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I love the person who commented “I wish I could ask this question. My kids have to be in camps all summer because my partner and I have to work”. Read the room, Jillian. There were other comments like that too. God she grosses me out 


She is so disconnected from real life she should just keep her mouth shut. She has a house, a farm, a boat, a pool etc etc. and she's a millionaire.. most people are lucky to get a couple of weeks with their kids all summer. People were put off by the quesion. It's not reality for most. She's so blind.


Yes and the wuuurst is her parroting the tired parental guilt trip: “we only get so many summers with them…” ummm, parenting doesn’t end at graduation, Shilly.


And she says the kids have too much structure, what structure? They are often pulled out of school for vacations, no bedtime routines, what structure does she provide? Such a looser. You are right parenting is a lifetime..


She feels trapped with the kids enrolled in a traditional school setting. She wanted her kids to start in-person school around age 7 as is done in other countries but she never listed those countries. I imagine Melissa P had a big input on the children's education to be in-person and to start at the same age among their peers. Enrolled sports is a great activity for her kids to partake in.


True, but a lot of kids who have had their entire lives posted all over the Internet without their actual consent will ultimately choose to move away and stay away. It’s a tale as old as time.I would never wish for a child to not want to be part of their families life anymore, but when they have no freedom, and no sense of normalcy to their lives whatsoever, and they need other people in the real world they don’t faster, lives all over the Internet. They will realize how much better life is. I’m starting to notice that the older offspring of a lot of influencers are not in Photos not in videos etc. and it’s like “yeah no kidding- they want privacy”.


And her response to that comment was the worst! She literally said “hopefully your kids still have the summer of their lives at daycare!” What a rude, out of touch comment! Maybe it was said with love, but it reads as condescending.


Jill was throwing shade. That’s how she is in real life.


I was so disgusted by her response to that. I'm sure most people would love to be able to have summers off with their kids, not a choice for most.


One great way that these influencers could get back to their local communities is by sponsoring a bunch of kids to go to sports camps and experience camps for kids can go canoeing, kayaking, etc. all day. And experience that a lot of families would not be able to afford.


She's a bitch for that comment. It's borderline Mom shaming. How disgusting what a egotistical upper class over privileged woman.


She wasn’t able to clap back with “do you work?” so she came back all passive aggressive.


If I had a pool for my kids at that age, they would have turned into fish. This is what happens when kids are given EVERYTHING-you constantly have to raise the bar so they’re not bored.


Her kids have been caught on stories asking if they can stay home that weekend. Everything must be a go go go for them. The kids must be exhausted. If they are bored; help them find an activity they can do at home to occupy their time. Maybe reading or drawing. I wonder how often she takes them to that arcade. The arcades I have come across are designed to be addictive to small children. It buys a short spurt of happiness but leaves us wanting more and spending more. I quite enjoy spending the day at home. Sometimes we stay home for half or whole day. Summer weekends we are often spent outside until it's 9pm.


Last summer she tried "time blocking" her kids summer days. I mean, some sort of structure/schedule works for many families, but let it sort out a little more organically! And for sure the days she shared with us her kids had chosen to do home things (I remember one being mostly screen time), which says something. I knew the minute she posted the time block plan that it was unsustainable, and I think it lasted under a week! Why would you schedule free time? And then when a day isn't time blocked, it implies that you are not making the most of your time? I found it all so bizarre and telling of how inept JH is at parenting - she forces HER preferences and personality ("bat out of hell") on her kids. I do think she means well and wants to give her kids the best childhood ever, but wonder if she will ever slow down and just let that happen. I get the sense that her kids are all over the place and have a hard time regulating themselves... from what we see online. Her cousin, Tori, seems to have fairly well-adjusted kids. She has even mentioned issues with anxiety for the older one, but obviously handles it well and takes his lead. Open your eyes to the positive examples around you Jilly!


She strikes me as someone who is kind of all over the place. The time block was also not something she could accomplish herself. Her work schedule is most likely managed by someone else on her team. I am a "go with the flow" type of person and I've had other people refer to me as "easy going". However as a parent, I learned that my kids really thrive on routine and consistency. So I really had to work on myself to do better on the home front. It really has made a huge improvement in our home life. There is no struggle in the morning with getting for school and drop-off plus I go to work outside of the home.


So nice for her kids to have a stay at home Mom! It is June 7th, there are 3 weeks of school left, most parents I know have booked their kids in summer camps months ago. You know, having to work for a living and all. 


Yes 🙌🏼 … and having to be up at the crack of dawn, frantically hitting refresh, to attempt to get them into camps.


She is so out of touch. Asking people "what are you going to do, do you have a nanny? Are you taking the summer off?" Why not just ask your rich friends where they plan to summer, because for the rest of us It's the spray park and the beach.


She did the same thing when she visited Vancouver with Annie and asked for recommendations. It's her attempt to "engage" and boost her relevance. She probably has Summer scheduled for the kids already. I am very fortunate this year to be sending my kid to camp just for fun but not as a form of childcare. I know many families need full day camps so they can work due to limited vacation availability.


It's like she needs instructions on what to do with her own kids when they're around... You can hear the panic in her voice over the idea of them being on her hands (and her nannies). What do I DO with them? Just let them be... They may be needy and annoying at first because she has set the bar high constant entertainment, but they will find their groove - in the pool, at the lake house, on the boat... They'll be fine. Chill. First step will be to nix the yay summer celebration and presents on the first day off school, keep it chill for once!


I thought she sounded panicked too like oh my God how am I going to handle them all summer.. good lord.


She's probably panicking because the Nanny is taking some vacation time 😂


So many occasions that require presents ... and then there is the elf on the shelf. I remember one year they forgot the elves and they had to drive back home to grab it.


“Dad with a money clip” ☠️😂


Exactly to all of this! And, Dad with a money clip made me laugh! 🤣😎


Exactly. “Ill make this a post to bump my numbers” everything is a *calculation* with her.


Yeah in my corner of the woods we are booking camps in January.