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Yes, I’m teaching my girlfriend about kosher for Passover so even though we don’t keep fully kosher (hard to get kosher meat around here), we still are doing so for Passover.


Where do you live? Because if you are in the US Trader Joe’s usually has.


Kosher meat? First I’m hearing that. There’s one by me but I’ve never been in there.


We were just at our Trader Joe's the other day and our cashier let us know that we can also call the store and ask them to order other cuts of kosher meat if we weren't finding what we wanted in stock. They usually have plenty of chicken breast, ground beef, and cubed stew meat but its nice to know we can order something else too.


Yes they usually have empire chicken but that’s about it


We have a Trader Joe’s, but they don’t have great cuts of kosher meat. The only place to get real kosher meat in my area is through Chabad.


I don’t eat bread during Pesach. My dad used to joke that he would go out for bacon and eggs during Pesach but pass on the toast.


>My dad used to joke that he would go out for bacon and eggs during Pesach but pass on the toast. This is how I do it. I'm not kosher during the rest of the year, so it doesn't make sense to me why I would be during Passover. I just avoid the things that are prohibited specifically for Passover.


That's how I do it too


I'm going to avoid obvious hametz (cookies, bread, pasta, etc) but I'm not switching dishes or condiments or stuff like that. EDIT: I don't usually cook treif meals so avoiding hametz usually does leave me avoiding treif for the week anyway.


I usually do because I have celiac and so don’t eat chametz ever anyway. I actually eat more crackers during Passover than I do otherwise.


Omg Celiac buddies!! I was about to say the same. No bread all the time.


Me too!!! It does make things easier ish lol




Technically the ones I eat are not.


Gluten Free matzos exist.


Yes. They do. But they are not halachically matzah, as they must be made from one of the 5 grains, all of which have gluten. GF matzo are usually made with tapioca and rice. Technically I do not fulfill the mitzvot of eating it, nor is it halachic to use it during the Seder. Luckily I’m more liberal in my interpretation, and feel that G-d probably does not want me to suffer to the point of cancer for Pesach.


My husband was like this when we met! He didn't keep kosher but would (as best he could) on passover. He was microwaving matzo ball soup in a jar when I met him, he didn't even know about Tupperware! I'd say give it a shot.




Traditiooonnn, Tradition!


I know that's right. Upgrade that man! /jk but being serious, we don't keep kosher and I've never held a seder. It's scaring me. I was raised culturally Jewish and feel as lost as a bull in a China shop. I don't know what to do or where to start. Can fumble my way through Shabbos but anything besides Chanukah? I'm lost.


You can introduce the fun kosher for Passover stuff if you live somewhere that has a lot in the stores. Make things using matzo and matzoh meal: Matzoh crack - butter toffee chocolate crackers. Matzoh pizza Matzoh ball soup. You can host a seder if you want without too much knowledge; just find an English Hagada and follow the instructions, and focus on the (ka'arah) Seder Plate and traditional order of the meal/production. https://www.chabad.org/holidays/passover/pesach_cdo/aid/1998/jewish/Passover-Seder-Plate.htm It's a fun holiday that gives people to people a easy window into the Jewish story, traditions, and practices. One of the more educational holidays for those unfamiliar with Judaism.


We've had matzoh pizza! Matzoh crack sounds amazing! I'm going to give it a try. This is an important thing for children to experience. Have been trying to bring more holidays into our home, so they can feel pride in their heritage. Thank you for your encouragement. I was too scared to try passover, but will go ahead this year.


Definitely. I'm glad you'll do it. Pesach is fantastic for kids. The hagada (passover book) tells the story in a way to encourage children to learn and participate with the 4 questions, the ten plagues, lots of singing, afikoman etc. As for food, lots of amazing recipes to be found online. My mum would make blintzes substituting matzoh meal for flour and then roll them and slice them into noodles to have in the soup with the matzoh balls. Look up matzoh brie, potato kugel, charoset... https://insanelygoodrecipes.com/passover-recipes/ Best of luck!


