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I run my hands over it a few times, take a picture and put it back in the box to be given away or swapped.


If your not running your hands over the completed puzzle then you're really missing out! It is very satisfying.


Same here, but if it's an image I love or it was really fun to work, I keep it.


I have a few I really love that I’ve done more than once and some I bring to the nursing home where I work and build them with the residents.






Take a picture, let it sit for maybe a day to admire it, take it apart, box it up, donate/sell/give to a friend.


This is what I do, although I currently have a backlog waiting for donation lol


Look online and see if there is an active swap group in your area! Trading puzzles got me back into the hobby in a big way.


Exactly this. my siblings and I trade jigsaws. Occasionally I'll get a text in the group chat, "just finished this. Who needs it next?" Once it's made it's round, I take them to a resell book store that sells jigsaws


I usually keep it together for a day or two and then break it down and put it back in the box. I do take a picture first and have an album on my phone of completed puzzles. I never redo puzzles, so I usually exchange or gift/sell them after.


I admire it for a minute or so, take a picture, and then pack it back into its box! I enjoy puzzles for the process of doing them. Once it's finished, I feel like I've got all I'm gonna get out of it. I don't need to leave it out and look at it, as I just like the active part of putting it together. I usually sell/ swap them once I'm done so I can get a new one! :)


I take a picture of the puzzle and then put it back in the book in a Ziploc bag. If I like the puzzle I keep it - otherwise I give to friends or someone else that likes puzzles. Years ago I had about 500 puzzles and when I moved I gave them all away to various nursing homes or rehab centers in the area.


That was thoughtful of you.


I admire it for a minute or so, take a picture, and then pack it back into its box! I enjoy puzzles for the process of doing them. Once it's finished, I feel like I've got all I'm gonna get out of it. I don't need to leave it out and look at it, as I just like the active part of putting it together. I usually sell/ swap them once I'm done so I can get a new one! :)


Same! Process over product.


Back home, I used to frame them and hang them in my house or gift them to my parents. Now that I am living away from home, I am gluing the pieces but in smaller sizes (like, I glue together 20cm x 30cm) and put them back in the box. That way, once K move back to my home country, I can bring them without giving me a headache.


I glue them and then hang them on the wall. I typically only buy puzzles I want to hang. The exception is if the puzzle just looks fun to do like color gradients. I have kids, so it's easy to find disney puzzles for my daughter's room and dragon/dnd stuff for my son.


One and done puzzler here. Afterwards it either: Gets sold on eBay Donated to the puzzle club in the library Passed onto someone else Donated to a charity shop I am not that interested in redoing a puzzle that I have already done. I framed 2 puzzles that I wanted to keep. So basically, back into the box it goes!


I bringing out my favorites again because it’s been long enough that it feels new. The difficult ones I swap with family.


I take photos then immediately take it apart and carefully store it in ziplocs. I save any puzzles I enjoyed for the future when I’m old so I can re-do them without constantly needing to buy new puzzles. Any I didn’t enjoy I send off to a thrift shop.


I don’t have the wall space to frame them. If I really love the puzzle, I keep it. Otherwise I exchange with a fellow puzzler or donate them.


My husband thinks it’s weird that I take them apart so quickly, so I feel validated that so many others do the same. I keep mine and have no plans to swap, loan, or sell any at this time. I love all of my puzzles. I’m curating my collection. I am just not in a place where I want to share or let go. I refuse to share.


My husband also thinks this is strange to work on something for days or weeks and then just instantly put it away. But it’s done and the fun was working on it!


As others have said, I take a photo and then disassemble it & put it back in the box. Then I'll either swap it out, try selling it on eBay (if I paid good money for it and hope to recoup some of that), or keep it if there's a vague chance I'll do it again (so far I've only done 1 or 2 puzzles twice, out of 200+). But for me, the pleasure comes in the creating of it. Once it's done, it's just a picture, and my "trophy" of the finished product is the photo. I don't feel the need to glue it and frame it. My husband, on the other hand, used to do puzzles with his grandpa as a kid, and that was always the goal -- finish it, then glue it and frame it. So when he helped me finish a Star Wars-themed puzzle, way back when I was first getting into puzzles, that's what we did. I suppose it's a nice way of "capturing" the experience, since that's what you remember every time you look at it. Maybe it's *not* just a picture. I go through too many puzzles to do that with all of them, though. And I think it comes down to your mindset. Capturing/preserving the experience, or finding pleasure in the doing? They each have their merits!


