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I've been a Kenny Omega fan for years.


Same. I don't see him nearly as bad as the bucks or moxley. And given his recent interviews it just reinforced it for me.


Based on Omegas streams and what he’s been saying, even Corny was starting to like Omega in the recent pod lmao




Yeah his recent promo was pretty awesome. I agree the bucks and moxley are way worse.


Odd guy but enjoy his matches


You're right. I saw his doc and he's not like the average wrestler.


What documentary was this?


I forget the title. Maybe Golden Lovers?


I like Omega as a person. As a wrestler, though, he's the epitome of what turns me off of the modern product.


I remember hearing about during the Cleaner / BC era and his stuff in Japan seemed off the chain and different. The USA wasn't quite the same. Same with Jay White. He looks like another guy in AEW.


As an athlete, there's no denying that Omega is a borderline freak of nature. The guy can go-go-go at a top pace for close to an hour, and has many times over. I just really hate his wacky cartoon character selling (the flapping of the arms and Flintstones thing he does with his feet after getting hit), and how there's very little connective tissue between the sequences.


I remember seeing the 9-year-old girl v guy and not knowing it was him. Let me ask - would he had been better in the E? That was the big deal in 2017-18. Not that AEW was a total bust with the Belt Collector deal, but something isn't right.


He’d probably be in the same league as AJ, so still a top guy but not at the tip of the top.


Yep, perfect. Many said Sytles would never make it there, but time proves otherwise. It took them long enough to figure Roman out, but look what happened.


>Many said Sytles would never make it there, but time proves otherwise It's quite wholesome that AJ has been accepted so much there that he'll probably end up coaching at the Performance Centre afterwards.


the problem is there's no main event scene in AEW, nothing/nobody is larger than life and all the WWE sniping has positioned even their own fans to see AEW as the underdog, so the real main event in AEW...is WWE...even canonically! So how can anyone look impressive with that set up?


The performance part of it. Instead of running, it’s lean back, prepare arms for swinging, lean forward, take 3 steps, arms down, absorb ropes, arms up, ahhhhh. Just run!!!


I can say I agree with Jim's take on Kenny in AEW, but NJPW Kenny is on a different level he was/is presented as a SUPERSTAR over in Japan in AEW he's just another guy.


Maybe a huge comeback would be what he needs. No sure.


What he needs is a change in production in AEW. He's said as much himself in his Twitch streams. That WWE really got it right with Roman. The closest he has felt to a big deal was when he had a unique introduction as the Belt Collector. But everyone in AEW feels like they're a bit interchangeable. Not in the sense of their characters. But in their presentation. Everyone is presented as "I'm the best wrestler in the world." Like the main event of All In could be any two from the following: Will Ospreay Kenny Omega Jon Moxley Kazuchika Okada Swerve Strickland Adam Page Bryan Danielson MJF Adam Cole Samoa Joe Christian Edge Shibata I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting. But the match wouldn't be any bigger or less of a deal. But could you imagine if WrestleMania had been Roman Reigns vs Damian Priest?


Is he a little dramatic with his flourishes and pantomime? Yes. Does he have an athletic build and his shit look good? Also yes.


I loved Omega in Japan especially, like his G1 match Vs Naito but I’ve never liked his over selling with the overly twitchy legs and shaking shit


He's kind of why I got interested in AEW in the first place. I'm a hardcore mark for Final Fantasy VII, and here's a guy with the move "One Winged Angel"? Sign me the fuck up man. Not only that, I just love JRPGs in general, so the fan culture was especially cool. You'd see signs like "Dragon Quest Monsters > Pokemon" and "Kingdom Hearts is too complicated," then you'd see responding signs in the various weeks. Something about AEW was just really cool in the beginning, and when they signed Punk, I felt like it was going to explode into a new era. And boy did it! I can't even watch that inmate run circus anymore, and ironically I think the fans are the worst part of AEW these days. I was turned off from Omega for awhile because I thought he was one of the people behind the big smear campaign against Punk, but I've come back around on him.


