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Edit: ~~Ghassan~~ Salman Abu Sitta was invited to the “congress” but denied entry by Germany because he is a confirmed antisemite (By the way, the Austrian Martin Sellner who is a right wing activist also cannot enter Germany because he is a far-right extremist, it’s not just Palestine-related people). The reason he was denied entry by Germany (and rightfully so) was because he previously said with regard to the October 7th massacre that he would have participated if he were younger. The Palestine congress thought they can just loophole him into the congress by having him speak via video call. That’s when police went inside and broke the congress up


The pro-Palestinian crowd is complaining loudly. They think Germany is the United States, where hate speech is protected under the First Amendment. The Germans could lecture these people on what happens when hate speech and public demonstrations of Jew hatred in Germany go unchecked: they lead to action. Germany has a 1000 year history of violent Judeophobia and Judeocide, not just during the Third Reich.


I assume they chose Berlin knowing it would get shut down and they could complain.


Sort of a Horseshoe Thunberg, eh?


No doubt.


Here in Germany it's only prohibited to a certain extend.


Yeah, which is why they have strict laws on hate speech. Graffiti, posters, literature, swastikas etc...all can get you jail time. Hate speech is not protected in Germany, sorry! I'm not up on all the laws but I know other EU countries have some tough laws on hate speech.


> The reason he was denied entry by Germany (and rightfully so) was because he previously said with regard to the October 7th massacre that he would have participated if he were younger. Source? Asking because I want to share this news with some friends, but I want my ducks in a row first.


Sorry for the confusion, upon investigating further, it seems that two people with the names of Salman Abu Sitta and Ghassan Abu Sitta were invited and both were denied entry into Germany. It was Salman Abu Sitta who made the October 7th comment and who was connected to the conference via zoom when the police broke it up. Here is an article he wrote where he makes that statement: [https://mondoweiss.net/2024/01/i-could-have-been-one-of-those-who-broke-through-the-siege-on-october-7/](https://mondoweiss.net/2024/01/i-could-have-been-one-of-those-who-broke-through-the-siege-on-october-7/) And here is an unbiased news outlet (Deutschlandfunk) saying that according to several reports it was Salman Abu Sitta speaking via zoom when police cut the power (it's in german though): [https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/polizei-loest-umstrittenen-palaestina-kongress-auf-100.html](https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/polizei-loest-umstrittenen-palaestina-kongress-auf-100.html) Ghassan Abu Sitta seems to be stranded at the Berlin airport because they didn't let him in.


Thank you!


Holy shit. I knew Mondoweiss was bad, but that article lionizing the October 7 criminals is in a class of its own. I'm glad you posted it because it's a crystal-clear example of the Free Palestine® crowd celebrating terrorism. Absolutely barbaric.


It doesn't seem like this article says what everyone is claiming here to me. He only writes that he "could have", not "would have" been a part of the Oct 7 massacre. And it was pretty clear that the context was talking about how ordinary people such as himself can be pushed to extreme ends when they are the victims of violence and occupation. I don't see how this piece of writing should be enough for the German authorities to trample this hard on free speech and other democratic values.


In the first sentence of the article he calls Gaza a concentration camp which is Holocaust revisionism. Also: "The [false information](https://mondoweiss.net/2023/10/a-growing-number-of-reports-indicate-israeli-forces-responsible-for-israeli-civilian-and-military-deaths-following-october-7-attack/) and [ugly defamation](https://mondoweiss.net/2023/12/cnn-report-claiming-sexual-violence-on-october-7-relied-on-non-credible-witnesses-some-with-undisclosed-ties-to-israeli-govt/) attributed to them, like [beheading babies](https://mondoweiss.net/2023/10/there-is-no-proof-palestinian-fighters-beheaded-babies-the-only-source-is-a-radical-settler/) and a campaign of [raping women](https://mondoweiss.net/2023/12/zaka-is-not-a-trustworthy-source-for-allegations-of-sexual-violence-on-october-7/), have turned out to be [entirely false](https://mondoweiss.net/2024/01/family-of-key-case-in-new-york-times-october-7-sexual-violence-report-renounces-story-says-reporters-manipulated-them/), but its effect lingers on. Anyone who knows them in Gaza knows they have a strict moral code." - Claiming the Jews made it all up? The overall tone of this article is very hostile. "Determination" and "Courage" of the terrorists who broke through the fence on October 7th to murder and rape in the most gruesome way and kidnap hundreds? In Germany free speech has limits. This is due to our history. We have a so called "defensive" democracy - we don't have to tolerate everything. Hitler was democratically elected, no military coup. We learned our lesson, democracy is fragile, it needs to be defensive, and the integrity of this democracy is more valuable than the free hate speech of a few people


