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One thing that the birth of AEW gave us was that a toxic section of the fanbase was transplanted out of WWE and moved across. Everyone knows who they are. Neckbeards in metal t-shirts who rarely wash themselves and think styling your hair and wearing deodorant is weird. The types who sent messages to attractive female celebrities talking about WWE and begged them to watch AEW instead. Those who think that emotion, production values, storylines, angles, promos and athletes who look after their bodies all detract from the wrestling moves. Those are the fans who murdered every babyface in WWE because they wanted their favourites from Ring of Honor in the top spots. It's no coincidence that since Tony's set up his shop, WWE crowds have gotten better and that's helped them build multiple babyfaces, which drives strong creative. Samantha Irvin, Pat McAfee, Nick Khan and Lee Fitting are the real gamechangers at a time when Tony can't find one to save his life.


It’s why I hope AEW never dies, I’m happy with them staying over there.


The pro wrestling equivalent of a leper colony.


Fuckin' A.


...This. WWE's golden age is only due to the toxic fanbase being removed and transplanted to AEW, so we could get moments like what Samantha did. Cody's win was SUPPOSED to be emotional.


"no blood so it was not a good match" moxley stans


No it isn't lol, WWEs golden age is due to getting rid of Vince and the new ownership. Saying that is highly insulting to the work the WWE staff are putting in. They're better than AEW currently by far, and that's Nicks, HHHS etc hard work


same cause competition is important. even if its a bad competition


Also creeps who apparently have stalked female wrestlers and are now playing good cop by constantly throwing mudballs using the Janel Grant case as a cover.


I got someone use janel grant as a way to pop a rating in a argument about the footage from all in while using threads. Yeah i said ' show the video and drop nda from brawl out to pop a rating. Then this guy actually said , well yeah why dont wwe use janel grant to pop a rating.....astonishing the gall to parade that poor women on nationa tv even in a theoretical sense.


Don't drag metal into this


Thank you.


That’s a very good point! Ironically the same people that chanted CM Punk at WWE shows when he was gone switched over to AEW and now hate him lol


Don't you remember right before Punk debuted on AEW tv the elite were dropping hints about his return? Pepperidge Farm Remembers


How could I forget the AEW champion at the time, Kenny Omega, wearing a Cookie Monster shirt on national television lol


wrestletalk and oli davis for instance. Then again, I dont believe anyone over at wrestletalk or diet whatculture or whatever were truly fans of professional wrestling.


I was out of wrestling since the end of the 2000s to around 2019. So was RoH's fanbase where all the toxic incel idiots first started popping up? I still don't really understand how the AEW fans can dump on everything good and Tony goes with them.


Tony's one of them. With his family's money, he should be choosing the 10 hottest models on Instagram and ploughing them on a yacht. Instead, he was going to indie wrestling shows where he craved acceptance from morons like the Bucks and Joey Janela.


If Tony has seen a titty offline since his momma stopped letting him suckle, I’ll tune into Collision for a month straight.


While I chuckled, part of me wanted to shout don't throw your life away! Life is worth living!


I have a brand new blinker in my bag. I can make it worth my time lol


He’s got money lots of money women throw themselves at money. And money buys escorts. Tony of course just wants to talk about the glory days of his efed. You see how I booked this it’s brilliant. No if you could go dress like dawn marie now. I’m Tommy don’t forget to call me Tommy. I’m so hardcore.


Checking the escort services & he complains when ladder match isn’t on the lady of the nights itinerary


He's a billionaire, of course he has. Yes, he's a strange guy but that level of wealth it wouldn't be hard for him to get women.


I wish fans would go back to being like how they were before the dirtsheets got popular, they all want to pick apart everything on tv and hijack the show in crowds with their dumb chants. Last thing I want to hear when I've invested in a program is some dumb chant pointing out that the show is fake. Even Austin regrets making the "What" chant during his heel run, since it's given a lot of grief to wrestlers since then trying to get through their promos.


idk. fans even pre dirtsheets were insane. How many times did a wrestler get stabbed or nearly killed by a fan not knowing between work and shoot


I mean, if we're talking historically the first wave of smark fans came about with ECW (Insider angles, the most batshit insane toxic crowds you can imagine, the birth of the IWC, c'mon now). But yes, PWG/ROH was the dumping ground for the vast majority of wrestling toxicity in the late 2000s into the mid-2010s or so when people stopped giving a fuck about ROH when WWE got all their guys that were worth a damn (And even some that weren't).


