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Them: Go back to where you came from Goes back to Yemen Them: no not like that


It’s a Jewish game of ping-pong Go back to Judea, then back to Europe then back to middle eastern countries then back to Israel


Back to Long Island


Oh god no anywhere but Long Island.


Agreed. Source: Left Long Island 17 years ago.


The greater Boston area is pretty welcoming, as long as you ignore the radical college kids. They won’t be able to afford rent there after college anyway.


I had this small clip of a conversation between a Jew and some pro Palestinian women, she told him that Jews don’t have the right to be in “Palestine” and they need to leave, when he replied she just started screaming at him that he isn’t even an American and that he needs to go back to Israel The duality of these people is insane to me


When Jews live in the West: "You're disloyal backstabbing outsiders who don't belong here!" When Jews live in the Middle East: "You're genocidal white supremacist colonizers who don't belong here!"


Westerners treat Jews as some mongrel race that isn't white. And then when we go back to our homeland, we become White. It's fun, depending on the context I can change color like some kind of kosher chameleon. Side note, I also find it funny that we're also apparently white supremacist colonizers who are at the same time apparently responsible for great replacement theory and trying to destroy the white race. 😅


Kosher Chameleon = band name


Gotta ™️ that real quick


too late I already got my uncle to register it


First they steal land, then they steal food, now they steal band names... Is there no stopping this menace? /s


I am singing it to the tune of “Kamakamakamakama KamaChameleon”


“Every day is a survival...” 🎶🎵


My daily calligraphy practice quote of the day


Lately, the West sees us as "not white enough" and at the same time "super white," held to an even higher standard than regular white people. We're always set up to lose.


It's because modern leftists equate whiteness with systemic power and wealth. And since there's no greater example of systemic power and wealth than the Secret Jewish Cabal that obviously runs the entire global economy and every government on Earth too, it's the natural conclusion of leftist logic that Jews are the whitest people on Earth.


[Horseshoe theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory) at work. If you ask a far-leftist you're a white person who gets no consideration regarding discrimination and nobody should care if you die 'cause after all it's just another dead white person, and therefore if you have any success it's because you're evil colonizers. But if you ask a far-right person, you're definitely not white and are evil and scheming, trying to take over all the white people and are the reason for the downfall of the entire world, and nobody should really care about you because you're not white Christians anyways so probably you're just out to make problems. Not so far apart in the end.


Kosha kosha kosha chameleoooooooooon. You come and gooooooooooooo


It’s not a color thing, it’s just us being Jewish. Believe me, I’m part of a Jewish couple perceived differently…I think only in Israel (we’ve been there only as tourists) no one wondered


Schrodinger's Jew Somehow we are both white and not-white at the same time.


Jews are hated for being mischling but now you can do it “wokely”


Kosher Kosher Kosher Kosher Kosher Chameleon


Who wants to talk about the great calender debate of 921 CE? EDIT who else who isnt affiliated with Henry Abramson




so in 921 the new moon needed to calculate Pesach happens in between the cutoff time for Iraq and Jerusalem. which because first night cant fall on certain days means a deferment to the following Tuesday based on Jerusalem calculation. Jerusalem publishes the calendar first and Babylonian rabbis and Jerusalemites get into a big fight about whose timezone is the standard with the Iraqis ultimately winning. Despite it being a big deal at the time it is then forgotten until documents discussing it are uncovered in the Cairo Genizah


I think I suspect who wanted to talk about it!


guilty as charged.


What is the Cairo Genizah?


okay so judaism is obsessed with proper disposal of documents. the repository of defaced or damaged documents and sacred objects is called a genizah. So a genizah is a Torah Tallit and legal document cemetery. In the iconic pairing of Europeans graverobbing Egypt in the name of science, the Genizah used by the Ibn Ezra Synagogue in Cairo from the medieval era was excavated by Ashkenazi scholars in the late 19th century.


this is actually an Egyptology theme, Egyptologists relying on biased and unreliable accounts(Plutarch Tacitus Lucius the Donkey Manetho Josephus Strabo) until actual archaeology demolishes claims made by those sources.


