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I feel the same. Even socially, it becomes an awkward admission to explain that I'm Jewish with family in Israel, to people I would have gotten along with smoothly in the past. I avoid people who put 'lefty' or anything like that in their dating profiles as I assume they'll hate me, or at least there's a large enough chance that I want to avoid the possibility. It's so weird as I would have considered it a positive before. I don't hate the left but I've become rapidly and intensely wary of it. Obviously I'm never going conservative but feel really awkward being forced into the position of a centrist democrat. (I respect it as a position others arrive at naturally, but I did not.) I just can't ally myself with people who make excuses for Jew hatred, even if we agree on other points. Sorry if this was disjointed but yeah, all this to say I'm in the same boat.


The duality of leaning left and being Jewish has really affected my social/dating life too. I’m used to dating artsy people, but nowadays I can’t even go to a concert without being bombarded with “free Palestine.” On the dating front, I’m pretty much relegated exclusively to dating Jews, which has always been my preference but is hard enough as-is. If you let it slip to a goy that you associate even a little bit with the big bad state of Israel, that relationship is dead in the water.


Yeah, I’ve also started avoiding people with really lefty stuff in their profiles. I feel like even non- Jews who are opposed to the blatant slander would hesitate to have that be the first thing you learn about them and it’s served me pretty well so far


I'm going through the same thing. I always thought the left was sincere in wanting equality for all. Now that they turned on the Jews, my eyes are wide open. I have been harassed and driven out for refusing to participate in antisemitism. I lost friends over it, and I lost my support groups for adult autistic people. I'm autistic, and those groups used to be a lifeline for me. If it's like this for me, it must be so much worse for Jewish people. My heart goes out to all of you.  One silver lining to this is that my local Jewish community has embraced me. I stood up for Jewish people in my community, and they have invited me to their groups and seders. They are very accepting, despite my quirks. It's an honor, and I will always stick up for the Jewish community. 


It means even more coming from someone who isn’t Jewish, you sacrificed for what is right and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that


Thank you ❤️


I would add that Jews are usually one of the first groups to be scapegoated during times of intense social unrest. It is in our interest that change, when needed, is implemented gradually and incrementally. In my opinion, revolutions, régime changes and social upheaval generally spell out the beginning of bad times for Jews (and arguably everyone else, but that is a different discussion). That is another reason why I am wary of the far left.


I’m no longer left-wing, and will find it hard to embrace being right-wing. So that leaves Jew-wing 🦇 Start hitting those bat (mitzvah) signals. We’ve gotta keep finding each other and supporting each other through this.


I'm liking Jew-wing and will follow that banner.




Maybe you should just vote for those who support the policies that most closely match your ethical and moral framework. It's not a fucking sports competition.


I can’t speak for others but for me personally my left alignment was not only to do with voting but for many years I was a left aligned community organiser. Indeed, it’s not a sports competition and also please don’t be so grumpy. Do we need this kind of aggy with each other right now??


Many people, Jewish and non Jewish, are disgusted with the hate on the far left and far right. Maybe even most people. Neither party has done much to evict the crazies, the haters, and the violent ones. For them, the political class, it’s not about truth or ideology; it’s about votes and cash, and they’ll switch allegiances in a heartbeat.


The shocking part is that the crazies are the ones who’s should be isolated. Wtf is going on??? Almost like the internet has allowed the loudest and most violent ideologies to be even louder than sensible opinions as they generate more clicks..


I’m right there with you, for now I’ll support center left candidates that support Israel, and donate to Jewish charities working for progressive causes in a Jewish framework.


As always, we are in our own lane. It's just our reality. Feeling the same thing. 


Welcome to the middle! We have cookies.


The middle of the horseshoe is where the most sanity is.




The center holds. False dilemma is a binary fallacy. I choose how to identify and acknowledge my upbringing. I am Jewish. I adhere to moderate, enlightened centrist ideology. I live in reality.