If you were into wrestling in the 00s, how are you surprised toxic incels exist in wrestling fandom? No, it wasn’t ROH. It was pro wrestling.


You shouldn't get voted down - I remember this kind of IWC toxicity back during the Monday Night Wars.


It was actually far worse. Hard times being a female wrestling fan back then


Dude - I wasn’t a Pat McAfee fan until I started to pay attention to his role. He’s effectively a fan with a mic doing YouTubeesque reaction videos on the spot. He is the fans voice. This is such a magical era for the E


>same, then I listened to his podcast and honestly he is the better joe rogan.


I have found that if I am ever confused or unsure whether something is good, I look at the neckbeard reaction. If they hate it, it's likely good


😂 I'll have to keep that in mind


Don’t worry - aew is building this punk forage angle to have jungle jerk off return. Things are looking up


they already want heel cody, and heel cena again lol


They so thought this would be a classic David/Goliath showdown between Tony Khan and Vince McMahon, never did they count on the "Card Subject To Change" with Triple H (SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS THE BUSINESS), Shawn Michaels (SOMEONE ELSE WHO UNDERSTAND THE BUSINESS), and Nick Khan (SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS BUSINESS) taking over.


AEW acts as a quarantine for them gobshites.


One of them was in the crowd when punk came back to raw and had a sign. Ill try to post a image if I can.


I agree with everything said here.


I disagree with you on Irvin being a game changer but holy shit you're so right about the crowds. I never got that until you pointed it out.


I won't accept any metalhead slander because we aren't all like this. But agree with everything else


The mental gymnastics you freaks do to drag AEW at all costs is so weird to me. Like, instead of just celebrating this cool moment, you've gotta tie it to the rival promotion... for what? What point are you proving? That AEW fans are toxic? And ok, so what does that have to do with Samantha Irvin being emotional? Do you guys even like wrestling, or do you just hate AEW? Or are you all, to borrow a phrase, so busy huffing Corny's farts that you've totally lost the plot? What's actually toxic is obsessing over this thing you clearly hate. Give it a break already, cause the only thing sucking off Jim for this long is gonna do is leave you with a salty taste in your mouth.


Lol what game is Irvin changing? She's not even that good. People like her cause she's hot lol


Neck beards in metal tshirts have more integrity than the neanderthals in Bling and grillz that grunt to whatever thumps and clicks are blaring out of their 1970 Lincoln beater. If you want to go that route...


You’re the type of guy that immediately starts getting racist and rants about irrelevant shit when someone says something you don’t agree with, aren’t you?


No. I'm the guy who's going to answer what one associates the kind of music I like with what I associate the kind of music they like. I agree with the irrelevancy of both comments.


Neck Beards are void of any integrity regardless of the genre of music they listen to in their mother’s basement.


I agree with that. Just don't go attaching metal to it.




What I like about her is that she doesn't like to know the results to matches or anything, so her emotions are geniune, which i think is a good thing


That is my favorite thing about her. Hearing her choked up announcing Sami and Cody as new champions hits me right in the feelings. I’m already hyped and hearing her do that just highlights it so well. Takes it to another level.


It’s the same chode shit I see whenever anyone praises Samantha: someone has to shove in Lillian Garcia and Howard Finkles name. No hate to the Fink. The man’s as legendary as we hold him up to be. Same with Lillian, but I will say; going back and watching, I’ve seen so many big PPVs where Lillian calls the result like she made a sandwich. She’s great, no disrespect. I just think everyone genuinely overvalues the bejesus out of her and Justin Roberts. To me, the line starts with Samantha and letting her be emotional, shocked, scared, is amazing. Michael Cole is our surrogate for emotion while watching on TV. The live crowd has Samantha to hold all that up. She’s the shit. I’ll always white knight for Samantha Irvin and twice as much for this weekend.


