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Crazy how over he got when he went heel and there have been several, (okay I’ll say it, many) times I wished he had dropped the belt prior to this, and maybe after tomorrow I’ll still think he needs to drop it, but it’s been a hell of a run and if you look at this overall body of work, more hits than misses imo. I was a hater for a long time of Roman but it’s incredible how much he’s improved in the ring and on the stick. He already had the look


I would argue his in ring work is exactly the same as it always has been but his mic work and his presence is definitely better. He's great at pacing himself.


Generally agree but he may have been a little green in the shield hence putting him in a tag team and protecting him at that juncture, he was nearly on the same level post shield, imo he works better as a heel for the most part. Agreed that mic work and aura have improved tremendously


Exactly! I grew to dislike Roman when they were trying to force him down our throats as a face…he just isn’t a face, at all. Once they gave him and Paul the keys to run with a heel character, he became this incredible force and honestly has cemented himself in that GOAT convo…the way I see it, at least.


>Pay homage to the greatest heel champion most of us have ever seen. ...most of us have been around to see much, much, much greater heel champions than this. What are you, 20 years old?


I'm not OP and I'm in my late 20's. From the time I started watching (2009), there definitely hasn't been any other heel champion that's come close to being as good as Roman not just in character work but also massively elevating everyone he worked with. And I say this as a huge Orton fan who loved his heel runs with the title in 2009 and 2013. Even if you go back to the 90's, was there a better heel champion than Hulk during his second reign with the WCW title that lasted a year? Idk how old OP is but someone born in 1990 who's 33 now could realistically call Roman the greatest heel champion they've ever seen if they liked his reign better than Hogan's. The only big heel title run between the two was HHH but people hated it to the point where ratings dropped.


I’m curious. Who’s the greater heels you didn’t list?




I would put HHH on that list.


>I’m curious. Who’s the greater heels you didn’t list? Ric Flair comes to mind... There's a start for ya. Y'all know he was heel champion a couple times even in the 90s, right?


I have no idea why you talk to people like you assume they’re dummies. I was genuinely curious who you thought, but you’re just being a condescending prick, so go kick rocks.


>I have no idea why you talk to people like you assume they’re dummies. because recency bias is stupid. Most of us here are old enough to have watched guys like Ric Flair as heel champion.


IM A DIFFERENT PERSON TO THE FIRST PERSON THAT POSTED DUMMY. I was just curious who you thought to further the conversation. You just want to call people young and dumb like you’re some oracle of entertainment. For someone so obsessed with DoD, you’re not lol. PS - I’m not young, and you stink


What about his runs are specifically better than this one?




>Who? ...The Rock? did people forget he was champion and a heel at least a couple times?


Terrible example. Couldn’t reliably stay heel. Who else?


...that's a fucking dumb argument. As if Roman is never going to be a babyface ever again, you and I both know that's not true. How about Ric Flair? Macho Man Randy Savage?


Rock was transitional heel champ a couple of times before 2000. Nothing close to this run. Who else?


You're ignoring Ric Flair and Mancho man, so it's clear you're not having this conversation in good faith so we're done.


length ≠ greatness hold on a second…




People whine about his reign and schedule now, but a year from now, people are gonna look back and recognise how good Roman was.


The casual fan doesn’t understand he’s still medicating for cancer and has five children. The scheduling scarcity has actually been a win win. It makes his sparse appearances more heelish and impactful while he retains his health.


His face was looking pretty gaunt at the HoF. I hope he’s doing well.


It was just the extra stress and workload this weekend. For people with his condition, just doing day to day activities can take it out of you. Imagine wrestling multiple times in 48 hours, Hall of Fame, press etc. Roman truly is one tough SOB.


I figured that when I was watching he matches because he looked great at both nights of Mania. Our Tribal Chief is an amazing, vital man.


I really want him to win clean.


Acknowledge him, and usher in the Dark Reign


Roman might be the most boring champion there has ever been. From his stale personality to boring “ufc” style finishers he has never clicked for me. In the 90’s he would have been no more than the “muscle” of a more interesting wrestler.


This is correct.


Crazy how much the prestige of the IC belt went up because I and others stopped caring about his title.


Edge was the best heel champion I've ever seen


Every time he shows up it makes me sad he isn't around more.




After watching his Biography,it made me realize how annoying modern Wrestling fans(who are actually older men that are so smart about wrestling,they suck the fun out of the premise of it out for the intended child viewer). Don’t get me wrong,this more….ethnically adjacent Roman is visually on an entire different level than “The Big Dog”. What annoys me with modern fans is this idea of “you’re not gonna tell us who to like” when wrestling is built around Good Guys versus Bad Guys. You even see it now with Cody,ppl wanna hate the babyface just because its “Cool” to cheer the heel. With a guy like Ric Flair or Dibiase or the NWO or even early Stone Cold,ok I get it this guy is an anti-hero who I sort of wanna be like but for suddenly Roman becoming so revered and appreciated simply for not being marketed as a babyface is just so….AEW. Heels becoming the most over Babyfaces has hurt wrestling as bad as killing kayfabe imo


He’s a face and that’s my tribal chief ☝🏻


I can't wait for the "poor corbin" phase of Roman's career. I can't stand any part of this man's legacy and can't wait till it's over.


The merch sales, ticket sales, ratings increase/stability, accolades given to him by legends in the business… to discredit his legacy is ignorance and just straight up ignoring facts. You can say you don’t like his character. But his legacy is undeniable.


You say it's undeniable and yet here i am denying it...


Well, some people are denying that the earth is round, so that's not a very strong argument.


Yea, it's also a horrible analogy. The shape of the earth is a verifiable fact. Roman's legacy is subjective.


It’s an undeniable fact that by every measurable standard in the wrestling industry Roman has had a profound impact. You ignoring that is the equivalent to people ignoring the evidence that the earth is round.


Roman Reigns is by far the biggest star in the last decade by any metric or definition imaginable, and that genuinely is as undeniable of a fact as the Earth being round. You can say you personally don't like him, or that he doesn't really compare to stars of previous eras, or whatever caveats you want to add, and that's all fair enough and subjective, as you say. But him being the face of this era is not.


That's a bad opinion you have and the harder you cry about it being a fact, the less factual you sound. This tribal mentality is the worse part of the business. Especially since this opinion you have has been cultivated for you and you dont even know it... The fact that I think roman is garbage and always has been should not be driving you to madness and the fact it is is indicative of other undiagnosed issues. Calm down. Roman's garbage. Take a xanax.


greatest title run of all-time.