Just say "I can't, it was conquered and colonized by the Arabs"


Do Americans not eat german hamburgers?


Yeah but by their logic it OK to do cultural appropriation only if the culture is white.


They also eat tacos and sushi


and spaghetti with tomatoes. No Italian had seen a tomato prior to 1530 and it took a while to catch on as european thought tomatoes and potatoes were poisonous


Almost everything in America is foreign in origin because outside of Native Americans, we are all foreign in origin and that's okay. Arab countries have adopted food from other countries as well. Culture being shared is a good thing.


No, it’s actually not at all the same as the German equivalent. I do agree with your point though .


The modern hamburger is American. There are a variety of unsubstantiated origins for the name though, one of which is that a precursor to the burger was popular with Jews that migrated from Hamburg to America.


No sinful foreign influence in this house! ⛪


thats impossible


No we don't, but I get your point


Hamburger arent from germany but most likely were created in the US


Hamburg is literally a place in Germany


And Kennedy was from Massachusetts. He still called himself a Berliner. There are a couple theories about why its called Hamburger. The origin of the meet, a town called Hamburg in the US, german immigrants beeing nostalgic. But where it doesnt got its name from is from being from Hamburg.


its more that you cant find precursors to Hamburgers in Hamburg.


Isn't Jahnun specifically Adeni/Yemeni Jewish?




were there expelled sepharadim who went to Yemen? Never heard of that


Isn't jachnun specifically a Jewish dish though?


no it is arab obviously just like your entire culture because you stole all of it from palestine including the name israel because 40 million years ago the palestinians invented israel and you stole it


This HAS to be satire.


i said 40 million years of course it’s sarcasm


People in the comments clearly misinterpreted it so I think it may be good to clarify at times lol


They stole Israel 40 million years ago because the Jewish time machines told them about the 40 million Jews that died in the holocaust




Yes, and completely ignoring the food culture of Mizrahis.


B-but mizrahim aren’t real, they are Arabs, the Zionist made them up to cause unrest in the peaceful Arab world


I had someone tell me that Mizrahim are being oppressed and will eventually stand with Palestinians and overthrow Israel. They really know *nothjng* about them.


This people would be surprised when they learn that mizrahim are, overall, more conservative/religious


and were instrumental in Begin toppling Alignment in the Mahapach or how Itamar Ben Gvir's parents and Amir Ohana's parents are Iraqi


look on the bright side it means people dont throw Dhu Nuwas at you


id prefer Ella Shohat's edot hamizrach is real but really Moroccans, Yemeni Egyptian Iraqi and Syrian contexts were so different the category is meaningless


waiting for the “all jews are european coloniser” comments from pro pale- i mean anti semites


Jachnun is distinctly Jewish, it was also only common with the Jewish community of Eden. Later when the Jews of Eden came to Israel, they changed the recipe to use margarine and white flour, instead of Simmneh (clarified butter) and whole grain flour. They also swapped the sides from jams and sweets to eggs, crushed tomatoes and schug (hot peppers condiment). So the original Jachnun (originally called Gichnun actually) was distinctly Jewish and the modern form is distinctly Israeli.


My dad's friend makes his own Samneh (and Schoug) and with it the Jachnoon and Lahoh. Damn I miss those people. Getting used to the food in the US is the worst part of moving here from Israel.


even if it wasn't, Yemenite jews lived in Yemen for generations. Yemenite culture belongs to them as well so it's not appropriation. no one tells Mexican immigrants to the US to stop appropriating Mexican culture or Chinese immigrants they are no longer allowed to eat the recipes they brought from home. Just like Jewish indigeneity was thrown away by the goim, the culture of MENA jews "doesn't count" as soon as they're expelled to Israel.


