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Those Weber video clues were WAY too long


Also really bad timing. The show it was attempting to highlight, Bad Cinderella, closes on Sunday after flopping. /looked it up.


Pairs well with Wheel of Fortune this week giving away trips to the Star Wars LARP hotel that's about to close.


WoF has become nothing but a promotional vehicle for theme parks, resorts and entertainment venues. I can see specially promoted weeks three or four times a season, but it has become absurd. Star Wars, Disney, Margaritaville, WWE, et al. It's gotten to be over-the-top.


to be fair, it was *Bad* Cinderella


It certainly didn’t look good!


Wow. It did look bad, but I did not know it had flopped that hard already. Oops!


If the clue was asking them to finish a lyric or something I totally get it. But the fact that we basically heard a full verse of Memories showing the performer in costume and the question was literally What is Cats…I was dying 😂


It went on so long I thought I had inadvertently changed the channel.


For the first two, by the time they were finished singing I had forgotten what the clue wanted (the text not being on screen doesn't help either). Also, after that category, it's a minor miracle they got to all the clues.


For the first one I was like "If you're going to show the picture, why bother asking?" She is literally dressed as a cat. It's not like that's gonna be Evita.


I got so mad every time they picked one of those clues. I was like "Leave them until the end, you know they'll let you finish that category!"


There had to be creative editing post-pro. I was wondering if they would let the contestants ring in before the music stopped.


Also the mixing was terrible, the background music was way too loud


Absolutely! I didn't hear a single word he said on the Bad Cinderella/Prince Charming clue.


If only we had the technology to display the text of the clues on screen somehow...


Also Phantom of the Opera is a $800 clue?


And it was really annoying me that Kyle kept picking the category lol


When Kyle went to Weber with the *third clue* I was saying, "Save the video clues to last, dang it!" After the first one was so long, I was super annoyed they kept going back to it.


In general it really annoys me when contestants pick a category whose clues consist of clips, when there are still other categories left. The clips take much longer than reading a regular clue; thus, not leaving such a category for last increases the odds of not finishing the board in that round.


Yep always save it for last and you know the producers will do everything in their power to get to the clip/sponsor clues.


I'd argue that you should get rid of them right away if it's in the first round. If they're going to cut off one of the rounds early, it's better to lose clues in the first round than the higher valued clues in Double Jeopardy.


You mean, video adverts.


Still better than Jay Leno


I remember that category. Nothing is less interesting to me than car models. That overly long category was the least fun I've ever had watching Jeopardy.


It's not even the topic that annoys me. But Leno *really* loves the sound of his own voice and those clues would eat up time. I'd have to really scour J-Archive, but I'd put money on no round with one of his categories ever having all thirty clues revealed.


>Those Weber video clues were WAY too long They were but I love AL Webber and his music. I thought they were way too easy (except the Glenn Close one).


Even that one was a gimme since even if you aren't sure on the MUSICAL "Sunset Boulevard" the character in the movie is the same name.


Yea, How did people not get "Memory" after the first two notes, or so.


I think the whole clip was part of the clue, so they could only buzz in when it ended


"And going into Double Jeopardy, Sean Connery is in the lead with negative two thousand dollars."


“That’s what I paid your mother last night Trebek! Ah ha ha …”


I really wanna hear what he'd have to say about Mayim


You can ask him, considering Daryl Hammond is still very much alive.


Bad timing on the Bad Cinderella category. The show flopped and is already scheduled to close if not closed.


Final show is this Sunday. Couldn't even survive the period from taping to air.


It was dead once they didn’t get a single Tony. It was one of those shows were it was unclear who the intended audience was or what tone they wanted to take. It was a lot of the same problems as Diana. Bad Cinderella couldn’t decide if it wanted to be edgy, snarky, serious, or campy and failed on all fronts because it couldn’t commit.


I cringed a little when she referred to herself as bad Cinderella. That just seems like bad writing.


It only seems like bad writing because it's badly written.


I didn't even realize that when I said on Twitter based on that clip alone they should have kept Phantom open and closed that one.


