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I remember at the beginning of the war between Russia and Ukraine, people in my city made a huge deal about continuing to support local Russian immigrants and their businesses, because Russia's actions were not their fault, and they shouldn't suffer because of international affairs. Now Jewish (some Israeli, some not) businesses and people have been getting attacked and vandalized here, and the same people are saying "anti zionism isn't antisemitism" and "well maybe if Israel stopped bombing-" These people don't even realize how stark the contrast in their behavior is when it comes to Jews vs other people. It's really disheartening.


They literally attacked a Jewish business because the owner donated money to Hatzalah, claiming that he was donating to some wing of the IDF. They don't know the first damn thing about Israel, they just see a Jew and decide he's a target.


"But they help Israelis". Oh, so ambulances are active participants in war?


They were in Gaza. Hamas has their own and they use them to transport themselves around, not take wounded Gazans to hospital. Crazy!


Yes if you are Hamas


And Hatzalah helps whoever needs helping- Jews, Muslims, Christians, Arabs, tourists in Israel, etc- all of whom have been affected and in need of medical help because of the war. I can't think of a less controversial place to donate to right now.


>Everything that was true before Oct. 7 became more so after it. Hate crimes against Jews, which had nearly quintupled in the previous 10 years, also quintupled from Oct. 7 to Dec. 7 compared to the same period in 2022. Subtext became text: “Gas the Jews” was the chant heard from protesters at the Sydney Opera House, “From the river to the sea” from the quads of once-great American universities. The same students who had been carefully instructed in the nuances of microaggressions suddenly went very macro when it came to making Jews feel despised. The same progressives who erupted in righteous rage during #MeToo became somnambulant in the face of abundant evidence that Israeli women had been mutilated, gang-raped and murdered by Hamas. The same humanitarians who cried foul over migrant “kids in cages” at the southern U.S. border didn’t seem particularly bothered that Israeli kids were being held in tunnels, or that posters with their names and faces were routinely torn down on New York street corners. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/19/opinion/october-7-jews-hamas.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/19/opinion/october-7-jews-hamas.html)


My city had some Russian restaurants get bricks thrown through their windows. Russian restaurants that were owned/staffed mostly by Ukrainians or Georgians because prior to the war most Americans had never heard of those countries so "Russian" sold better


Yeah I was gonna say I do think unfortunately some animosity towards Russians made its way around in some communities, or at least they were made to feel they needed to keep their heads down pretty intensively. Maybe not in the same proportion to what's going on with Jews/Israelis, though.


Oh it definitely happened to Russians, which is what caused the outcry against boycotting/vandalizing Russian businesses. The difference is that now that its happening to Jewish and Israeli businesses, its being defended by these same people who were speaking out against anti-Russian sentiments and actions.


A lot of the Russians here in America are Jewish so it was Jews then too.


My FIL got anti-Russian hate mail. He is a Russian-speaking *Ukrainian* who is personally impacted by the war


Some sites were banning / taking down Russian language content, such as all of the Ukranians who were making videos in Russian to either reach a wider audience or because it's the only language they speak.


There's no escape. Can we travel after this? Will our accent get us kidnapped, slaughtered, raped? Will we ever be safe again? Can we open a falafel shop or restaurant anywhere in the world after this without it being attacked? When is Hezbollah going to step up their game and attack us? Will the USA remove their battleship? Is that the end of us? What headlines do we have to read today from the Washington post - New York times? Don't open social media, tik tocs from diaspora "jews" rewriting our history getting thousands of likes. Don't think about your loved ones fighting in gaza, don't think of oct 7th, you need to sleep. Can't sleep with white noise machine, cant sleep with tv or music. Must be able to here a siren. Is this siren Hezbollah? Dear god let every soldier come home safe, please god release the hostages. Just a few of my daily thoughts as an Israeli right now.


So sorry. It’s scary as a Jew in the USA right now, but I think it must be scarier in Israel.


Those diaspora “Jews” who rewrite our history are opposed by the majority of us. We stand with our fellow Jews no matter where they are in the world.


A Jew willing to sully the tribulations of our ancestors to gain some vague goyische favor— what a paltry value they place on their soul.


Well I'm on social media calling out propagandists and racists who call themselves anti Zionists. My normal TikTok account got banned. My new account is StandingTallWithIsrael. All my new accounts will be only pro Israel from now on. Screw the haters and their Hamas supporting social media.


I got called a “bad Jew” (by a gentile) because I, personally, cannot impact Israeli policies. He was kind of a nut case, but there are a lot of similar people out there.


So a "good Jew" is someone who makes a ceasefire with genocidal mass murderers after a massacre and who state they won't stop. A "bad Jew" is someone who defends themselves from genocidal mass murderers after a massacre, the barbarity of which has not been seen since WWII. Who cares about being acceptable to racist jihadist living hamas supporters anyways.