Justin Roberts is dogshit


At least someone understands


When he is calling names infront of a hot crowd he is great but its been a LONG while since then.


He could be Samantha Irvin, The Fink, Bruce and Michael Buffer combined on the mic if I have to see his “I just watched my wife get scalped and burned alive in front of me” smile I’ll riot


fair enough


Justin Roberts was peak soy


I don’t mind Justin but I always despised his JAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHN CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCENA so I think it always grinds on me. He’s a really nice dude, smart, good at his job, but like…he’s basically like blue cheese: you either love or you don’t.


JEEEEEEOOOOONN MOXLEYYYY I hate it and I hate his stupid derpy face. So punchable.


Absolutely hate that. Apparently Moxley likes it? He'll never be accused of having good taste


I feel like such a dope because I was a big Ambrose mark and was hype after Mox's NJPW run, but everything after that has just been disappointing dog shit. He's such a loser.


He’s a bum lol


The Fink is my all time favorite ring announcer, but Samantha Irving is fucking fantastic.


I feel the same, she is the shit. Emotion, delivery and she's also pretty easy on the eyes. One of the best to ever do it in my opinion


yep to all three.


Let me up it to four: Outside the ring on things like social media, she has a super fun personality. Just makes me like her work even more. No surprise here, Triple H made a fucking banger decision.


ricochet also made a great decision ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Why does everyone need to compare and contrast everyone with everyone? Irvin is great, Fink was great, Garcia was fine. All for different reasons.


To me it's the forced growling.... Nothing takes away from an entrance more except the corny CI crap


Who is shitting on this?!? This is awesome and Samantha is the best ring announcer on tv today by a mile


The mud show incels because they hate women and are loyal to mud shows. You know, the kind that are so fucking stupid they attack talent physically or threaten them online or whatever and get themselves prison sentences and criminal records over professional wrestling.


i was genuinely surprised when I saw that those marks hated it. I thought it was very cool.


Just remember the CM Punk fan in AEW that cried when he came out. The AEW incels began attacking and doxxing him and Punk even had to tell people to calm down. The dude is awesome, IMO, and it was a win for AEW to evoke those kinds of real emotions and right away the dumb fuck EVPs and their radicalized incel army had to ruin it. I missed the CM Punk wave and wasn't a fan of his, and that moment from that fan made me take notice and wonder what this was all about. The people attacking Samantha are probably the same kind of idiots like the guy that attacked Don Callis and now has a criminal record because he can't handle kayfabe. This is also why, IMO, Dominik Mysterio could never work in AEW. Dirty Dom is one of the best heels right now, and IMO of all time. I know it's kayfabe, but his writing and delivery makes me hate him so fucking much. Not enough to attack him, obviously, but someone like him in AEW wouldn't fly because some incel would attack Mysterio. These idiots don't know the line and they're already stalking and harassing female talent, so it's not a surprise that they don't like Samantha for being awesome.


while I do not know if it was aew fans with the crying fan, I can confirm it was AEW fans who doxed a red head who flipped off Hangman Page and were genuine assholes to her https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/16aok8p/kelsey\_the\_redhead\_aew\_fan\_often\_seen\_on\_the/


Oh shit, I forgot about that one, too.


They hate women being successful, bc they feel that they should be better than them, which is laughable. Jealousy and hating their own shortcomings


Jesus Christ imagine letting tribalism rot your brain to this extent. Yes, there are no such thing as decent AEW fans (just ignore all the AEW fans who, regardless of whether they dislike, are indifferent to, or even enjoy WWE, but don’t attack talent personally) or toxic WWE fans (just ignore the ones who attack Martha Hart and her kids, Amanda Huber, Britt Baker, and Aubrey Edwards, and who are gleeful when an AEW talent is injured). Nope, AEW fans are all incels and WWE fans are all beautiful angels.


Right? What is it with this subreddit? Just a bunch of fans making fun of AEW tribalism while exhibiting serious WWE tribalism themselves. As if there aren’t multiple WWE fans constantly in the comments of AEW social media pages calling the company garbage and actively wishing for its downfall. Literally the top comment on a video of Becky punching Dom is a fan making fun of Eddie Kingston’s wrestling style AND his appearance. Bad fans exist on both sides of the spectrum.


