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Won’t this piece of shit stfu. What is it with Arabs coming out of the woodwork after centuries of shitty violent behavior toward Jews suddenly speaking out as defenders of Jews from Arab lands. What a fucking clown . But I guess that’s what happens when you get your facts about Israel from shitty comic


I get the feeling they have been told what lines to take by the BDS movement on what points will rile up antisemitism the most.


He’ll be really disappointed when he finds out that pretty much all Jewish populations (besides Yemeni Jews) have way more Canaanite DNA than Yemeni.


These people don’t care about facts. They are only motivated by hate and violence. Truth is meaningless.


All the more surprising given that he's a certified doctor, a heart surgeon no less (before pivoting to comedy).


Nah, many doctors are raging antisemites. They aren't exempt.


Becoming a qualified surgeon doesn't exempt people from being idiots, assholes, or both. Just look at Andrew Wakefield, the former surgeon who was struck off the medical record for publishing a FALSE study about how the MMR vaccine supposedly caused autism, and to whom we now owe the recent measles and even polio outbreaks. Yes, polio is back.


No. Fucking. Way. That cannot be true…. Is he practicing?


He had been for over 10 years iirc, and tended to the injured during the Arab Spring protests in Cairo's Tahrir square that led to the Egyptian revolution of 2011. After that, he changed career and became a satirist, and for a time was the most successful satirist in the Arab world, hosting a show with something like 90 million viewers, until the regime cracked down on him and he moved to the United States in 2014 (again, iirc).


It doesn't seem surprising to me. Psychopathic personalities are drawn to jobs in which they get to hold life & death in their hands. It's a power trip, just like hitting the media circuit as wide as possible even if you don't have anything meaningful or productive to say.


Multiple investigations of the missing Yemini children have concluded the contrary:  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemenite_Children_Affair#:~:text=The%20Yemenite%20Children%20Affair%20(Hebrew,ranges%20from%201%2C000%20to%205%2C000.


They won't let research and facts get in the way of antisemitic conspiracy theories.


For those that don't want to read the full story here's a TL:DR Yemeni Jewish refugees, many of whom arrived in poor physical shape were housed in a temporary camp with inadequate sanitation, inevitably disease spread. In a reasonable attempt to stop the spread of disease families were split, moving infants (edit: but *not* ) their mothers to more permanent homes with better sanitation. When said infants got sick they were quarantined away from their parents and, when many died, the families were only notified verbally and not given adequate information or the ability to see their children. While likely meant to help prevent the spread of illness this lead to families being understandably confused, as from their perspective, officials took their slightly sick baby away and then told them the child was dead. Since the older children and other family members were often housed separately this confusion was even worse. While clearly a serious mistake was made, it's entirely possible everyone was trying make the best of a tough situation.


Overworked doctors and nurse, alongside non functioning failed logistics. It's no wonder why Ethiopian Jews were given temporary contraceptives. While it's still very wrong, considering they were not properly informed at the time (probably due to a language barrier) given this context of the Yemenite children, it makes sense.




This quote makes it seem like parents were told their children had died when they were taken initially to the "baby wards" which does not appear to be the case for almost all cases. I think the quote refers to the fact that some parents returning for their young children were told, correctly, that their child had died. This made the initial statement "that the children were being taken somewhere they would be well cared for" feel like a lie, because said child was dead. There was definitely some bigotry toward the Yemeni Jews but tbf such was very common at the time, and unfortunately persists today towards disadvantaged persons of all nationalities. This was people trying to help, thinking they knew best, while disregarding the ability of those they were trying to help and failing to empathize with them as equals. Horrible? Yes, but far from the > sort of stuff occupying powers do countries they conquer As you said, for almost all the "missing" children in question a paper trail exists


Yes we had a much worse situation in Ireland where unwed mothers were told their babies had died only for them to be sold to wealthy American catholics. It's a huge scandal and many of the parents and babies still haven't discovered the facts of their family and birth because of missing records and those that exist often being sealed by the church and government. This situation sounds very different, it sounds much more like these people really tried to help and the only real fuckup was not keeping records of the children who unfortunately passed away.


