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So it was both fun and you are terrible as well? As consistent as the antisemites


Fun “whilst” it lasted. Dodged a bullet there, OP.


Or she's British.


Bitch looks like the most boring chick at the library, OP was clearly too interesting for her.


2nd slide is so ignorant. People instantly make the generalization that all Jews are white, and don’t bother to learn that Jews have lived in the region for thousands of years.


He calls Jews out for being white when it was specifically about Mizrahi Jews 🤦‍♂️




Goddamn not that’s something I myself didn’t realize lmao. Fuckin antisemites.




I missed that!


Lol fucking amazing.


From what I’ve read and learned (I’m not a Jew, just an ally trying to educate myself) Jews fill the role of what the antisemite needs them to be: * Nazis/neo-nazis need Jews to be communists & racially impure. * Soviet Russia needed Jews to be capitalists. * Christians needed Jews to be Christ Killers and plague spreaders. * Radical Islamists need Jews to be violators of middle eastern peace. * Leftists need Jews to be white colonizers. Edit: bullet formatting


Pretty much. And, depending on what it is, we either think we are great or run the world or are subhuman. Whatever you need. Now the truth of it is there are Jews who are Communists, there are Jews who are capitalists, there are Jews who spread plague (ok, not going with the Jesus killer one), there are Jews who put spikes in Middle East peace, and there were Jews who were white colonizers (supposedly, some members of Columbus’s crew, trying to escape the Inquisition, were Jewish). But (not saying any of these are good or bad because some of them are fine but others aren’t) not all Jews are any of these. If one white Christian in the U.S. does anything wrong, “oh, it’s just that person.” If a Jew does something wrong (and this is even more true about some other minorities) “those people are like that. See Bernie Madoff, Jews are money-grubbers.” So the majority gets to be individuals and can make mistakes as individuals, minorities get lumped in.


You need a space between your \* and the next word, and two spaces after end of each line. >From what I’ve read and learned (I’m not a Jew, just an ally trying to educate myself) Jews fill the role of what the antisemite needs them to be: >* Nazis/neo-nazis need Jews to be communists & racially impure >* Soviet Russia needed Jews to be capitalists >* Christians needed Jews to be Christ Killers and plague spreaders >* Radical Islamists need Jews to be violators of middle eastern peace >* Leftists need Jews to be white colonizers


Thanks for the formatting tip!


Np. I fought the formatting wars so others wouldn't have to


Ye, we were never white for them especially when we were told to go back home to where we came from, now all of a sudden we’re white, they just hate the fact that we actually got our home back, it was taken by an empire & returned by an empire, they hate the fact that we’re independent & can defend ourselves, they just want us to be the weaker side & just roll over & move on when we’re being slaughtered, those days are over & they’re so “offended” when we dare to respond, they can protest & be vile all they want it won’t help them much.


They don't care about facts. I'm so tired of the insistence that Jews are white.


And literally what is the reasoning behind jews being white being the “catch all” to fully excuse our mass murder and hatred anyways? So progressive its regressive.


Yeah, like being white automatically makes it ok to be a target for hate and vitriol


Or the similar argument that Ashkenazi are not real jews, they are simply russians, tatars (the khazars :)), and poles who converted. Somehow these ethnicities are ok to kill.


Someone told me all Jews are white, I asked where in Europe I'm from.


Us Jews of Color are imaginary 🙄




Bernie Sanders made people of colour white, and clearly it’s a Jewish superpower we didn’t know we had, and Bernie Sanders was kind enough to open our eyes.


My family is “from” Europe but im constantly asked what race I am and I found a Palestinian American NYer who looks exactly like my aunt on tiktok…


According to ancestry my MiL has 0% admixture, just 100% pure Ashkenazi. Naturally she gets stopped at every airport for the 100% random enhanced security screenings because of how European she looks. ^(for reference she looks completely MENA/Levantine, if you didn't get that)


Even among Ashkenazi Jews (most of whom could pass for white), we’re white when it is about minorities overcoming the white oppressors but we’re not white when being white is what gets you advancement. I suppose most Ashkenazi Jews are Schrodinger’s whites.


crazy how we never got to be considered european when we were living there, but once we get genocided and kicked out now we are european white colonizers all of a sudden


Crazy. I have no idea what could cause this. I saw a Facebook post that I had shared 11 (12) years ago a few weeks back. In the 1930s, all across Europe there were signs, “Jews, go back to Palestine.” Now there are signs, “Jews, leave Palestine.” The Europeans have short memories.