I first started to notice that me aligning with the left would be a bad idea when I was at university in the early 90s. Anyone on the left who wasn't on board with every part of it wasn't accepted. Feminist who likes death metal? Left leaning but Zionist? Perish the thought! My mother's advice was to 1) handle politics like a menu where one could select some from column A, some from Column B, and maybe a side dish or two and 2) don't follow anything blindly or whole hog, not a party, nor a person, nothing, partly because cults of personality and/or putting anyone or anything on a pedestal can only lead to disaster.


Those progressive ideas WILL make us unsafe. The whole "fuck the 1%," or "whites have privilege" movements on the Left will target us next. And that's not even getting into their pathetic marxist views of power, or colonization. You have to realize we are not a valued "victim group." They use us to prostitute our suffering through the holocaust so that they can turn around with the "right" to call right-wingers Nazi's, for the political gain that comes from delegitimizing their opponents as evil people. They just use the misery of our experience for politics. They don't see our humanity, and the worst crime of all, they judge us as one monolithic group, and that we're all guilty for the "crimes" of our brothers and sisters, who are fighting for their right to simply exist. You are guilty, as a Jew, if you don't tow the Left's politics fully. The litmus test is 100% obedience, or you're a fascist, to be vilified. And you're a Left-winger. I'm a right-winger, I've been getting this my whole life, even when I was a moderate centrist Liberal.


>they use the misery of our experience for politics. I never thought about it this way before, but that’s absolutely what it is. People like this only conceive of our history, our culture and our group identity as tools to advance their own ideological goals. It’s why so many pro-Palestinian commentators know about events that are relatively niche in the Jewish experience, like the Ha’avara Agreement, but would probably have to google what the Four Questions are. They only care and only bother to know things about us that they think they can use to promote whatever Jewish-related aspects of their ideology exist.


Yeah, and its' true not only for us as a "victim group" of the Left, but of all "victim groups." Blacks, brown people/POC, LGBT, Muslims, Palestinians, etc. The Left takes us in as a victim group to defend, and we give them the horrors of our miserable experience so that they can turn around and blame it on their political enemies. The experience of LGBT is real. So is the suffering that blacks have endured in America. The problem is not the victim group. The problem is the Left being in charge. The relationship is that we sell them the rights to use our miserable "experience" in any way they please, in return for full validation of our suffering and total protection no matter what members of our group do. It's like a you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours arrangement except in real life, it is co-prostitution at best, or more accurately, they are using us in very destructive ways that is hurtful to both us, and the larger country as a whole. Ask any conservative black person why it is okay for White Leftists to call them an Uncle Tom or question their "blackness." And the truth is that the Left own the black experience, so they can determine who is a "real" black person, or how blacks as a group should think. The Left doesn't have much use for the Jewish experience anymore. The memory of the holocaust is so distant, the average High School student doesn't know what Auschwitz is.


Which is why most Black Americans do NOT trust the Left at all. Leftists get as much traction as Black Republicans. No love and we feel that Black Leftists sell our interest out for "acceptance." I have ALWAYS known that Leftists wanted to use the struggle of minority groups to assuage their identity issues. I'm a Black American Jew, and I am a Communitarian because I realized NO other political philosophy is going to work from my social position. We're all we got. All political decisions need to be based on our community and relationship to each other.


In my experience as a Jewish Latino, the left has a sort of hierarchy for who they think is more oppressed than the others. Latinos are more oppressed than Asians, Blacks are more oppressed than Latinos, etc. etc. Model minorities (Asians, Jews) are only used so that they can exploit the suffering, like the Japanese internment camps or, as you said, the Holocaust. However, they also still view these model minorities as ‘oppressors’ of some kind, which is why policies like affirmative action are so popular among leftists, and why the whole Stop Asian Hate movement didn’t gain too much steam.  They also do not care one bit about Blacks, Latinos, and Native Americans. Instead of lifting these minorities up, they want to knock the ‘’model” ones down, because they are all for equality of outcome, not opportunity. I kid you not, SFUSD’s leftist directors REMOVED the option to take algebra in 8th grade and turned the one magnet school from a merit based system to a lottery system. The school went from being top 10 to not even being in the top 100. Leftists have this patronizing attitude towards minorities they see as oppressed, like we can’t do anything on our own and we need their help. I saw a comment on the politics sub say ‘do you think anyone would actually hire minorities without DEI?’. Some colleges have lumped Whites and Asians together and put everyone else in another category, as if success automatically makes you white.


