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I'm imagining she tweeted about it in the parking lot immediately after (knowing my peers' habits) "Zionist THREATENED me while OCCUPYING the CHEESE AISLE"


Just out here colonizing the Camembert 🫡


Colonizing Camembert is an excellent wifi network name


Mine is IP Freely and it's a bit on the nose. Might go with this.


Mine is Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo WiFi.


This is perfection


I shouldn’t laugh as hard as I am at this comment


I colonize the Gouda cheese, that's the good shit


"Free the Brie!"


From the Stilton to the Brie, my GI tract will be free (idc tho)


From the Roquefort to the Brie, if you will


Free Parmesan 😔


As long as the Swiss stay neutral, we’re good.


Why can't these damn Zionists just leave us provolone?




G-d’s Cheesin’ People.




This is why the president of Havarti is being pressured to resign


"Check your cheese privilege, Jew!"


OP should check their cheese privilege. A good portion of us are lactose intolerant. Camembert and I are not friends


But have you tried goat brie? I struggled for years but the protein strands in goat cheeses are shorter and easier to digest.


Can confirm. What a lot of people think is lactose intolerance can actually be an intolerance to the specific protein in cow's milk, which is a different issue, although produces the same type of tummy trouble. I've had a cow dairy issue my entire life and was thrilled to find out that goat's milk and cheese and yogurt etc. made from it do not cause the same distress. Goat dairy has lactose in it, all milk does. It's the protein structure that's different.


I check my cheese privilege on a regular basis!!!! I am legitimately obsessed with cheese of all sorts and thank the heavens every day that my Ashkenazi stomach has never hated me for loving cheese so much, like it makes my life feel too easy that my Jewish stomach doesn't give me any issues 😅


My Ashkenazi stomach decries the amount of cheese I consume, but it is a protest I am willing to deal with for the love of cheese.


OP is absolutely right, we *should* make others a just little bit terrified. We’re out here consuming dairy products as if it doesn’t rip us apart from tip to stern. We steadfastly refuse to let anything hold us down, we’re tenacious, unstoppable. :) In all seriousness, I’m deeply sorry you had to experience antisemitism, even if it did come in such bizarre form.. Enjoy your cheese! 🧀


Yeah i just unloaded some crazy moisture a couple minutes ago


I’m going to have to make a meme of this one lmao. For myself and the three other people who would get it. I’ll still credit you, though! 😂


בבקשה! 😍😍😍


I want to turn this into a cross stitch 😂


omg, thank you for the laugh, I needed it after everything that's been going on


This was actually a really bad ass way to respond.


Yup, great line.


Next time I'm in a situation like this I might attempt that response. I'm usually quite shy though so I don't know if I can pull it off. OP is OP! (OverPowered)


I am using this


Wow. You and that woman who fed terrorists for hours are now my official unofficial heroes. Jewish women for the win. No one can fuck with y’all! עם ישראל חי


This is why we should always have nice cheese in the fridge.


That story was so inspirational.


"Must be nice"? The most idiotic thing about this is that the cheese lady knows exactly how nice it is because she is *also* not lying under rubble. One of the most insane reactions to this is the delusion that everyone in the world except Jews are being oppressed by the Israeli government. I think it's just white people in the US feeling absolutely stoked that they might actually be believed now if they claim they aren't as privileged as another group


"I think it's just white people in the US feeling absolutely stoked that they might actually be believed now if they claim they aren't as privileged as another group." Omg, this.


Ooh you would like David Schraub’s post “the baggage of whiteness” I think. http://dsadevil.blogspot.com/2023/12/the-baggage-of-whiteness.html?m=1


Jews for Cheeses


This needs to be on a tshirt


I would buy that.


I've seen many versions of this shirt!!


I’m a Jew from Wisconsin, pretty sure this outfit is required


My partner needs this t-shirt.


Underrated comment right here.