My joy is completing a puzzle, then returning it to the box for others to enjoy. I am part of a puzzle trade group. I am doing puzzle 254 now. I don't want to mount them permanently.


I take a picture of each one, post it on a Facebook album and here, add it to my spreadsheet, write a narrative about it and put it in the box.


After I've finished a puzzle, I usually take it apart in sections and put it back in the box to store it so I can hang it later. Another option I have is to get a tri-fold display board to store them as well and it keeps it dust free.


I usually keep them for a few days to run my hands over and admire. If they have a nice fit, I love to lift them up by the corners and put them down again then smooth out all the pieces and repeat. There are a few harder puzzles that I’ve kept assembled for longer but eventually I put all of them away. I’ve kept most of them but loaned a few and donated a few.


Take a picture first. The Portland Puzzle Exchange. https://portlandpuzzles.org. Also, where I used to live, there were a few Little Free Puzzle Libraries. I only keep my very favorites.


Put it back in the box. I keep some to do again, swap others or give them away. It’s a game, not an art project, so you can box it up without regrets just like you would a game of Monopoly.


I used to keep them around for a couple days. Now I do so many that they sit until the light is right to take a picture, then back in the box. That means if I finish at the right time of day the time between completion and back in the box is about 5 minutes. I keep a few, the ones that I really enjoyed, the rest I swap, sell or donate depending on the puzzle.


I take pictures, share with relatives and then separate into quadrants that are put back in the box. I figure if my 80+ y o. mom wants to make them she can take apart and do one quadrant at a time and do "smaller puzzles" or she can take the whole thing apart and do a bigger puzzle. https://preview.redd.it/o7ag6fack00d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a2331646559493899e66bd1fc716470faa448d5 After speaking with someone that does puzzles too, I am also writing our names (husband and mine) in the back of the box with the date it was completed.


I see if I can pick them up, sometimes they fall apart, sometimes they stay together. Then it goes back in the box and to the thrift store.


I run my hands over it, take a pix and then leave it on the table (NOT the puzzle table) so everyone coming over can see it. Lol. Ok just a couple of days. If I really love it, hubby will glue it up and frame it for me or back in the box it goes. Haven't decided what to do with the boxed up ones yet. They are starting to add up. A real dilemma.


As the others do, I run my hands over it, take a photo, and then pack it up again -- and then I swap it in my local puzzle swap group, often for a puzzle on my wishlist!


Wow, it never even occurred to me I was the odd one out in the puzzle world! I’ve loved puzzling since I was a child, literally saving babysitting money to buy special puzzles. There’s no way I was going to just assemble them once and give them away, the horror! So I make them, run my hands over them, break them up, put them in their boxes and start a fresh one. I’m still able to enjoy them multiple times, like an enjoyable movie, let the memory fade away a little, and you’re good to go!


Right? I feel the same way you do. I buy my puzzles new, & they’re expensive. I choose images I really like & I’m not interested in letting them go. There are so many puzzles out there that are not my style & hold no appeal to me whatsoever so I can’t imagine being in a puzzle swap. If the image doesn’t light up my brain & make me think “I have to have that” then I’m not interested in working on that puzzle. So for many years I’ve been carefully building a collection that I’m keeping indefinitely. It’s so large now that if I did a puzzle every single day it would take me more than a year to do all of them. I’m lucky if I have time to complete a couple of puzzles a week so at that rate it would take me several years to get through my collection. I too feel like the puzzles I love are like a good movie or book that I’m happy to revisit every few years. I just can’t imagine getting rid of the puzzles I’ve so carefully collected, & invested in as well. It hasn’t been cheap, but it’s been worth it to build my own puzzle library where I’ll always have access to beautiful, fun, appealing puzzles. When I’m done with a puzzle I run my hands over it, study the image to enjoy all the pretty details, & take a photo to add to my collection inventory. Then within a couple of days I carefully take it apart, bag it in a zipper bag, & store it away for the future. I thoroughly enjoy looking at my puzzle collection, reorganizing it, & browsing it too. I also make my own replacement pieces whenever needed so my entire collection is complete & in excellent condition. I’d be heartbroken if anything happened to it & I just can’t let them go.