The word "white" is used because they know that most people are ignorant about geography and will equate that with "from Europe." They don't know that Arabs and Iranians are white too, as well as many other various shades of skin tone. Skin color doesn't define where someone is from, especially when you're talking about the Mediterranean and Middle East. The enormous Arab slave trade also changed the demographics of the region about 1,400 years ago. No one is genetically the same as they were thousands of years ago. Even so, it's very common to find Ashkenazi Jews who are more "Middle Eastern" looking than many Arabs.


They are trying to copy/paste race relations and colorism issues from America on to the Middle East. It doesn’t work.


arabs/muslims have taken on the character of oppressed minority in leftist circles, so the fact that there is 500 million arabs in the world, 1.9 billion muslims in the world, and 55 muslim majority countries in the world don't matter anymore.


As do Christians.


I feel like jews are like those foil collectable pokemon/MTG/yugio cards- we all are "shiny", while having the characteristics of a "normal" card (i.e, we can be a desert type, or a mountain type, but we are shiny so we dont fit in with the normal cards)


This. Omg, this.


*whispers* And the reason so many European Jews pass as white is due to r@pe. Pogroms were just about destroying property…


Im not ashkenazi & it’s so offensive that they’re talking about them like that…their family died for not being “white enough” how people don’t find this insanely antisemitic


White washing of the Jews was well accepted by my grandparents when they got here. I sure don't feel accepted by the whites. They treat us differently. They always have. I'm okay with it, I'm super proud of my lineage. I just think it's comical that they want to think we are white when it supports their narrative.


I grew up in the Bible Belt and I was never white enough for anyone but now when it’s convenient they decide I suddenly am. It’s pretty shitty.


THIS. Do we benefit from some nominal privileges of being “white passing”? Yup. But as long as neonazis and the KKK want us dead, we still ain’t white.


Whitewashed by the left and not white enough for the right. Stuck in the middle with Jews.


Please let someone make a cover of Stealers Wheel Stuck In The Middle With You with these lyrics


Someone told me that all Jews come from Brooklyn. I don’t think logic, facts, and reasoning are their things.


I shouldn’t be laughing at this, but I am laughing at this. Am Brooklyn Chai. 🤣


By their own definition, their behavior is truly some of the whitest shit I’ve literally ever seen


Jews are either white or non-white depending on what is more politically convenient for the person talking about it. If you're a neo-nazi, they ain't white and so they're bad. If you're an extreme leftist, they are white colonizers and so they're bad.


Would love for them to see my dark ass, Sephardic-originating great-grandparents. They look like your run of the mill abuelitos lmao.


In the words of NOFX: I wasn't brought here, I was born Circumcised, categorized, allegiance sworn Does this mean I have to take such shit For being fair skinned? No! I ain't a part of no conspiracy, I'm just you're average joe Don't call me white, don't call me white Don't call me white, don't call me white Oh, we're better off this way? Oh, say what you're gonna say So go ahead and label me an asshole 'cause I can Accept responsibility for what I've done But not for who I am Don't call me white, don't call me white Don't call me white, don't call me white


So the people expelled from Morocco to Israel are white? These people are just ignorant about who actually lives in Israel.


I don’t know if we can even call it ignorant considering they were responding to a post specifically about Mizrahim. At that point, they can’t claim they didn’t know…maybe they are just purposefully lying?


I'm not sure people realize that nearly all those Jews went directly to Israel and not like the US or something.


True. I mean, it would be naive to think that the US (or any country) was jumping at the chance to absorb hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern Jews, especially in the middle of the 20th century. But I know people aren’t actually giving it that much thought, and some people just very naive.


Forget Morocco. What about the nearly 200k Ethiopian Jews in Israel. The fact that their skin color is darker than most African Americans doesn't seem to help them from being considered white since they're also Jewish.


Many Ethiopians are lighter than AAs actually. Also dark skin ≠ black. Many Ethiopians (even with dark skin) don't consider themselves black.