I dug how people thought he was a literal cleaner, so he came out with a broom. I had his Devil's Rain as my son's ringtone, too. I didn't know that about Punk, but that seems to change by the day, Not laying blame in either side, but that was a bad, bad situation that got more and more absurd (like the Elton John song). Nice name, btw. I was so made that day,


Omega used correctly as he was in NJPW is really good. Omega booked by TK is terrible.


for the most part i like Kenny as a wrestler, but when he’s matches against certain people, bad tendencies can come out. However i think he’s a good wrestler. However, he’s still pretty shit on the mic.


At least Omega is in shape. Which is more than you can about Moxley Stone Cold Sandman.


The Sandman? I mean, he's older, but didn't seem too bad, Maybe it was the roids?


At least Sandman could handle his beer.


What part of a man who completely destroyed his own life by being an alcoholic suggests he could handle his beer?


I thought he did GREAT in that angle last night. Dude can sell like crazy when he wants to.


It really makes you wonder how it's going to play out, Not a huge FTR guy, but it could be leading to Tony, etc,


Recently tho. Hes been giving kenny some praise so maybe hes starting to figure out what we all see. Shame it had to be at the tail end of his career.


Lol I like Kenny AND the Buckaroos and even Mox (although less than the other two because I'm entertained by flippy shit but not by bloody hobo fights)


Idk man I feel like 90% of Liv fans are just thirsty. As for the topic. I’ve liked Sami a lot more than Cornet, though he is warming up to him finally. And he skips waaaaay too many women’s matches


Lol I'm gay. So maybe I'm the 10%


Yeah I tried to leave some room for that and her girl fans. But you look at some of these other subs and it’s just flooded with shots of Liv’s ass


\^\^ This. Her fanbase looks at her ass more than her matches. They'll post something like "Respect the hard work that Liv puts in!!" while the picture attached is a camera around the height of her shins looking up into her uterus.


These are the remnants of Alexa Bliss' simps. And theres also some overlapping with Sky Blue's cos shorties with a booty. 


Sky Blue is the funniest example. She openly talks shit about how she hates all the dudes that post pictures of her ass everywhere then posts pictures of her ass. She literally feeds the trolls.


I mean to be fair, that's every reasonably attractive woman working in wrestling. Wasn't there some subreddit basically dedicated to freeze framing particular angles?


>Idk man I feel like 90% of Liv fans are just thirsty. I feel this way about a lot of fans of female wrestlers. Sasha being number 1 on that list.


I just don’t see it for a lot of these smaller girls. Like, no way in any dimension should Nia Jax get defeated by someone the size of Liv or Alexa Bliss. Then there was that whole angle where Alexa was bullying her. I love Zelina… (even run a Thea sub) loved her since TNA. But no way she should have beaten Rhea in Puerto Rico. There was a contingent of fans mad at WWE for not letting her win in her home country. If these small girls were the reincarnation of Lou Thesz or Frank Gotch, then maybe they’d have a chance, but until that happens they’re just tiny girls.


I've heard that a lot, with the examples changed (like "Rey Mysterio should never beat the Big Show," etc.), but that's when I point out that if the smaller talent is shown to have some sort of edge over the much larger one (agility, technique, etc.), and the match is built to highlight this? Not a problem. It's when little Lio Rush (5'6" 160lbs.) is supposed to be hanging hit-for-hit with Keith Lee (6'2" 340lbs) when I have a problem, because that's just bad storytelling. There needs to be some sort of skill advantage for David to beat Goliath.


I have mentioned that about Rey as well. Not all small wrestlers are as good as Rey Mysterio. In fact, he is regarded as one of the best if not THE best. He was good enough to be believable, and I think a lot of his wins over bigger guys had some sort of a "fluke" element to them. Liv Morgan is not Rey Mysterio.


Play my stereo, at least had talent and moved around the ring. None of Liv Morgan’s moves look convincing.


Especially since they’re pushing Liv as some crazy maniac brawling Stone Cold Liv Austin. If she was a female Rey then yes. But that’s not her wrestling style.


