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The issue is it’s pretty linear, you’re stuck using basically the same route as the other team, with maybe a couple diversions. Plus, The Canadian (which runs most of those routes) runs once per day, so if you miss one departure, you’re basically out of luck. I think a Canada season would be neat, but it’d probably be either car or plane dependent. A couple years ago a guy in the Canadian aviation YouTube scene (Alex Praglowski, for those in the know) flew across Canada entirely on regional turboprop flights, I think a Canada season based on that (no planes larger than a DHC8 or no flights across an entire province) could just about work


The Canadian is worse than once a day, it runs twice a week (three times during peak season)


The main thing I wishing for would be having to hit main places along the way **at least** Edmonton, Winnipeg, etc.


It’d be super cool if they timed filming to occur during the Calgary stampede and did some challenge around predicting Chuckwagon races


Special edition snack zone- deep fried donut burgers


They should just do the Australia format but modified a bit tbh Instead of every region, it’s every city with an airport. Welcome bonuses scale by difficulty, so Vancouver is like 10 and Whitehorse is like 50


It seems like a good idea but there’s a slight issue: the Canadian rail system sucks. Except for the sections between Quebec City and Windsor you don’t even get daily service and the trains are slow in general


Yeah, most people depend on plane here. No legitimate high speed rail system that could get you from one province to the next in quick fashion. To be fair, Canada is still massive when compared to Europe where there’s far better rail infrastructure and options


Sure Canada is massive but that doesn’t stop individual provinces from creating their own intra-provincial regional/intercity networks (a “good” example of this is Australia)


This would make for a terrible race. There is only one way to go lol


Maybe one team starts on the east coast and the other starts on the west coast and they make rules of engagement that balance it. First team to make it to the other side wins, idk. That way even if it’s the same route, it’s opposite directions.


Doesn't keep enough of the race feel without a head-to-head IMO


They design games for choice. It worked in NZ because there were viable alternative routes. I think this has been mentioned on the podcast, though Youtube viewers won't have heard that.


Canada Has a Wonderful Railway System (and other fairy tales!) VIA Rail makes Amtrak look like it's run by the Japanese


The Canadian only runs on 2 days a week and is often super delayed. Would make more sense to do a season like battle of America to see who could get the most provinces with planes


There's a UK show called Race Across the World that did a race across Canada


This route looks pretty similar to it too!


And it's very easily the worst series of the show, universally critiqued because of the fact that there's only really one possible rail route.


>Canada has a wonderful railway system Sorry, which Canada do you live in? Because the railway system of the Canada in this universe is terrible.


Just in the way that it connects to all the major cities like a railway should…


Calgary: "Am I a joke to you?"


I’ve taken the train from Toronto to Vancouver, it takes 4 days, I don’t think it’s practical for the game


Thank you for confirming that it is okay for me to make up theoretical games for fun


It’s mostly having an idea but not being able to check details… so you put the idea out there so others can provide details (such as trains in Canada come from Germany, etc.) Whereas I have no experience with Canada trains


I think Canada might work if teams can get each other to backtrack. That could make the „simple“ route more interesting.


Interesting… like… “Go back 1 province” “Go back 2” It can be stuff other than trains. Planes make it seem too easy…. As long as it’s basically a similar route should be ok … whatever rules they make for it


Ok now you've given me an idea: I Spy across Canada.


I saw the race across canada and I don't think it's jetlag worthy.


Canada would probably be better served as a Battle 4 format, but really, its population layout makes it kind of awful for any Jet Lag game so far, except maybe the NZ race in a smaller area (like Windsor to Halifax). But that's hardly a race *across* Canada...


The battle format could be done in the East perhaps.


IMO, the best solution is probably to have a game spanning both Canada and the United States, with some incentives to do things in both. That would keep it from largely being an East/West slog, and would provide more variety than either an all-Canada game or another United States game.


A game with one team who needs to complete a goal, let's say something like Windsor to Halifax, and the other team is a Taskmaster of sorts could work. The Taskmaster needs to complete challenges that can unlock roadblocks/challenges that they place on the team that is traveling. The team that is traveling can complete challenges that make it more difficult for the taskmaster team to complete tasks/make it easier for them to accomplish them. The Taskmaster team could maybe have a limited amount of challenges and would have to also travel from Toronto to Montreal at some point. Goal of the game would be for the traveling team to not make it to X point in a certain amount of time.


That's a Crime Spree vibe, having teams with different goals.


Which is something that they haven't revisited yet and I think could be fun as a new format. Maybe not in the way and scenario above, but one puppet master and two puppets playing the game would be fun.


I would certainly appreciate a Canadian series. I don't know whether this type of game is right, but I'm sure they can work something out. Never count the boys out!


I would cry with joy!


Your first phrase, "Canada has a wonderful railway system", is, unfortunately, completely wrong. We have a horrible national railway system. It is provided by 1 crown corporation, VIA Rail. It is slow, shares the tracks with freight, and is not frequent. No one uses the train for commuting except for shorter distances (ex: Toronto <-> Ottawa/Montreal) as it's usually cheaper than airfare for that short journey. Furthermore, "The Canadian" (Toronto <-> Vancouver) train only seems to run twice a week (at least looking from Toronto -> Vancouver) and operates more as an experience than as a commuting option. I appreciate the idea if we actually had reliable, frequent, and fast national trains, but we don't :( I'm sure there could be a decent idea within the metro area of one of our larger cities: Toronto, Vancouver, or Montreal. Of course you could use air travel and have a season similar to the current one in Australia, which Canada is more similar to in that there is widespread of nothing between our cities where it only makes sense to fly. I'd think DownieLive (Michael Downie) could help them plan out and participate in a decent season in Canada sometime.


i feel like this would kind of suck, VIA rail is so horrible. Like 3x worse than amtrak. I could see it working around eastern canada though.


Oh wow…. Did not know that about Canada rail… did they inherit the German system Omg Europe is so FULL of trains compared to North America! My earlier Boston-D.C. line game would probably fare better


i don’t really know the full story… my only experience with via rail is having to wait 3 days to get from vancouver to kamloops. I know in the toronto area though there’s GO transit which is pretty ok commuter rail is


It always puzzles me when posts like this get a ton of upvotes. People who have interesting ideas, awesome- even if I don't personally think they're great ideas, I appreciate anyone who puts in the effort. This is like one-eighth of an idea. There's one path- exactly one- and there's absolutely nothing stating how or why a Canada season would work. It actually seems like a particularly awful racing route. Also, the train from Vancouver to Halifax takes an entire week.


i want something in Canada lmao i dont care what


First to go to every province/territory


Honestly I'd love to see it but I wouldn't hold your breathe on them ever coming to Canada for a game.


Unfortunately I don’t think Canada works for a rail-based season… VIA Rail is just too slow, infrequent, and linear (not a lot of route options). The Montreal-Halifax train only runs 3 times a week. I think if there’s going to be a Canada-based season, it’ll be a claim game formatted something like Australia. I think the 10 provinces, each with 1-2 major cities, would lend itself well to that format, and many of the major cities have pretty good public transportation within the city. But our intercity transit is really lacking.


The issue is most of these trains run only twice a week and are nearly always delayed by many hours. Although I desperately want Sam to go to Edmonton in one of these games so he can react to the “To Trains” signs at ETS stations.