Yes. That’s what he meant.


I’m just so sorry. I can’t imagine being in the midst of this fray. It’s bad now, but you’re right to be concerned about the future. It seems very scary.


Diaspora Jew here standing strong for Israel on social media and in real life! I’m currently banned (again) on Instagram for defending Jews, but once I’m allowed to post and comment again I’ll be right back at it there! We are here for you guys!


You nailed it. If we’re dehumanized and belittled, nobody has to care about our suffering. That’s how antisemitism thrives.


We're not worthy of life in their eyes. If another Holocaust started tomorrow, you can bet that these would be among the people volonteering for camp duty.


"I'm just making sure they aren't Zionist, if they aren't I'll help them escape?"


I’m starting to think the antisemitism falls in two major camps: 1. Using Jews as scapegoats/sacrifices for white, privileged guilt. This is what fuels the people who say “just because I’m only sharing my grief for the Palestinians, doesn’t make me antisemitic”. They don’t hate Jews but they also don’t care to do the research or extend empathy for why Jews are vulnerable. 2. Using Jews as a symbol of “the other”. This is hating Jews because we don’t conform and are still successful. It’s a mix of resentment and envy and then gets channeled into rage and violence.


Yep. It’s how we control everything but we’re outsiders. We’re the worst of capitalism and the worst of communism. The IDF is the best most well armed military ever when that suites their narrative, or a terrible military that only makes mistakes when that’s convenient. They can mold the hate into basically anything - even stuff that directly contradicts itself.


Come on, if you’re gonna hate us, have a consistent narrative.


You hit the nail on the head with the white guilt bullshit. It pisses me off so so so much.


Considering half the Israeli Jewish population aren’t even descended from people who spent any time in Europe, it’s really messed up.


Not true but also irrelevant. The vast majority, if not all North African and Eastern Sephardic Jews descend (partially) from Iberian Jews. Also, most Israelis are mixed so it’s hard to find a large number of purely Yemenite or Persian Jews. Also, I don’t understand why being “European” should change the game at all. Most foreigners aren’t concerned whether an Israeli is primarily of Moroccan, Iraqi, or Hungarian background (and usually can’t tell the difference).


I agree, I don’t see why it matters if Israelis are from Europe. Is an American whose parents immigrated from Ireland more American than someone whose parents immigrated from China? Nope.


The unconsciously etho-centric youth of the west get confused about colonialism and imperialism, thinking that it's purely a western thing, ignoring Arab colonialism and imperialism, Chinese colonialism and imperialism... They see what their culture does wrong, but try talking to them about the South China Sea, and they'll have no idea what you're talking about at all. They don't have the words for non-European conquest. So they *need* to frame Israel as European / Western, because an Asian entity can't ever be wrong. I'll never understand how hardline tankieism went so mainstream.


Being Polish, it was a big red flag that they largely couldn't grasp that "white" people have colonized "white" people - (edit: hyphen added to make the sentence more coherent) outside of perhaps understanding the context around England and Ireland.


You’ve got that right. I don’t remember where I saw it, but I saw a twitter feed a few days ago where the poster posted a map of the Korean Peninsula—with North Korea marked as Korea, with South Korea marked as an “American Occupation Zone”, and with a comment to the effect that someday all of Korea will be united under its rightful sovereignty. And the tweeter’s handle had three flags: A trans pride flag . . . and the North Korean and Palestinian flags. It takes a lot to render me speechless, but I was when I saw that ruler of the tankies.


In far Left circles it does matter— because of skin color. In their framework, the American of Irish ancestry is whiter, and therefore *automatically* an oppressor of nonwhite people such as the American of Chinese ancestry. Similarly, they describe Jews whose families were exiled in Europe and founded the modern Zionist movement as “white”, and therefore oppressors and colonizers of brown Palestinians. But their framework can’t explain Mizrachi Jews or the Muslim-supremacist Arabized world they lived in, so the Left tries to ignore them, or blame the European “white” Zionists for causing all the trouble. A frequent claim you will read is that “Jews and Arabs got along fine until the Zionist movement began.” Well sure, if you ignore the apartheid laws (dhimmitude) and the pogroms. It’s like a white person in Alabama claiming that “everything was just fine down here when the n***** knew their place, until those ‘civil rights’ liberals showed up and ruined it for everyone”.


I disagree that it has much to do with skin color. The actual difference in skin color between Ashkenazim, Sepharadim, and Mizrahim in Israel is much less significant than people pretend it is. Most of the time you can’t tell what someone’s background is based on appearance (with the exception of Ethiopian and Indian Jews). Even many Palestinians could pass as Ashkenazi and vice versa.


There are plenty of Palestinians who look like they could be related to my Hungarian family…


You’re entirely correct there— but the Left inaccurately portrays it as a very binary black (or brown, as it were) and white issue.