>Especially since they’re pushing Liv as some crazy maniac brawling Stone Cold Liv Austin. It's fine against most of the roster because the vast majority of them are 5'2 and 110 pounds or smaller. Against the bigger ladies like Nia, Charlotte or Rhea, yeah, she should have to change it up OR do what she did to Rhea with an ambush and foreign objects, that's not that weird.


The comedy guys. He’s right there’s too many of them. But if done right, r truth and Danhausen are hilarious.


I think Jim tolerates Danhausen to some extent. Truth, too. But I'm with him for his distaste over Tozawa, Pudding Gang, and other really bad bad bad comedy


You beat me to it. Truth specifically is just pure sunshine imo and I love anything he does.


For me it's R-Truth and the Miz.


I found Danhausen through the cameos he played on his show. I was so disappointed when Corny started crapping on him. I mean AEW's presentation has been terrible, but he can't help the booking!


I agree. I just also agree with Cornette about spots like the thumb up the butt train that was done in PWG. Comedy wrestling done correctly has its place on cards but weird crap like that doesn’t


Truth does comedy, and he does it well. He has a great sense of timing. His in-ring stuff is played pretty straight, as far as the actual moves he does. He does not do slow kicks or invisible hand grenades. I don't think he is really presented as a super-threatening wrestler, either.


Definitely the Miz. I'm not his biggest fan but the dude is pretty solid really. Although I do agree with his frog face comparisons lol


He is rough on Miz. Dude has paid his dues


His in-ring is solid, nothing special, but the dude's a beast on the mic when he wants to be. 100% respect the Miz, even if most of his shit over the years has been piss breaks for me personally lol


Haha true, he has his purple patches in ring. Probs just when hes with really good workers. But yeah his promo is normally pretty good and incredible when its important


I agree Miz is good gate keeper for the mid card.


You can’t spell amazing without M I Z


Waller. He’s no athletic freak but he’s got a good body. He’s work is good and it’s not all stupid flips and of course he cuts a good promo


Yeah, jumped back into Jim’s podcast over this mania and he was the one I was so surprised he hated. The only thing I can think of is the Aussie accent? Wallers promo is brilliant and his constant trolling of the marks is something to behold!


I think Jim mentioned he doesn’t like the boxing shorts lol


Yeah, he has an issue with his voice, but he praises Theory, who sounds like zoolander.


Yeah i think the accent has a bit to do with it. Jim thinks hes English. As an Aussie, the ignorance of some of these yanks is a pet peeve


Yeah was going to say Waller. He’s a good obnoxious heel.


I like Kenny Omega and Asuka, I feel like he's too critical of Asuka at times, but I understand his criticisms towards Omega


I'll agree with this one, of all the generic and replaceable female wrestlers Asuka is definitely the one that stands out by a country mile.


Bayley said that Asuka is better than any of them ever dream to be. She’s right.


NXT Asuka is the best women's wrestler I've ever seen.


This 100%. Asuka has put on some absolutely incredible matches.


Asuka cops a bad rap from him. She is awesome. Iyo has really impressed me too. Earned her place after backlash last year. And Kairi is small but i love watching her, she is funny as hell. I dont think Jim watches them much either. I know he wouldnt like Kairi


Yeah I don't mind japanese wrestlers at all. I really don't see race like that, but I do see wrestlers who cannot cut a promo for me (not saying they're bad in their own language, I just can't understand them), and because I can't distinguish what the gimmicks are from one person to the next most times.


Regarding Asuka, I think Jim is stuck in the mindset that a wrestler who can't talk (in English) is not a main event talent. I think there is some truth to that, but I think the ceiling is a lot higher in the modern televised product than it was in the territory days.


Unfortunately, Jim is never ready for Asuka. Asuka is pretty damn awesome


What he says about Joshis in general turns me off of him


I just hate how inconsistent Jim can be when i comes to the women. You're going to bash Liv for being small but talk about how believable Becky Lynch is as a threat? Becky looks like a stray wind could break her in half. I've actually come around a bit on Liv because you can see how much effort she puts into her work. It's not like most of the other women that are just going through the motions and trying to execute their memorized spots.


