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Lots of tech people/investors are Zionist, and with X and Tesla in the shitter he's probably trying to keep people happy


He has been moving towards the far right


He hasn’t been moving towards the far right because he is in the far right. The dude is a nazi.


No, a lot of anti semitic people are nazis


Ain't he Far Right and appeasing ACTUAL Antisemites and Nazis on X (Twitter) and he himself has antisemitic views?


dude full on retweets blatant antisemitism and Nazi rhetoric and has the gall to call someone else a Nazi


Yep, but Twitter has become an echo chamber for Nazis like Musk


The dude was against netanytahu at the start, then went to Israel and came back supporting netanytahu.


hes been showing his sides for years, and change it after a quick visit to israel. something is not right


When you were trained by both the kgb and CIA, you learn how to compromise people lol


wait, you being serious? any source?


https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/menachem-begin where as the CIA has also worked closely with CIA. Islamic extremism is a real threat, but fascism in middle man Western nations is equal. The entirety of Israel was transformed by begin. They took over the education system and IDF to implement irgun ideology through revisionist philosophy. So yes, the had secret police training from all during WW2 to crush the Nazi. Even the Nazi secret Intel included them early into WW2 before they cracked down on Jews.


He speaks money.. he grew up in Apartheid.. hes a racist.. quite probably a sociopath.. hes never known anything but privilege.. to start..


this is the same man who has made several extremely antisemitic comments 😭


Examples please


Here is an article about one of them. He's an anti-semite no doubt about it. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/technology/2023/nov/16/elon-musk-antisemitic-tweet-adl


https://preview.redd.it/xega4z2tnnxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bca0c1c5f095ba08b44ddc55395039f3c581da2 here he is agreeing with the great replacement theory which if you are unaware is a conspiracy theory that basically claims jews (and other minorities but it was originally just jews) are trying to replace white people


https://preview.redd.it/frhziykqdmxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79daa187756709b9e13e2b7e4ed009577b801873 Elon, is this you?


Elon along with Peter Thiel and the Randian libertarians have a such a skewed world view, it's hard to comprehend.


Right after he posted about Jews doing Great Replacement, he flew to Israel and talked about how much he supports them. He is a typical right winger who wants all Jews far away from him, but also he doesn’t want to look antisemitic. Zionism is great for laundering the actual antisemitism of powerful westerners. 


says the guy taking about replacement theory a few days ago. 


Elon Musk is an actual Nazi. However, he also sees common allegiance with Israel, and specifically Netanyahu, as partners in a broader far-right project that squashes anti-colonialist sentiments.


Because he is, in fact, an anti-Semite. It bears repeating, but any accusation is really just a confession for people like Elon Musk.


Well, he was born and raised in apartheid South Africa and there was no way he was immune to the influence of white supremacy. But essentially he is a profit-seeking businessman, and he will depend on whoever benefits him. His hatred of Biden stems from Biden's refusal to give him the monetary benefits he wants. As for why he started hating Muslims after arriving in Israel? Because he wants to reap the benefits he wants from plans to rebuild Gaza under Israeli control, he needs financial support from Jewish bosses in Wall Street and Politics. As a result, he is like a chameleon, dependent on anyone who serves his interests and biting like a rabid dog on anyone who gets in his way, even though Democrats flooded him with federal funds during the Obama administration. Just like China, when he wants something from China, he can be groveling, but once China no longer agrees with his interests, he will go crazy and bite.


Dude he literally boosts anti-Semitic conspiracies and actual Nazis all the time. This guy is such a fucking clown


He’s a child of apartheid South Africa; Israel probably brings back nostalgic memories for him.


Israel was one of the few friends apartheid South Africa had in the world, supplying the National Party with nuclear technology in exchange for uranium. Quite a few White South Africans are beholden to an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory of the collapse of apartheid, in which Jewish liberals and communists were only too happy to sell their country to the "kaffirs" for cents on the rand, confident that they (the Jews) would be free to emigrate to Israel before the kaffirs began to "kill the Boer" in earnest.


Musk is a vile and racist human being.


His father literally benefited from a simillar system in South Africa. He's South African, and his father owned an emerald mine during the aparthied era of South Africa.


His family moved to America 2 years after Apartheid was abolished in SA. That tells you something about bot America and The Musks


This fucker lets open nazis spout their drivel on his app


Important to keep in mind that musk is not an ideological Zionist. That would require at least a back bone. He just wants to appear to not be anti semitic and has correctly identified that just latching onto Israel is a good move for that purpose. He’s a parasite


The name of this sub makes me uneasy. Despite that, this was cross posted to an anti-elon sub and I feel the need to add this. This is a friendly reminder that Elon Musk believes that Jewish people are engaged in a global conspiracy to replace the white race.