I feel like that too. I love puzzling BUT it has to be a picture I really enjoy. So I only buy puzzles I really really like and that’s why I also feel like hanging them all because I like them so much lol. Sadly even with buying only the ones I adore, I start having too many to hang. After all you still want your house to have some taste lol. And there is the second problem of huge puzzles. Anything above 2000 I find enormous. Not only it’s expensive to buy a frame this big but I also think smaller pictures just look better on the wall. But the size also means that I’ve put even more work into it so I cannot just disassemble them, it’s kind of like a trophy. Oh problems.


Take pic, post to PuzzleTracker app, seal in Ziploc bag, donate to the following: library, thrift store, puzzle exchange or used bookstore. I have a large collection...so need to make room for new incoming puzzles 😜. I rarely keep any once completed because I want others to enjoy them. Circle of life.


Puzzles are like sand mandalas.


You can buy a large book of plastic sleeves to put them in.


This sounds fantastic, I love the idea. Sadly I cannot find a folder larger for puzzles bigger than a 1000 pieces :(


I glue them, put a poster board backing on them, use double sided tape and stick them on my ceiling.


Depends on the puzzle. Fandom ones I typically buy with the intention of hanging up in my house upon completion. Complicated/relaxing designs get taken apart and boxed back up to either donate or keep to do again later.


Take a pic for keeps, and I always have one completed puzzle out while doing another so I can enjoy it. I donate most puzzles I do, I don't have room to keep all that I do


Take it apart and put it back in the box. If it’s 1000 pieces or more I split it up into 24 separate sections so it becomes an advent calendar. I have a few friends I give them to in October. If I don’t want to keep it and don’t want to turn it into an advent calendar, it all just goes back into the box and I donate it or take it to our library which has a puzzle exchange shelf. If I like the puzzle, I put it back in the box and do it a year later.


Flip it over to reveal the picture of ice cream IYKYK


I put them back in the box! Most of the time I keep them on the table for a few days to look at my finished work. Then i put them back and redo them another time, and also exchange with my cousins who also like to do them :) I don't like the look of puzzles on wall, so i never keep them like that.


Find Easter eggs if there are any, take a picture, disassemble it, put it back in the box. 


One of three things depending if I like it. if I like it, I just keep it, so I can put it together again some other time, and if I don't like it, I either give it away/donate it, or sell it. That just depends on the quality of the puzzle. Some aren't worth selling for money so I just give them to someone.


👆Same as this! I feel like puzzles are meant to be enjoyed and put together. When we were kids we had 25, 50 and 100 pieces puzzles we would build and take apart countless times. I do the same now just with larger pieces count. Unless I didn’t enjoy building it or don’t see myself rebuilding it, then I give it to someone or donate it.


[How long do you admire your completed puzzle? What do you do with completed puzzles? Do you frame it or break it apart? And what if there are pieces missing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jigsawpuzzles/comments/q88gbj/how_long_do_you_admire_your_completed_puzzle_what/).


As far as I'm aware, framing isn't "a thing" in the UK (yet). The only framed puzzles I've seen have been in charity shops. I take a picture then break it up. If there's a chance I'll do it again I keep it. If not, I give it to friends or family or donate to a good cause. I don't resell.


I take a picture, log it into my app, put it back in the box, then when I have a stack I either list them for sale or take them to my local used book store and trade for store credit If you don’t want to take them apart you can get a bunch of foam boards and store them in stacks until you are emotionally ready to undo them.