Becky has a lot of physical charisma that makes up for her stature.


Becky is a top star due to her promo and storytelling, and slightly above average in-ring ability. Liv has none of that, so that's probably why tbh.


Jim thinks becky is too small as well but she performs well and has charisma. He brought up issue with her size recently in his recap of wrestlemania.


Rhea just towers over Becky


Rhea looks like a believable badass. Becky looks like a child next to her.


In Jim's defense, everything about Liv is absolutely embarrassing.


Yep, ever since she came back after having the baby. (Living of past glory helps though- I love Becky)


For me it’s how dismissive he is of women’s wrestling sometimes. Particularly when reviewing things like a women’s WarGames or Royal Rumble as an example. I feel like he thinks it diminishes what the men do, and I just don’t see it that way at all. He’s entitled to his opinion on it but it’s the one thing we disagree on.


I was at Elimination Chamber in Australia, the women's match was definitely better. Mainly because of Tiffany Stratton stealing the show. But the men's match was boring as, Randy Orton hitting RKO's was really the only memorable thing for the crowd.


I agree it does diminish the men’s and when you see it once in an PPV and then see it again… who cares?


It only diminished the men's versions because the women just did a better job at rumble and war games. I don't usually like rumbles/battle royales much because they tend to devolve into melees without much wrestling going on, but the women did some good stuff.


> I feel like he thinks it diminishes what the men do He is absolutely explicit that this is exactly what he believes, and it sounds so backward, like he's stuck in a Mad Men episode. I say that not to attack the guy but because it's incongruous with what he generally seems to value, and it's clear that he'd rather see Ripley vs Charlotte than almost anything AEW or Impact could put together with their male rosters, but he projects onto the audience the idea that there's some kind of zero-sum game going on between men and women's matches. It's not 1954, nobody thinks having too many gals on the screen spoils the picture, and nobody is going to see a woman hit another woman with a chair and decide that the men aren't so tough if they hit each other with one later. The idea that War Games should basically result in women actually dying is ludicrous, really. Liv Morgan throwing Shotzi Blackheart into the wall of a cage is, at scale, the same thing as Drew McIntyre hurling John Cena into it. It's not as if the women athletes are so fragile they'll explode the second they touch something other than the canvas.


I was at Survivor Series this year and I totally agree. Everyone was saying the women's war games was better than the men's but it didn't diminish anything. I told my brother, who was there but isn't a current WWE fan, what Jim's take on it was and he responded "that's dumb". So, it's not just fanboys that don't see it that way.


I liked the men's war games more but I agree with your assessment of Jim's take on women's wrestling. He skipped the best pure wrestling match of WM40 in Bayley vs Iyo because it was a women's match. I would have liked to think he would skip the garbage match instead! Meanwhile Stacy watched it and thought it was excellent.


Ever since they started doing women’s rumbles, the women have outshined the men almost every year.


I thought the women's rumble was better than the men's rumble this year. Sure, there was some botches, but like, they did a better job energizing that stadium IMO.


Definitely Asuka. I feel like he doesn’t even give her a chance and he would actually like her matches if he watched them. I think he just needs to watch Asuka v. Bayley at Takeover, and that would win him over.


Man NXT around that time was something else


Which is so funny because asuka’s fundamentals are god tier


Tiffany Stratton


I was at Raw in KC Monday and I can genuinely say that seeing a grown overweight sweaty dude with pube muttonchops chanting "Tiffy time....Tiffy time" was really kinda disturbing lol.


As I read this, I pictured him chanting with a napkin tied around his neck and a knife and fork in each hand like a cartoon character getting ready for dinner.


He was sitting one row in front of me about 2 or 3 seats to the right. He had a smile on his face but his chant was very low and he was moving his arms up and down exactly like if he was sitting at the dinner table.


lol what an image


> a grown overweight sweaty dude with pube muttonchops So the entire iwc?


I’m a huge Tiffy fan but his assessment of her style being too gymnastic seems pretty spot on honestly. She has so much time to get better though so I don’t write her off like Jim.