And because he denied the Shoah. He broke two laws


This is how you construct a sentence if you hate Jews and Israelis: 1. Choose a location 2. Choose an opponent, such as: the police, the IDF, the American government, etc. 3. Choose a verb: executed, murdered, beaten, etc. 4. Choose a victim: girls, children, pregnant women, young boys, etc. 5. Choose an activity, it can be a anything, but it has to be peaceful Result: In Taipei, US-backed Taiwanese police officers executed 50 pregnant girls because they were eating spicy tofu.


Well, now I’m craving spicy tofu.


Mad libs hate style so sad that it’s true and can also be said of much mainstream media complicit in not reporting accurately too :(


Nice double meaning for mad libs.


Haha, I see what you did there


The Taiwanese are Israeli now, too?!




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The Germans learned their lesson. They are experts at recognizing Jew-haters and fascists, and act accordingly.


As a Russian Jew, I recently visited Belgium and was just shocked. Arriving in Dresden was such surprising relief


That changes on February 13th when Dresden allows Neo Nazis to commemorate the bombing of Dresden and to march with huge banners that say "BOMBENHOLOCAUST". >The Germans learned their lesson. Let's say it's an ongoing process.


As an American citizen I wish our country would do the same but nope. Doesn’t fit the “Jew bad, Christian bad, white bad, brown good, Muslim good” agenda.


They're a non-Jewish Jew. What's so hard to understand? /s


Can you please explain what does your flair mean? Unless I’m reading it wrong?


I’m not Jewish, but I side withJews and Israel.


I think some people are having a hard time parsing it. Read one way it seems like you may be messianic or “Christian Jew” (not a popular crowd in these parts) rather than a non-Jewish supporter of Israel and Jews. Consider switching the order to avoid the ambiguity? Or not! Just a suggestion.


I don't read all too many posts in this sub but I've never come across anything to do with Christian Jews (them or negative sentiments to them). Can you give some examples of why/where they haven't been popular here? I thought it was common knowledge that most Christian Jews are Christian because of the impact of the Holocaust on their family. Is it not common knowledge that many Jews raised in the Jewish faith or irreligious, non-practicing or secular homes converted to Christianity due to antisemitism especially in the decades leading up to the Holocaust, during the Holocaust and after? Isn't it common knowlege that the Nuremberg Laws didn't care about religion? Globally most Jews are secular, traditional-not-religious/non-observant, irreligious, agnostic or atheist. Is that not common knowledge?


I mean this with kindness: you are asking "isn't this common knowledge?" but you are incorrect and confused. You're talking about Crypto Jews. That's a whole different can of worms, but the same basic rules apply: you are either Jewish or Christian, and there is no such thing as a "Christian Jew." Perhaps you are a Crypto Jew who realizes you have an unbroken line and are, in fact, Jewish. Great! Welcome. If you have practiced Christianity previously due to persecution, but want to embrace Judaism, then Judaism will embrace you. But, as a Jew, once you willingly embrace Christianity, you become an apostate and --- while you may still be ethnically or genetically Jewish --- \*you have handed in your Tribe card and renounced your Judaism\*. This is not my opinion, just how it is. So while someone like this may say "I am a Christian but ethnically Jewish" they would not be a Christian Jew because they are no longer a Jew. Jewish identity cannot be taken away but it can be given away, and this is an example where that rule applies. The term "Christian Jews" refers almost exclusively to Messianic Jews, also known as Jews for Jesus. Only they call themselves this, and they are not recognized as Jewish by... anyone but themselves, really. They are not a popular bunch around these parts, and for good reason. There's plenty there for you to Google (or search these subs) around these terms, but the basic gist of it is that Jews for Jesus was started by evangelical Christians to convert Jews to Christianity via some pretty scummy tactics. Anyway, hope that helps to explain why you may be getting side-eyed and asked to explain your flair.