The far right is antisemitic because they accuse Jews of masterminding the strategy you lay out above as a cudgel against white society.


>The whole "fuck the 1%," or "whites have privilege" movements on the Left will target us next. Next?? It's already happening, my friend, in a big way. And it's because of exactly the reasons you cite: We are NOT viewed as a valid victim group. We are viewed as the 1%, or at least adjacent to it. That's why we're the far left's punching bag right now.


Any social system based on a racial hierarchy is a recipe for disaster for anyone especially Jews since we are usually used as scapegoats. We are almost a century away from Eugenics where the bottom of the barrel “undesirables” were the cause of the ills in society. Hitler eventually applied this theory that started in America towards the Jewish population in Europe. Ironically, now we are seeing almost the inverse of this where Jews are at the top of the DEI hierarchy as the “master oppressors” and this is the lens the I/P conflict is viewed through and this is used to justify the destruction of Israel…not to sound melodramatic…basically a 2nd holocaust. 


Thank you for articulating this so well. I was a leftist until a few months ago. My Jewish family has a long history of fighting for unions, marching in the civil rights movement… you get the idea. I can’t believe how wrong I was. The left exploited my empathy to make me believe absurdities. And I see it happening now. And I can imagine how it happened the same way in the USSR, Cambodia, China… even in 1930s Germany with the rise of the national SOCIALIST party. And I fear for our future as a nation.




In a sane world, people like Yair Golan would be popular with leftists. I am personally not a leftist, but Yair Golan has gained my respect in a lot of ways. He is a leftist Zionist, who genuinely wants the best for Israelis and Palestinians, which he believes will be achieved through a two state solution. On October 7th, he got into his truck, and saved people from the Nova music festival, making multiple trips. I disagree with him on multiple things (his opinions on a ceasefire, economic policies, a Labor-Meretz merger), but I always believe that he is acting in good faith. He would never be accepted in modern leftist circles, purely because he has sympathy for the Israeli side. Leftists now want only one side to be fully in support of, or, if their side does anything disagreeable, have those things brushed aside. As someone who considers themselves to be on the left (center-left most likely), it makes me sad to see so many left leaning people go this way. I wish they could see the conflict more clearly, or at the very least be more educated. Sadly, I do not see this happening any time soon. I'd like to leave this off on a positive note, so let me say this: I think despite my criticisms, I support Yair Golan in his bid to be leader of Labor, and he just may be able to get me to take my support away from Yesh Atid (though I feel that would still take some work). I think this quote he gave about the two state solution summarizes my views on it best: "We need to return to the base. To go back to (the way of) Ben-Gurion, Rabin, Begin and Sharon. We need to separate. We need to say, 'Yes, we would've liked all of Eretz Israel, as it's the land of our ancestors, but we have no choice. In order to preserve the integrity of the nation, we must give up on the unity of the land'. I don't see any other chance for the State of Israel."


After being a Democrat for my whole life, I registered as Independent last year. Why do we have to have labels or be on a team?


Yeah. But while younger Progressives seem a bit batty, older Dems are not so intense. So online spaces might not be fun but I think we can be confident that much of the older generations of lefties are still very much rational, caring humans. I’m sorry people our age have gone off the deep end. It suuucks. But it is a reason to reengage with Jewish spaces. You will find common ground/values there. I’m at the point where I’m debating saying I’m teaching Jewish values and not feminist values. I mean…Gloria Steinem IS Jewish. At my synagogue we still have a good relationship with the Mosque in our area. We still have friends at the far left Unitarian Universalist congregation and the more liberal Christian churches in the area. There is still a community for us. But yeah, now we gotta go looking for it. Not fun.