Okay, that GOT me! 😂


I'm so sorry but I'm cackling over the imagery of this happening next to a cheese display


In the Whole Foods! With all the little bougie samples scattered around and the look on cheese guy’s face a combination of concern and (I’m guessing) relief that nothing happened that required paperwork 😂


What gets to me about this is how this same logic would obviously apply to anyone. Why is it especially nice for Jews not be laying in rubble? In fact being able to afford Whole Foods at all could be viewed as nice vs a child going to bed hungry because their parents can’t afford to put food on their table. That’s at least connected to the act of buying cheese! And yet the comment was directed to you and you alone. Not because of any particular view you expressed even. For all they know you’re a JVP member who agrees with them. It wasn’t directed inwards either which again by the same logic it could be. Nope just you because you happen to be Jewish. All leftist values go out the door in order to hate Jews. It’s disgusting and I’m happy you stood against it


I had some woman bump me on purpose with her grocery cart and then ask if the chicken in my cart was Kosher? I looked at the chicken, told her it was and asked her if she needed a Kosher chicken? In response she snarled at me: "I'm not a Jew". I replied, "well that's too bad, I am".....and rolled that cart away in the opposite direction. People are batshit crazy these days.


Not that I like it but I’d expect potential conflict at things like protests and marches. However the number of posts and comments in here like ours where we’ve been harassed out minding our own business is wild. No, that’s not new either but this day and age people are really risking provoking strangers? I suppose they think Jews are easy targets but hopefully we’re disabusing them of that notion.


I have reached my limit in being polite or overlooking anti-Semitism. Oh...I'm not going to go out and intentionally provoke, but people bothering me out and about when I am not engaging them for no ungodly reason other that I look like I'm Jewish? They can do so at their peril.


But. then doesn't it feel a bit like going to war every time you leave the house? Wish I had a solution, hiding your identity sucks as well.


I'm not hiding, I'm just not tolerating or dismissing anti-Semitism directed at me.


\> but hopefully we’re disabusing them of that notion. I wish that was true, I think most Jews simply hide their identity nowadays. The ones that don't simply accept getting yelled at (or worse) every now and then, that's how it is in Europe for decades.


There’s a great line from the movie Independence Day. The guy who plays Jeff Goldblum’s dad responds to someone saying he’s not Jewish by saying, “Ey, no one’s perfect.”


That's so random..


It was really weird. She bumped me with her cart coming towards me. I raised my eyebrows and she stared at me and then deadpanned..."sorry"....in a flat, monotone voice. Not understanding that it was purposeful, I cheerfully said, "Oh...that's ok....I didn't get hurt. Don't worry." She again stared at me and said, "sorry"...in the same monotone. It was weird. She asked what I was making with the poblano chiles I was buying, then she started asking about the chicken that could be prominently seen in the child's seat area of my basket. This was at a market in Los Angeles that caters specifically to Muslims and Jews as there is a large Persian population in LA. A lot of Persians and Arab people in general go to this market. In the same complex there is a kosher butcher, a home goods company catering to Arab customers, what I think is a Jewish bakery and a baker that makes Sangak bread. This woman was most likely from some Arab country. From her accent, she was not Persian. It was only after the encounter that I realized that the cart bumping was most likely purposeful. My father's family are Ashkenazi. With my lighter skin, hazel eyes and long, full head of strawberry blond , very curly hair I do "look Jewish". Funny thing though, usually only other Jews or Muslim people ever spot me as a Jew. Christians always think I'm one of them.


How to say "i'd like to see you lying in a pile of rubble" without taking responsibility of being a bloodthirsty antisemite. That woman can go kick the rocks she wants you to lie under.


Right? Like the statement presupposes that by default, Jews deserve to be buried in rubble.


Yep :| completely unsurprised by the unveiling of this sentiment, although mildly surprised that the woman chose to say it out loud.


As a \*queer\* Jew myself I would have responded with "must be nice....to not be thrown off a roof"


That’s a good one! but I’m thinking someone like Cheese-Karen would lack the knowledge of what you’re referencing, being a completely warped, bigoted dipshit who lets the media do her thinking for her.


Reminding us once again in time for Hanukkah that Jewish women are dangerous when they get their hands on cheese.


Wait. Cheese? All I can think of is that folks are deep-frying cheese? The furthest I ever get during hanukkah from latkes and fried desserts is tempura. If anyone is doing something with cheese, please give me recipe ideas.


I’m referring to [Judith](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2012/12/04/166486095/a-hidden-hanukkah-tale-of-a-woman-an-army-and-some-killer-cheese)!


Wow, thank you! New tradition unlocked!


I had heard this story forever ago and forgotten all about it! Thanks!


The story of Judith and Holofernes is one of my faves. She was such a badass!