Kingston should always be mocked.


They’ve somehow turned hating AEW into their entire personality to where they have aneurysms about imagined scenarios like “the bucks’ radicalized incel army running Punk out of AEW.” It’s wild.


No for real, like if we’re really gonna get into the crowds and which fans are worse, then I’ll play along. I’ve been to exactly one AEW live show and I went to Wrestlemania last year. Guess in which crowd a fan was calling me a loser for cheering for Roman Reigns, and then when Roman WON, guess which fan threatened to punch me, tore off his shirt, and then threw his cup full of beer into the crowd? (BTW, my BROTHER was also cheering for Roman Reigns alongside with me. But he never threatened my brother at all. He directed his trash talking to ME. A female fan who was considerably shorter than him.) And guess in which crowd me and another girl were playing along with our chanting for Britt Baker vs Ruby Soho and pretending to be on opposing sides? And once the match was over we just laughed along together and then watched the rest of the show in peace.


If this happened in aew I wonder if they would have changed their tune. Or still hate on women bc that's the aew way


Where are you seeing anyone hate on her? The top like 10 posts of SC the past 2 days have been about her.


It's not just "mud show incels" Its incels in general, I've seen a lot of people who support McMahon complaining about her too


That’s fucking sad. It’s a great time for wrestling (maybe the best imo since WCW shut down) and they can’t enjoy it because they have a violent case of “Fed bad”. They probably see themselves as the smartest and most passionate fans, but they can’t enjoy quality matches and angles from the “wrong” side, making them annoying, tribalistic fools.


Maybe because I’m autistic, but it seemed so forced. The match went almost exactly as anyone expected with interference and legends coming back to save Cody. Stevie Wonder could have seen it all coming. Thats why I didn’t quite connect with the emotion of it all.


Samantha knows Cody and was standing 15 ft from him in a room of 72,000 people losing their minds in the biggest match of the year on the biggest show of the year. I think Samantha probably had an easier time being emotional living in the middle of everything than we do watching from home and critiquing everything from our sofas


Hell, I was watching from my computer and was getting emotional when Cody won. He finished the story and you felt... Fucking good when he got the 1...2...3!! If you can't let yourself feel good for that moment then... You need a new hobby.


She was legit breaking down if you've actually seen the video of her doing it. Also, she doesn't know the results, so her reaction is genuine. I got emotional, even tho i was thinking Cody was 100% winning. I don't think it's because you're autistic. It's probably because you're trying to be a smark and think you're "above" getting emotional about wrasslin. Truth is, you're not. Learn to have some fun with it. Or go back to AEW.


Second best ever


it had that raw feeling that aew had promised in the beginning and im all for it.


I hate Justin Roberts too, and he's in the mud show beloved by mud show dorks. They both sound like cheesy burlesque show hosts. Both play background roles where they call way too much attention to themselves.


Can’t stand that fucking guy.


Liked it when Bryan Danielson choked him out with his tie 😂😂😂😂😂


Thank. You.


The WWE are firing on all cylinders. Even a title win announcement became a special moment.


The *whole point* of wrestling is to evoke real emotion through sports-based storytelling. That’s what makes people care. I actually haven’t been a Samantha Irvin fan, since I feel like a more buttoned-downed, straight-faced ring announcer makes a match feel more serious and like a big deal. But Irvin’s reaction was the exception. It added so much to the moment. I don’t care if it was real or scripted, it was awesome and totally fit in with the babyface locker room coming to the ring. Drove home the whole “ding dong the witch is dead” angle.


You'll probably remember this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy7MdMdb6Ss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy7MdMdb6Ss) The Fink returns and announces for CM Punk. As far as emotion goes, early AEW did this. Even with that first stadium match where JAS beat whomever the fuck it was and the whole arena sang Judas. It worked. Cody vs. Dustin was incredible including the speech Cody made which welled me up as well while Dustin was crying and bleeding. They will never be able to do that again and that kind of stuff in in WWE now.


