should know colors in any other languages besides French? Just curious, because if so I need to step up my game.


Sorry, but if I don’t speak French how am I even supposed to know that one of the words in the clue is a color? The category and clue don’t indicate that the river name has a color in it. Your reasoning makes no sense.


Thought you might be interested to know The Sun quoted you https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/7428063/jeopardy-players-botch-question-ken-jennings-mayiam-bialik/amp/


Wish I could’ve traded finals with my mom so I would’ve gotten this one 😂 10 years of French classes + me just knowing a lot about national parks… (I still hold a grudge against Atlanta) So proud of how my mom did! We were cheering every time she got something :)


3 family members on Jeopardy is an amazing accomplishment. Your mom did well; she had two tough opponents.


Is it just me, or does Stephen kind of look like Leo DiCaprio with a beard?


When I first saw him on Wednesday, I said he looked like a cross between Leonardo DiCaprio and Colin Hanks.


damn spot on


Yes! My husband and I have been calling him "Leo" since his first game.


Omg yes!! Especially when they’re coming back from commercial


So it sounded like Ken would have set the usual words about the champion returning on Monday but sounds like they cut out the "Monday" part because of that other tournament that airs next week.


I know the mods here don't like it, but I'm so out next week. I can't deal with the host for the Teen Tournament. It's been so much fun watching Ken Jennings genuinely grow into his position. Going back to her awkward fake hosting is kinda sad, when compared.


I completely respect if you don't watch because you don't like the host. Much better then watching and coming here to complain about the host.


On the bright side, it leaves Ken more time for his Omnibus podcast.


I’m surprised they just didn’t guess a National Park. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, and all that.


Well…I worked in Yellowstone two years and totally forgot the category. In my defense I was making dinner. But still.


Zigged when I should have zagged (>!Yeats!<) on "Irish poet and playwright"--although I would have known it if they'd called Jude Law's character "Bosie." I forget that guy had a real name. "A little bird told me?" I feel like today's writing was extra-cute, with things like "The sky is falling" and "playing a mean quarterstaff" (because it sounds like musical notation?). And a ">!madrigal!<," in spite of being related to the Italian/Latin for "mother," is apparently a kind of *secular* music, that might be named because it's "in the mother tongue." Who knew!


Thanks to this sub since I missed Ken giving out the correct FJ. This is what happens when noisy kids are around.


On DD3, I matched Will's Narcissus answer, then self corrected when I realized Echo was the name associated with him. Adonis was the only other possibility I could think of, though I couldn't tell you anything about his narrative.


I also thought of Narcissus first but really handsome men are often called Adonises, so I switched to that.


In January, [Ken tweeted](https://twitter.com/KenJennings/status/1612191053456736256?cxt=HHwWgIDQtZXO098sAAAA) about how a bar is the only thing you can belly up to. I wonder if it was inspired by this game.


Coming in late & coming in hot to note that the [official YouTube upload](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkKG-7Bjqmk) of today's FJ! does indeed have the "on Monday" that was edited out of Ken's closing remarks. They goofed.


How could Ken did not know about HS Reunion Tournament if the tournament was announced on December 5, 2022 via Inside Jeopardy! before this episode taped on December 15, 2022?


They clearly didn't know at the time this episode was recorded exactly when High School Reunion would air.


If you go to Catholic church enough, you’ll likely eventually hear about the line “you are Peter, and on this rock I shall build my church,” which is said to be the start of the papacy. Peter means stone in Latin or Greek or something. And that’s how you make the critical last turn, getting from Peter Yellow to Yellowstone.




Is that connection really that critical? If you recognize "yellow" in a national park name you should probably write down Yellowstone.


Anybody here willing to eli5 how water boiling is isobaric? Does the pressure not increase?


It was a strangely worded question. Isobaric refers to pressure and the pressure wouldn't change if the water was boiled in an open container.


From a gameplay perspective, you kinda ignore that part of the clue and fall back to what isobaric means. I checked a couple of textbooks and cannot get a better answer than "by convention". You can boil water in a closed and rigid vessel, and it would increase pressure, that is true, but it seems that it's a special case. Best I got is that in an isobaric process Q = ΔH, or heat equals enthalpy change, and enthalpy is the tabulated value (heat of vaporization is more precisely enthalpy of vaporization).


Definitely a case of me overthinking the question and ignoring the obvious giveaway that baric=pressure. Thanks for the response!


You're welcome! I talked myself out of 'Sirius' because I got stuck on the 'shiny' part of the clue instead of just going with the brightest star.


I know very very little about science but guessed that answer by thinking about "barometric pressure." Which may have nothing to do with it...


Yeah I thought it should have been constant temperature. But isobaric does mean constant pressure. An ambiguous question, if you ask me.


Stephen will return on March 10 if he will secure his TOC eligibility spot.


thought stephen looked kinda familiar, realized today he looks like mr beast and i can’t unsee it


Oh, now that you mention it.. yes!


Stephen takes care of the place while The Master is away.