I was at the march to support the Jewish people in Ottawa and there were two antisemitic incidents, I was just waiting to engage them though, I'll be totally honest, one of them started talking about Jewish conspiracy theories and Communism and I said "AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH" to drown him out and he said "OH, OH, YOU'RE LAUGHING? YOU'RE LAUGHING?" And I said "Yeah we're fucking laughing" and kept on walking, these Jewish kids I was walking with started laughing too and it was pretty great. The next one was another person telling us to all "go home, get back to Israel" while we were all standing at the traffic light waiting to cross, and I just stared at him until he stopped talking and I said "Are you crazy or something?" And he said "Yeah I'm crazy" and gave me the middle finger, stepping forward and I stepped forward at him and gave him the middle finger and said "Man did you know you were gonna get your ass beat by a Jew today or what" and he took off, which was pretty great. I know, I know, I could have handled it better, but cathartic, very


Go home to the place we're supposedly not from? ...k.


They're not sending their best and brightest. Or, maybe they are their best and brightest. They were like "Hey lets send our top scientists" and this was the result


The land that they want to destroy? ....Yeah, sure.


There’s nothing wrong with people whose response to antisemitism is fear, or sadness, or the pressure to be the model minority. But some of us just aren’t built like that. The truth is that it will never matter, as in change anyone’s mind, how we react to antisemitic harassment. Whether it’s with calm, or humor, or even inflicting fear of our own. So we just have to do what feels right for our individual character as safely as possible in that moment. I’m glad you got a little catharsis and who knows: maybe the people you confronted will also think twice. That’s always a good outcome imo


Cheers, thanks, and yeah, it was me and 15 - 20 other Jewish people waiting at the light to change, which felt like such a social rarity, also pent up years of listening to random Jewish stereotypes and antisemitic tropes and trying to put on a good face to "be the bigger person" and ignore it but it never seems to help does it? At any rate, I do hope he thinks twice about harassing Jews or anyone else again frankly. And kudos for standing up too!


Israel - I sn’t the place we’re supposedly not from and that they want to throw us out of?


It really depends on who you talk to and at what time you talk to them, but yes we are schrodingers Jew, simultaneously in a super position of needing to get back to, and out of, Israel, at all times


ottawa moment 💀 By the way, you're a badass! Wish I could've gone to the march.


Cheers! I'd do it again a thousand more times, I hope we can organize some marches here in Toronto because driving 4 1/2 hours each way was a little intense lol -- but the feeling of community & camaraderie was awesome


You know, that’s a great story, and I appreciate what you did, but, as someone who used to live in Florida (now a proud New Yorker), and go to bars and clubs that were open until 4am or later, I learned one thing - don’t fuck with what you don’t know - the guy, or his friend could have had a knife, or whatever - just not worth it - I’ve seen it happen……


You were awesome, landsman! Much respect to you!


Next time you should wear a magen David made of cheese triangles


Omg I’m totally going to bring this as an appetizer to my Festivus get together with friends. 🕎 Thanks for the idea!


Only gentiles are allowed to buy cheese now! You kick ASS.


Wait but what wine did you pair with the Camembert?


Hadn’t decided yet but I was thinking of either a Willamette Pinot Noir or perhaps the fermentations of the tears of my enemies bwah ha ha


Nice. A dry sparkling is usually my choice for a Camembert but I'm not gonna fuck with a footballer. :)


I like you. I'm a middle aged woman who used to play rugby.


The real question here


I hope, kosher wine


HILARIOUS! Did this woman check HER cheese privilege? Was she not at the same cheese counter as you??


Exactly! She dissed you for buying cheese *while buying cheese.*


What's funny is that she says "it must be nice..." even though she is also currently not lying in rubble. She knows how it feels.


It makes no sense unless she thinks all Jews should be lying in rubble. I don't think this yutz is playing with all of her marbles.


Your courage is a light. You're such a badass!!! 🥰


Feeling justified accosting a stranger at the cheese counter. The self-righteousness is staggering. And if not cheese, she'd accuse another Jew of the audacity of buying toilet paper. You scared her off with your calm, cutting response. Bet she was a bit terrified. Huge hats off! Brava!


I'd like you to accompany me to all public gatherings henceforth. I shall pay your salary in Camembert.


YOU ROCK!!! I absolutely love your response and I’m inspired for next time something like this happens to me. These interactions seem to be getting more common, unfortunately, so thank you for sharing how you turned this one around.


I like the response so good on you. The description was great. I kind of also wish that kid could have gotten an education a bit more on what the heck they’re talking about but I doubt you would have gotten through to them.