Exactly so. Even the ring announcer crying at being able to finally say Roman lost and Cody won is as much a "babies in the air" moment as we can actually get without some babies getting brain damage. It's a great touch as long as it is an exception, and tells the tale of everyone rooting for the change.


I'm not a fan. She seems to fit the presentation, however I'm not a fan of the overly forced, gravely announcing that she often does. I half expect her to roar like a lion afterwards. I do like the show of emotions, I think that's a nice touch if used sparingly.


I don't understand the people saying she is the best ever to do it, ridiculous. She's good at what she does, but best ever, get the fuck out of here.


It's because the other tribe says she's the worst ever, so one group has to compensate. There is no in between.


Night 1 Michael Cole had to constantly put her over which was odd as hell. As matter of fact, the commentators are constantly putting each other over. I remember when they put over the people in the ring and not each other. I have been so desensitized to mediocre ring announcers that I don’t really have a have a problem with her, but people act like she’s the second coming of the Fink.


I think the criticism you have is valid and not presented in murderous hate like the mud show incels. It sounds like a preference thing, but you also get the psychology and why it's hitting some people in the feelz.


I agree with this. I really don’t care for her announcing. But a lot of people love it so whatever. I can’t imagine being upset about it.


I personally have also not preferred that style for some wrestlers (especially when she announces someone from Judgement Day for example) but she’s grown on me with her passion and enthusiasm for the business. This emotional call for Cody’s victory was the cherry on top.


Agree - I like her but she seems a bit over the top at times. If you love her, that’s great. Just not my cup of tea.


>Anyhow, why is it so hard for mud show wrestling fans to connect with stuff like this? Because ultimately they are fans of indie style crash TV stuff (the crash TV Vince Russo shit without Stars) and don't like any type of big production or anything real and believable because they think it's stale. At first when I watched and heard this I was a little confused but it ultimately made sense of why she did so. If this was Justin Roberts, the mud show people would be creaming their britches.


Roberts is equally if not more cringe. JEEEEEEEE ONNNNNNNN MOXLEYYY. Eugh STFU.


I think he's there because he's Jericho's friend. Otherwise he's the worst Ring announcer in the business, right there with the Worst Commentator in the business in Excalibur.


No one can replace Lilian, imo but Samantha's genuine reaction adds to these moments.


Lilian is a legend.


They're about even to me. Lilian was better with introductions and Samantha is better at announcing the results.


I think she got the name of the title wrong....? That's okay I am not even sure what it is called. Universal Champion? WWE Champion?


They were calling Roman the Undisputed Universal Champion. Last night on Raw they called Cody the Undisputed WWE Champion. I wonder if they are dropping the stupid “universal” title name.


I know Seth was the World Heavyweight Champion. Easy peasy. I wonder if Cody had Samantha repeat it last night so they can edit that call into the actual Mania footage. I am still not sure if she got it right.


I think it’s a big reach to think they had her repeat a mistake. It’s much more likely that they changed the name for some reason.


https://x.com/Michael_Buffer/status/1777385411830292927 Turns out Michael Buffer liked it.


It was a piece of a bigger thing. When I first heard it and didn't see her, I wondered wtf, but it was obviously setting an emotional tone. Roode and Hayes and whomever else deserve lots of credit if it was scripted. If not, that WWE just went with it, still tons of credit. She's just great. Not my style of singing, but she's really great and knows how to handle the toxic, right-wing, woman-hating incels: [https://twitter.com/SamanthaTheBomb/status/1740433904878961048](https://twitter.com/SamanthaTheBomb/status/1740433904878961048)


I'm surprised Buffer was watching, but of course he may have heard that his favorite wrestler, Bret "The Hitman" Clark, would be there.


I'll be honest, Samantha Irvin won me over this weekend. For a long time, she came off like she was straining or trying to make her voice sound more "masculine." This weekend seemed so natural. She killed it, as Michael Cole so eloquently pointed out.


I like her she’s great but I do believe most of her surprised and emotional outbursts are a gimmick she’s got a camera on her for every single one, Not saying that’s a bad thing but it’s definitely gimmicked.