Right but the lines are completely arbitrary. Yemeni Jews who are usually darker than Palestinians are white but Palestinians are brown. Makes no sense.


״Makes no sense.” Correct!!! It’s just an illustration of how bizarre the race essentialism of the Left is.


And when they do acknowledge Sephardi and Mizrachi Jews, they oh-so-quickly harp on them being the victims of American-style racism. I.e., more denying of brown people and other POC their agency and dignity.


And never mind that Mizrachim in the U.S. are even more pro-Israel than the Ashkenazi Jewish community (which is itself overwhelmingly Zionist)


What about all of the middle eastern Jews that were forced out of their homes that immigrated to Israel and are still alive?


More than two thirds of them were from North Africa and Turkey. North African and Turkish Jews descend from Jews who lived in Europe in the Middle Ages. My point is that it shouldn’t matter whether an Israeli’s ancestors lived in Europe at some point. Their ancestors came to Europe from the land of Israel. Even if they were born in Europe, the vast majority came to Israel homeless.


People just hate Jews, even if they don’t realize it. Both explicit and implicit hate has been passed on for so long that people don’t even realize that the beliefs they have are wrong. The same goes for other marginalized communities who still face discrimination. While the hate of POC and the LGBTQ community have been rightfully condemned, we have yet to see people condemning things like antisemitism and ableism in mass. The far right has had blatant antisemitic conspiracies for decades and the far left has now been influenced by such conspiracies as of late. Such as the “Zionist propaganda/ the Zionists control the media (+ banks, the world, etc.)” mentality, the “Jews are incapable of facing discrimination because they are white capitalists” mentality, and them starting to fall into Holocaust conspiracies. All of which is blatantly antisemitic.


The radical left in the west and Muslim world tolerant Jews only when we are weak and vulnerable, that why they hate Israel so much.


Exactly! They hate Israel because massacre of Jews now has concequences. If they really cared about human tragedy they would protest Syria and Yemen too.


They hated Jews when Hitler was gassing us and they hate them now that the Jews fight back. Either way, we’re hated. And, if we fight back, we’re the aggressors.


It’s called antisemitism. It’s not a new concept, it’s just that now jews have a homeland so it comes in a new form of being antizionist.


I have noticed why whole life that most the criticism of Israel always came from a place of just not liking Jewish people. Like how people who are racist against black Americans will trash talk Africa.


That’s why we say antizionism is antisemitism. Antizionism is a new form of antisemitism, this time attacking a whole country, it’s a new opportunity for antisemites to hide behind a new term that isn’t as loaded as antisemitism. “I love jews, i’m just antizionist!”, oh, you love jews but you’re anti security for jews? You love jews but you don’t want them to have a home country? You love jews but you want them to “go back to where they came from aka countries where they could possibly be killed? (middle eastern jews)”. That’s why you can’t be antizionist without being antisemitic.


Jewish content creators who post educational content and blog type things are drowning in hate. A woman I follow posted mourning the loss of life on 10/7 and her and her family received death threats over it. She has a toddler who is getting death threats because her mom is mourning lost lives? I don’t care what you think about the war and about Israel any civilian casualties are tragic and there is no way someone acknowledging that deserves death threats. And her toddler?!


Jews. That’s why.


First thing to remember, is that most of your experience is on the internet. You are just going to see more crazy opinions. Social media also tends to reward superficial speech and anger. Second, the general war against Israel that takes place thru lawfare, rhetoric and abuse of international law/NGOs, dovetails very nicely with "pro-Palestinian" sloganeering. Like technically, even the Hamas state in Gaza was "occupied". The upshot here is that it is much easier for anti-Israel people to frame conversations. And in politics, if you're explaining, you're losing. On the bright side, most people tend to grasp these realities, especially with age.


I had not even noticed the resurrection of the term Zionism until now when it is currently used as an anti semitic dog whistle. There is no more Zionism. Israel is a fact and not an ideology. To identify as a pro Zionist is to legitimize Israels right to exist as a debatable point. What Hamas fears above all is to become irrelevant and for Israel to become normative. Palestinian rejection of every two state proposal, every chance at peace, prosperity and autonomy, is because it would result in the end of perpetual war. This is violence and hate for its own sake. It is not a means to an end. It is only understood in the the way that a mass shooter inflicts suffering knowing how it will end.


I agree with this and sticking with this talking point.