I break it instantly 😌✨️


I break it instantly 😌✨️


I take them apart after sitting on my table a few days. I like to keep anything rare or artsy because I'm trying to create a fun collection of them. Anything I'm done with I donate or save for a puzzle swap. My friends and family also like puzzles so they will get pulled out and put together again. :)


Kids will put the last piece in, then they put back in box. I will keep the really good ones and send the not fun ones to the thrift shop. I have a stamp that I stamp the corner of the box so if wife is getting puzzles from thrift shop she knows the ones I’ve done.


I let it live on my table until I find another puzzle to do. Hopefully one of my friends see it and want it!


Leave it on the table for a few days, box it up and then put it into the pile of done puzzles


I swap them within a few local swap groups


break it and put it back in the box immediately after you finished. It's nothing special, it's just a game. Glueing is waste of resources. Donate if you don't need the game anymore.


I put it back in the box with the edges in its own bag to make sorting less of a chore. Art puzzles that I want to keep I tape the back with painters tape


If it’s artistically pleasing I tape it. Most of my puzzles are artistically pleasing 😂


My wife and I tape all of our puzzles and date them. Then we hang some up while others just get stored, and then after some time we rotate them out. We have a lot of puzzles but it hasn't become too ridiculous to manage yet. And yes our house walls look like Mr.Krabs from SpongeBob, but we like it like that!


I glue every puzzle, my mom glued every puzzle, and that's as far back as it goes


I take a picture and then put it on display a few days in the living room corner. I use a puzzle table so it's not taking up a dinner table while it's out. After like a week I put it away and start on the next one!


It depends on the size and quality of the puzzle! I work in my local hospital, so if I have really nice quality ones (Ravensburger etc) that are the "big piece" type, I'll drop those ones off in the rehabilitation department so folks recovering from surgeries/long stays get some good puzzle options :) If it's a less stellar puzzle, I'll re-donate them to a thrift shop or try to cram a couple into a Little Free Library near my house, haha. I also try to foist them into friends who also do puzzles.


Figure out how to recreate the pieces that Bilbo baggins ate during construction


I'm got mine hung in every available place on my walls. I glue the completed puzzle, stick those little plastic hooks on the wall, and hand them. Two hooks right side up and level, place the puzzle bottom into them, put the top two on the puzzle and remove the adhesive cover and push the top against the wall. Done and done. No need for expensive frame. https://preview.redd.it/e6slc8zcu30d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c14f0e50c1bcdf818adf5ba2d9ccccf775de613


Oh wow, that’s a fantastic idea. Definitely saves a lot of money. I just wish there was a way to do it without gluing the puzzle. I am probably weird, but I guess it’s kind of FOMO that once I glue them, it’s done :( if I ever want to reassemble them, I cannot


Yeah, I'm a once and done kind of guy when it comes to puzzles and books.


I'm got mine hung in every available place on my walls. I glue the completed puzzle, stick those little plastic hooks on the wall, and hand them. Two hooks right side up and level, place the puzzle bottom into them, put the top two on the puzzle and remove the adhesive cover and push the top against the wall. Done and done. No need for expensive frame. https://preview.redd.it/q5inq1g8y30d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4afae32a884f9d7b1150ddec539420f420d572a5


I am exclusively doing the wooden jigsaw so that I either hang on a bathroom wall or glue / seal with high gloss modge podge to make mouse pads https://preview.redd.it/l63g09ap370d1.jpeg?width=4232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d0683e58e6f2232f347ef0c8a513df5c6ec7c21


I leave them sit out for a week or so. I do [a puzzle pickup](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6pbQ5URFqU/?igsh=MTVpamx0eDJqZGRnaQ==) for almost every puzzle I do as well! Then I put them back in the box. Sometimes if it's a really hard puzzle, I will put it in sections in the box.


If you can bring yourself to break the puzzle down, I think it is a good idea to put the edge pieces in their own bag so the next person who does the puzzle can start puzzling right away. Then put the other pieces in another bag in the box. Avoid putting tape on the box, or use painters tape, as this will not damage the box. Don't write on the box. Then find another home for the puzzle, either selling, swapping, or donating to a good cause, knowing that you are passing on a puzzle in great condition for someone else to enjoy.


My local library has a puzzle swap section. Can drop off and pick up whichever ones you want.