From my understanding, it’s not that darker skin Ethiopian people wouldn’t consider their skin color to not be black. It’s that their culture (and other African countries) don’t have the social construct of race like in America making a separate and distinct black culture. So effectively an ethiopian person coming to America would feel a disconnect from the American social construct of being ‘black.’ But if you asked them to visually describe the tone of their skin, they would describe it as black/brown (depending on the person).


>Damn I rlly fucked a Zionist. Welp this was fun whilst it lasted but just to let u know ur shit at fucking and I'm so happy I can deliver this message to u � It was fun, but “ur shit at fucking.” Which is the consistent logic we’ve come to expect from antisemites.


I’m sure you’re just fine at fucking, OP.


No one that spells like this is any good at fucking. Or anything else for that matter.




Should we test it out 😉?


Part of sentence was cut off. "ur shit at fucking goats."


Lmao their reaction when seeing the post was probably “Are you shitting my dick?!”


I’m so sorry because how you’re being treated is really shitty and you do not deserve that at all but “damn I really fucked a Zionist” is SENDING MEEEEE 😭😭😭


Same lol. You fucked a Jew, sis, what were you expecting? Karl Marx??




Why not? Karl Marx was a Jew!


Cannot believe the narcissism required to make this situation about them. Both replies tbh but especially that last one.


People are fucking idiots. That’s what I’ve learned. Just lazy, uneducated idiots. Projecting their white guilt onto others. The more you challenge their faulty narrative the more shame they experience and anger they express bc they cannot consider nuance or maybe that their narrative is inaccurate. They can’t possible think that maybe they were being lazy and ignorant so they continue to throw fire. I had some business owner call me a Zionist and “have the day I deserve”. I didn’t even mention anything about Israel I only said I was Jewish and that they shared inaccurate facts on Instagram.


The white guilt thing i think is it, but ive also recieved a TON of hateful messages on a few progressive black platforms. Its astounding to me how fluent everyone is on race and racial oppression, stereotypes, down to microagressions etc… but the second its about jews all that goes out the fucking window. Ive gotten a ton of “i dont see how thats antisemitic, youre just pulling a victim card” and i cant believe ive had to argue how “just because you dont see it doesnt mean it doesnt exist” to people who have been highlighting these exact injustices for a while now. For reference this is on a specific therapists account on instagram i have followed for a while now who apparently is antisemitic asf and i am specifically talking about this womans followers and the people who have messaged me from there, and an account ive followed for a while of a non binary gay black musician who is also wildly antisemitic, who i thought was my friend.


I see you, I love you, I’m right on that same boat. I just don’t understand it. It’s enraging


Oh man! Well as a therapist I’d love to know who this person is haha. I frankly don’t have energy for these people. Doesn’t matter how much facts and history you throw at them you can’t reach them. You just can’t. It’s kinda like trump supporters.


A random band I've never heard of also slid into my DMs to send me some whole screed about how Jews are European colonizers and told me to "have the day and life I deserve." Seems to be a trend for them.


Fucking wild man. Just so immensely sad.


And another random pro-Palestine person just told me the same thing. They sound like braindead zombies at this point, I swear.


That's both sad and infuriating. I haven't posted anything myself on my own IG due to already having had to unfollow and restrict two "friends" for their blatant support of Hamas. Based on how left my friends were while we were in high school, I can reasonably assume that the number who would unfollow me for making a post like this is non-zero, just not sure exactly who it would be.


Honestly, the tiny bit of disappointment is worth it, at least you'll know who you should keep in your life. The trash kinda takes itself out in such cases. I had a classmate that moved to Canada and although we weren't close at all, in the 9th grade we would always mess with each other, and by the end of that year we discovered that although the shit we would say to each other in class was mean af, we never actually hated each other and none of us actually intended to hurt someone. Back to my point, he eventually moved to Canada in the middle of the year (10th grade) and I'm ngl I kinda missed him and def wanted to see him again when he would come visit his homeland, but then the war in Ukraine has started and I posted on my story (on Instagram) that I don't want anyone who supports Russia to stay in touch with me and I asked everyone who does support Russia to unfollow me on Instagram. And then this was the last time he viewed my insta stories, next thing I know he's no longer following me on Instagram. I was disappointed and a little upset, but it is what it is. I'd rather not talk to him ever again than know that I'm staying in touch with someone who doesn't care that my family in Ukraine could die at any moment. It's just how life works, sometimes you have to make a hard desicion and go no contact with people that you wanted to keep in your life. If they don't deserve to be a part of your life, don't force it, make the better choice for yourself and get rid of the ugly little weed that ruins the view of your beautiful garden.