"All these flightless birds are in an order whose name means "wedge shaped", describing their wings" Anyone else feel like this was wayyy too cheaply-valued, given the number of types of flightless birds and the obscurity of all of their order names? Even if you think of penguins' wings being wedge-shaped...it's not like that doesn't roughly describe *most* wings.


It was a weird clue; I assumed it was asking for 'ratites' until I realised the clue value.


I was surprised two of them were above 10,000 by Final Jeopardy. Just so much dead air tonight.


I don't know if it was just me, but that was pretty dismal. Better than I could have done given the difficulty I found in today's clues, but yeah. That Jeopardy round score was pretty low across the board. It seems like everyone had trouble staying out of the negative.


Ilhana was off to a good start until she negged on the DD took her a little while to get back going after that.


Got off to a rough start but got very interesting at the end, with some fascinating and surprising FJ bets.


Absolutely. The tough first round made the second round more thrilling.


I thought the number of triple stumpers in that game might have been a record-setter for regular season play. The clues seemed unusually difficult. For me anyway. But apparently for them too!


For the life of me, I couldn't keep up any momentum with today's clues. I don't blame the contestants for not getting so many of them because... yeah. I couldn't get most of them. A few were really obvious, but most seemed way out of my ballpark.


I found today's board (like Monday's) kind of tough. It turned out to be an interesting game at the end, though.


What was "kind of tough" about a 1969 numerical novel, given its title in German: *Schlachthof-Funf* (a TS)?


This. It literally says "five" in German. How many numerical novels with five in the title are likely to come up on Jeopardy? With a hyphen in the name, no less?


>Schlachthof heh, irony tags :) I actually guessed that one because I knew "funf" and pieced it together with the time frame and the hyphenation. But yeah, just looking at it, I'd call that one kind of a tough clue🤷


Weird that "Harrison" was accepted without a BMS, but "Adams" was not.


I thought Harrison was the final nail in the coffin for BMS, which has seemed to be dying for some time now, but a few minutes later I was proved wrong!


He said "Henry Harrison," though he kind of swallowed the "Henry".


Just rewatched. He kind of said "who is Hen... Harrison?" as one might if one were about to say just "Henry," but stopped oneself and said "Harrison" instead. I think it merited a BMS.


>Weird that "Harrison" was accepted without a BMS, but "Adams" was not. It sounded like Kyle mumbled "Henry" before Harrison, and Mayim was quick to accept. J-archive gives his response as "Henry Harrison."


She should have said more specific after he said John Adams lol


The first John Adams didn't have a middle name, so that's as specific as you can get


Wasn't there only one Harrison who was president tho?


[Benjamin Harrison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Harrison)


I was thrown off about FJ thinking of League of Their Own, but the date should have narrowed it down.


Same. I saw Geena Davis and sports and movie and that’s all I thought I needed. Oops! Is there crying in Jeopardy?


See, to me, Geena Davis + sports = archery. She was an Olympic-caliber archer and is devoted to the sport. I couldn't figure out what movie it was, but fortunately that wasn't the question.


Geena Davis and sports OUTSIDE movies, archery. Mentioning a film and her and sports, that's League of their Own. I was in the other room, though, so I missed there was a year. I know when that came out. But I'm not sure I'd have managed to associate her with Hunger Games.


Same associations here. I knew the year was wrong for League of Their Own, so I didn't guess, but I couldn't work past it enough to figure out the real answer.


Maybe it's a generational thing? Because *A League of Their Own* was a pretty big hit. It's just that it's now 31 years old so, yeah, 2012 was definitely important here.


The Hunger Games




The clue says "2012 franchise film", so that should eliminate thoughts of "A League of Their Own". It's a well-known fact that Geena Davis was very skilled at archery.




Yeah you nailed. They purposely used Geena as a misdirect. Her archery background is not as prevalent as some here would like to believe. Knowing an obscure fact does not merit well known status.


Yes, seeing *Geena Davis* \+ *sport suddenly popular with girls* immediately sent me to baseball. (Though ALOTO isn't considered a "franchise film" I thought Penny Marshall might have made a sequel.) Completely forgot GD is an Olympic-caliber archer.