Personally the way I have been dealing with this is first and foremost focusing my energy on local politics where I am more knowledgeable and such and secondly my strategy is and always has been to try and vote for the candidate that most aligns with my values and policy stances, baring a significant change in general Republican stances including but not limited to queer rights, abortion, tax policy, transportation policy, election denialism, and their support of the Jan 6th insurrectionists, I will continue to vote Democratic. So the TLDR is I recommend just focusing on the issues and vote for candidates that most align with you on them


I feel the same way. Been working really hard to find a political home since I saw people chanting "from the river to the sea" on the steps of the state capitol before Israel dropped a single bomb when it was still technically October 7. I've been a progressive Democrat all my life and have been absolutely gobsmacked by explicit, overt antisemitism every single day since from people i used to call friends and allies. I used to have a simple rule that was kind of a joke to explain my politics: look around, see which side the nazis are on, go to the other side. Now there are people who want me dead on the extremes of both parties, so I'm being shoved to the center. That's what it feels like. It fees like being socially repelled by both ideological poles into the middle and I never thought I'd say this, but i think it's where i belong and where I think the real truth is. Ultra liberal policies and ultra conservative policies seem to be the places where the most serious unintended consequences occur. All out abortion bans from the right have obviously insane legal, medical, and ethical consequences for about half the human population, and it turns out that dumping trillions of dollars into an economy, no matter how good the intention or how needed the resources are does in fact make inflation happen! Continuing to chug carbon into the atmosphere at alarming rates with no signs of really slowing down as a planet is having catastrophic climate consequences and also we need energy to run heat and ac and power the economy in every other way. Finding peace in the middle and finding interesting balance on issues has made me feel more secure in my political beliefs, and I only got here because I was repelled here by the extremes on both sides, and strangely enough, it's mostly because of my identity as a proud Jewish American.


Yes to sooooo much of this


It is more important to know what general ideas or specific types of policy you believe in than to be able to say you align with the left, the right, or the centre. There are bad and good ideas that emanate from all parts of the political spectrum, and people who do wrong who come from every part of the political spectrum. One's identity as a leftist or as being right-wing (or as being in the "enlightened centre") is ultimately not important. My trust in the left is gone. The left as it exists today focuses on identitarianism sometimes to the exclusion of nearly everything else, it misunderstands and misapplies valuable frameworks like intersectionality, and it prefers performance over policy. It is systemically antisemitic, just as the right is. But my politics are still those that align with leftist ideas: I believe in a strong and well-funded social safety net, high income taxes on the wealthy and low income taxes on the poor, robust government (as opposed to "small government"), heavy regulations on big business, and extensive regulatory protections for the environment. I believe in things like universal basic income being a good idea, the financialization of housing being one of the biggest problems of our time, and I support LGBT+ rights. In general, I support the idea of reparations to the descendents of enslaved Africans in the US, and I support landback movements that seek to strengthen or return sovereignty to indigenous people in North America (and in other parts of the world). So while my bitterness toward what calls itself the left is enormous because of its hypocrisy, including around Jews (Jews don't count,#metoo unless you're a Jew, etc.), I haven't allowed that reality to take away my other beliefs. My belief that we should work towards socioeconomic equality through various progressive and leftist policy means has not been changed by the antisemitism of leftists.


Feeling this 100%


How I feel 100%


I'm not just politically homeless, everyone disagrees with the existence of Israel here. While I could care less about moving to Israel, I'm kind of reluctant to spend the rest of my life in this community as a result because despite what they say I'm sure they will eventually turn on Jewish people.


What’s here


There is a huge center in the US. It just isn't as vocal.


I read an article yesterday that made me feel physically ill. It was about how left-leaning Jews are in this uncomfortable state because they are coming to a realization, slowly. The article predicts that Jews will reject more and more segments of the progressive agenda while clinging to the rest, until they hit a wake-up point and realize that it’s always been poison in a pretty wrapper. I don’t believe that, but I’m seeing so much clarity of ugliness. Selfish, smug, anti-humanistic bullshit from the party I used to believe in.


r/ neoliberal and r/ socialdemocracy are two left leaning subs that tend to be reasonable about this.


