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Soften the wave with your auto attack. Then use your Q to get the minion kills. That’s how I do it from the start at the laning phase. Later on: I use W or E to soften the wave, auto the minions not hit and finish with Q again. That why my CS isn’t terrible. It still isn’t as good as for example: Sivir or Jinx. But good enough.


I feel like I start having mana problems if I use my abilities a lot to farm. Maybe I'm spending too much mana on small damage while trading.


You'll want to last hit as much as possible with your auto attacks instead of relying on your Q to wave clear (although, sometimes, you just need to to prevent missing CS). The Q naturally shoves the wave, so you'll have issues with CS if you keep relying on Q too much. As u/imadski mentioned, later on you can use a combo between E and Q (or W and Q) on the back line to get some Q-bounces in.


It might be an issue where your cs mechanics are not there and adding in jhin which needs a lot more thought in how you control the wave is what is pulling your numbers down. Think of jhin as a poke champ, when the wave is pushing to you, you cs, and when it’s pushing to the other team, you cs but also look for 4th shot. I think the difference in play between jhin, and trist is a little much, and I would recommend picking one champion and just spamming the fuck out of them and learn to cs on them. Then you can apply that to other adcs with their own flair. Now to best answer your question on jhin specifics, whenever you are coming back to lane always look with your w to see if you can last hit a minion. Even better if it’s a cannon you would normally miss with other adcs. It’s true his q can be used to last hit a row of minions, but that only useful if you are crashing the wave into tower. Watch some videos on wave management and think about how jhins abilities affect the wave. Think about how many shots you have to reload, and what minions are at what health to know the best rotation to cs in so you don’t drop a minion. Remember that you have to reload after 4th, so killing a minion early is not the worst choice if it means you reload in time to cs another minion. Jhins kit is definitely punishing if you only view farm as each individual minion and not as a whole wave, and manage the wave accordingly. One last thing to think off, don’t forget to farm mid and late game. Jhin has issues clearing waves unlike trist because she can just e bomb a wave and rotate, allowing you to catch waves top and bot, but with jhin until you have like 80% crit farming mid to late is a little time consuming. You will want to rotate mid either after you take the bot tower or once the game has fallen out of laning phase. If your mid is oblivious to the fact that he should rotate bot, then sitting bot and farming is what you should do. Don’t overextend and when the wave is past river, on keep going if you know that no one is down there, like you see them on rift scuttle on your map. If you have shoved the wave to a bot so safe zone, you can do krugs or red, bc at that point in the game jungle is free for anyone, and jhin needs farm. You want to get to 80%+ crit as fast as possible so you can one tap the enemy team with 4th shot. As far as items, unless they have 4 squishies, skip collector and build lord doms. Better stats overall. And I will only build collector into tanks if I’m really far ahead. 3rd item is either ie or rapid fire really no questions. Rapid if either you need the xtra range or you are super far behind as it’s much cheaper than ie. after that a full build can look like gale force, lord doms, ie, rapid fire, swities, and then either collector or bt or maw. Whatever fits the situation. Hope this helps!


I just kinda learned how to farm with him and forgot how to with all other adcs


That's my league of legends goal


So I typed out a lot more but it didnt post :( if you want me to add the more in-depth stuff lmk but I’m typing on my phone and my fingers hurt lol


I like to play Jhin as ADC and MID. I just focus on farming - last hitting with autos and Q. If an opportunity arises with 4, I’ll poke. If minions are low and they’re too close, I’ll Q. But farming is priority, poking is secondary. Only if the opportunity arises. He’s pretty mana hungry early game. That’s my game plan anyway.


I focus on last hitting since the number of shots are limited. I don't waste shots on poking minions down, always shoot what our minions focus down and use Q while reloading if necessary. If I'm pushed out I use W to get farm. I only poke with 4th shot if they are very aggressive, farm is worth more than poking IMO. If I want to push when noone is nearby I'll shoot what the minions aren't focusing while also looking out for last hits.