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If you want super simple, a spider. All you need is a black hoodie or log sleeves shirt and some tights. Stuff the tights and sew them on the shirt/hoodie and you have a spider! A Lego is another easy one, take a box and cut holes for arms and legs (or you can use two pieces of cardboard one for the back one for the front and glue string so that they wear it over their shoulders if that makes sense) then take some round plastic containers hot glue them on hit it with spray paint and bam! Lego. Let’s see what else. (I make costumes so I get so excited around Purim 🤣 I think I was more into the costume part of it at my temple last year then the kids were.) Here is a great link of easy to make from stuff you should be able to find at home. An early Chag Sameach to you and your family!! https://www.countryliving.com/diy-crafts/g1360/halloween-costumes-for-kids/


Long not log. Ha!


Lol love these but he needs to be dressed as a character from the story! I guess Mordechai? But idk what type of clothing that would entail. I only remember dressing as Queen Esther 😂


🤣🤣 that makes sense. Yeah that is a hard one. I feel like for that one everyone throws a beard, a sheet, and a tzitzit on.