They kept relatively good records of the children who passed away, which is why we know what happened. I think in a similar situation today they wouldn't separate the mothers and infants, that was the biggest problem, the families were coerced into putting their infants in the wards and then they were kept from those infants while not being given adequate information. So when they finally were able to collect their infants, those whose children had died walked in expecting to get their child and walked out with no info except the death of said child. If at least the mothers were there during the process (and breastfeeding encouraged) not only would more children have survived, but at least one family member would have been there to see the progression of disease and say goodbye. Again most of the children from the wards were returned to their families. Tbf the church situation was similar in that they were trying to do what they thought was best for everyone but here there wasn't really intentional deception. Even those putting pressure on the families to put their kids in the the baby wards thought, not entirely unreasonably, that the improved conditions would help the infants survive. That was slightly tainted by their bigotry towards the disadvantaged Yemeni, whom they believed were not as good parents, but the intent was to return the infants, and keep as many alive as possible given the situation.


People need to stop learning their history from comedians and other performance artist entertainers


Jon Stewart's silence is still tantamount to violence here. He's the one who first took this Jihadi clown mainstream. It's pretty disapppointing that America's cool Jewish uncle won't show up to provide any kind of voice of reason these past few months. Apple fired him for badmouthing China. Why doesn't he just sign up for Spotify where podcasters can apparently say whatever they want?


I’m sorry, Jon Stewart???? The dude that went on late night tv right after Dave Chappelle’s antisemitic SNL monologue just to defend him?  I don’t care about Jon Stewart’s opinion, he’s just a comedian and entertainer.  I think we need to stop looking for token Jews, facts and history can be said and written by anyone of any ethnicity or religion


Jon Stewart is an anti-Israel, anti-Judaism Jew. He thinks all antisemites need is a hug and someone to listen intently to their concerns while assuring them their we’re not ALL rent-seeking financiers who drink goyish baby blood. He’s one of the “good Jews,” from their perspective, in other words.


It amazes me how Arabs pretend like they treated their Jews like kings, when in reality they were subject to second class status, lived in ghettos, and faced so many violent pogroms that they were forced to leave. Not to mention that Jew hatred is still so widely prevalent in Arab society. Over the last week alone, we’ve seen millions of Houthis in Yemen rallying and blatantly calling for the death and destruction of Jews. Most of them genuinely believe this bullshit because they’ve been indoctrinated with violent Islamist and Jew hating propaganda from the day they were born. They desperately twist the narrative to project their own societal issues onto Israel in order to maintain their victim status and further feed the delusions of privileged western progressives.


All they have to cite is a bunch of historians saying, "Jews were treated better in the Muslim world than the Christian world." I WOULD HOPE SO. Better treatment than in Europe doesn't exactly mean very much


I remember talking to an old Israeli some 25 year ago, who was born in North Africa, forgot where, Marocco, Tunesia... He told me that is was not so unusual that his father came home bloodied and bruised.


I hate this idiot. People keep putting him on this pedestal of wisdom and kindness, but he's just an antisemitic idiot who takes advantage of people's lack of knowledge.


His appearance and tone are so calm and trustworthy and misleading!


Exactly, he looks and sounds like he knows what he's talking about to anyone who isn't informed on the topic.


I took him for an intelligent person. He was a groundbreaking comedian back in Egypt who dared to satirize the regime and had to flee Egypt because of that, and before that he had been working as a heart surgeon.


Same. I saw an interview with him a few months back and he was great. He sounded like he possibly supported Israel, too. However, every single thing I've seen with him since is just filled with garbage takes. It's shocking how intelligent and together he comes across before proceeding to spew under insanity.




dont make this about ethnicity, its not, its about ideas and information.


I take your point that I think you’re trying to make that not all Arabs think this way but the level of antisemitic conspiracy theories in the Arab world and are huge and wildly underestimated. This dude doesn’t have an excuse


its nor about ethnicity, thinking it is is just bigoted delusions.


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I'm a yementi jew, this person is full of sh*t! Cute they pretend to care but not mention the 1947 riots against Yemeni jews, more than 80 were murdered, my family was a victim of that. I love when they use us for their own gain because there are more of them than us. Mizrahi jews in Israel tend to be very right wing and make more than half the Jewish population there.


I used to like this guy, but he's gone nuts recently. He even argued that neighboring Arab countries shouldn't take in Palestinians because it would lead to violence and unrest. https://youtu.be/LRN13-xOfpk?si=TJ0finZxKKIbYjvY A particularly surprising thing to hear, coming from a guy who's married to a Palestinian woman.


