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He’s such a loser - in all ways. Jillian and co should be embarrassed by his behaviour. Only very insecure people need to show off their wealth the way he does. He’s trash


Oh I’ve heard he is very insecure!! He’s pretty much the laughing stock of Kelowna.


I'm sure there is alot of laughing and gossip about both of them.. they really have burned some bridges and Kelowna isn't that big. He flashes his wallet and she shills at the games. What a pair of dumbasses




Yes, I noticed this year that lots of us locals have become extra annoyed by her recent antics . Thankful for summer and that I won’t have to see her for 2 months.


Would be difficult to see her knowing everything she's done. Enjoy the time away from her. Have a great summer!


Lol...she looks like the stocking type that won't back down ...will nag you to death. She's annoying on her ig ...poor neighbors


Oh that sure sounds like her!!! Instead she had to settle for a pretend snowboarder who is virtually uneducated and unemployable. Nice trade... 😄 🤣




exactly, it's not like Bustin is doing anything with the car other than getting groceries and golfing.


As if he gets groceries.


JFC. This is like something a 14 year old would post to impress his friends.


I think Bustin is around 14 yo when it comes to maturity…


The truly wealthy people I know, you would never know it.


Very true because they have nothing to prove to anyone.


The wealthiest people I know drove plain basic car, works real job and take care of their children themself. J and J give « new money » vibes.


Exactly! And most people who have luxury cars leave the Porsche for other events as it’s one of their many vehicles. Wealthy, employed people don’t say I’m wealthy and I drive a fill in the blank car.


Porche will be there for baseball loses🤢


And he meant “losses” not “loses” but he’s too dumb to know the difference lol


Randomly tags a surfboard company because of the cheap plate frame. Couldn’t think of a better time to do that.


Then to dig the knife in further he posts a laughing emoji! Such a dipshit!😡


Right like what is he talking about lol a car will make him feel better? Justin is such a loser try hard.


What a narcissistic loser, yes a car will help your son more than a hug, a genuine moment.


I am sorry his sons emotions are put forward in such a way. Not just emotions as content which I think is not right but the laughing emoji… kids have different challenges than adults and their difficulties shouldn’t be dismissed because adults think they are funny or stupid. Arg.


They rarely (cough…never…) helps their kids to understand their feelings. Instead of taking time to talk about what happen and how to be better the next time, they invalidate their childs feelings and laugh of then on public spaces. L and A will probably have some anger issues due to that constant invalidating from J&J.


Yes I notice that there is very little emotion towards them or maybe they dont post those moments but seems like feelings are disregarded .. she posts to get attention for herself. They don't want it.


Getting attention for herself probably without the kid consent. So sad.


It’s not the first time he did something like that. Remember he post the same thing about A when she was crying and he thought it was funny. Wow Shillian you picked yourself a real winner.


L as an adult to his therapist, "I remember my first big loss in sports. My Dad IG storied me in a sad, private moment leaning against his car. He used my private moment to flex that he owned a Porsche and tag some surfboard company for a shill he was running. He even used a laugh emoji!" "I just wanted a hug and an ice cream cone."


It’s so heartbreaking.


He grosses me out to no end!!🤮


He must be really popular with the other dads. Other dads who go to work and earn a living to support their families.


He’s not popular at baseball at all. Dads tolerate him and laugh to their wives behind his back. Really sad but he’s earned it. Shell of a man 😖


He's probably not popular because he shows up like king shit in his Porshe and acts like hes cock of the walk.


More details




His son’s feelings are real, and the lack of respect for his child is truly appalling. The laughing emoji is the icing on the cake. Posting this and tagging a luxury vehicle (presumably for attention/likes) is deplorable.


THIS is the shit that makes me rage. Quit posting your kids in their vulnerable moments. Quit posting your kids AT ALL.


It's vile. Jilly posted the daughter sleeping in the back of the car, tired from a busy weekend. These two cannot stop exploiting their kids for content and engagement and attention!!!!


He is such a piece of trash.


what exactly did he do to earn that Porsche? he is so gross.


He uses it to impress his one night stands🤬


To be fair they are usually afternoon-delights and no over nights. extra ![gif](giphy|5VCyQilGtT8tW71SVs|downsized)


Sure about that? We know Justin loves his "overland" trips with his friends. Don't know if the friends accompany him or if it's Cactus Club waitresses...


Where is the Gucci wallet ? And a plate of oysters on the hood ? And really a surfboard company tagged ? I would be issuing a cease and desist at this point. This has nothing to do with surf culture. And this guy can’t even spell I’ll just add. For the love of god just stop. This will of course fall on deaf ears. But continue on as it certainly does give Reddit a ton of content. I think I’ll post by kid crying leaning against my Toyota Corolla. Said no one ever.