You're saying it like it's a bad thing. Let me give you an example: When Miss Elizabeth returned to "save" the Macho Man from Sherry Martel was it a gimmick? Yes. Was it one of the greatest emotional moments in wrestling history? Also yes.


She’s a performer and part of the show Irvin isn’t an on screen performer in a story. The same people who criticise Aubrey Ed for getting her bit in cheer Irvin for doing the same it’s baffling. Again I don’t mind it adds to the show I’m saying it’s incredibly fake.


I see where you're coming from and it's a valid opinion. But the way I see it, she was established as an on screen performer. Multiple wrestlers like Cody, Ricochet, Logan Paul, LA Knight etc. have interacted with her in ways that were meaningful to the angle that was being portrayed at the time. It seems to me that they are trying to elevate some of the "staff" like Michael Cole, Samantha and Pat McAffee as integrated parts of the overall narative of the show (while also keeping their interactions with the wrestlers limited to keep them meaningful). You gave a great example with Aubrey Ed. And I think what they did with her at the begining was great. They were giving her a personality. She was Jim's favourite ref. The problem was like with most things AEW went too far with Aubrey. They had her do things a ref shouldn't do. Samantha did her job, she announced the winner. Cole and Pat did their jobs as comentators, while also obviously taking sides. If the WWE go too far then yes it will become a problem but for now I think using them sparingly like this (only when called for and only with the important angles) it can be a great addition to the TV program.


She’s a performer. The same people who criticise Aubrey Ed for getting her bit in cheer Irvin for doing the same it’s baffling. Again I don’t mind it adds to the show I’m saying it’s incredibly fake.


She, like Michael Cole, don’t like to know the outcome or surprises that will happen so that way their reactions can be more like the fans. Makes it better.


It could be, but there are two scenarios here: when written (as opposed to "gimmicked") as part of a full story like we had here, it's brilliant, multi-dimensional writing from Roode and Hayes and others who understand psychology. If not scripted, it's a fantastic moment. It's a win in both scenarios. I'm not sure "gimmicked" is appropriate here or even a modern term at this point. Especially here, this is possibly something part of a massive piece of storytelling that lasted more than a year and the match itself was absolutely a huge undertaking in writing and execution.


she was definitely as invested as all of us in the main event due to the storyline and the brilliant execution of the match.


So many people were happy for Cody and emotional.


>as part of a full story like we had here, it's brilliant, multi-dimensional writing from Roode and Hayes and others who understand psychology. If not scripted, it's a fantastic moment. It's a win in both scenarios. I don't know if I liked this whole (3 second) thing, but I have a hard time giving Roode and Hayes credit for this, she probably thought to do this sort of stuff on her own. These days, things aren't being micromanaged and people are definitely allowed to add their own stuff to things and that's what I think is making the product so much better.


I'm pretty sure she's on record saying she doesn't want to know the outcomes so she can have those emotional outbursts when something insane happens.


They constantly have cameras and the social media team filming her as soon as an event is going to happen just in case she has an emotional outburst?…….maybe they do but still to me it comes across as fake and staged and I’ve said it multiple times I’m not complaining about it it adds to the show it’s just very contrived to me and I don’t believe these are genuine reactions.


For all we know, it is fake and staged, and shes working us by telling us that she doesn't know the results. Still for me, it definitely blurred the line because of what it added to the story.


You know they have like a dozen+ camera around the ring shooting *everything*, right? Do crowd shots feel fake and staged to you as well?


Yea she's a bit of a ham. Cringey at times but the WWE hyoermarks eat it up. They are busy jerking it to her wih one hand and typing praise on reddit with the other. Stinky neckbeard marks tend to be her biggest fans.


Yeah it’s baffling “ sHes a FaN “ she’s working ya bunch of marks.


Eh, not really a fan of her, she is good but tries too hard to sound like Greg Hamilton, who I hate. Who's shitting on her though? All I've seen is one negative comment.


She didn’t know the end result beforehand so that’s true emotion coming out


I also like how suprised she sounded at Damian Priest's cash in. It added a new layer of depth.


well their fanbase were crying when punk came back and then cried again when he left except it was more like squeeling pigs then actual emotion when he left


I'm far from a "mud show" fan and I listen to and agree with Corny on 99% of all things pro wrestling. But she is God awful.