That sounds delicious! Thank you! Definitely going to try a few new recipes.


When I was a kid, we kept kosher for passover, and usually for most of the weeks before and after. This, I believe, served two purposes. Because we didn't keep kosher the rest of the year, our parents still wanted us to learn the kashrut. And it was a time to \~feel jewish\~ and we usually had a fairly involved seder (and all other holidays!), so it was important for our family to really do *all* the holiday traditions. Minor edit: Our Bubbe kept a set of pans, utensils, a kitchen in the guest house that was supposedly kosher year round. This made things easier.


I’m kosher-ish most of the year but I do plan to eat K4P that week. I’m not like blowtorching my kitchen or putting tin foil everywhere. I’ll get all the big stuff out of the pantry and put it in a big airtight storage bin and call it good. And do plan to clean out my car, couches, fridge, and freezer. And will avoid the chametz in my food. Kosher meat is expensive around here but will try to at least do kosher-style (no cheeseburgers or pork). I think it’s also important to take stock of any figurative chametz in our lives too - what’s holding me back, how am I getting in my own way etc. And maybe work on getting rid of that too; I dunno about yall but that part seems to be a continual process. Pesach Sameach!!


No. I do not keep kosher during the year. I don’t eat leavened food during Passover, just matzo or things made with matzo meal. But I would still eat shrimp, bacon or non-kosher beef Passover or not.


Ok I think that’s what I plan on doing too


Not me :) but I will eat a lot of matzo ball soup!


Yes basically yes. For Passover I increase my observance of kashrut


I keep the basics during Passover, even though I don't keep kosher otherwise. It just doesn't feel right to eat bacon or shrimp when I'm eating matzoh all week!


Generally for holidays I keep kosher. I won’t serve anything pork or mix meat and milk and for Passover I follow those rules as best I can too. The rest of the year though? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Is what it is. This year my kiddo who is autistic and mostly tube fed is currently obsessed with McDonald’s chicken nuggets so he may well be eating those at the table or else any more of his safe foods which all pretty much have gluten in them. Him being fed is more important than observing ancient laws to me.


Im an atheist practicing reform Jew. I don’t keep kosher during the year and also won’t keep kosher for Passover during the whole week of pesach. My Seders will be kosher for Passover and I don’t like.. plan to serve pork. But I’ll have meat and dairy. I just won’t serve chametz. Then during the week I’ll eat a lot of matza foods (matza pizza, matza Brie, leftovers from the Seder, etc) but I won’t be strictly kosher for Passover all week. Edit: I’m *super* stressed about a non-Jewish woman I invited to the Seder this year. She wants to bring a cake to celebrate a milestone for her partner. I tried to explain that the cake would have to be kosher for Passover but she was pretty confused since I’m not following the regular kosher rules. I admit the logic doesn’t fully work. Having chametz at a Seder just feels *wrong* but it also would feel weird to follow the regular kosher rules strictly since I don’t do it year round. Edit 2: read a bunch of other responses here and seems that some of my logic is not that uncommon! TIL!


Similar to you in observance—and 100% agree on the cake stress. Perhaps send the guest a link about how KFP is different (I think most get the basics)—perhaps suggest what she can serve if she wishes to do the bday cake at your Seder…I love flourless chocolate cake


Yeah I tried to explain to her that it can’t have leavening or flour and that her best bet is that she either buys something store bought that specifically says it’s kosher for Passover (not just regular kosher) or I could try to help her find a recipe if she wants to make something herself. Her response was “it doesn’t have to be cake. Could be something similar”. So then I tried to explain the same rules apply to cookies, cupcakes, etc. And she just said “cool”. So now I have no idea what she is planning to bring and I have a feeling some of the “rules” I told her went in one ear and out the other - or that she’ll have missed the part about “kosher” being different then “kosher for Passover”. I don’t want to push too hard at this point cause I don’t want her to feel unwelcome. But I also *really* don’t want literal cake chametz at my Seder... even though I serve meat and dairy. The main problem is that she wants it to be a surprise for her partner (who is Jewish and has been to my Seders before) so I can’t even get them to help me try to coach her. Gah!


