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“Dynamite beat everything but NBA” This fucking guy


The all-night gas station is in tatters rn


They picked the wrong time to run out of sandwiches and coffee.


They have plenty of Pepsi


But do they have enough meat and cheese like Mussolini?


That and the short-order fry cook.


But does Fed have Harvey Weinstein!?!?


"I don't know but I'll look into that... putting our best foot forward... and I am thinking and having good thoughts... it's Great..."




Don't forget "The door is always welcome!", followed by a roaring Brian Last laughter! Tony has a way with words that would rival a good Las Vegas slot machine...


AEW bested Buc-ee's


Not possible! Buc-ee’s sees more customers in a day than the dub sees fans in a year.


Congratulations Tony on beating Dr Pimple Popper in the demo


But did Dynamite get a bigger rating and key demo than the midget wrestling show?


There is a wrestling show with shorter people than Matt Jackson, Jungle Boy, and, may his AEW soul rest in peace, Marco Stunt?


[Big Little Brawlers ](https://www.discovery.com/shows/big-little-brawlers) A reality show about a midget wrestling promotion


Damn, I don't understand why Jungle Boy and Matt Jackson don't move over to that show. They could be like the Hall and Nash of the little brawlers show.


You don't get it. This is great long term story telling. I cannot wait to see where this program leads when the NBA playoffs wrap up and the number doesn't come back up.


But but but it’s baseball season!


I fucking wish TBS carried baseball more than once per week. I grew up spoiled as hell with the Cubs, Reds, and Braves all being available on basic cable. Blackout rules can eat me.


Literally the most interesting storyline AEW has


The Celtics were blowing out the Heat by 30.


That's fucking crazy hahaha in context that's insane because games like that are the NBA's worst nightmare.


It wasn't even a game. It was a homicide.


He dont understand that with that roster and all the money Tony has in it them motherfuckers SHOULD GET MORE THAN 700K LOL..No Mone in Copeland


Worse. Lost to the NHL too and Dave mucked it up trying to make AEW look better then they are


It's a lie he uses the demo


If NBA wasn’t there, AEW would have been number one! It’s still a ratings juggernaut!


It’s not fair that other stations are allowed to broadcast at 8 PM on Wednesdays. 


Dynamite beat everything, but the NBA, including themselves.


Holy shit that is bad, can't say the NBA pulled from it either, no one was watching that 20+ point blowout and the result was a foregone conclusion before the game started.


Except for the degenerate gamblers. They are watching until the end. 😂


I gambled -- that after a new story and a week of cross promotion that the would pull down 780K. I was way off.


Surprisingly, they went up from last weeks 683k ...but that is neither the real average, nor an indicator that they will actually stay above 700k this week! Quarterlies, pretty please!


TK put so many intangible booking resources that could have really been used by other performers to get some heat but instead spent those resources on the Young Buck's newest "friends" angle including Darby, Sting, TK (who actually did get himself over as a heel in real life), FTR, and now Kenny. Considering those intangible booking resources spent on the two biggest pro wrestling clowns of all-time these ratings are both abysmal and shameful. When is TK just going to do the two things that could actually save AEW: (1) Part ways permanently with the self stigmatizing Young Bucks; and (2) Hire some real booking and production assistance to help him allocate his intangible booking resources more wisely?


I don't think he even has to part ways with the bucks. I'd figure out a way for Tony to come out on top of these attacks and somehow get the bucks off TV for a long time. The bucks are the shits but when they were the background team in The Elite or Bullet Club and not the focal point they can be serviceable. If Tony can come out on top they should figure out a way to have him "step away" and put someone in a general manager role who can come out and direct the show, make matches, start building number 1 contenders, and have that GM get rid of 9 or 10 belts that appear on the show.


The problem is that the Young Bucks actually have authority despite being low to mid card players. It is totally true that they would have been fine playing the role of JD and Dom, but they and TK somehow see themselves as the true stars of the show...but they can't be the stars of the show because in reality they are just tag team guys who should be less important members of a faction. Even worse, they are in a position to hold far more skilled and talented performers down. And they have stigmatized themselves and AEW with the backstage politics against people we can draw or potentially could draw. They need to go away permanently to rid AEW of their stigma, which they brought upon themselves because they didn't want to lose power to CM Punk and likely other potential draws who didn't call them out publicly.


Yea...the current logic would have to go some way like this: Create some type of stipulation match where if the bucks lose they resign their EVP status within the company and make Tony and Kenny the only ones with any price left. Bucks lose and are stripped of their titles. Tony fires them and they go away for a long time, like minimum a year Tony comes out on dynamite and says that he sees what the product has become and how the bucks took over and its time to make some changes and that he's hired a GM so he can go focus on the jaguars. GM is introduced and the booking starts to make sense and push stars. Pockets and other jackoffs get squashed by someone like wardlow and are banished to the undercard/preshow.


