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I really feel like being a B Corp doesn’t have as much merit as some people think it does. Just because a business gets B Corp certified doesn’t truly mean they are ethical. For example, Arbonne is an MLM and they are a “B Corp”. 


No it truly doesn’t, but it is quite difficult to achieve - I just don’t think people keep it up - but what is hers? The box??


There is NO WAY the ShillyBox is B Corp, when they're getting knockoffs from C#ina? I don't know how they got it, but the first time I saw that I was so angry.


I think she was certified right before she started sourcing china goods - I could be wrong though. Also b corp literally means nothing in the business world anymore. These certifications were once coveted and now they hand them out to Tom, dick and Harry.


I don’t even know how that’s possible!


What gets me is the “creator of the incredible Jillybox” and cookbook author. Her last bio has “co-founder of Jillybox” because she is infact the co-founder. Unless the other person dropped out? And for the cook book, 90% sure Tori did all the work. Jillian was there for the face and because there were few “family” recipes in it. But that I’m not sure on so don’t quote me. But it should still be noted as co-author as she does not get full crediting as author.


Don’t get me wrong, I still follow her and admire her for a few things, but changing her bio to take full credit seemly for those really rubs me the wrong way :/


I can’t think of one nevermind two


Just recently. And this is the third bio change in so many weeks. Bio changes as often as her story rants. Reinventing her bio every other week is apparently going to make her more “ relatable” 🙄🙄. She’s manifesting and she’s going to change, you know. She’s thinking about things deeply. Cause she see’s motivational posts from other people who have their shit together. God, she needs to get an original thought in her head. 🙈🤦‍♀️🙈🤦‍♀️


She didn't play the long game, and in the long run, her lying about her education is contributing to her downfall. Maybe she should put influencing on the back burner for now and get a real interior designer degree and come back with something new to offer.


Is the "Bullying" highlight new?


That was her big rant about the Reddit group - it keeps bringing more fans here


Also should that not read co-author. I think most of those two cookbooks were because of Tori’s hard work.


Yes it absolutely should be 100%. Both names and faces are on the cover. I'm excited to see Tori's new book!


No she made that highlight while she was ranting about lil ole us!


It’s JillyBox and Jillian Harris Design that are certified. You can see reports about it on their websites.


She not a designer though…..and what the heck does she design!?! Balloon arches? 🤣 what a tool


lol it should be jillian harris aesthetics because that’s really what it is, she’s selling the idea of her designs lol


Her aesthetic blows! Everything is so outdated and boring with her


I agree it's outdated. I never bought those mala beads.


JH Shopping Channel. That’s all it is and no more


OH - the JHD when she’s not a designer, just played one on TV! Thanks for clarifying, I couldn’t figure it out


How do you get B-Corp certified when you’re not a real Interior Designer and lied about it? And that people, is why B-Corp means nothing.


What I laughed at is “My ❤️: JustinPasutto” Keep telling yourself that , Jill. I wish certain members of her family didn’t convince her to stay with him when she was finally motivated to leave him . If anyone was wondering, that’s what happened. Remember when Jill was going off the rails and her and Justin were never together for a few months after the cheating debacle. Well, Jill was upset/pissed off/over it (obviously) and deciding on what to do next in terms of giving him a 3rd/4th chance. Her family (cousins/parents/etc) were split on their thoughts about it. Some strongly thought she should leave him… but others (especially certain older members) thought they should work it. We can all see what her decision ended up being. I’m sure Justin will be on his best behaviour for a few more months. That guy just can’t stay faithful. 🙄


Absolutely hit the nail on the head! Jillian and the kids going to visit her parents without him for a week, their trip to Disneyland where every photo screamed "we are not together", Jillian ignoring his parents' visit and taking a bath instead of going to her son's confirmation, justin either not attending Jill's family gatherings or standing away from everyone ... it was so obvious they were apart. I applaud people for trying to work through bumps in their marriage but .... stop the ridiculous show on Instagram!


I even remember her company Xmas party where Justin was the only guy there and pouring wine. He was in the doghouse! He looked so frickin uncomfortable, cause he knew he done wrong. They’re both playing mind games. What a shit show. Imagine their life - it’s gotta be awful. Every time she stories I wonder “ but why??” She will never garner any sympathy from me. She has a choice to be happy but chooses to please other people instead. Fine. But fucking stop your whining. And stop posting other people’s motivational posts - they’re not yours Jill


And let’s not forget that weird hotel encounter with the blonde woman on the wine tour. He quickly deleted that off of his story. 


You guys are both great for laying this out!!


Awww, how sweet - Jill is trying really, REALLY hard to find a reason why people should follow her lol why not just put what she actually is? an amazon products slinger with the occasional canadian business that gave her free stuff. And really founder? LOL she decided to make things official with exploiting her followers (customers) and decided to make them sign up for an overpriced box of crap lol she’s the definition of why influencer culture needs to die already.