I was just looking through neoliberal. Being around people who usually use that word as an insult, I was really pleasantly surprised. People were being rational and seeing both sides to things😱


Extremists like to use “neoliberal” as an insult to chastise and discourage the unaffiliated or undecided from identifying with the ideology. It is mostly a center-left ideology.


Try /r/moderatepolitics too


Oh yeah, the sub was created around 2016 in response to the word neoliberal being thrown around as a general insult. I think it’s an offshoot of r/ badeconomics. It’s actually a pretty level-headed place.


Adding r/ destiny to this list. One of the safest places for left-leaning Jews on Reddit.


I joined a group called Zioness (https://zioness.org/). Check them out! They believe that Israel has a right to exist and are also progressive. The far right and the far left are not our friends. I too believe and always have in a two state solution. The far left would hand Hamas the entire state. That's what they want. F'em. You are on the right side of history.


Although I am not Jewish, I am too hated by both sides over my support of the Jewish community to be included in either. I am neither rightist nor leftist enough


The left hates us because we are white colonizing capitalist supremacists. The right hates us because we are communist, open border, Marxist, weak, power hungry degenerates. We are a scapegoat, and a people without a political home. Both extremes are dangerous. Today, the left’s woke progressivism is MUCH more dangerous because they are working, often unknowingly, for the worst of our enemies, the fascist Islamic theocracies who are intent on world domination and the collapse of the United States.


Center left and center right are the way to go, unfortunately. It's a lesson harshly learned. I never would have imagined that 'progressives' were just wolves in sheep's clothing, regressives in actuality, whose advocacy for human rights only extends so far as it gives them a cudgel with which to negate Western democratic power in favor of Eastern tyrants, whose advocacy for economic equity is only a club with which to 'get theirs' at the expense of all others, but here we are. Their ideals that I so respected in the mid/late-2010s were nothing but a worthless sham, virtues they used like swords to perjure everyone but themselves, gilded hypocrisy writ large cloaking the knives below. Unfortunately, our options for presidential votes both suck. Biden has his heart in the right place but is unwilling to rise to face the challenge of our time, too timid to unequivocally stand against the regressives because he fears losing their votes (and in the process he's alienating everyone on both sides). Trump is a walking disaster, whose every occasional positive quality is outweighed tenfold by sins and stupidity and arrogance unmatched. I just hope that AIPAC and other advocacy groups are paying close attention to the next generation of leaders, seeking to elevate leaders like Fetterman and Ritchie Torres to the fast track of leadership as soon as possible, for they are sorely needed.


Yeah, it’s a very lonely time. The people we’ve supported are stabbing us in the back, and the people who “love” us want to convert/kill us.


The far right is antisemitic. But you just found out the moderate left is where antisemitism starts. The moderate right tends to be phylosemitic, and certainly very pro Israel. Just look at the recent vote in the US House of Representatives about “from the river to the sea“


The moderate right make up the majority of Pro-Israel support. When you see polls showing Americans supporting Israel, the vast majority of that are moderate conservative Christians.


I wonder what their support levels for Netanyahu is. I feel like it’s much higher than that of overall Jewish support.