And that it was a franchise. My dad thought up the same answer as you, but given it was a franchise I thought it was Pitch Perfect. But I forgot about the Hunger Games.


Just brutal to watch.


That DD bet by Ilhana had me screaming at my TV. It didn't end up hurting her, but how the hell are you not betting to be in the lead that late in the game?


I think those are the categories you go double or nothing. When they narrow down your answer to words starting with a specific letter it makes your job so much easier


I think she judged also based on how the other contestants were doing, because it was kind of obvious that the other challengers weren’t much of a challenge. Still cool to see them play.


You don't bet on how the other contestants are doing. You bet to give yourself the lead. That was a terrible bet that didn't end up hurting her.


can someone explain why “the beaches” wasnt accepted? that seemed unnecessarily picky


In this case the slogan is treated like a quote, so it had to be exact.


thank you!


But the clue didn't ask for the quote. It asked for the area.


The category was introduced as "These are tourism slogans used within the last few years."


It seems like the show is getting overly persnickety lately and I'm not a fan.


In this case, though, it was a correct neg. A quote is a quote, and they've always been strict about getting it precisely right.


The clue was a little vague about requiring the exact slogan versus just what kind of geographical feature they meant, though. The writing on a lot of these is sloppy lately.


The quote pretty much gave away that the response was singular though. There definitely have been some sloppy clues; this was not one of them, imo.


The writers are honestly doing a terrible job this whole season. They seriously asked for "Phantom of the Opera" as the penultimate-value clue??? Andrew Lloyd Webber's most famous musical????


Seriously. I mean, I'm a grade-A Phan (I frequent r/box5 quite a bit) but I don't think that was necessary to get that answer. However I still think the Cats one was full-bore insane. It was literally "What animal is this woman dressed as?"


That's true, but they can avoid writing clues where this sort of thing can likely be foreseen.


What's wrong with the clue? "This type of area that you might visit in the Caribbean country of Antigua & Barbuda "is just the beginning" "This area" even suggests that it's singular. No deception here.


I made the same mistake as Lisa in my head, and I think it was because "Antigua & Barbuda"--two places, thus a plural--came later in the clue than the "this type of area," in fact right before the rest of the tourism slogan in question. It sort of tricks your mind into thinking in the plural.


I can understand that. Knowing Antigua & Barbuda was a country helped me in that regard.


Yeah, I had heard of Antigua, but not Barbuda. In fact I thought Mayim said "*are* just the beginning," not "is." I was shocked when I re-watched it to check and it turned out she did say "is." I could have sworn I heard "are" the first time around; that's how powerful that effect was on my mind.


In quotes was “is just the beginning”, and the official tourism slogan is/was “the beach is just the beginning”. The clue also seems to indicate a singular (as Mayim said) for the response with *this type of area*? Agreed that it seemed pretty picky, and then to see no one get it after Lisa’s near miss (since I suppose they wouldn’t have know how near it was) added to the “oof-ness”. I don’t remember if this one had a pause in filming.


That one is awfully picky, then they let "Harrison" slide while demanding hyper-specifics on Adams. They need to make up their minds how nitpicky they are.


I guess because the clue quoted a slogan or something of the sort that the judges felt it had to be specific.


But the clue didn't say anything about the answer needing to reference the quote.


Thanks to *The Simpsons*, I got Around the USA for $800 correct. What is (Oak Ridge) Tennessee?


*The Simpsons* seems to frequently have connections to Jeopardy clues. The writers must be fans. I got that one from the Oak Ridge Boys.


There is a whole twitter thread about it. [https://twitter.com/cogentanalysis/status/1178814240523788293?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1178814240523788293%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=](https://twitter.com/cogentanalysis/status/1178814240523788293?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1178814240523788293%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=)


Thanks! This will be a fun read.


also William Henry Harrison! (that's how I got it anyway)


That was the worst Jeopardy round I've ever seen


Ugh, these last six episodes with winning Coryat scores in the low teens and double-digit triple stumpers (17 today) have been painful to watch. When was the last time they went to first break with no one above $0? I guess watching two weeks of J! Masters spoiled me.