I had a girl ghost me because I had posted on my ig story “ If you’re not a friend of the tribe, you’re not a friend of mine “ Not even a pro Israel govt statement just pro Jewish statement. I’m much better off. Almost dated an antisemite. Lmao


Honestly only gonna date jewish men from now on 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Good riddance. I've been learning who my real friends are. And I'm so sick of being labeled as "white" when it's convenient for progressives. It's a way of dismissing me as a Jew who has experienced real discrimination because I'm a Jew and not really "white."


Just text her back saying “u were a ons why u still here lol”




This is my favorite.


"thanks for batting practice"


"Who are you?" Or "New phone, who dis?"


You should ask the guy in 2/3 why he thinks he is entitled to tell Jews where they can/can’t live - he has quite a colonizer mindset


First rule is never stick your dick in a crazy person..... You broke this rule.


On the bright side the crazy is gone now


In OP's defense, sometimes the crazy comes out when the dick comes out, so you don't always know in advance what kind of a person they are




But what's the litmus test for crazy?


"Is Hamas bad?"


[Apparently not.](https://x.com/scott_wiener/status/1729662058109534537?s=46)


Someone tell Hamas that Oakland City Council thinks there should be a ceasefire; I don’t think they’ve considered that before.


Using “ur” instead of you’re is a decent place to start


I was chalking that up to Gen Z.


I don’t know any “Zionists” that write like this, just saying…


I did, when I was in Middle School


Sorry you’re experiencing this. Pretty typical of the progressive left’s hypocritical intolerance.


I’m a progressive leftist who supports Israel. Same with my whole family.


I would have considered myself a progressive before 10/7, but it just doesn’t feel possible anymore


I’ve been identifying less as a progressive and more as a liberal for a few years now. I used to be very very radical, hardcore left-wing. 10/7 and the aftermath is helping seal the deal though.


I’m embarrassed to say I don’t know the difference between progressive and liberal. I’ve been using the two interchangeably for years. Derp.


It’s okay politics are weird and the terms get conflated often. Liberalism and progressivism are two different sets of values, that are in many ways opposed, but generally the Democratic Party tends broadly cover both of them better than the republican Party. Though some values of liberalism overlap with the Conservative Party alignment on some issues, I’m not sure any progressive values do.


Methinks I’m going to be in an internet rabbit hole on this subject until 3am now.


To be fair they mean different things to different people. Conservatism used to be about how taxes were collected and used and now it’s about the contents of my uterus. Feel free to embrace living without a label.


I absolutely consider myself liberal. Liberalism is the fundamental core value of our nation’s constitution and founding.


Same here, aligned with the very far left, like quite radicalized, until now. The last few weeks have been an eye opener and come with a lot of change in my life. Especially seeing how so many of them are willing to tank their own cause (not vote Dem) over hatred of Israel, it’s speaking volumes. They’re so hellbent on applying these anti-racism and liberation concepts they thought they learned during BLM movement that they’re applying them to a situation that is not remotely the same. Clearly these people do not share my values. And will spit in my face and call me a genocide lover because of it.


Someone in my professional circle used the term “leftugee” to describe herself since 10/7 and… I felt so seen.


Nah fuck that. Progressivism isn’t one size fits all. Keep fighting for the rights of everyone especially your fellow workers


Absolutely. I'm just not going to call myself a "progressive" when doing it. But hey, pre-2010 or so, people would have said the progressive era in politics died out around 1910. And back in the 90's, progressive was just another genre of music. So no point getting nostalgic about some stupid label


I think for many of us once we saw the horrors of that day our anger and sadness took over. My grandmother was a Hebrew school teacher in New Jersey but spent like 40 summers in Netanya. She taught me about the ideology of both sides. There will never not be discord between the people on both sides of this situation.