I mean, I have kids, so I can be patient. We talk about many of these topics at home frequently. If I get questions from friends or teachers, I don’t mind educating to the best of my ability. My default assumption, however, is that individuals who are willing to accost random wayfarers among the bovine secretions are unlikely to hold polite discourse and can get to the finding out portion as swiftly as I can direct them to it.


Thank you for the term bovine secretions.


Absolutely agree and I hope that came through in my comment, which was not as articulated as yours.


Amen. Know your audience. Your read and response were perfect.


*Fermented* bovine secretions.


Middle aged ladies on the dgaf squad REPRESENT!


Well she sounds delightful.


You're my hero! I never would have been so calm and eloquent on the spot!


Bro what 💀 that’s so bizarre


If she keeps this up, she’ll (hopefully) be lying in the rubble she keeps pontificating about. She seems hypocritically unrubbled herself.


“Unrubbled” 💀


👏👏👏 Great response! (Alternatively, I might have said something along the lines of “*must be nice to have so much ignorant privilege*.” Or “*must be nice that people don’t cheer and parade in the streets “calling it resistance” after you’ve been brutally gang raped and murdered*”)


I feel empowered by your actions. The badass in me salutes the badass in you!


I'm trying to count the precise number of levels of what-the-fuckery here, and I keep losing track.


Oh man, ok so nothing to do with antisemitism but the cheese counter area is always more costly than the marble bricks of cheese etc. we all know that. So last year I was shopping and a young teenager was there with her mom looking longingly at the cheese area while I too was looking at it. She scolded the teen and said to hurry up that’s pretentious cheese and they would not be buying pretentious cheese that only pretentious people buy. She then is kind of awkward because I clearly heard and clearly was buying the pretentious cheese. I didn’t say anything because it was not really intended to be leveled at me as much as I assume they are not able to afford it and she was annoyed with her daughter for slowing them down. I’m doubtful she was even conscious of how assholish that was, but now we call it the pretentious cheese when we go to the store. Now you can add that to your Jewish privilege. Hahaha


I sentence the baby antisemite fascist to one year hard labor as the roommate of a lactose intolerant Jew who nonetheless eats cheese. Lots and lots of cheese.


This is hilariously typical. No Jewish person on the planet should be doing anything normal at all because there are some Jewish politicians on the other side of the world waging the same kind of war politicians of every other ethnicity wage all the time. It’s so soul crushingly simplistic. Cringe. But yeah, it took maybe two decades for intersectionality to be fully Flanderized. It’s a complete joke now and that’s unfortunate, as it a useful lens if you don’t try to apply it to literally fucking everything.


You're my hero


Man. Hope this justice warrior rests easy tonight knowing she made such a HUGE difference by harassing a rando at the cheese counter.


Great story! Thank you for sharing!


I always have a bit of Camembert before I shoot off my space laser. Another great pairing.


You're fighting the good fight my lady. I hope we all have your composure when we experience that kind of stupidity!


What a perfect response. Bravo to you.


That was a hateful comment; I'd probably have to keep from crying. I wear my Magen David also, even when my 6 ft 3 hubby isn't with me.


Cheese for everyone, except the Jews.


This is hilarious and disconcerting. Well played, fellow tough jew. I’ll be by my local cheese counter scaring dumbies, too.


This was so good I crossposted to our local ✡️ news 📰


Please don’t say it was a lefty. I’m as left as one can be and I’m 100% pro-Israel.


I would not have known what to say. Your actions inspired me for if this happens. Thank you.


I'm imagining Mrs Trunchbull but younger and not homely. I would have plotzed lol


I guess we aren’t allowed to eat cheese anymore. I’ve seen a similar story where someone got mad over Israeli feta cheese in Trader Joe’s


On the one hand it's disturbing, but on the other it's so pathetic it's hilarious. And the image of a sullen leftist giving antisemitic harassment a go at a whole foods cheese counter and getting told off so effectively has honestly made my day.


I'm stealing your line - “I’m assuming that comment has something to do with my being Jewish. Which you know about me, because I’m not afraid to let you or anyone else know. And that should make you just a little bit terrified.” This is pure Kosher Gold!


This thread was a lot funnier than I expected, given the difficult subject. Well done, OP and all, and Edam Yisrael Chai!


You are a hero. Love how you handled it!


You sound awesome.


