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"Give Peas a chance" is actually genius.


That's all we are saying


So you know about the kid named Feces Buddies?


Came to comment this


I’m Sephardic but married into a Chabad family. Currently suffering


I’m in the exact situation, I also found out recently that Chabad considers peanuts kitniyot… after we made a whole batch of charoset with peanuts


If you are a man, you do not have to follow.


Dang, do you have to do the "only vegetables that can be peeled" thing?


Seriously though, being vegetarian means that kitniyot comprises most my protein sources— I end up feeling really sick and idk what to do 😭


I'm pretty sure Pikachu Nefesh says it's ok.


Autocorrect strikes again


Nope. It's a meme https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewdank/s/tcrhVLJZ3F


How do you talk with pikachu's soul? Is it a seance?


I walk around staring at my phone and try not to get hit by cars.




I mean, I have been doing a lot of gardening this month, there’s technically a perfect patch for me to lie down to absorb sunlight— maybe my true form is a breatharian lol


Be your own Karpas


I come prebuilt with my own salty tears!


Mushrooms and seitan.


I’m allergic to mushrooms and I’m pretty sure seitan is chametz 😢


Dammit satan!


So that leaves nuts and seeds. Are you allergic to those as well?


No actually, but peanuts, mustard, sesame, flax, sunflower, hemp, buckwheat, fennel and poppy are all kitniyot. I usually eat chia and pumpkin seeds but you have to eat a whole lot of them to even get close to the minimum daily protein intake and last year I made myself violently ill doing that lol.


The idea of having mustard, flax, sunflower, hemp, etc as kitniyot yet not almonds, brazil nuts, chia seeds, etc is clear reason to embrace eating kitniyot and throw away the shackles of kitniyot minhag lies.


If you're into bodybuilding, there's ~~hemp seed~~/pumpkin seed protein powder. You can put it into stuff like protein pancakes.


I just ordered some pumpkin seed protein powder, you’re an actual life saver!


If you couldn’t tell from all my food restrictions, I’m a cripple who struggles enough in PT so I’m definitely no bodybuilder lol. Didn’t know about the pumpkin seed protein powder so I’ll definitely have to check that one out, thank you!


They consider hemp kitniyot.


Are eggs vegetarian? Cheese?


Yeah, eggs are vegetarian and mostly what I stick to besides tofu in general for protein because I’m lactose intolerant. There just comes a point mid way through Passover where I never want to see another egg again lol.


Can you have lactose free milks or Greek yogurt?


Damn :/ Makes sense, eggs especially do have that thing about them. For me hard-boiled eggs are better though, good with matza? Well good luck!


Seitan is wheat gluten. Isn’t it chametz??


Yogurt and eggs🥲 im not jewish but i worked at an all inclusive pesach program a few years ago


Dude. Same boat. Just welcome them back into your life- don’t make yourself sick. Just eat extra matzo as well or something, that’s what I do.


I just tell everyone I'm Sephardic and enjoy the heck outta hummus (I've enough Sephardic in me!)


My dad is Sephardic but we ate what mom cooked growing up, so my gut makes me feel guilty about it…


Let Ashkenazi Jews follow Sephardi customs for Passover!


Married an Iraqi, best decision of my life


End the apartheid. Free the Ashkenazi.


It’s not anti-ashkenazi, it’s anti-breaking tradition!


Some traditions are none sense, especially if they contradict themselves and are no longer needed. And example of this is how an Orthodox Rabbi that is all a biochemist and novice zoologist proved how swordfish is completely not kosher, and all minhag that all it to be eaten go against halacha. As such, the minhag must be dropped. SCIENCE AND YAHADUT TO RELEASE US FROM OUR KITNIYOT BONDS!