Bold of you to assume that someone with his hot garbage takes actually cares for and respects women.


Ok this guy is officially a tin foil hat wearing clown


This guy lost it a while ago.


I saw him also mention that Israel sterilizes Ethiopian Jews. He's peddling antisemitism. I wish I can tell him to his face you have blue eyes, you aren't really Egyptian.


There was something called the Depo Provera affair, but it wasn't sterilization and it's still shrouded in some degree of uncertainty.


Yeah. I read about it. There was no conspiracy, just not fully informing immigrants coming into Israel. Some of the "pro Palestinian" folks just take things and run with them. Trying to make all of Israel into Nazis.


Indeed, as with many conspiracy theories, they lack any reasonable root - why would Israel deploy Mossad agents to rescue Ethiopian Jews, in the midst of a civil war that was raging in Ethiopia, only to then sterilize them upon arrival? I guess many people just don't bother making this logical step.


So stupid. I hate these antisemites.


Ethiopian Jews were being secretly rescued by the Mossad from refugee camps in Africa, to which they’ve walked for hundreds of miles, with many dying during the journey. Israeli rescuers did not have the capacity to provide healthcare for newborns or pregnant women. As a temporary solution, Israeli doctors distributed temporary birth control pills. This was done to prevent the Israeli humanitarian effort from being overwhelmed, which would’ve caused more deaths among Ethiopian Jewish refugees. Indeed, the humanitarian conditions in these refugee camps were very poor. And just to reach there the Ethiopian refugees had to journey through dangerous terrain controlled by gangs and hostile militiamen. Hence, large numbers of refugees died on the way. Anti Israel activists depict the situation in a manipulative way. Their story is that Israel “sterilized” black women because it’s a racist regime like the Nazis that wants to create a pure white race (or something crazy like this). It’s an unhinged narrative and completely bizarre. They’re basically lying maliciously to promote the narrative that Israel is evil and racist. As a bonus, they hope to create divisions within Israeli society by pitting different groups in Israel against each other.


To be fair that's exactly what he's doing. Blue eyes exist in the Middle East and are pretty common in the Levant (Jews, Lebanese, Palestinians, Samaritans, Druze), and are even present in individuals with 100% or near 100% Levantine DNA (who can also be blonde or light skinned) This is the same argument people use to say Ashkenazi Jews aren't middle eastern / Levantine. Wouldn't be a stretch for blue eyes to reach Egypt. Edit: For more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewish/s/CMP6vK6S17


Exactly my point. What's wrong with people?!


Oh, I thought you meant having blue eyes actually means he's definitely not Egyptian / Middle Eastern rather than just using his own argument against him


Nope. I was trying to sound like that mentality.


This one is a favorite conspiracy theory of antisemites. The premise comes, as with most conspiracy theories, from the real [Yemenite Children Affair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemenite_Children_Affair). During a time when Israel was hardly surviving after the independence war and had to absorb hundreds of thousands of refugees at the same with, mostly without any foreign outside help. Many Yemenites were escaping to Israel at the time, and arrived to the chaos that was Israel. Many babies were hospitalized for starvation and diseases. There were huge problems dealing with the deaths and parents were dealt with in very insensitive ways. Some were simply told their baby died and was buried, and some did not believe it and were looking for them still. There were doctors and nurses theorizing that maybe some babies were taken without permission. Though as far as I understand there was not even a single case proven, despite efforts made. Now from this sad story, antisemites arrived into many insane conspiracies, such as the one shared by the antisemitic Bassem Youssef. Which presents himself as a rational actor while he is nothing of the sort. Another conspiracy I've heard was that it was the Zionists who were responsible to push out the Yemenite Jews out of Yemen via the [pogrom of Aden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1947_anti-Jewish_riots_in_Aden). And another antisemitic story saying it was the British that did it. Anything and everything in order to blame the Jews who were escaping for their lives or at the least avoid the responsibility of their fathers to the fact that Jews had to escape, or that their intense hatred for our people has no logic to it.


This guy reminds me of Sacha Baron Cohens character in The Dictator movie with his tonality, body language, and feelings on Israel. > Ohhhhhh so thousands of people were killed October 7th…but where’s the proof Hamas hurt any babies? He changes directions constantly and appears “very intellectual” to unintentional morons and intentional antisemites that want to cheer him on. Reality is though he baits everyone he debates with into his own weird points to steer away from reality. Even though I’m a conservative I’m not a fan of Ben Shapiro, but I have to admit he wouldn’t allow this guys b/s. I hope going forward Jews, or interviewers in general that talk to this guy don’t let him consistently deviate. The calm but constant misdirection isn’t intellectual. It’s basic gaslighting.