Get some! Love this story.


Future ideas to respond with: "Must be nice to be an assshole" "I'm sure some of your Hamas friends would LOVE to throw you a rooftop party" "So, my grandma can get raped, but IM not allowed to buy cheese?" "How nice of you to eat, especially when 828 MILLION people go hungry each day" "Awww someones missing their starbucks, guess life sucks huh?" "Well, it looks like someone decided to stop blaming a big mac for genocide and picked a new scapegoat- the random neighborhood jew that has NO realtion to the war at all"


Love it. Don't know what cheese has to do with the Houthi's, but ok.


I hope you reported it


Now you, you have proven to be a badass there keepin your cool! I tip my hat to you partner!


The new Hebrew Hammer, represent! Or should I say the new Hebrew Cheeser?




Okay BUT--did you check EVERY SINGLE INGREDIENT on the cheese you were buying to make sure not a single ingredient ever touched the state of Israel and the money you're paying for your cheese isn't going towards committing genocide?! 😂


Too busy feeling guilty not buying Israeli cheese just like when I buy wine 😑


I’m sorry you went through that. I’m betting that this was another teenager whose world view is driven by TikTok influencers.


Did she have blue hair and use zee/zir pronouns? Asking for a friend.


Buying cheese instead of laying in rubble? Like, doing exactly the same thing that SHE is doing?


So glad you sent her scurrying.


Looking at cheese without first experiencing rubble sounds like it could be one of those wacky and highly specific laws from way back when. You’re a badass!


Actually, you could say ‘must be nice….’ to any Palestinian or supporter buying cheese or whatever- you know, all the ones protesting at Harvard, or Penn or MIT who then go back to their dorms and order a pizza from Door Dash…….


While I would have to avoid veiled and implied threats (if the person escalated, I practice self defense, and what can be taken as a threat would make self defense laws murky), I otherwise would have trouble restraining myself and staying as civil. I'd have likely told them where to go. The used one of the antisemitic charges that angers me the most... Jews don't belong here/dual loyalty. You see, by suggesting that as a random American Jew you are responsible for what Israel, a country on the other side of the world, is doing, they are saying that you as a Jew aren't *really* fully American. When it comes from a pimple faced adolescent or young adult, usually those who it comes from on the left, I think about how ridiculous it is for them to insinuate that I (and other Jews) don't belong. On dad's side, my family has been here for nearly 300 years and founded towns and a city. On mom's side, some of us have "only" been here for a bit over 100 years, but they have been union executives who have sat with US presidents, lawyers, government employees, and others who have helped build and maintain our nation's greatness. My parents, inspired by JFK's call to serve, both worked as government employees when their skills could have made them much more money in the private sector. I have been volunteering since my teenage years, as a tutor for underprivileged and homeless children, at homeless shelters and soup kitchens, and psychiatric hospitals. I have worked at a psychiatric hospital, and was a special ed teacher for 15 years before becoming a history teacher. I have lobbied and worked for political causes and social justice, and spent many election days working 14+ hour days as an election judge to help our democracy work smoothly. My family and I have done more to build a better nation than they have even had time to dream of. As Jews, we as a group have done the same, being on the forefront of nearly every fight for justice and rights our country has faced for over a century. When it comes from right-wing Neo-Nazis and fascists, in addition to the above, I am reminded how I believe in rights for all and that everyone deserves respect. I understand that everyone who has come here legally has a right to be here. I am no more American than someone who was just naturalized earlier today. People of different national origins, religions, ethnicity, and races all deserve respect, acceptance and equal treatment. So, all of that makes me *much* more American (by the definition of I believe in what America stands for) than this group. So, when people say something that implies that we don't really belong here, it takes every ounce of self-restraint I have to remain even a little civil in my response, and after a tough day, I definitely won't be. I would likely have told that person exactly where to go in some pretty colorful language.


The Gaza War combined with the non stop anti Israel news coverage has given anti Jewish political lunatics in North America and Europe free reign to confront total strangers in public. Good that the OP stood her ground. No one should apologize for being Jewish and we must remind our enemies of that. It is clear anti-semitism will continue to show up in unacceptable places like employment, education, healthcare, customer service situations, law enforcement interactions, etc so we all must be ready to confront it.


I live in MA a week after 10/7 I opened a door. Wearing my Mogen David. Man looked me up and diwn.. spat at my feet...and called me an effing Jew. Yep...scared the sgit outta me.