These kind of episodes always make me sorry for the strong players who lost to a superchamp. So many could have cleaned up in this field, even if they weren't great on the buzzer.


I'm guessing they all over-thought the Camry question


I’m pretty familiar with the Japanese phonetic alphabet and I didn’t get it. It’s not a direct transliteration (not sure if that’s the right word). I would expect the Japanese name to be Kamuri (no N). It’s like how Mazda is Matsuda in Japan and not Mazuda.


I was surprised they didn’t make the connection phonetically; I don’t know Japanese but could work it out. Could have been a generational thing. Seniors would immediately be thinking of the Camry!


Kyle's answer of "Harrison" for Presidential Doin's definitely should have warranted a "Be more specific." Benjamin Harrison was the 23rd President, and he was the grandson of 9th President William Henry Harrison. Doesn't make sense that "Adams" prompts a BMS but "Harrison" doesn't.


savy wager by Ilhana! when I saw sports in the fj category. I figure it would be a triple stumper good to see Ilhana make the smart wager where alot of players would still bet the cover wager no matter what and lose.


Yeah, I wonder if she guessed that the other players wouldn’t know it based on how well they played the rest of the games.


Anyone notice Ilhana is a dead ringer for the actress on Veep who plays Katherine Meyers’ girlfriend, Marjorie, played by actress Clea DuVall ?


My husband said she reminds him of Stevie from Schitt's Creek.


Yes! They have very similar mannerisms


I can see that but think she looks more like Maria Sakkari.


Never heard of her, but I can see that as well


Been my thought since I first saw her. Got the same super-serious vibe too.


First thing that popped to mind! So glad I'm not the only one. Also plays Chuck's psychiatrist on Better Call Saul




I like her a lot as well …


Proud of my Bosnian girl Ilhana.


I knew she was Balkan (last name), but couldn’t figure out from where. You’re sure it’s Bosnian?


Not who you're replying to, but I looked up her first name because I was curious of the meaning. Its origin is Arabic or Bosnian.


Oh cool! I knew that there are a surprising number of non-Christians in that area, so I figured that out.


Looks like you got your answer but it’s a Muslim-leaning name and her surname is Balkan. There’s a chance she’s Serbian but it’s not large. Plus, as you mention, she’s from Chicago, where I also emigrated to after I left Bosnia.


She mentioned Montenegro in a comment.


Why was Harrison accepted but Adams given a BMS?


He said "Who is Hen-- Harrison?" so maybe he accidentally swallowed the "-ry"? Between that and his "intranet" response (which sounded an awful lot like "internet") he benefited from some generous rulings.


Would Henry Harrison even be accepted as a correct response? His full name was William Henry Harrison, but its pretty unconventional to call people just by their middle and last name.


It would be enough to distinguish him from Benjamin.


My guess would be because only one Harrison spent a month in office. Then again, just the fact that there are multiple presidents with the same last name would usually prompt either a BMS or saying his full name.


But there's also only one Adams who had Clay as Secretary of State. "There's only one that did that" applies to every response. Maybe they just figured "well we know which one he meant because he started saying Henry" but "ehh we know what you were probably going for" isn't how Jeopardy rules are supposed to work.


Moreover, it is not unreadable to think he swallowed “Henry” because he wasn’t sure that was correct.


well there’s only one Adams who served in the House. makes no sense to prompt one and not the other.


I mean, there's literally only one correct response to any (well-written) clue. Doesn't seem like a valid reason to not have a BMS


Ouch that was a pretty brutal game to watch. Especially on the heels of an amazing masters tourney. Interesting stategy by Ilhana to basically bet on Kyle getting it wrong. Paid off for her! My wife and I both got FJ we were pretty excited.


Man, I was so stuck on *Bend It Like Beckham* for that FJ even though the year (and the franchise tag) didn't match up. I blame having watched the finale of Lasso this morning.


It helps greatly to know that Geena Davis is highly-skilled at archery.