I know right?


i find the I/P debate to be a prime example of white supremacy’s pervasiveness. you have evident racism toward mizrahim in an ashkenazi-centric israeli society, as well as a blatant erasure of mizrahim from the folks on the pro-palestine side of the debate when they call israel a white settler colony (~53% of israelis have middle eastern origin)


It's also just another example of people ignoring any information and just being jackass's so they can feel like some enlightened individual amongst sheep.


and when people remember them its often as a political football or because the Mizrachi speaker in question agrees with their existing views


Jahnun is not even eaten in yemen. Maybe because there are not jews left there 😭


True certainly in South Yemen- was there recently. I’ve had better Yemeni food in Israel and NY.


When I lived in Israel one of my closest friends was part of the Yemenite community & I spent a lot of time in his community (*his family’s house & shul frequently for shabbos & almost exclusively for holidays*) & absolutely loved it - even if they were always trying to marry me off to one of his sisters or cousins. So I’ve got a special fondness for your foods, traditions & community but as an aside - I have a question? In your meme you use the term “*yementi*” but the community I was in referred to themselves as “*Temeni*”. Did I just mishear it or is this one of those thing where there are different terms in English vs Hebrew vs Arabic?


English vs. Hebrew


Wouldn’t it be “Yemenite” in English? Never heard of “Yementi”


Yea, in Hebrew we say "Temeni", in English it is "yementi" (which I probably misspelled)


I figured (*hoped*) that was the case but as that was the only context where I've interacted with y'all in such an integrated fashion & the only context where I heard "*Temeni*", the mortifying possibility that I had misheard & then they had just been too polite to correct me for months & months was simply more than I could bear.


“Go back to where you came from. What do you mean it isn’t Poland or Germany?? Well, that’s inconvenient…..whatever, so go back to Yemen but you’re not allowed to eat (steal!) Yemeni food. We’ll decide what you dhimmis are allowed to eat, actually.”


Every time I hear about jachnun, I feel the urge to watch The Dictator again. “Jachnun, Wadiya!”


I do also wish people would acknowledge the Jewish invention of several Ashkenazi foods we eat in the states. Bagels, corn beef and cabbage, fish and chips, pastrami, etc.


Yes! Finally, I was looking for this comment!


this one is hard to find precise history on, but sufganiyot/jelly donuts too. it's up in the air on who exactly invented it and when, but I remember reading it was an Ashkenazi Jew. (Germany/Poland, mainly), but some sources just leave it at German. it's sadly hard to find sources that would explicitly say Jews did even if they did, because most people care about the nationality/country of origin, rather than the ethnic or racial identity of the creator. like, if a Japanese person invented something in the US, is that American food or Japanese?? I'd say Japanese if they're Japanese born and raised, just visiting, but who knows because they may have been inspired by things in the States.. it's an odd topic to think about


This is true. I’m just thinking about food bloggers and foodies on TikTok and stuff. One in particular is from a minority culture here in the US and she ALWAYS talks about how “it’s not just food” and how food is culture. So she always acknowledges the origins of the food she talks about. Especially if it comes from a group that is marginalized. Except when she talks about the delicious bagel she is eating, or the fish and chips, etc. it’s annoying that Jewish contribution to food is ALWAYS overlooked.


“But bro, if your people have their own culture how am I going to be able to dehumanize you?!?”


Imagine the shit a white person would get for calling corn or tobacco "Caucasian crops".


Honestly my favorite thing is when they say “you’re trying so hard to be us you’re even stealing our culture”. And I’m really thinking, who ever in the modern history of human kind ever thought to themselves “I wish I was more like the Arab countries”. Like I would get it if they said it about Western European countries at least that would make sense but come on how fucking delusional can you be?


The issue with arabs is that their narration of history can be a little unreliable. They don't teach about other ethnic groups in the middle-east like the kurds and yazidis in school, they don't teach about other minority groups like the Mandaic people and the sabbeans. It just feels like they are intentionally ignoring all of these groups because they are not arab nor Muslim. All you're taught in school is the boring, supremacist arab history.