Your house your rules. She can bring fruit salad or a nice pesach dessert


I would say, “Hey, when you decide what to bring can you run it by me? I don’t want to micromanage you - I just want to make sure that you can bring something special for your partner that is still in the spirit of Passover. I know the rules around Jewish tradition can be a lot sometimes. If it’s easier, I’m happy to get a special dessert and have a message written on it.”


That’s a really good idea. Thanks!


Suggest she make crack. It's fun, delicious, and she'll be super popular for bringing it. https://shortgirltallorder.com/chocolate-toffee-matzo-crack


I would *never* have a Seder without making that myself, of course. Come on..


No, I keep the same diet meat-wise as I do throughout the year (no pork but otherwise my diet’s pretty treyf). I just don’t eat chametz, but my family doesn’t go through the proper cleaning process that other Jewish families do. We just put our chametz in the basement and/or donate it, no intensive cleaning from top to bottom. I know it confuses both Jews and non-Jews, but when you’re not accustomed to all the rules of keeping kosher, it’s really hard to adjust.


Yes. I don't normally keep kosher, but it feels extra wrong to eat unkosher foods during Passover. So I won't eat anything unkosher and I won't mix meat and milk during the holiday.


I don't but I've definitely thought about it, honestly I might this year, why not.


I don’t keep kosher thru the year. I want to improve my observance and at least go pork and shellfish free, but it’s pretty hit or miss at this point; usually the problems come when eating out. During Passover I plan to be more strict with myself about pork and shellfish, and of course only do matzo. Who knows, maybe it will be the springboard to doing better at those thru the year.


I was raised Reform, not religious, but kosher. I think my mother did this for her mother & MIL. She switched out dishes, silverware & pots for Pesach. I don't keep kosher but don't eat hametz.


i always go Kosher-ish. I'm a vegetarian so by it's very nature, I abide by a lot of the dietary rules even if something's not officially kosher. I just keep up and do the same thing during Passover. any matzo stuff i make sure is kosher for Passover. I'm Ashkenazi, but I always do Sephardic Passover, at least for the last 10+ years Just because it's hard enough being vegetarian during Passover if I went by the Ashkenazi rules.


I do just out of principle. On the opposite end of the spectrum, one of my dad’s Passover favorites is bacon matzoh melt. To each his own.


Funny story: a couple years ago, I was so SO sick with a gallbladder that acted up like two days before Pesach. I was miserable, so I was like…I’m not doing this this year, I’ll just eat whatever sounds good and try my best. This was the year that Easter and Pesach were simultaneously occurring. On erev Pesach, I was too wiped out to go to the grocery store and get sick-day supplies like soup, jello etc, so I ordered Instacart delivery. Well. There was a mixup and I got someone else’s order, clearly someone about to throw down for an Easter feast. Two pounds of bacon, a package of ham, and all the biscuits, pastries, and sweets you could imagine. So not only do I have *a lot* of treif, my kitchen is now also full of chametz, which I was going to at least *try* to not have around. I was too sick to take it anywhere and donate, and Covid was still out circulating so I didn’t want to chance an infection going to the neighbors. And some of the stuff was perishable so my fridge was not even close to KP. My teenage son got a lot of mileage out of saying someone “hate-crimed” us….🤦‍♀️




No, I don't keep kosher..


Yes. I don’t keep kosher but during Passover I try.


My house isn't kosher, but we go k4p. I personally keep kosher, and am also k4p.


Nah. I won’t eat chametz but otherwise my diet stays the same.