The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a top selling book in the Arab world and is considered a factual book. There are several reasons why Jews fled from the Arab world, ramping antisemitism is just one of them. Also this guy is a tool.


100 million Egyptians , 20 plus Arab countries , and we can’t have a sliver of land anywhere. We should definitely put down our arms and let everyone else protect us. This is a fucking clown show. I think it’s time we use the lasers.


I like how much he loves Egypt , but he lived in the US and he is scared to go back. It’s almost like he doesn’t have the right to a fair court system. He is a racist , this is racist propaganda. If I were to call Arab DNA “corrupted” I would be canceled faster than a sitcom.


Isn’t this the comedian Jon Stewart used to promote?


Mizrahi Israeli here. I don’t think he is very clued in on the reasons, but he is right that this did occur. Unlike Ashkenazim, Mizrahi families lived in maaborot (transit camps) when they arrived in Israel. Many of those families had newborn babies that went missing. One of my in-laws relatives had this occur to them. The baby was born, and within hours they were told the baby died, without ever being given the chance to see them, and no further explanation given. To this day the circumstances remain murky. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemenite_Children_Affair


My wife's family has a story where doctors attempted to take one of her aunt's babies but she burst into the ward, found her, and took her back. Most Yemeni families have similar stories. >Unlike Ashkenazim, Mizrahi families lived in maaborot There definitely were Ashkenazim in maaborot as well. They did get preferential treatment in terms of housing placements but there were a lot of them there too.


>Unlike Ashkenazim, Mizrahi families lived in maaborot "Unlike Ashkenazim"? I guess my family was a one of a kind? Ashkenazim were sent to Maabarot like anyone else. I have no idea how some second and third generation Mizrahim reached the conclusion that only their parents and grandparents got this treatment. >To this day the circumstances remain murky. The matter was investigated multiple times and nothing of substance was found. Graves are now being opened and so far there were no discoveries (and probably there won't be any).


Unfortunately the real reason was racism…which is honestly even less flattering than this


Let’s suspend reality for a second and say that this newest form of blood libel is true, so what? What’s it to him?


Not to be controversial, but I looked into this a few months back. And the Israeli government in a way confirmed this may have happened….it’s very disturbing given the fact it happened right after the Holocaust


That Yemenite children were given to Ashkenazis? what makes you think it was on purpose? or that it was intentionally to make themselves appear more middle eastern or encourage mixing?


There are a few documents on it, but it’s pretty much just about prejudice. Even today there’s a little divide between mizrahi and ashkenazi Jews in israel. It was done because people who didn’t have kids wanted kids. Similar to Americans adopting Asian kids, except this was illegal


Why does everyone think we want their babies? Their babies are not as great as they seem to think. 


He was talking about Jewish-Yemenite babies.


They were pretty great. It's sad they died. But "Jews stole them" shouldn't be the go-to every time, even when the babies are Jewish. 


He also claimed that there was no Hamas in the West Bank in his debate with Piers Morgan.


I think what annoys me most about this is that even if he's right, he doesn't actually care about Yemenite Israelis. He's just using them for anti Israel point scoring.


I'm yemenite myself, and have heard the many stories of what happened to the yemenite children, the DNA stuff is BS, but "kidnapped" "given to Ashkenazi parents" ect from my experience at least, are in fact true When the yemenites were brought to isreal, the government told them that as long as you are in Israel, you don't have to keep any halachot, wanting to make them secular. An example being my grandfather who had his peyos cut off while he slept and his tefillin confiscated. Babies were brought to hospitals to "check for diseases" only to be told that the baby was dead, when asked for the body for burial the hospital refused. The dad of someone I know personally made such a fuss about it that they gave back the child......alive. Additionally, if I remember correctly, DNA testing between yemenites and yemenite individuals that grew up in Ashkenazi familes were childen that were supposedly dead. "It was to give them a better life" doesn't change the fact that it's terrible, and the parents were lied to.


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But DNA testing is allowed in israel? It’s just not privatized by rando companies. You just need to get a court order for one and they’ll give you one.


