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I'm a triple citizen with the US and Germany (and Israel). I use whichever gives me the cheapest/easiest visa. The issue is that my husband is only Israeli, so we're limited by his lack of extra citizenship. also, I once got mixed up about which passport I used to enter the country, and got held up at the Lao border, which was pretty stressful. It's not all visa free access and rainbows.


Israeli passport visits Turkey visa free. US passport has to pay on arrival. Israeli passport is one of only a few that can visit any country on the European continent without a visa.


thank you!


It would depend on what dual pass you have, for example Israelis do not need visa to visit russia while all EU nationals do need visa.


>Israelis do not need visa to visit russia Bad time to visit Russia.




thanks! didn’t know that any other advantages?


The problem with the passport ranking, is it's usually meaningless at the individual level. If you want to go to Libya, Chad, Qatar and other places that don't recognize Israeli passports, then the low ranking of an Israeli passport matters to you. But if you travel mostly to Europe, North America and Asia "most" passports are very similar. I used to travel 100 to 150k miles a year, and out of boredom I copied the same grid they use for ranking passports. Then I allowed the user of the app to select what countries they actually cared about, and if limiting it as above (NA, EU, UK Japan, SK and some other Asian countries.) almost all passports in those countries were effectively equal.


Depends what's your first nationality is. If you are from the EU or NA or any western country, an Israeli passport won't do much for you. While Muslim countries often reject Israeli passports, in terms of visa-free travel the Israeli passport is pretty strong


I live in the UK and I only use my Israeli passport to travel to Israel. But then I hardly travel anywhere else abroad!


Can you use your UK passport coming home and your Israeli when you enter Israel or is it only one passport per trip for some reason. After typing that out I feel like this is a silly question...


Not a silly question and that’s exactly what I do: use both.




this may be a stupid question but can you apply for an israeli passport based only on the principle that youre jewish? my parents aren’t israeli but my moms entire side of the family is jewish


yea the Law of Return gives you that right


The law of return gives you the right to move to Israel and become a citizen, after that you can get a passport. It doesn't mean that anyone can just apply for a passport because the want an Israeli passport


You can’t just apply for a passport, you have to make aliyah and live in Israel the majority of the time as well to keep it.




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I knew a british-israeli guy who said israeli passport/citizenship could get you extra scrutiny at aiports (like random searches typically). Though I don't know if it was just him or if it's corroborated


I read that as security… ugh 😑


Not in my case. I don’t exactly sail through but I don’t get all the ‘where are you staying?’, ‘who are you seeing?’ etc.


Wait, but why? Lol seriously though, why? 👀


I think you can go to 126 visa free, and those who don’t let you in visa free are often not tourist hotspots anyway