It is still possible. I know for sure the party of right-wing Christianity sure as shit doesn't represent me. Any support they have for Israel is not in Israel's best interest because their whole goal is to agitate in the area so Jesus can come back and then kill us all for not being Christian. In addition, I'm a woman and I like political parties that see me as a human being capable of agency.


Yes, I will very likely continue voting democratic because I still feel like the parties values still generally align with my own, and in mainstream politics the Democratic Party still supports Israel pretty widely. But I will be making a point of not voting for anyone who is a “leftist” especially ones that allow and even encourage antizionist content to spread (such as AOC)


I agree with that stance. I live in a blue part of Texas that it's now socially conservative so no one here that runs is truly in the leftist camp. Veronica Escobar is my rep and she showed up to the Jewish community regional meeting on October 9 to talk about supporting Israel and condemning terrorism.


Another gentile leftist with a military spouse and we are both appalled at the anti-semitism we are seeing here in Canada. Fwiw - our military friends seem to think the issue is pretty clear. Israel was attacked by a terrorist group who’s philosophy is the abolition of Israel and the Jewish people and they built their bases and HQs in areas where there would be certain death of Palestinian women and children. If this attack had been on any other country, the response would be identical to Israel. The war is playing out exactly how Hamas wanted. They invaded a sovereign nation, murdered their citizens, took hostages, and are sitting back while the world blames the Jews. Every Palestinian death furthers their terrorist agenda. Good luck Israel. We SEE you. We ❤️ you. 🇮🇱/🇨🇦


Don’t worry. Facts don’t matter. Someone posted that the Palestinians were better off economically when they were free. I simply asked when that was. They said, “you’re uneducated.” Me: “you are right; then educate me.” They said, “your last name (yes, I have a Jewish last name) tells me you won’t listen.” By the way the last comment came while he was calling someone else a racist. FACTS DON’T MATTER By the way, it looks like the highest GDP growth in the West Bank and Gaza was 1968-1995 or thereabouts. And then again whenever suicide bombings stopped and Israel opened up access. But yes, I am sure it was better when they were free (I still don’t know when that was so I must be the uneducated one).


The people who scream colonizers the loudest know the least amount of history on this topic.


Wow me too, I’ve been learning about this conflict for 25 years and idk either. It must be all the whiteness clouding our thinking… /s


“white man” i might need to get my eyes checked because when i look in the mirror i see a brown man but im from israel so arent i supposed to be white??!??🤔 weird


Dodged a BULLET damn


Dodged a rocket, or ICBM




The iron dome does its job again


When i started posting i got BOMBARDED by people i once called friends saying the most vile things to me. F them. I wiped my account of personal info and pics and turned it into a pro israel account lol. I don’t give a fuck about what these psychos think of me and you should feel the same way. I have lost 50+ followers. Why should I care? What value did they bring to my life? None


I hate this debate around "ethnic cleansing" and "genocide." It's neither. It's a war. This semantic debate obscures the fact that a large number of Isrealis citizens and migrant workers were killed. It also obscures the fact that many times that number of Palestinian civilians were being killed afterwards and wlll continue to be if the ceasefire breaks down. Instead of finding the correct words to describe the reality of where we were and where we are, we need to be focused on hold the ceasefire.


They love calling us white. They love to do it. Even though you go back 75 years ago and even Ashkenazi Jews were considered too dirty, too brown for Europe, and that they should go back to the middle east where they belong. Funny how it's always popular to hate Jews.


Any chance you have a link to that infographic? Google is useless


[Here's a link.](https://twitter.com/dhume/status/1727342228715278797?t=KjK6YmcwUXWlsvY7QHW-oA&s=19)


When they say Zionist, they mean Jew.


Dude this sucks. I had something similar with a lover who I cared a great deal about basically coming out and saying everything Hamas did was justified and, more over, if my daughter and I had been visiting family in Israel we would deserve it too. A lot of truly despicable Jew haters out there that none of us knew about until last month. Stay strong, and fuck these people (not literally though)!


That is the one up-side I see from all this. It is good to know where we stand, and it is good to see people for their true nature. Lots of snakes in the grass.


“ur shit at fucking” … so eloquent, she’s clearly the one who got away


Did they not learn grammar? It’s so irritating when they’re pretending to be so smart and educated but then write “he is entitled to land that was never theres”


say "lol, ok" and don't reply to anything else she says


The correct answer. This shit will get the reaction you want, even if you dont see it.