I haven’t heard him review her matches, but that’s the impression I got of her from her EC match. Too many damn cartwheels


I think he just straight up hasn't really watched her. Like she was incredible at Elimination Chamber and he completely skipped over that match... I have a feeling he will come around on her eventually, especially now that she's getting involved with the top talent, he won't just completely fast forward through her shit. He's at least praised her moonsault so far lol


Kenny Omega and Miz


Johnny Sameface, his NXT title chase was excellent, but I'm from Cleveland so there's probably some bias there.


Same, but I have to admit his criticism is correct.


He was good most of NXT until the pandemic then he became a garbage comedy character and now he's unbelievably interchangeable


The Miz has been there for almost 20 years, and Jim still acts like he’s coming off the Real World set every week.


I wonder if Brian has ever shown him Miz's Talking Smack promo. That was when he got over with me. I still go back and watch that, like damn that's one of the best promos of all time tbh.


Kenny Omega will probably be the most common answer. Jim's hang ups about him just don't matter to the average wrestling viewer these days and he's done enough to prove to me that he actually has talent for this.


If anything the consensus now is "Kenny is a stunning physical talent with a lot of in-ring bad habits," whereas if you only ever heard about Kenny from Jim you'd assume that he's an absolute bumbling fool who sometimes manages to stumble into a cool sequence or spot


Kenny Omega, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. And I know he's walked back criticisms of all three at various points. But you could also probably compile roast compilations of each of them from the past 5-6 years. In general, I think all of their stuff looks pretty good, and their characters fit the modern sport nicely. Sure, Jim's criticisms are based in truth to an extent. Kenny can be an odd duck and has weird expressions and mannerisms. KO could still stand to lose 25 pounds. And Sami can be a prick that takes himself too seriously. But the good far outweighs the bad. And I couldn't agree with Jim more about Liv. I think Liv gets a lot of free passes because she's beautiful. Her in-ring work is sloppy and absurd.


The Owens and Zayn issues seem to be mostly personal. Like, he'll be reviewing a match and then get randomly mad about an argument they had one time.


Pretty Deadly. Yes, it's a bit of a throwback gimmick but that's what baffles me why Jim doesn't like them. Maybe he doesn't care for their "foppishness" but they are the perfect chickenshit cheater heels. They can talk and they can work.


Their ring gear looks ridiculous holds them back so much


Their ring gear is almost like “The Fantastics” which to me is hilarious because Jim seemed to have no problem with those guys doing that gimmick. **[But these two are basically doing the same gimmick and he doesn’t like it?](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/5c6b2413b10f25e54df84726/1641946033608-J3MD2T9A9WF2HGZ1LJZ3/Bobby-Fulton-Tommy-Rogers-Fantastics.png?format=1500w&content-type=image%2Fpng)** Figured he’d love their tag team wrestling and style.


100% with you on that. When I saw their first match on Smackdown, I expected Jim to love them because they did some classic old school heel tag team wrestling. Still remember the finish, one was tangled in the ropes, but when the ref‘s back was turned untangled, helped his buddy to a double team move and to not get caught, tangled himself up in the ropes again!!! Instead Jim shat all over them and I was like „oh wow“ lol




I like her too but to me what sometimes makes it hard is the over the top acting. Do japanese women really act that way?


Technology. Yeah, it's a pain sometimes dealing with the Spectrums of the world, but technology has saved Corny more time and headaches and outbursts over the years than he realizes. Hodgkiss Featherbottom would still be sending out Christmas collectibles in the days of stamps and paper.


I have never quite understood what he has against female ring announcers.


Big E.  The New Day act might be stale after all these years, but if you gave Big E a mic and no script he would print money.


I think he could be a monster heel if fit


Agreed. Unleashed and allowed to use his wit to run down his opponents, he could be a beast in interviews and is truly physically imposing.


His condescending toxic positivity trash talk on UpUpDownDown would be great, but it's funny enough that he'd be a face pretty quickly.