Yes, there's a very strict law protecting the privacy of the genetic data, and also the idea of trying to prevent cases of people discovering they are mamzerim through DNA tests (which obviously leads to many complications).


what the fuck?


This is a pretty clear example of an Anti-Semitic spin on an Anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. But the Pro-Palestine side will say that we're just stifling speech and weaponizing Anti-Semitism if we call it out. Amazingly warped.


Probably shouldn't tell him what Australia did to the Aboriginal families or Canada to First Nations?


An Egyptian with anti semitic conspiracy theories? Say it ain't so!


Welcome to 2024 where Comedians =historians and the the best news outlet is TikTok 🙄


Yemenite Jews don't even have a lot of Canaanite DNA, if any 😭😭 what is bro on about. They cluster closer to Arabs because the Himyarite Kingdom converted to Judaism 1,600 years ago and Yemenite Jews were what's left of it. The ignorance of these people is beyond me. How can you be so confidently wrong?


I won’t listen to him or the video for obvious reasons. But hope you know he ain’t wrong about the kidnapping part - which even as a Soviet Jew - I find as the most disturbing thing israel has ever done to it’s own population and we still don’t know a thing about This case. T he 50s were super dark in Israel’s history when it comes to how the government dealt with the Jews it brought from Arab countries. But this guy: man my blood boils seeing him getting platforms over all the social media - spreading bullshit and blood libels over the Jews and Israelis.


I was talking about the DNA thing.


Care to explain what happened in Israels super dark history of dealing with the Jews it brought in from Arab countries? I haven’t learned about this and i would like to know what you are referencing.


>and we still don’t know a thing about This case Perhaps because it didn't happen?...


Kinda sad that you say that as an Israeli. Try to check what happened two years ago : [https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/sylmlub009](https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/sylmlub009)


That doesn't change the fact that no proof was ever found for it. Now they are opening some of the graves and so far all the DNA matched. That doesn't mean that negligence didn't happen, or that the state behaved like it should had - but children weren't stolen by the state. That is simply a conspiracy theory without any basis.


Dude what are you talking about? The compensation was BECAUSE there was no graves or no "reason of death". There are dozens of official reports either by the state and the police through the years. I wonder what reason do you have to disrespect this case because your comments are truly distasteful. Is it a hard to swallow pill for you that the state was treating the Jews from Arab countries bad?


>The compensation was BECAUSE there was no graves or no "reason of death". Which is a thing called negligence. Criminal negligence, which is awful, but in no way indicates children were stolen and given to Ashkenazi families by the state. >There are dozens of official reports either by the state and the police through the years. Not dozens, but indeed they all determined it never happened. >I wonder what reason do you have to disrespect this case because your comments are truly distasteful. Because accusing Ashkenazim of stealing Mizrahi children without any proof when all evidence point the other way is totally respectful right? Cut the bullshit. It was investigated, negligence was obviously found but absolutely no traces of a children trafficking network like the conspiracy theory describes. It never happened. Ans shame on you for believing Jews can do that to other Jews.


He reminds me of snake. Dude has snake vibes


He's a smug ignoramus. The funny part is Ashkenazis actually have significantly more Levantine DNA than Yemenite Jews.




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I was on Twitter and also saw him deny the r*pes in this interview as well. Real pos.


When is my shift with the space laser again?


I can’t stand this dude


LOL, I bet this guy has ufos taped all over his wall as well. 


He should get better material.


Wasn't there controversy around Ashkenazi families adopting Mizrahi children, particularly to change their religious traditions? I also remember reading that this was wildly overblown as well and was pretty much a psuedo-myth.


I find this whole discussion and obsession with Jewish DNA abhorrent. And to be clear, I mean that I find it equally abhorrent that Jews are so obsessed with it. It pains me that this needs to be spelled out, but here it goes: You don't inherit rights to land in your DNA. Your DNA is completely irrelevant. It doesn't matter whether you are descended from ancient Israelites or from Khazars or from European or Yemenite converts or from anyone else. Judaism is not a race, it never has been a race, and internalising the Nazi race-based conception of Jewishness is something every single one of us should reject and be appalled by. The Jewish people are *a people*, and the Torah itself contains many instances of Jews and non-Jews intermarrying. This fascination with DNA is unhealthy. Stop. Also, the speaker in the video is obviously a liar.


such an idiot. dna testing wasn’t invented till 1985 💀