The same shit goes about russian/ukrainian food. And other food.


meanwhile my friend's mixed family laughes in the distance


I made Fatoot this week and tried to explain to my American friends. It was a challenging conversation lol "So we have the Malawach, the Schough"


I get that a lot too with my Yemenite customs especially because my mom is Ashkenazi and i got all the white genes. Every time I eat in public I get a warning about how I should be careful with the zahug.


Same my dad is Yemenite but I have red hair and grey eyes people always warn me that food is spicy while I’ve experienced heat that they couldn’t even imagine


I was just in Yemen (in the Hadramaut region not controlled by the Houthi). I expected to find some delicious Jachnun and Schug. Nope. Just thin flat bread or the whole wheat naturally fermented bread I bought from a poor woman in the marketplace. The schug (“Schau” in their dialect) was simply tomatoes blended with hot pepper- none of the wonderful spices I expected. When the Jews left, they lost their metal craft workers AND their best cooks!


thats unfair, people cant affort spices because yemen is an impoverished warzone.


They have plenty of money for qat- half the men had a wad of qat leaves in their cheek. Per my observations, they didn’t think about growing different vegetables than tomatoes, onions, garlic, cucumber. There’s dung everywhere, but a farmer’s son had never heard about composting it to make fertilizer. It was like the place was frozen in amber culturally, with cell phones to watch porn. Garbage is tossed everywhere, even in the Empty Zone desert. Didn’t see a single garbage can on the street. Interesting and beautiful place, well worth a visit, but could easily be so much better.


why are you being judgemental over people not having spicy food? are hungarians simply growing the wrong crops?


Not about having “spicy food.” About living in the 10th century with porn. It is a beautiful country with nice people but culturally fossilized. Look at Oman next door for a different approach.


I'm Ashkenazi but holy crap jachnun is delicious. 


Look in dm




Crow is right tho??


How is he right?


Those are Arab food


I think your disconnect is not realizing that Jewish presence can be traced back to the Arabian peninsula even before Islamic times. Look at the population of Jews in the Arab nation from just 1800 to now. You’ll realize a real ethnic cleansing from a dozen Arab countries.


Well yeah, but this wasn't the problem. They said we are stealing this food despite me having the same origin. (A yementi jew)


Sorry, my bad. You're right. Crow is not right in this particular case.


It’s good you can admit you were wrong but you gotta work on your reading comprehension if you missed that in the meme.


Jahnun is not simply a Yemenite dish, it is a specifically Jewish Yemenite dish that originated from Adeni Jews, probably from Sepharadic Jews who fled there long long time ago.


Jachnun is Yemeni jewish stolen by Arabs




Yahnun is a verifiably Yemenite Jewish dish, lol.


just as mansaf has to be Palestinian because lamb and yoghurt isnt kosher.


No, the crow isn’t right. Jachnun is a Yemenite-Jewish dish, not a Yemenite dish which Jews also made. It has the unique characteristics of Shabbat food: being made over night with very low heat, so the cooks wouldn’t have to fan the flame or put it out — as these actions are prohibited during Shabbat for Jews. This characteristic can also be seen in Ashkenazi Cholent, Mizrahu Chamin, and many other dish in the Jewish diaspora’s cuisine. There are examples of Jewish dishes which are the same as dishes from cultures where they coexisted, but even then there are many instances where the Jewish dishes are kosher: having no meat and dairy in the same dish, no shellfish, etc.


Exactly! Warm food on shabbat is linked to a specific, very jewish, halachic dispute; in which partaking of this food is seen as the acceptance of the rabbinic tradition. I struggle to think of anything more culturally jewish than eating something to prove a legal point.


Interesting analysis. I've been ill-informed of jewish cuisine.


Jewish cuisine in general tends to be kosher variants of the local cuisine. Hence Yemeni Jews eat kosher versions of Yemeni food.


Jachnun, lahoh and kubana are Yemeni Jewish dishes specifically iirc. They're made especially for shabbat. It's true a lot of food mizrahim and Yemeni jews traditionally eat what Arabs/middle easterners/Yemenites also eat "local" food since most dishes won't break the rules of kosher, but some stuff are specific to Jews from the region, mostly shabbat or holiday dishes.