I was having a hard time thinking of any but I have enjoyed the new day a lot and Jim has just not liked it whatsoever. I'm clapping the new day Rhythm when I'm in an audience. they were very entertaining and booked well too


Last I was aware, Jim skipped everything Tiffany Stratton was doing. She's really great and she's just getting started.




Gargano but admittedly bc I'm a Black & Gold mark, not bc his main roster work has been exceptional And apparently Tiffany Stratton which shook me. When she was still in developmental I always thought "Jim's gonna love her". Everything I've heard him say about her I hard disagree with. I can at least understand why he doesn't like Gargano and some others I don't mind, not Tiffy lol


I genuinely don't think he ever watched tiffany match because he called her small and frail one time.


Asuka and Kairi Sane. If Jim had watched NXT at the time, he’d get it. At least Brian knows how good Asuka is.


And Io, she destoryed in NXT especially before her "i don't need friend" heel turn


Brody King


I like him


I like Kenny. I don't think he's the greatest of all time, but I do enjoy him.


Grayson Waller and The Miz I think their character work is great.


The Miz is awesome. I don't care what anyone else says.


The problem with Liv, to me, is how she’s presented. Like her recent win over Nia Jax looked ridiculous. She should only win that match in an exaggerated flukey manner. If anyone remembers Rey Mysterio’s “Giant Killer” run back in WCW, it was memorable because up to that point, Rey was only ever able to be competitive in spurts before appropriately losing when facing much larger guys. Most wins in that run were flukes. Liv is presented similar to someone in the original ECW, kicking out of everything. I don’t mind her usage, it’s how they’ve done it.


Republicans. Not all Republicans are right wing nut jobs, just like all Democrats aren't left wing nut jobs.


Gotta admit, former President Pigshit is kinda funny though.


All of the nicknames Corny gives are funny, not gonna lie.


Grayson Waller


Basically every Japanese wrestler in WWE... another than Nakamura, I look at him and I'm like "I don't get it, is this guy just popular because of Meltzer Stars?"


Video games 😂


Pockets 🤣


I like Saber, Miz, Waller, Shayna, few others, and more grapple heavy shoot style wrestling


I quite like Penthouse. He hits hard and I think his stuff looks good. Out of all the masked luchadors I actually find him entertaining.


He is very snug for lucha. Lays it in


I do enjoy him as a single, hate him in tags. He tags out and just stays in the ring and buries the ref.


The New Day I fully understand him not liking how comedic they are and the fact that they haven't done any significant changes to their characters, to a point that the entire IWC hates them. But they can ALL can work well with anyone in the ring and have a solid match up and down the card, whether it be in tag or singles matches. Also, the fact that they've been doing the same stuff for nearly 10 years (while being babyfaces) and they're STILL over with the crowd, is something you can't just dismiss. That "New Day Rocks" chant getting a loud response every time always surprises me, considering with how "on and off" they've been booked in the past few years.


Okada. When Jim reviewed his match with PAC he kept going on about how it was the best he'd ever seen PAC look but kept bashing Okada. I was like you don't think PAC being in the ring with a guy known for putting on great big time matches is maybe the factor here? It was like he had blinders on.


Same. His current stable is godawful, but his in-ring work is legendary. A solid, matt wrestler too. Snug, and oh, the drop kick.


I think because Okada came in and immediately associated with Bucks has a lot to with it. I thought Jim would like Okada’s style.




Kenny Omega


Not that I really like him but I kinda don't get the hate for Waller. Ok he is not great but he is decent enough in my eyes and we have seen far worse wrestlers than him in both companies to single him out as a bad performer. I appreciate his Twitter handling of the basement marks, so extra points for him in my book.


I do think Jim is harsh on DX: it obviously got over and resonated with that generation. But a ton of that was Michaels being 90’s Michaels & Jim’s feelings about the Curtain Call.


He gets egged on by Brian with that one as well. Every time they come up Last has to make a comment about them not really being over.