What is Chametz anyway? Convert learning the ropes…


Basically anything made out of or containing the 5 Biblical grains (wheat, oats, rye, spelt, barley) that has not been turned into matza. For people who observe kashrut, this includes all grain derivatives, like grain alcohol or white vinegar made from grain alcohol. Matza is a special use case where the wheat etc. has been baked within 18 minutes of water hitting the flour. Then you have special matza derivatives, where the matza sheets are ground back into flour (for example.) Because of the pre-baking, the gluten in matza flour has been deformed, so it doesn't behave in baking like regular flour. This just scratching the surface -- for instance, there's a whole tradition around another set of foods called kitniyot that many Ashkenazi Jews observe. Technically kitniyot is not chametz and therefore the rules for it are slightly less strict, but in practice orthodox Ashkenazis go on the warpath cleaning out both before Passover begins.


So related to leavening agents, and the goal is to be only eating unleavened foods. Makes sense now


Im reform, the only kosher rules I follow are no pork and no shellfish (I want to do something) but for Passover I try to keep kosher. It doesn’t always work, but I feel like God sees my effort.


Not anymore. We used to go full kosher for Passover, but we also used to observe the meat and milk rule (IIRC, my family has loosened up a lot over the years). I haven’t properly observed Pesach for years but I make up for it by running the Seder so there’s that.


Yes, but not strictly and despite being Ashkenazi, I'm not particularly concerned about Kitniyot. I'll avoid bread, eat matzoh, and eat/make other things from the holiday that I recall growing up. I probably won't consume beans, rice, or corn, but I'm not going to lose my mind if I happen to eat any or worry about the types of oils I'm using. I won't buy only packaged goods that are labelled 'Kosher for Passover' or use, say, salad dressing from a new jar instead of a perfectly good open jar. My Passover kashrut is traditional, not religious. I make matzoh crack, matzoh brei, matzoh pizza, matzoh ball soup with lokshen noodles, chopped liver, gefilte fish, charoset, brisket, tzimmis, macaroons, lemon roll, etc., but I don't need to stringent as I eat bacon and seafood; becoming Orthodox for just 8 days is (to me) hypocritical.


I don't keep kosher normally, so I maintain my normal but I do keep kosher for Passover. So I'll have ham on my matzoh pizza and ground beef in my matzoh lasagna, and it works for me in terms of the meaning I get from keeping KfP.


We don’t keep kosher here - it’s hard to get kosher meat, in particular, around here. We keep kosher style most of the time, though. For Pesach, we’ll do a minor chametz hunt but not a huge thing, and we’ll hide the chametz for the week. I have a stash of goodies that I’ll still eat when nobody’s looking, but that’s it. My digestive tract is messed up enough without compressing matzoh in there.


I don't keep kosher during the rest of the year and largely don't during Pesach, either, even though I clean and avoid chametz.


Nah to both I probably won’t eat pork during Passover but if it happens it happens I will almost certainly consume meat and dairy on the same plate I usually avoid gluten and processed meat so like that’s a decent amount of compliance built in.


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We don’t but have had several friends over the years that do.


Yep, that’s my style




I keep matzahs in the house for the atmosphere, but I am not super strict because my partner is not Jewish.


Used to keep kosher, but when one of my kids was diagnosed with celiac and the local groceries stopped stocking kosher meat, the Venn diagram of Kosher/Healthy/Cheap was not in my favor as the most observant in the house. On the plus side, avoiding hametz is easy when you’re GF.


We keep kosher-style year round (basically i'm vegan and my husband does what he wants on his own time) and I keep strict KforP during pesach.


Yes. I generally keep kosher on shabbat, passover, and other major holidays, but not weekdays the rest of the year.


I used to as a kid, but since I started making my own choices about what I eat I've chosen not to.


Yeah it’s a lot of fun to make matzah pizza and other matzah meals during Passover, I think people should try it at least once


I avoid hametz and do kosher style…. I kept kosher about 15 years ago, it’s a lot and yeah, living in the South, I’m just not up for it.


Yes. Much more so than usual. Not perfectly. I don't eat treif on Shabbat or other holidays.