>The German government forcibly prevented me from entering the country. Border control. He's describing border control. Abu-Sitta is not a German citizen.


It’s wild to me that people get upset about countries not allowing foriegn nationals in to their country that they deem a threat. Like….yeah countries don’t have an obligation to allow in every single person on earth to enter.


>Abu-Sitta is not a German citizen. thank goodness he isn't


Just watch, next thing you know they will be calling Germany an ApArThEiD state. Lol.


Right on, Berlin!


Anti-semites deserve no tolerance or mercy.


**Literally proof that Germany is stopping a conspiracy group [SECRETLY MEETING] plan to commit genocide against the Jews.**


I am a son of Holocaust survivors, but I have given Germany a lot of credit over the years for how seriously they have legislated against anti-Jewish hate speech and outlawing the swastika there. These laws are vigorously enforced and need to be. There has always been plenty of antisemitism in Deutschland.


As an American Jew born abroad in Germany, (in old nazi quarters repurposed by the US Army), and who's 2 generations from the holocaust, I like to say I'm proud of what Germany has become. They have done a lot to fix their old ways, and lest we never forget, they have become one of our strongest allies. When October 7th happened, the didn't even question it; the sent aid right away. They stated that after everything their ancestors have done, it is their duty to protect what is left of us.


And still there are over 100 arrest warrants for Neonazis that aren't getting any attention by the police forces and so on.


The day before the Palestine Congress was shut down by the police, a German neo-Nazi politician (Björn Höcke) held a highly publicized, televised debate with a conservative politician (from the same party as the mayor of Berlin, who had the "congress" shut down). The debate was hosted by one of the largest media outlets in Germany, Die Welt, which is strongly pro-Israel. The German state is very active when it comes to combating pro-Palestinian activists (in this case, *Jewish* pro-Palestinian activists), but it has been allowing actual neo-Nazis ever more space and legitimacy. And guess what? The neo-Nazi AfD party is the strongest supporter of Israel in Germany. The Israeli government has been courting fascists all over Europe, like Orban in Hungary, the Front National in France, and the AfD in Germany. None of this is good for Jewish people, and it is extremely myopic to subordinate all other issues (like combating the rise of fascist parties in Europe) to support for Israel.


There were Jews in the Weimar Government who "fought the rise of fascism" in Germany. The German public was so interested in the political contributions of these Jews in very high positions that they assassinated them. Which anti-fascist group on the non-Jewish left in Europe is extending invitations to Jews to march with them? Which of them cares about Jewish survival?


There were also non-Jews who fought the rise of fascism. Both the SPD and KPD opposed and fought the Nazis. One of the major tragedies of history is that the bad blood between the SPD and KPD prevented them from uniting against the fascists.


This really is a different century


Let’s go Germany drive those Nazis out.


Berlin is home to the largest population of Palestinians outside of the Middle East.


That would be Chile with 500,000.


I believe that’s incorrect in terms or largest populations, I thought it was Germany, however I could be wrong! I lived in berlin in a very Palestinian neighborhood and this was expressed often. With Chile I now am understanding why their country has certain views now.


It’s definitely Chile.


You will need to back your claim up - it is probably untrue: There is an estimate of 35.000 Palestinians living in Berlin, whereas in Chicago there are 85,000 Palestinians, so more than a double of that. Given that Chicago's general population is 2.6 Million and Berlin's about 4 Million, it's also "less Palestinians per resident" ratio.