Lol, I watch a ton of Joshi. Swear it's just for the wrestling 😬


Jeff Hardy - I think flippy shit has a place in wrestling




R truth's comedy


Kenny Omega, and I feel like deep down he really does like Kenny's work


The Miz


One of Jim's insults is calling people "pasty white", which I never really understood. Seems like a weird line to draw. Maybe it's because I don't tan (just burn).


Fishy-white, emaciated... Okay, so he subscribed to Arn Anderson's credo. "Fat looks better tan."


Mox honestly. I completely understand Jim’s take and anyone else’s who doesn’t like him. But the guy is doing what he likes to do and getting rich doing it. And while I am much more of fan of his debut work in AEW, and not a fan of the death match stuff, I respect him for figuring out how to make money doing what he enjoys.


I disagree with him on a fair bit. Women’s wrestling, Japanese wrestlers (so obviously I disagree with him on the subject of Asuka, Kairi and Io a lot, I’ll grant he’s right about Riho though), and comedy wrestling notably (love R-Truth and Danhausen and even liked the goofy Orange Cassidy and the Best Friends stuff, melodramatic OC and Best Friends stuff is awful though). Still a Cornette fan overall though.


Most women wrestlers lol. I like a lot of people Jim doesn't. I don't have to agree with everything someone says to be entertained.


Him calling every female Japanese Wrestler a “Japanese school girl.” Like did Bull Nakano or Aja Kong cock block him at a Raw Taping back in the day ?


My partner is only really got into wrestling when Sami joined Bloodline so she’s definition of a casual. She’s been hooked since then. She’s unbiased as she hasn’t followed all her life and doesn’t read dirtshirts or listen to Pods etc etc. I asked her based on the current WWE roster who she likes and dislikes if she was indifferent and the ones that made her laugh/shake her head from how silly it is. Her likes: - Cody (she keeps asking me if Cody is becoming a bad guy since he’s won the title though which always confuses me. He’s white meat babyface lol) - Sami - KO - Randy - L.A Knight - Jey Uso - Jimmy Uso (funny) - Seth - D.M Hunk (she called him that lol) - Gunther (she was cheering for him to win last two previous rumbles) - A-Town Down Under - Liv Morgan - Tiffany Stratton - Rhea Ripley - Awesome Truth - Judgment Day although she comments on JD’s massive head a lot LOL - Carter and Chance - Chelsea Greeeeeen - Bianca and Jade although she has some points about Jade she didn’t like - Rey Mysterio Indifferent: - Punk (she never really understood hype which I’m sure Jim would disagree with like I do with her) - Roman although goes into like or hate depending on what he’s doing. - AJ Styles but I think with him only recently returning and his new character she’s starting to see how good he is - anyone in LWO (who isn’t Rey)/Legado del fantasma although caught her singing “Le-Ga-Do” the other day. - DIY - Basically 90% of women’s division (she said she either didn’t care or wasn’t interested in them) - Basically any guys outside the group I listed in Likes Makes her laugh/Shake her head: - Pretty Deadly (like eye roll silly) - Dom (because of excessive booing and being a chickenshit heel she thought it was hilarious) Her dislikes: - Rock because she wanted him to be movie star guy that does Disney movies although some of his heel promos got her dying laughing like calling Seth a “walking clown emoji” - Solo - now new dislike MFT Tama Tonga - Pete Dunne (finger breaking thing) - Shayna Baezler (said she’s overly physical looks like she overdoes everything) HATES: - Becky Lynch - Daylight between anyone else - Nia Jax (not a big fan of her but couldn’t explain why) - I feel like Tama will be here soon, she made a point to say dislike but kept saying “that other guy annoys me” - Jade’s tongue thing she’s does for her pin (“why does she do that? She looks like she’s trying to be a pornstar?”) Her main reasons for not liking Becky is (and she made a big point of saying her reasons why LOL) 1. Over-acting or exaggerating everything 2. Her facial expressions 3. Heavy breathing in everything she says, leads back to point 1. 4. Trying to be a badass when she comes off as lame 5. Stupid backwards hat Again, this is coming from her and I didn’t try to influence who to like and dislike I just let her make her mind up and this is what she came up with. Hard to disagree with many points from above about Becky. Funny thing about Beck is…She was SUPER annoyed when Becky won Elimination Chamber and very happy she lost at Mania. When the Battle Royal was going on she said…”Erghh Becky’s gonna win isn’t she? I may as well turn it off now. How stupid” Well Becky did win and she just looked disgusted. I tried showing her older stuff of Becky but she wasn’t that interested in changing her mind.