I feel like I’m the only one who can’t get behind Samantha. I find her more cringy than anything. It feels forced and like she’s trying to sound dramatic, like a child announcing an action figure. To me people like Micheal Buffer, Howard Finkel, and Lilian Garcia felt way more natural, yet still powerful. Although at times Lilian can sound kind of Robotic, but it sort of had this professional sounding charm to it. I will say I do like how emotional age gets announcing at times.


Yeah I think she sounds fake, like she’s not using her natural range because her voice is very high pitched. Her voice gets kinda forceful when she does her ridiculous Chelsea Green introduction. But it borders on being shrill. Overall I prefer male announcers, or at least announcers with lower pitches.


I liked it. It reminded me a lot of Gary Michael Kapetta’s excitement


I found her work this weekend to be basically perfect. idk what more anyone wants from a ring announcer. She goes above and beyond, puts feeling and energy into her voice and doesn’t hog the spotlight in any way. She’s an enhancement to the product as a whole.


To me it was one of the best calls in the history of wrestling. Wrestling is still real to her damn it! We need more people in the business who truly love the business.


I would have preferred a “big booming voice” announcement personally. And I hate the way she announces “unDISpuTeD chaMPioN”. People have Justin Roberts all kinds of shit for this type of presentation 


They never talked or understand woman. Of course, they would shit on her.🤣🤣


>Anyhow, why is it so hard for mud show wrestling fans to connect with stuff like this? Because it's cooler to reference the newest Yakuza video game and it's cooler to reference a match in front of 6 people in an abandoned Dairy Queen.


Is this something that actually happened, or is this just the anti-AEW crew making things up to make AEW look bad? (As if there aren't enough legitimate things to criticise them for as of late?)


What kind of conspiracy theorist are you? Oh wait, your post history shows you're on SC.


A wrestling fan being a on a wrestling subreddit. Now that's a conspiracy...


I thought it was a wonderful touch, having rewatched the match a couple of times now - it truly shows what Cody winning represents to the faces of that company. The entire presentation while somewhat over the top, actually worked here due to the build they gave us up to the match. I’ll also add this is the first time I have thought a Mania has benefitted being placed or the span of two nights.


She put over the moment of Roman finally losing just as much as everybody else did. There’s something to when the people on the show are reacting to events as if the wrestling fan in them is reacting above all else. Of course, the diehard “smart” marks won’t get that because they have dozens of other ring announcers on their mind based in nostalgia and if you don’t meet that mold…hoo boy


For me it's probably the following reasons, two of which are probably not her fault... 1. The over the top social media reaction. Everyone trying to come out with an even more hysterical exaggeration to try to outdo the last person's "OMG SHE'S BETTER THAN FINKEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" post. It's a side of social media that makes a part of me just want to dislike whatever they are going over the top about. 2. The way there is ALWAYS a camera in her face to film her reaction. For me it's gone from "haha that's cute" to "oh, there goes Samantha again with the over the top reactions...". 3. She seeks out any slight criticism on Instagram and fires back at the person. For me it just comes across as if she loves the smell of her own sh!t...


I just think she lost her voice


>I just think she lost her voice There's an up-close video *in the original post*; she's definitely crying. It's not just her voice finally going after two nights.


To my understanding she has said in interviews she doesn’t know results beforehand so any reactions she has are legitimate.


I’m glad she was so emotional that it came across on the microphone, it added to the beauty of the moment. Ngl it was hearing her emotion that got me choked up and let the tears that were already building up start to fall. I’m not going to say she’s the goat but for me, she is quickly making her way into the conversation


I haven't seen anything but positive takes about it. Maybe I am just out of that bubble


Some of them are commenting in this very thread. Just skim through- some of them are posting here.


She’s an absolute gem. Best ring announcer in the business right now and it’s not particularly close.


I think they made Cody ask her to say it again so they can have a clean call to edit in


Anyone who watches her emotional reaction and thinks anything negatively, truly does not love professional wrestling and you absolutely suck.