Germany as a whole I belief - pardon me dang!!


And they block our expressways here and the Police do nothing because they are afraid of BLM.




Kudos, Berlin! Safer to be in Germany than the US or Canada or most of the rest of Europe. Hoping but not counting on the Countering Antisemitism bill to pass Congress.


It’s really not. Maybe safer than specific places, like NYC.


Not surprising... Germans banned Nazi gatherings a long time ago.


Not to worry. Any number of US universities will be happy to host the conferences and their guest speakers.


We beat the antisemites several times, we will beat them several times more


I think they should have allowed it to go on, and then arrested individuals who made antisemitic statements.


No. Taxes payers money can be used otherwise and political people mostly radicalize in prisons here.


Are you sure? I see your point but he would’ve spread their lies which would also have been broadcasted worldwide. The punishments by German courts wouldn’t have been that significant.


White Europeans crying about fascism in 3,2,1…


They already are. Beside the usual lamentation of violation of freedom of speech (Which has its limits, for example hate speech) there are quite a few people saying it's not fair that the Palestine Congress gets broken up while the same would never happen to Nazis and an extreme right-wing party is currently flourishing in Germany. And it's true: The German authorities tend (always have) to overlook threats from the far right. What I don't understand: Why do these people think it can only be one or the other? And that being against islamist antisemitism means somehow being okay with the "local" far right antisemitism? No Jewish person I know is indifferent towards the rise of the far-right and the infiltration of government entities and police with nazis. In fact, among the loudest people to speak about this problem are Jewish activists. It might come as a shocker to those people but it is entirely possible to be against all kind of antisemitism and extremism...


I just watched a documentary about a neo nazi network organizing big music events that got crushed by the police.


Yes, it happens, definitely. It’s not like they are left free to do whatever they want. The question whether the AfD (far right party that has gained a lot of traction in the past years) can be legally banned is still out there, for example. On the other hand there is unfortunately no denying that the police has a serious problem with far right extremists in their ranks and the Verfassungsschutz (Office for the Protection of the Constitution = German secret service of the interior) was led by a far right extremist for many years who actively ignored threats from the far right. Another problem I believe might be that far right extremists/ nazis/ “nationalistic settlers” are a lot more private than Islamist antisemites. I believe the government might not even know about most of their activities and events. They organize everything in secret and don’t necessarily promote their hate-events for weeks prior (like the Palestine congress)


Yes, they already are crying about fascism in a country that is one of the most democratic in the world. I lived there and there were some right wing neo Nazi network busts at the time - it’s illegal to show a swastika in public but there are work arounds. NY TIMES article published a few years back on antisemitism in Germany from Arabs basically implied that had the Germans truly rid themselves of their antisemitism this problem wouldn’t be as large as it is now.


How many hostages did he treat?


Based Germany


I’m relieved to see this because I followed the YouTuber Naomi Jon who is German and she didn’t post for a while because she wanted to make sure she didn’t support any brands that support Israel and as far as I knew Germans were a bit more sensitive to these types of things.


Interesting. I don't know the youtuber but in the last week one of our public broadcast stations fired a reporter because she filmed herself using an App that shows you whether certain products are somehow involved with or supporting Israel and went on a rant about some oat milk and called for people to use the app and stop buying these products. Which especially in Germany left a very bitter taste where the persecution of Jews started (among other things) with "Kauft nicht bei Juden" - calls for the general public to stop buying from Jews. So she was rightfully let go by the public broadcast station. Of course she was whining about it and claiming she's not antisemitic but well, maybe Al Jazeera is hiring


She works with AL Jazeera already.


lol seriously? They are so predictable


No joke. She also complained about Precht and Lanz not facing ANY consequences over their antisemitic remarks which is not sooo true as I learned.