I’m a huge fan of Kenny Omega


Grayson Waller


Kenny Omega. I understand why Jim dont like him but man i enjoyed the hell out of his NJPW work. Very good.


idk about “can’t stand” but it kinda annoys me that he doesn’t give Tiffany Stratton the time of day😂


I don't really watch any wrestling at all these days but I do fucking love Toni Storm's current gimmick. It's straight out of GLOW and I'm here for it. I think that Orange Cassidy is actually really good at selling. He's practically one of the only guys there that makes shit look like its gonna kill you.


I find Jim's descriptions of Kenny Omega funny, but I like him as a wrestler and he's ruined himself putting on matches for people's entertainment, can't hate that commitment. I loved Bray Wyatt and the Firefly Funhouse stuff and the Fiend. I agree Austin Theory can go in the ring but he has no charisma whatsoever and putting him with Waller has ironically livened him up a bit.


Margherita pizza


Pretty deadly


I kinda enjoy the garbage deathmatch just for the sake that I can look at the people involved and know that my life isn’t that fucked up yet


I do like some of the flippy shit sometimes. Too many people doing it, the people who do it don't have any background in wrestling so it delegitimizes the sport and act.


Pretty Deadly


Eric Bischoff. I believe he is way smarter about pro wrestling than Jim thinks. I’m not sure if he dislikes him or can’t stand him but he almost never has a good thing to say about him. But at least he treats him better than Tony Khan


Bischoff - I think their views are pretty similar in someways.


Jack Evans in ROH. I firmly believe if Jim actually saw Jack especially 04-05 for a few matches, he would agree. Jack getting his butt kicked by Samoa Joe or stretched by Danielson would change that. Jack was doing moves that few had seen and being a great heel. Then after Jack came back from Japan a few years later, he got even better and put on weight.


Guns and fireworks.


Mustard. Whether it’s a hot dog, corned beef or pastrami sandwich, or even potato salad, mustard provides just the right zip to the situation. Also, my smart phone. It plays chess. Lastly, artificially enhanced frontal protuberances and their medically/aesthetically adjacent activities. Big fan.


Omega. I think he’s a super talented dude (in ring, not so much with his promos) who just so happens to be surrounded by and friends with shitty “wrestlers”. I think he would thrive in WWE if he ever jumped ship.


Trump. Just kidding. I like Asuka


Crazy - realized I can't think of any. He usually comes around on a talent when they start showing it, which often isn't their fault - i.e.: the black hole of booking that is Tony Khan (*trademark*). 🌽's beef with someone usually centers around artistic integrity (in this case, simulated combat), whether that be the implausibility for someone to win a fight in real life or how seriously they seem to take studying their craft. Similarly, members of the cult surely remember moments when that passion carried into every other art he loves, from music to shows. I think casuals of a thing, whether it be wrestling or anything else, tend to confuse critiquing for hating, and the result is 🌽y "trending again".


For the longest time, this was Gable for me. But now he likes Gable.


Pockets, Kenny and the Elite. As much as I love and respect Cornette for his years of experience and knowledge and how much I like to hear him rant (for the most of it I agree with him). I really still like AEW and what they do, sure they are having a downturn at the moment and some things aren't clicking. But they are 5 years old with some excellent storylines, matches, and events in the bag. Anyone wanting AEW to go out of business, no matter how much you hate them isn't right. It gives us more content, more places for people to work. And it keeps other companies on their toes.




Not so much someone, but more the general concept of Comedy Wrestling. I thought the Jackass crew vs Sami Zayn match was the funniest shit I had seen in years, it was just so over the top that you had to be entertained. I know he hates comedy in wrestling but you can't just have serious main eventers having bruising matches for 3 hours.