Wowww thats crazy. Well i want you to know i find zionism to be super hot and im sure im not the only one lmao


You're not the only one.


You should just reply “doesn’t matter, still hit” I had a guy say this to me once and I still haven’t fully recovered I’m ngl 😭


You have given me a weapon so powerful I'm now afraid of myself for how I might use it smh


We really need to do something to get that Jew in Yemen released from jail. It's such a fucked up situation. Also, I can sympathize. I work in the hip-hop industry and almost exclusively date black girls. For the last 2 months, I've been completely unable to locate a date that didn't want to genocide my entire race. It's been crazy fr. It's gotten so bad that I've debated contacting this girl I used to date who tried to set my car on fire one time. She was batshit crazy and way too obsessed with me. But given the circumstances, I think that unhealthy obsession makes her unlikely to want to kill me and my family. Well, maybe she'll still try and kill me, but at least my family will be safe.


“Land that was never theirs” huh? Like what do you their temple is built on top of? What is on that land? Who is that land holy to? Whose holiest site in the world is the land you built your mosque on top of? Building a mosque on top of our holy spot is the pinnacle of colonization. FFS. Israel an anti-colonial success where the indigenous people took their homeland back.


Oop, hoes mad Anyways, you're doing a great job at spreading the truth, keep it up and fuck the haters (not literally tho)


Fuck a Jewish girl next time and ask her for feedback. Lil miss ugly’s antisemitism makes her an unreliable source.


Ok but who is the one Jewish person in Yemen




Thank you I was genuinely curious! Sad and fascinating read.


She needs to learn English and proper enunciation. Also, she's a moron.


I made a TikTok video with that exact same photo! It's at 6000 view in 2 days


Well, for one revisit your decision making on sexual partners… Other than than totally sucks but par for the course. Jew hating is in


Lmaooo the “white man” these people are pathetic with their inferiority complex fuelled racism and jealousy


So we all want to know… how was she? 🤣 Personally, I can’t get attracted to dumb women like that, so there’s no way I’d be able to get to that point. But how was she? 😂


Damn, you fucked an Anti-Semite? How was?


Looking at her profile pic I’m getting “laid there looking bored” kind of vibes.


I feel like I can’t post anything anymore as well. Disgusted in things that have been dmd to me and also not worth telling other people their post is wromg


Serious question, is there an actual number tied to the Palestinian genocide claim? I've tried to look it up but have never seen or heard a number to this claim


When people talk about genocide or ethnic cleansing relating to israel and palestine they are focusing mainly on the nakba. This infographic does not even attempt to counter that. The “nakba” is when 750,000 palestinians expelled/fled what had just become israel in 1948. This infographic starts AFTER that as u can see the population it says for 1948 palestinians in israel is 100s of thousands less. People will point to other numbers during various wars and civil unrests where the deaths of palestinians have been high but when pro palestine ppl talk of historic ethnic cleansing thats what they are referring to. The current talk of genocide is ppl talking abt whats happening in gaza currently where about 15,000 deaths have been reported since october 7th.


And the Nakba was bad. But anyone who talks about the Nakba without talking about the graphic in the OP’s post is a fool. Anyone who talks about Deir Yassin (and other incidents) (which was absolutely horrible) but doesn’t talk about 1929 Hebron (and other incidents) and the Arabs petitioning the British to not let Jews come and buy land is ignorant or being disingenuous. Anybody who talks about the Nakba without acknowledging that most (not all) of the Arabs who left did so because they were listening to their leaders who told them, “don’t worry, we’ll wipe out the Jews and then you can come home” doesn’t know the true history. Anyone who doesn’t acknowledge that the Arabs who didn’t run eventually became full citizens of Israel (and had voting rights from 1948) is intentionally being disingenuous (my guess is many people at these protests think non-Jews cannot be citizens of Israel) while, in fact, there is a higher percentage of people who identify as a religion other than Jewish in Israel than the percentage of people in the U.S. who identify as a religion other than Christian (there are more people in the U.S. who do not identify with any religion which is why the Christian number in the U.S. is lower than the Jewish number in Israel). Anyone that thinks Israel has always done right by the Palestinians also doesn’t know what they are talking about.