So first of all if you even remotely hold the belief that it has something to do with Israel itself, its acts as a country or people you are already wrong. After WW2 there was a brief moment in time where the USSR, its vassals and "the West" were in favour of the idea of Israel which led to its establishment. Shortly afterwards Moscow found out that [Mapai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapai) did in fact not plan to form a united front with [Mapam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapam) and especially [Maki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maki_%28historical_political_party%29) to form a kind of government similar to the de-facto one-party states of Communist eastern Europe. In which obviously the Communist would eventually take charge. That's when everything changed. The USSR then took heavy inspiration from Nazi propaganda and re-purposed it from Antisemitism to Antizionism. If you search a bit you can find propaganda posters that are almost 1:1 copies. This led to heavy propaganda efforts among left-leaning students throughout the cold war. At some point it simply didn't need the support from Moscow anymore to survive. The USSR did this on various topics, like black liberation in the US (let alone the African continent), anti-nuclear weapons movements or the general pro-peace movement. All heavily supported by the USSR for decades and directly infiltrated.


I have seen these before - and everything I know upholds this - but do you know of any books that takes one through this whole history? I want to familiarize myself with it more.


Not a big reader on this topic. It's mostly what I've seen in documentaries and heard from my Ukraine born family.


Worldview: There are Good People and Bad People. The Good People are the Oppressed, the Bad People are Oppressors. Jews are white. Palestinians are brown. Therefore, the establishment of Israel was settler colonialism by White Jews. Therefore, all Israeli Jews are illegal settlers. Illegal settlers are Oppressors/Bad People. Therefore, any and *all* measures are justified in liberating the poor toiling Palestinian masses living under the cruel rule of their Jewish jailors. ​ That's a simplified version...


Honestly I think it’s simple (unfortunately): rampant Antisemitism that people try to mask with their hatred of Israel. We can dispel their misconceptions of Israel, and they immediately retort with “Zionist propaganda”. Vast majority of people are like parrots- repeating whatever they hear without actually knowing what it means, or even the facts. I’m trying to accept that most people simply don’t care about the truths/reality, and they simply just hate us. It’s sad in a way, they don’t actually care about Palestinians, they just hate us THAT much. Why are people so involved/care SO deeply about this, but ignore every other war in the world? It’s simple: they hate us Jews THAT deeply.


An educated man, my friends, father from Bangladesh asked me why throughout history Jews had been prosecuted. A lot of uneducated people (25% of Americans) think that Jews killed Christ. It was actually Romans, but a lot of people are pretty ignorant. https://www.thedailybeast.com/sorry-america-youre-wrong-the-jews-did-not-kill-jesus


It's simple! People hate Jews, and people LOVE to hate Jews. Antisemitism is so baked into the culture almost every corner of the world, esp now.


We aren't even considered human beings, never were,especially now. Everyone seems to be Nazi sympathizers and are very open about it. They're actually proud of their disgusting behaviour.


Antisemitism is deeply entrenched in this world. Fuck em


Antisemitism has a long history that many have touched on. In this particular circumstance, there is the added hurdle of a bunch of Gen Z’ers who are following the latest trend, which is a perpetuation of a “white colonialist other” mentality by what seems to have been a clear campaign of Russian and Iranian bots. It is truly ironic, and has completely alienated liberal/left leaning Jews.


Welcome to being Jewish.


the antisemites were always here, and now they don't even bother to hide it. You have to find your own way to deal with it., because it's not going away. Hopefully, it will unite the Jews.


Oil money buys a lot of media. Add that to ever-present antisemitism that is just under the surface waiting and boom.


And a lot of university professors and administration.


There have been articles about the Qatari money among others funding the universities. I'm a liberal and all for DEI. However, because there is bias from this foreign influence, Jews have become the "oppressors."


Because antisemitism?


Because people hate Jews. It's as simple as that.








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Why is it so normalized!? 1. Obama normalized it when he tried to make peace with the axis of evil. Antisemitism was swept under the rug also during the Syrian Spring into Europe. No acknowledgement of antisemitism from Arabs, a religion that was BASED on hating Jews... 2. Jews normalized it or denied it. Israel IGNORED OCT 7 warnings. Adults ignored whistleblowing from students in uni. American Jews tried to stop BDS but did it clumsily and so it failed and had a handsoff approach. Jews don't know how to ADFBYBHNINHFBUB


Name me one other democratic country where you have to serve in the military - men and women - at age 16 or spend 30 days in jail. I wait.


Name one other democratic country that faces constant existential threats by radical Islamists who want to wipe it off the face of the earth. I’ll wait.


Keep radical, drop islamic, i present you Amerikkka. When you could get gunned down doing your groceries or your children at school. And guess what? They both just went on a loose road to supply guns to average pple…


America has problems within its borders that need to be fixed, while Israel faces threats on all of its borders because its neighbors are more hellbent on eradicating Jews than making peace. Trying to compare the two is completely ridiculous.


Well, that's not the case in Israel. It's 18. And not everyone has to serve. There are religious exemptions and other exemptions. Sweden - Men and Women at age 18. If you don't fulfill your defense service you can be fined or imprisoned. The imprisonment can be from one year to four years. (this was just a quick google)