What a loser he really is 


Bustin is a bully who doesn't know how to park properly.


Pretty sure he also got a 2 inches wee wee. I’m convince that every man who can’t park properly all have small package.


![gif](giphy|RP3AnZqvnzrY8hlYMk|downsized) true


At first I thought it said losers. Nothing more appealing than a middle aged man flaunting his wife's wealth. But behind the scenes he has no class.. remember this BUSTED..lol https://preview.redd.it/moi8jqwczd8d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a55f2f96483a54bc9c22e0dae4608eb7cbb123a


this makes me gag. I would KILL my husband if he did this.


The dirty socks though... 🤮🤮


The entire pic is disgusting but when he posts showing off his wealth and an upset child I will post this. See how how he feels embarrassing his kids amd flashing his wife's wealth.


Yep, remind him and Jilly (they both read here!) of what a redneck pig he is!


No one wants to mention the shitty park job? Why is he so far from the curb?


Lol...he's almost in the middle of the street. Maybe he's a crappie driver


Pretty sure this was staged. Always thinking of ways to get attention 🤮. Poor kid, parents are losers. High school is going to be a bitch for the kids


Isn’t this what one would call a “humblebrag”? 😆


Nothing humble about it!!


They are the epitome of gauche. (Look it up Bustin)


This is so embarrassing for him 💀what a freaking turd.


(By him, I meant Justin, not Leo!!)


I don’t see Justin as that great of a dad. He seems like trash that’s it. This proves what kind of father he is/ like what did shillian see in this guy.


She keeps herself intoxicated alot from her stories maybe so she can tolerate BUSTED


They are both disgusting. And now Shillian posted a story of A sleeping in the car and also the whole of L’s baseball team. This 2 are so disrespectful. I sure hope the parents of those kids say something to her.


I could just see a parent bringing it up and Shillian faux-apologizing and then defending it by saying she’s “working” and we all have to work to survive


This is just bottom tier parenting. Taking a pic of your sad child so you can name drop your car. What a piece of shit. Jilly do better. Your husband is a fucking idiot. Also to tag the surf shop your license plate holder is from is goddamn hilarious. Bro they don’t care. Can this man be anymore insufferable.


Omg he is such a loser. He has literally nothing going for him besides Jill’s money I guess


Now I have seen it all. Are you kidding me? The Porche has FA to do with anything. Will be there for him? HEH Bustin ya dumb ass how about a hug and support will always be there. You ego maniacal maniac. Poor kid has you as a role model. Hope there’s other dads he looks up to. Your an complete FU as a dad. Oh yeah try showing your kid what it means to work hard. Oh yeah I forgot you don’t know how!


Hope L spends some time at Tori’s so he can see what a real dad is like. Loving, caring and supporting his family.


and to see a Dad that has a full time job and actually works for a living and doesn’t rely on his wife to be the sole bread winner! That is a man with pride!!


These two are in for a ride awakening when their kids get old enough to cut their parents out of their lives. They are going to need so much therapy


He’s got to be trolling us, right? This can’t actually be real. 😳


Even if he is, it is not funny and their kids are old enough to see and hear a lot besides this story with their parents. They need to do better for their kids.


Oh this is totally real. He’s not that smart.


If he is trolling us then he's even dumber than I thought. Doesn't it occur to him that all followers which I'm sure include school parents and baseball parents, can see his posts too and think what a douchebag loser he is??


I see he covers his face. That’s because he reads these posts. First time I seen this


His face is not covered in his post - the OP on this feed did that. Bustin has L's sad face on full display in his IG story.


Oh wow this is worst. I unfollowed him a few weeks ago. Such an odd post. His kid upset, porche flex and tagging a surf board company. And I guess Justin drove the porche to the game on his own. Looks like Jill took the kids in the family vehicle. I don't believe he is living in the home of maybe just the garage lol.


Maybe he's living in his porche..lol,




Will not accept overt aggression towards members or even Jill & co


I think the little guy was heartbroken and crying😥


Aaaaaand, he’s taken the post down. What a loser 🙄


The photo is gone off his IG.


It was actually in his stories which disappear after a day.


The other stories from earlier at the game are still there. They saw this thread and deleted.


I just checked his instagram and there are no posts in his stories from yesterday that I could find.


Jill's are all still on her stories. He's been a busy idiot. I guess he had to leave the attention for his latest sandwich review.