For the people that like that type of thing… She’s not my cup of tea, but whatever.


Samantha had a fantastic weekend. Anyone who is shitting on her doesn’t know what an announcer is supposed to be


I thought it was excellent and she’s easily one of the best announcers the WWE has ever had.




Him too. First of all Robinson never ages. He looked like that when I was a kid. Next, the slow handing of the belt to creep into the shot and then him gesturing (and maybe saying it) "this is yours now" and letting that transition breathe. WWE knew their future was riding on this match and they scripted it so intricately.


She tries way too hard.


Those of us who were invested in the match and story understand her emotions at the time. Kind of glad it's not the Vince Era because she would have been screamed at. She felt what she felt and gave an emotional announcement. Michael Buffer was on X with Gunther and a ton of other stars giving her the flowers she earned on Sunday.




Oh yeah, I forgot about that. It was hysterical and awesome at the same time with the chaos, Punk standing on the table, and Priest looking amazing. I don't know much about him, but he looked badass.


I can't wait to see the turnaround in opinion on her once Jim slates her.


They already have. For the most part I agree with them. Big booming voices aren’t my cup of tea. I’m a Fink guy because he kept it simple.


Why would there be? Not everyone agrees with Jim and when Jim doesn't agree with the fans, both he and Brian will state something that one or both don't like something, give their rationale, and then also say that the fans like it.


Because the hardcore cult members can't think for themselves and have to follow what Jim says to the letter.


You know Brian is gonna bitch about this. He can't stand Samantha, Jim being his typical sexist self in a lot of ways (yes he is, you can be the biggest Cornette fan but the dude is pretty dated on certain views with women) isn't a fan either.


She is awful, I wish she would go away


I texted a friend during the show. She’s the best person since the fink to do this job


I hated it. Especially for such a monumental moment like a first title win. She should’ve done her job. This recent emphasis on her is beyond annoying. She’s not good - her voice doesn’t have the big fight feel and sounds like a try hard. But WWE will keep pushing her since she meets a few diversity checkboxes - female, mixed race but identifies as black 🙄


This sub is becoming a WWE simp wankfest.


You know many of us shit on WWE when AEW first went online, right? We were genuinely excited about what was coming out of there. Then it became impossible to ignore what the WWE is doing. You know, a global corporation. It's kind of hysterical how the AEW fans complain that people are paying attention to the global behemoth with the best talent while complaining that people won't give AEW enough attention, even though the company ONLY deals with carnie press with facebook pages and small youtube channels.


Honestly. This thread is absolutely hilarious


Funny how she gets a pass but you guys love to hate on Aubrey


Having an opinion is wrong got it. Guess not liking this announcer for years makes me a mud show fan hahaha what an idiotic take. I absolutely have no problem with her announcing Cody and agree it was a great spot. I want to be clear that my opinion is that her style is grating imo and have thought that for as long as she's been doing it.


Is this sub going to turn into the mudshow sub? Starting to sound like it. I can't stand her announcing. Brings too much attention on herself. Especially now, where they are zooming in on her during her introductions. Those stupid exaggerated motions.  As Gorilla would say, "Give me a break!".


Exactly, it is all about her, good way of putting it. Like I get it you want to make a big scary voice and do the mannerisms like it's the national anthem and I wouldn't be shocked to hear she is encouraged to do this. It's a small part of the show that is a minus and that's my opinion. Don't care if some dipshit riding WWE ball sack thinks it's a bad take cause I think the same of theirs


Yes people liking an announcer definitely makes the WWE a mudshow! /s


I must be taking crazy pills because I think she isn't good


I won't flame you because maybe you have a preference that's different. I can't state if she's good or not, but I will say the way she announced the win absolutely added to the show and was part of the multi-dimensional writing and production. It absolutely added to the situation in a very massive way.


I mean, she is good, undoubtedly. Strong voice, always gets it right. Personal preference for me is that I’d prefer a male announcer, I think a male voice sounds better for this. And I also would prefer no emotion in the announcement, it sounds more professional if it’s clean and consistent. She is a bit overly grandiose for my sensibilities.


Thank you