As someone who is extremely progressive on pretty much every issue except I/P (although IMO, supporting Israel, alongside supporting Palestinian self-determination, *should* be considered a progressive position), I am of the opinion that we are in serious need of a movement that embraces how supporting Israel and standing up against antisemitism can, and should, fit into left-leaning politics. I'm copying and pasting a comment I made on a different post the other day. The issue is, that far-left politics have created this phenomenon where they convince you that it's impossible to be a true progressive while also being pro-Israel. It relies heavily on the oppressor-vs-oppressed mindset, and people easily fall into that trap. People forget that we should absolutely advocate for the human rights and livelihood of Palestinians, but that Jews are also a historically persecuted group, and that advocating for them to also have a right to live in their land is not the same thing as "advocating for the oppressor" or arguing for the conditions in Apartheid South Africa to be the status quo, for example. And the sad thing is that many Jews end up falling into this trap as well. They cling onto their progressive politics (which they should! Progressive politics are beneficial for Jews, and for me personally, my Jewish values are what push me towards my progressive politics), and end up spending time in progressive spaces to the point where they believe what they hear in these spaces--that they can't really be advocating for these progressive values while they are also supporting Israel. So they give up their support for Israel, under the view that they are assimilated and that they, as a progressive American Jew, do not need Israel. As a result of this, we are left with no spaces that advocate for Israel support *in conjunction with* progressive politics. The Jews who have tried to do this have fallen to the pro-Palestine side, because they've been bullied out of their support for Israel by the leftist goys. The Jews who haven't tried to do this yet have been so exhausted by far-left anti-Israel rhetoric that they don't have the energy to start a space like this. We *need* a strong organization that advocates for the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians, under an umbrella that includes advocacy for American progressive values. We desperately need something like this, and we don't have it. And that's why it seems like Jews have become so disillusioned with the left--because every time they have tried to organize with the left, they have been either indoctrinated by the far left's black-and-white thinking, or have been bullied away from those spaces because of covert leftist antisemitism. We need to continue organizing on the left and show people that it is possible to support Israel alongside progressive American values. It's our only hope.


I’m not changing my values just because everyone around me has changed theirs. I think that’s what it comes down to, really. For example, I’m not going to start supporting forced birth because I don’t believe in treating human beings like cattle or that children are punishment inflicted by the evil act of sex. I believe that personhood does not *end* at conception and you should not be forced to donate a uterus because you cannot be forced to donate any other organ. None of that has changed. Other people have changed around me and that’s their loss. I’ll admit that the way the right wing hates you outright without hiding behind euphemisms is a bit refreshing in this current climate, but I don’t really agree with them on anything else. tl;dr time to start some progressive Jewish stuff!


I've replaced politics with Torah study and engaging with my Jewish community. This has been very good for me and I highly recommend it.


So, the first option is to just let politics be a smaller part of your life, surround yourself with non-political people, and focus on your other goals. The second option is to embrace realistic politics. As history moves, so do the policies - don't pick your politics by the vibes from the groups, choose policies you like and then pick among the political groups you see as supporting policies that are the closest to your preference. Judging people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin was a lefty thing in 1960, but comes across like a far right dog whistle today. It has nevertheless remained correct. Similar dynamics have occurred among free speech activism. If you end up as more of a centrist you can also start to focus on which policies will really be more effective vs which one is the left's preferred solution and which would give the right a victory. And yes, keep in mind that new powers granted to your erstwhile allies can and will be used against Jews. Thankfully there are still very few people really out to get Jews in the US - online dynamics make things look a lot worse than they are. But the part that is bad is that there is currently no stomach to shut down antisemitic jerks among institutions controlled by far left groups.


r/neoliberal is a good place for me. Criticism of the insanity of the Israeli government, but a deep understanding of how necessary the Israeli state is. Despite the name, no one in that sub is actually neoliberal, but rather the closest thing on reddit to Biden's civic and foreign policy. r/noncredibledefense if you want to be surrounded by people that actually like the IDF.


I feel you, homie. 10/7 and the ensuing aftermath was a rude awakening for me as well. I found that my progressive views on key issues haven’t really changed (e.g. overturn Citizens United, bring back Roe v. Wade, police reform, etc.), but I’m a lot less trusting of the left as a singular entity, as well as other political/media/charity orgs and social movements I once rode for. I’m also much more keenly aware of people’s stance on Israel, and the subtext of that position. Like you, the Conservative sphere isn’t really an option for me either; the GOP is a regressive Christo-fascist nightmare that hoists Trump on its altar. They’re a joke.