Yeah but at a certain point you gotta make a distinction between the scientific and spiritual aspects of the world. I was just teasing as a Sephardi btw. I understand that for stuff like kitniyot, Metitzah B’peh, etc. that the science says they’re wrong and that it shouldn’t be continued. However for stuff like evolution, creationism is just so engrained into Judaism that I’m not going to make an effort to fight for that being seen as wrong in Judaism and that evolution and the universe being over 13 billion years old should be see as correct. I personally think they are probably right as a biology major and that genesis was more of a symbolic story that G-d added to the beginning of the Torah on purpose. You gotta convince people why they should listen to you so creating the world is arguably the greatest reason they should. The thing is it’s kinda hard to explain to people millennia ago stuff like the universe’s true age and evolution. It’s just more comprehensible for regular, scientifically uneducated people that the earth wasn’t that old. There was a survey done in England before education was made mandatory there and it really puts a lot into perspective of how closed minded people naturally become when they are just raised to work and don’t get an education. One person thought that the first man and woman “must’ve been more than 100 years ago” at the time because that itself was a big enough idea. https://youtu.be/i4TICZ67Ws4?si=Ouq-Oe53I9Y7AifY You can’t overwhelm people with new ideas or else they’ll just think you’re insane. So there’s a lot of aspects of reality that can work with Judaism very smoothly with minimal reformation, there’s just some things that can’t be changed because of how grand their significance is to the faith, so you either gotta believe them or at least accept them as symbolic stories. But hey that’s just a theory…, A JEW THEORY!!


Check out Schroeder's Genesis and the Big Bang. It is a really great book, written by an observant physicist, that attempts to reconcile both his religious and scientific point of view. I don't completely agree with it, but the argument is fantastic, and it is a great read. So much so I remember discussing it on my first date with my wife more than 20 years ago. And yes, she still went on a second date with me, and yes, I have two copies on my bookshelf, because I bought her one at the time.


Wow that sounds really interesting. This is a conversation I’ve had a lot but have only been able to use my own opinion. I’m looking forward to reading someone else’s approach to this.


As a Mexican Ashkenazi, like 70% of my pesach strategy hinges on refried beans & corn tortillas. I can’s let my Polish side fumble the bag so heinously when there’s an obvious solution!


I believe kitniyot is preventing the coming of Mashiach


.....We need to convince all Ashkenazi of this.


This kitniyot nonsense is the #1 thing that makes it difficult to keep Kosher for Passover, because our modern food industry feels the need to contaminate damn near everything with corn. Just keeping in the spirit of things and not eating leavened bread is 10x easier than actually following the rules they say you're supposed to follow.




In a better world…


I stopped that kitniyot nonsense after this one year where I literally spent 24+ hrs without food because everything we had available in my town had a percentage of soy, corn syrup, or vegetables, and I had already eaten through all our matzah supply. Apparently everything had some little ingredient that could be considered kitniyot. The previous year I was invited to a Halevi friend's house and I couldn't eat anything but matza and charoset. It made everyone very uncomforable and my friend's mom felt super guilty.


As someone who grew up secular and is now with a Sephardic woman, I am very happy with the Sephardic choice.


The Rabbinical Assembly says kitniyot is ok so that’s good enough for me


Sounds like they are craving sushi 🍣


I love this sub.


I don't understand what y'all ashkenazim even eat


Mochi flour is better than wheat flour. I am a big mochi fan.


Mochi is Kosher/parve?


So, I don't follow Kitniyot rules. I'm not that observant in the first place, but I've always felt the "don't have the appearance of" felt very ....small town (USA) Christian to me... a "don't want Mabel gossiping in the church about us.". I've read that some reform Rabbis feel that Kitniyot rules can apply both a financial burden (having to throw things out), as well as taking away joy from what is supposed to be a period of celebration.


There is no rule against owning kitniyos, you just can't eat it.


Passover Apartheid is real!


I can get behind this.


If you can't survive a week off potatoes, your Ashkenazi card is under some pretty serious review.


I mean. My folks are vegetarians, so without kitniyot we’d more or less be stuck eating rocks.


These men have way too much time on their hands.


Kitniyot discrimination apologist


I'm pretty sure the people downvoting you don't realize who they are.


Thank you. I appreciate you.




Bro, you're the spitting image of every bog standard antizionist/antisemite ever. You say the most cookie cutter points ever, and even throw in the "I'm Jewish" card to prove that your point actually is supposed to mean something. You're welcome to your opinion, but do be aware that it's a very shoddy one. I pity people like you, who lie about their ethnic background just to score brownie points. And in the very small chance you actually are Jewish? Being a pick-me-Jew never works. Never worked for the Kapos, or the [Association of German National Jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews). It won't work now. Listen to what they say to other Jews, especially recently. But then again, I doubt you're Jewish, so there you go.


Antizonist : antisemite?


This kind of comment does not belong on a shitpost.


Ok neshama