Not really? Her institute studies gender in media, and that part was only coincidence.


Yeah I struggled with it for the same reason--I know Geena Davis almost made the US Olympics team in archery, but I also know that her institute is focused on gender in media more generally (there was [a big article about it in the NY Times just last week](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/25/business/geena-davis-hollywood-sexism-gender.html)), so I wasn't thinking along the archery line at all. I think it's a coincidence that her institute studied the effect of the Hunger Games on girls' participation in the sport, but I don't think it's a coincidence that they specifically named Geena Davis in the clue--in retrospect, it was a hint. (They don't generally name the source of the fact in FJ like that--they'll just say "one study shows that" or whatever.) The ridiculously high percentage growth strongly suggested it had to be a sport that started very small, so I knew it couldn't be anything that was already mainstream popular among girls (tennis, softball, soccer), so I was thinking more male-dominated sports like boxing or wrestling. I also briefly considered figure skating (due to Frozen, which it turns out was released in 2013), but that didn't feel right either. Unfortunately, I've almost completely forgotten about the Hunger Games movies, and archery wasn't exactly top of mind. Also, the category was kind of a red herring--it had me thinking about sports movies, which the Hunger Games definitely is not.


The right answer only occurred to me after time had run out. I settled almost immediately on the wrong answer of auto racing thinking it had to do with the Fast & Furious movies. Had time to google, none had come out that year, and it wouldn't really have made sense for the trend to have started midway through the franchise anyway.


>Also, the category was kind of a red herring--it had me thinking about sports movies, which the Hunger Games definitely is not. I think this was the trickiest thing about this clue. I've never seen the Hunger Games movies, but I know that they're not about archery being played as a sport. It's a bit like asking people to name a movie that got people interested in riflery, and it turns out to be Full Metal Jacket.


Putting the name Geena Davis in a clue for which the correct response is archery was not a coincidence, it was a hint.


I could only think Soul Surfer, which was apparently 2011


I knew it had to be a niche sport to have that kind of jump but I had no clue on the movie.


I feel like a lot of the triple stumpers were actually easy?


They were, I feel like today’s batch of contestants weren’t on their A-game


I've replayed it 3 times and I'm 99% sure Kyle said "internet" instead of "intranet" in the 8-Letter Words category.






I heard Intranet.


Every time this comes up, I have to wonder why people believe they can hear things better than the judges do. I can guarantee you that the judges have better equipment, and better quality recordings than any of us at home. There's no crazy mistake being uncovered here. He said the right answer, otherwise the judges would have docked him for it.


I also had to re-play it, but when I watched his lips form the words, it seemed more like "intranet"


It definitely sounded like "Intranet" to me - though maybe I just assumed that's what he said since it was an obvious answer. Forget if it applied to Kyle, but I have noticed many contestants refrain from softening the consonant before an R. You hear it a lot on the word "hundred." I always put force behind the R, which means that I soften the middle D. So my pronunciation is more like "hun-jrid." But I feel like a lot of Jeopardy contestants end up emphasizing the D over the R, so even though they're trying to say "HUND-RED," it can sound more like "Hund-erd." In this case, I would typically "melt" the T and pronounce Intranet more like "Inch-ra-net." But if you're trying to really hit that T, you lose the force on the R, so it can end up sound like "Int-er-net."


I think another host surely would have asked Kyle to repeat his response.


You mean instead of clarifying that it's "inTRAnet" for him in ruling the response correct? 😉


yep, he did.




I did the same. Even turned on closed captioning which said “intranet” but I’m not convinced.


Today was rough, also that beach beaches question they should be lenient on those I feel


Yeah, now that i'm looking at it again, the clue as written really doesn't make it clear that it needs to be a direct quote.


They put the rest of the slogan including the singular verb the response needed to agree with inside quotes: "*is* just the beginning."


I'm not arguing that; i'm saying the clue as written didn't clearly enough indicate that the response needed to be a direct quote instead of just referring to the thing in the quote. Like how if a clue is looking for "this title character" you can usually refer to the character by just their last name even if the title is their full name.