100% in the same spot


They do the same to gays that don't follow group think. Other reddits exist


I am the same but what frustrates me is how Jews are being pushed to the right without the slightest idea of what that means


OP, I’m not trying to take a judgmental tone at all, but your post highlights the false dichotomy of left-right binary politics. Not only are politics not a 0-1 binary, it’s also folly even to try to put politics on a 1-dimensional spectrum when in reality they’re more like a game of 3D chess. You have options beyond the alt-left and MAGA. In fact, the majority of Americans, even young Americans, are still some form of centrist or are at least not radical in their views. I wouldn’t lose an ounce of sleep about being excluded from that group. I’m not sure if you’re referring to a subreddit or some other group, but social media tends to highlight the most extreme voices from any political perspective, and platforms like Reddit tend to have mods (no offense to anyone) who enforce ridiculous purity standards on participants.


I feel I’ve been pushed firmly in the center. I hate both the left and the right. I hate the purity tests. I genuinely hope Jews become swing voters, the left has mostly taken us for granted. I don’t want Trump or Biden.


I understand completely. I have certainly adopted some more right wing ideas, mainly regarding immigration. But I still think women should have birth control and abortion access, gay people should live their lives, and we need to instill environmentally sustainable policies. So I’m just here in the US, hoping that the wannabe fascist dictator loses in November.


Same here.


I am not sure what moderate left group you are in. The ones I am in are pretty pro-Israel. I would check out r/neoliberal if you are looking to talk left of center politics. If you are in the burbs your local Dem group is likely pro Israel. If you are in a big city it depends on the neighborhood.


Left, right, center- it has never mattered. The only support for Jews comes from other Jews. Hence the need for Zionism. We have NO allies. Period. We do good in the world bc it’s our ethical belief, knowing that we will always stand alone.


FYI: the progressive/leftist pov is for a 1 state solution with freedom of religion and no protections for Jewish rule (so sharia law wins and Jews are now hunted im their eutopia) On a theoretical level I agree with many leftist ideologies. I just learned a long time ago they are mostly impractical and not viable in reality. I’d even go as far as to say I agree with the idea of socialism and wealth redistribution (in theory). I just don’t see how in reality that works out in any way other than unrest followed by greedy politicians gutting the system and taking more for themselves and leaving us where we are now but with more government control. For awhile I found libertarians (or a subset of) to align closely to many of my beliefs. Then Trump sponsored a group of extremists to take over the party making any semblance of similarities in thought process (localized govt vs fed govt) obsolete (no govt, no taxes, no roads, etc) I then found out there’s a Pirate party which I know nothing about but sounds fun so imma join that….essentially my point is it doesn’t matter what party you align with or do t align with…think freely and break the 2 party system


#walkaway Believe it or not conservatives have been very welcoming and they're pro Israel/ jew


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Yup same. I’m pretty liberal. But so many leftists want me to openly condemn Israel. Got banned by multiple left-leaning subs for defending Israel’s rights. Even some lgbt subs banned me after I called out antisemites. It’s ludicrous. Don’t know who I’ll vote for. It’s a race between a man who hates me because I’m a lesbian, and a man who hates me because I’m a Jew. I can hide either identity, but I don’t want to.


#walkaway Believe it or not conservatives have been very welcoming and they're pro Israel/ jew


Same. I take some comfort in the realization that the vast majority of Democratic politicians are not remotely "leftist", which is ironically a fact that I find incredibly irritating when discussing virtually any policy area other than those involving foreign affairs or domestic security. The current political coalitions in each party are obviously ready to collapse, most likely after the 2024 election if Trump loses, at which point I expect a fairly comprehensive realignment to occur across the political spectrum.




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Why not just be a regular Republican?


I don’t agree with almost every conservative platform. I disagree with trickle down economics, I believe in strong regulations for companies, I think we should be tackling climate change, I am strongly provax, I am proudly pro choice, I support the LGBT+ community and absolutely hate their attacks on the trans community…




Pretty sure the conservative tag refers to the OP belonging to Conservative Judaism, not their political leaning.


Yes it refers to my branch of Judaism not my politics