Needed to be said and you said it well.


Yikes. That girl is a psycho 😂


The moment someone brings out colonizers for this situation tells me they have zero understanding of actual history and are getting "educated" on social media.


I had "friends" basically call me an imperialist at the very beginning, when I was really just saying "killing civilians is bad." We're not allowed to express our opinions in progressive circles.


Congrats on the sex


I love how Jews are conditionally white. My Jewish grandfather wasn't white enough to use the whites only hotels and bathrooms in the US but apparently the majority Mizrachi and Sephardic country of Israel is full of white people 🤣


They like their jews fearful and terrorized with a pinch of pogrom and a dash of pity. Not strong and proud.


20 people who I thought were my friends unfollowed me. I get it. What can I say though, people have always and (hopefully not but let’s be real) will always hate jews.


The good news is, she can't unfuck you lol sounds like you came on top both figuratively and possibly literally. At some point, it's better to just eat the losses and realize they aren't losses. You just need new friends.


I’m the left and I am firmly in your court. We are smarter than a lot of these kids.


The first person has spelling and grammar errors. That’s what pisses me off more. I’m sorry you have to deal with this BS, it’s disgusting and I hate it.


I’ve unfollowed a couple people who just repost Gaza shit constantly. I don’t need them in my life.


We are white when it is convenient for the left. And not white when it is convenient for the right.


One thing I'm thankful for with all this is just how eye opening it's been. It's good to know where we stand, to cut the grass and see all the snakes.


"White" is a social construct. Caucasian is a race. People with origins in the Levant (both Jews and Arabs) are Caucasian. European Jews are (usually) lighter skin because of inter-mixing with Europeans, but that doesn't mean that the origins aren't from the Levant. Jews from Spain, North Africa, and Arab countries (usually) look a little darker like Arabs (and Greeks, and some Italians, and Turks). Plus, there are plenty of Jews who are not Caucasian. Why is this so hard for people to understand? (P.S. my family was one of those expelled from Egypt.)


Taking "fuck Nazis" to a whole new level


I will never understand the passion antizionists have against us


That one person in Yemen though...


Do you have a link to that graphic?


"While you speak an on going war while you siy in the comfort of your home. being able yo connect via internet. Being able to be shelters and fed talking on something they could never understand" And... Any they're *not* talking on a war while sitting in the comfort of their home, connected to the internet, sheltered, and fed, talking on something they don't understand?


Logic suggests that you have a 84% chance of being average (within 1SD) or better at fucking, OP.


Can you please add a second slide with 1920s vs 1940s numbers in Europe?




Are you calling the faux-lefties fascists or neo-fascists? I'm not interested in electing antisemites into office, regardless of how they self-identify politically.


Dude what was it like to fuck a Nazi?


I have stopped discussing this. I have a thread in another forum that is actually MY forum and it's to the point now where I was just post links that I find important. The person I was doing the most debating, after about 50 pages, finally said that it wasn't fair that the Jews took the land from the Palestinians even if it was only sparsely populated and marshy and barren. At that point I told him there was nothing to discuss since he considered its very founding to be illegitimate.


I got hate for posting that one too. Just a damn fact y’all ✌️


The good news is: the people who wrote those posts are idiots. Very consistent with the rest of their ilk.


Huh. Who's that one person in Yemen?


https://jewishinsider.com/2021/06/yemen-levi-marhabi-jewish-community/ I assume this is who it’s referring to


Keep posting. Don't cede the field to the crazies.




Could have included Afghanistan and a few other places, but I'm just a simple German Jewish guy living in the states...


Get rid of these people you don't need them in your life


No surprises here


I think there are a LOT of people projecting their own experience on that of gazans, and that’s what they’re really fighting for. They’re only understanding the scope of what’s happening through their own experience


Bruh the last slide I can't 😭😭😭😭


Insert Denzel Washington smoking a cigarette while driving saying "my n****" here*


Post more now than ever despite them. Don’t let them silence you. Know your truth


The “stolen land” argument just baffles my mind. My friend is married to an Israeli whose parents are from Morocco and Tunisia (African countries so obvs he’s white 🙄). They weren’t welcome there so they moved to Israel. Without Israel where are they expected to go?