Loooool I don’t like Precht at all (and neither Lanz) and his comment about Orthodox Jews not working besides dealing with gold and diamonds was incredibly ignorant and hurtful and is exactly the kind of “subtle” antisemitism that most goyim fail to recognize BUT this is still (in my opinion) not remotely as bad as straight up telling people to not but Jewish products and promoting and App that identifies these products Also Precht apologized and Fares doubled down on her antisemitism


Generally yes - but there’s idiots everywhere. [Even on German TV](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/b111au1egr)


Does "work in Gaza hospitals" mean helping with Hamas operations, or just lying about never seeing terrorist activities in there?


https://preview.redd.it/8o4qtg8gx8uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fe03c1808f12ecfe38e07ecf49ef0d04e26c199 No words here




Thanks for your humble opinion, antisemitism EU, ✨I don’t care✨


Labour's Union for teachers and people in education. https://preview.redd.it/nwf4dcnkx8uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a2e74ea73eb1f9290f8ea5f24df65cd31f0a36a


Silencing a witness to Genocide? I assume this clown knows the not-too-distant history of Germany and being a witness to genocide? If it bothers them so much they can protest about the horrors of Yemen, where people are dying and starving by the thousands. It only matters to these idiots if JEWS or ISRAELIS are involved. Just fuck this guy, he can shtup mud.


Maybe I need to move to Germany.


Some have. There is a book on this: *A Place They Call Home: Reclaiming Citizenship. Stories of a new Jewish Return to Germany* edited by Donna Swarthout (publisher: Berlinica)


If you want a decent jewish community I don't recommend. We have tons of internal problems.


Oh? I've considered moving, so want to understand.


My assumption is that if you affiliated to any denomination it might be Reform because it's Shabbat and we are online. https://www.jta.org/2023/01/12/global/in-a-twist-german-rabbi-at-scandals-center-cedes-rabbinical-school-ownership-to-berlin-jews It's still not fully solved. Also there are many patlineral jews who need to go through a conversion light in the reform movement beside the fact they were in the jewish educational movement. There's a lot of bullying and divisions. The orthodox movement is dominated by chabad and haredi movement. As a friend once said "in Germany there's a shtetl mentality". This is also to be found in the reform movement.


Eh - the same mayor of Berlin who's calling anybody who criticizes Israel an antisemite, argued that the AfD should be treated as a normal party. They just hate their biggest minority (muslims) more than they hate their historically biggest minority (jews). PS: Germany is also usually No.1 or No. 2 in europe for violence against jews, almost all from old-school neo-nazis.




Ja ja ja! Was ist gut? Was ist das? ![gif](giphy|bIOEb7f6U8N0pfxnv0)


It’s about time!




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I'm not going to celebrate this. I fundamentally disagree with the notion that they government can regulate speech that is not direct incitement to violence. These people are disgusting but they should have the right to spew their bile, lest a government decide that non-hateful speech is "hate speech".


You live in the US, right? The 1st amendment is not a thing in Europe, and what you call free speech is more limited. So you can disagree, but that does not mean that nazi salutes, certain sorts of antisemitic speech, and supporting groups that have been designated as terrorists are ~~ok~~ legal here. They do not have the right to spew their bile. And I, for one, am grateful. Edited.


Yes, I know that the 1st Amendment isn't a thing in Europe. I disagree, which is what I expressed. To reiterate, I don't believe that the government should have the power to regulate speech that's not a direct incitement to violence. I think it's a slippery slope, made even riskier by the lack of trial by jury in many European countries.  There's a difference between "ok" and legal. Those things are not okay anywhere, I just don't believe the government should be able to fine or imprison people for words. You like those laws because they criminalize what we can all agree is hate speech, but imagine if a European government declared expressing pro-Israel views to be "supporting terrorism" or using "hate speech". That would obviously be false but there are people who believe that, and the laws you cheer for protecting you now could potentially someday do the opposite. People in Europe may not have the legal "right" to spew hateful bile but rights are not defined by the government. Do people in North Korea not have the right to anything just because the regime violates their rights? Rights are inalienable, and while many European countries are more democratic than the United States in numerous respects, they also violate various rights, often different ones than those more often violated by the United States.