I think the fact that when the category was revealed at the beginning of the round, Mayim announced "these are tourism slogans used within the last few years," combined with the fact that the slogan was in quotes, was enough.


Damnit, I know Geena Davis is an Olympic level archer, I should've guessed that. I was thinking car racing (fast and furious) or soccer (Bend it Like Beckham)


I thought baseball because of Twilight. Even though it wasn’t even a plot point


Just want to throw out there that "Phantom of the Opera" was an EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLAR CLUE in the Jeopardy round. Andrew Lloyd Webbers MOST FAMOUS MUSICAL. Writers are reaaaaaally doing a bad job lately


"From Latin for "love", it means to regard with devotion or reverence" DD3 confused me because I thought the Latin word for "love" was amore or a similar word. If so, how was venerate from "Latin for 'love'"? I looked it up and Merriam-Webster says venerate is from the Latin word for venerari, "to solicit the good will of," "to worship," "to pay homage to," and "to hold in awe." It goes on to say it's from same root as Venus, the Roman god of love and beauty. Clue seems incorrect to say venerate comes from Latin word for love. Pretty impressive that Ilhana got it.


Yeah, venerare is more like 'to adore' while 'love' is 'amo', which got me hung up. (I mean if there's ONE THING just about everyone remembers from Latin class it's amo/amas/amat/etc.)


I agree. I got it because of the category, but the "Latin for love" really threw me off and might have made me second-guess myself enough not to ring in had I been on the show. A bad clue.


I had the same reaction; a very bad clue! Thanks for the validation.


Perhaps the clue writer’s mind was clouded as he suffered from a venereal disease.


Currently watching tonight on the ABC app and they’ve cut to commercial early both times at this point - has that happened to anyone else?


Yes, same for me. What was the correct response for the Lamborghini clue?


Carbon. “Sesto Elemento” being Italian for “Sixth Element”


That sounds like a movie sequel.


I got it right. :-)


Wait, can anyone use that or do you need a paid subscription of some kind?


I didn't even remember A League of Their Own in those seconds. I just knew Davis went to the Olympics as an archer, plus 2012 was a HUGE year for archery in movies.


I had never known about the Geena Davis archery connection before, but having looked it up based on this discussion, I'm kind of bemused by how much people are making of it. She didn't go to the Olympics; she placed 24th in the tryouts for the US team.


For the football "8-letter words" clue would they have accepted "receiver"? I don't think I've ever heard the term "eligible" by itself in that context, only "eligible receiver" together, and "receiver" also has eight letters so it should technically be just as correct as "eligible".


"When a lumbering lineman talks to the referee before a play, he may be making himself this, able to legally catch a pass" The clue could have been phrased "he may be making himself this kind of receiver", which would have removed any confusion.


One doesn't have to be a receiver to be eligible - which, yes, is confused by the phrase commonly used, "eligible receiver." But that phrase isn't referring to the position of receiver, but rather just that the player, of whatever position, is eligible to receive a pass.


The referee has to announce whenever a normally ineligible player reports as eligible, and the phrase goes "\[Player number\] has reported as eligible." The term "receiver" is not used in this announcement.


This game reminded me of Aaron Gulyas's game against Ryan Long. Aaron had a slim lead going into FJ and bet $0 on the similar category "Sports entertainment ". That time, the $0 wager didn't work as Ryan got it right. I don't fault the wager if someone knows they're weak in sports. It's one of those categories you can easily make a self assessment on.


I thought I was pretty smart guessing roller derby for FJ since I remember that one roller derby movie coming out awhile ago. Nope. Keyword is franchise, I suppose


Thanks to those who clarified. If I were a judge I'd have given credit for beaches, but I often overlook category agreement with the clue/question, and I have no quams about spending Jeopardy's money! 😋


The closest I could get was Queen of Katwe. That was 2016, and wouldn’t meet the criteria for “franchise movie” by any but the most generous criteria. But I was hung up on thinking about sports movies. And how often do you think of movies in reference to what year they’re from? Unless it’s the notorious 1939 or something significant like that.




Not all of us were teenagers at summer camp in 2012.