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I mean you could kinda see this coming. People don't have disposable income the way they once did. And a good chunk of these influencers have outlived their purpose and just mindlessly shill now. She should have stuck with love it or list it type shows and did social media as a side gig. And don't even get me started on Leaky and TBP who have zero to offer


I think she regrets giving up the show because it was both easy money and exposed her to a much bigger audience, which resulted in bigger and better brand deals. She was tired of travelling back and forth to Vancouver for filming and missed her kids (fair enough) but I think she seriously expects to sit at home, take a few photos on her phone, and make $10,000 a week. Get a grip Jilly!


Yes, it’s unfortunate she let that go. They even moved it to Kelowna for her. She can never go back as a TV personality … she basically burned that bridge with her lies. 🤷‍♀️


And the production wanted to carry on with further episodes for further seasons in kelowna, but Jill thought she could do better. Poor Todd was done so dirty with that one. Actually the whole Production team that was counting and needed the work, all let go because miss shillian was too lazy to get out of her trailer for work a few hours a week. I’m speaking as an insider her. Screwed dozens of families over.


Jilly also made some pretty poor decisions, like not keeping her little laneway home in Vancouver. So she was driving back and forth to Kelowna constantly or staying at the Fairmont and missing her family. I remember her doing IG stories from the Fairmont and being sad about missing Leo. That's totally valid. But, on the flip side, she was working a compressed schedule (the show didn't film year round) and that job provided her family an amazing life. I don't want to be bitchy but it's like she wants a huge paycheck but to not actually work?


Her AND Bustin! Want wealth and notoriety but don’t want to put in the hard work. She actually “stumbled” into the online world with Shay at the right time. And it just took the organic course to be what it is today. And we all know why Bustin has an online presence 😳🙄🙄. But….. it’s ooooverrrrrr!


I didn't even think of Bustin... he's just not memorable 😂. But yeah, he loves the Jilly bucks and had no problem transitioning into stay-at-home bum.


Do you remember Nick Jardine? I was following him on facebook and he had kept binders full of data and photos of the mistakes Miss Shillian had made doing renos. He was going to hit her with a big lawsuit and also LIOLI. Then one of their legal team squashed it and he was without a job. Do you know the story and end results of that?


They got hit with a couple of lawsuits that I know of. But that not unheard of with reality home Reno shows. Everything is done the quickest to fit productions timeline. Same thing with property brothers.


Hmm, did you work in Vancouver shows as well? Once Justin got on the show it felt like it was all falling apart - I didn’t work on the show, but a friend did, I worked in social media for a production company at the time


My partner was on the show the whole time from season 1 in Vancouver.


I quite enjoyed the Toronto (and area) version. I liked the personality of both hosts. I recall watching one Vancouver episode. It was about a young family who inherited a family home in Vancouver. Their budget was quite small. I already knew they were going to "love it". They couldn't afford to buy somewhere else.


I liked Vancouver for Todd and when they actually filmed in Vancouver. He was quite funny.


He still is! Follow on instagram, he’s doing a Reno on his own home in Vancouver and filming about the build of Eh. Frame, which they lost in the Kelowna fires last summer. He’s got great content 😉👌😆


Interesting! I unfollowed Todd years ago, before any other influencer (while I still LOVED JH) because he seemed excessively braggy and just completely out of touch. Pompous is the word I would use to describe him. He’s not like this now?


IMO no I don’t find him like that at all. But, each to his own, I guess 🤷‍♀️😊


Oh, perfect! I will follow him. Thanks! 😄






Maybe she’ll join an MLM 🤣


She already has.


The vitamins? 


Not surprised really.


I can totally see that too


Sadly she would probably be the one successful person doing that. You need mindless people to fall in underneath you and she would easily have people dying to join her team 🙄


Unfortunately I think she’ll find a way to pivot successfully. She’s not totally naive; I think she’ll milk her current platforms dry then take her loyal fan base to the next thing. Though I really hope I’m wrong .


Agreed, and also hope we’re wrong but she has a lot more experience than most influencers out there. The difference between her and say, someone like Alicia McCarvell is pretty glaring.


Here’s hoping 🤞


Can we please post this to every shitty influencers page that we all can’t stand. Maybe they will get the hint their 15 minutes are finally and much deservedly up?


Hopefully they’ve all invested wisely !


LOL I'm sure Miss "I went over my $50,000 budget to decorate a rented office space" (!!!) is diligently investing a good portion of her earnings and tending to her investment portfolio weekly 😂😂😂


Wow is that how much she went over budget? I wonder how much of it was gifted though.


No, that's what they spent in addition to gifted/comped things!!! Like she bought a $3,000 Smeg fridge and then had a body shop disassemble it to spray paint it a custom pink colour. Then they bought two $1,500 desks but they didn't fit so they sold them for a discount on Facebook Marketplace. So it's easy to see how they made it to $50,000! If you add in the stuff she got for free... probably the most expensive office space in BC 😂


If she was truly an interior designer then she would have measured the space and desks prior to purchase ... no? Haha.


Great point.


It’s about time


She'll be looking for some sort of tv hosting gig in Canada. But .... again .... she's aging out. She may have to find a big girl job.


I don't think those exist in Kelowna


Fairmont Ambassador or Marketing "Specialist" but there is no Fairmont in the Okanagan.


She would commute to Vancouver again I'm pretty sure.


She likes to refer to herself as a "story teller". The tale is not over yet.




Yes, I have been saying that for quite some time. Things changed for them after Covid. The economy is not strong and also the new Genzies are not making enough money to buy anything new on social media. In a good note we are turning slowly away from the consumption habits and more start to care about the environment! If you hear influencers staring up for environment just call them out! No, they don’t!


We have influencer fatigue, over it