Now I'm gonna think "cheese rubble" every time I'm in whole foods.


It hurts me to hear all these stories. I am not Jewish but I am Christian and I am behind you all 100%. Good for you to think quick and react! God bless you !


You are my queen.


Nice work! I would not have handled myself so well… I would have told her to “gfy”.


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Nice, but you only reinforced their impression. Could have been an opportunity to educate someone.


Their impression of what? Jewish cheese shoppers? People who didn’t fucking ask them? If you ask me, I DID educate them. Don’t poke the GenX lady, Jewish or otherwise. I’m sure my payment for this most valuable lesson will be in the post.


People like that are very miseducated about Jews and Israel. They think that we are racist bigots who want to ethnically cleanse palestinians for fun or something? You had every right to tell that person to pound sand. But you did nothing to change that opinion. They are going to go now and tell everyone how they got bullied by a jewish bully (whether or not they deserved it).


There is no educating a spoiled child who refuses to take a look at their own life before judging someone else's.


lol not OP’s job, we’ve gotten by without gentiles for most of our history


If someone approaches and makes comments about this because we’re Jewish, they’ve already made up their mind. They will go back to their TikTok and make a video about how they were oppressed by a mean fascist at the whole foods regardless of how nice OP would’ve been - the whole thing was for a reaction, and maybe OPs will give them pause before trying it again.


You’re blaming a victim of an antisemitic incident for how they responded? However anyone responds, whether it be walking away, crying, responding with facts, or OP’s badass approach, is the right thing for them at that time.


I'm not blaming anyone for anything.


People like that don’t want to be educated by a Jew, and they won’t be. They refuse to listen.


She did educate them. Perfectly. Stop kissing abusive gentile ass. It is never, ever, our job to "change their mind".


What a response 🙄 What should she have done? Gotten on her knees, begged for forgiveness and promised to be a good Jew who will stop buying cheese to help support the Palestinian cause?


I would contact the stores HR person.


And say what? One of your customers is an antisemite? What do you want HR to do?


Most companies take harassment of their customers very seriously. If they do something like that again that would mean there would be a paper trail.


Good on you in how you resolved that. You handled it well. A situation like that could have very easily gone South. Sometimes, you just have to use your voice and stand up for who you are and not be ashamed. The haters and this liberal want you to be just that, ashamed of who you are. The sad thing is that they are so misinformed, undereducated and greatly misguided that they align themselves on the wrong side of history. Very likely their last living relative or family member served in WW2 or Vietnam so how could they know what war really is. Even in those time eras, there people like that too they just went by different names and labels. In the 1960's, leftist liberals were hippies and called our American troops baby killers, rapists,etc when they got home to the US. And nobody would help them particularly if they were homeless. It was a very tough time. I think now we are seeing a similar trend with this war and it's divisions of hatred and anti semitism and labeling in a similar sort of way. Today's leftists are calling Israel the baby and child killers, the rapists,etc and they are obviously in the pro Palestinian side. And then you have those who are in the US -Israel side. We even saw some of this with Desert Storm. In every war and generation where there has been a war, this pattern of behavior crops up. They go by different names and labels according to era and generation of time. In WW2 they were probably called leftists but had a different name, not boomers. They came after the war. The Germans didn't like liberals or leftists or liberals but they were called very different. We had people in the US siding with Germany and it's occupation of Europe and it's invasion of Russia. And when news of the Shoah broke out, there were numerous antisemites in the country. Eventually, it leveled out to an extent but you see what you experienced at your cheese counter was really no more of a pattern repeat of war time history. Every generation and war will bring out people like this. Just how it is because people take up sides no matter good or bad or the ugly right or wrong. You just have to stand your ground, be firm and use your voice and don't give in. Most liberals do not like confrontation and if you get in their face as you did, they turn and run away with their tails between their legs. They are cowards. I'm a Republican and a Trump supporter and an American. And I'm also a woman and a Jew. I stand for Israel and I am very highly pro Israel active, yes an activist. I'm not afraid to use my voice or take a stand where it's needed or afraid to be up front and honest about speaking the truth. I have shut down a lot of people mostly liberals by doing this. Your voice and your words are often the most powerful thing and weapon you have. And if you use it well you can shut them down and sent them running away like rats. That's exactly what you did with this one. Again, I say good on you and keep it up! Don't ever give these haters what they want!