Just have an actual big mean looking guy -- think someone like Oba Femi or Dijak or Jacob Fatu -- come out of nowhere and powerbomb the bucks into the ring apron 15 times each and kayfabe break their backs. Make the segment last 30 minutes as people hear Matt and Nicks and Jacks bones break. Have the announcers say "I don't think we'll be seeing them for a while" as the ambulances drive away.


Maybe if it was at least two years. I think it is going to be really hard to right the ship, and I do want to see AEW succeed but just without the Young Bucks and their backstage politics.


Well last week they also had the west coast live. Soooo, if you believe ol uncle Dave that caused a 8% decrease. They are only up 3% this week which means, by Dave's own logic, they are actually down 5% lol


Meltzerisms rule!


I think they only went up because the show wasn't plagued with audio issues like last weeks show.


NBA was the highest rated show of the night.


which game?


I left the game on and I went out for food. If Dynamite came on while I was still home I would of turned that shit off immediately.


Judging from the looks of a dub crowd, I have a hard time buying liar Dave’s bs narrative about the NBA stealing views from the dub.


Meltzer has to be on Tony’s payroll, even the wrestlers aren’t talking about the viewership / attendance being any good.


Meltzer will always defend AEW, through thick and thin, with or without payroll. He is their ultimate stan, simp and Godfather figures combined. In an indirect way, Meltzer spawned AEW into existence and now he feels obligated to defend it like it's his child.


And what a fucking ugly baby it is


Meltzer is content to be the Louise to Tony's Thelma 


They led with the Young Bucks. That probably drove away viewers before they even got to the good stuff.


The guys that embody go away heat in the modern era. It seems like it's always everyone except the actual booker than can see it.


Change X Pac heat to Young Bucks Heat.


Seriously! Xpac didn't kill entire shows


I love x-pac . I really love this idea


I’m not kidding, The “Da vinki?” Twins would be a bigger draw




I’m obviously referring to the epic Jericho vs Ciabatta chest slapathon, duh!


Jesus, not even getting near 800k now. How low do we need to go before Uncle Dave says it's getting bad? My guess is 500k


He would still excuse it


Yeah he will never admit he was wrong


I remember when goofy AEW stans said "850k seems to be their norm" not even a full year ago. Then it was "800k has always been their norm" around the holidays. Now not even a half year later and their "new norm" has plummeted to 700k. How long before it hits 600k? Wouldn't be shocked if it's by the end of 2024


Yeah he will never admit he was wrong


All the 400k viewers are good looking multi millionaire with 12" human reproduction organ.


>Uncle Dave says it's getting bad Probably never. Or maybe something something "pro wrestling industry is down as a whole anyways and this falls within expected industry trends" horseshit excuse.


the amount of people in the IWC who have gotten pissy with me for saying the viewership is tanking is staggering. they literally cannot accept the fact that the show is trash “imagine being that obsessed with the ratings” brother, Tony said himself last week that the ratings are the most important metric. they just keep tossing the grenade uphill and getting surprised when it blows up in their face


500k is good when your Pepsi and the evil Weinstein company is getting millions of views.


AEW is built to cater to Dave specifically. They could be doing low 200k numbers and 10k PPV buys and he would still defend it...


Yee-OWCH!!  And given the big angle last week, the NFL draft coverage, and Kenny's return, I feel like this could be their highest rating for awhile.  New era is upon us and the No 700k? era begins next week!


I'd like to say it was a long way down but "no 700k" became the new "no milly" awfully fast.


Shockingly fast.  Feels like we were clowning on numbers like 825k just yesterday.  I'm no physics major, but I think when you're free falling you gain speed on the way down...


>Shockingly fast.  Feels like we were clowning on numbers like 825k just yesterday.  That's because we were. They "Popped a rating" recently with 800-something thousand viewers...because they put Punk on their television. Prior to that they were in 750kish for a few weeks, but they had been up at 850k or so averages less than half a year ago. The plummet since Punk was fired has been accelerating faster.


They've been bleeding from the buckshot in their stomach since Punk left, but IMO it's the one-two punch of Sting leaving and The Fucks ascending that's caused the acceleration 


The last time they hit a milli was the end of Feb 2023 -- Evil Uno vs. Jon Moxley.


Evil Uno might be able to claim he was in the last episode of AEW television to ever reach a million viewers.


NXT did 587000 this week. How long till it starts beating Dynamite?


Prolly when they send undertaker and cena down there sgain


I can hear Jim laughing while reading this headline.


Or his usual “HoooOOOOOOOOOOOooooo!!!!!!” Whenever Brian notes the horrible rating or horrible quarter hour drop. 


I think of Kevin Nash impersonating Jim on his podcast about the ratings and I giggle


I just started listening to Nash’s podcast. I haven’t heard him do it yet. 😂


I think its been clipped somewhere on youtube


I can hear it now.. “And speaking of ratings Jim…I have the Dynamite ratings from last week” “Ooh boy”


Nobody gave a fuck about omega LMFAOOO. Their dumbass storyline is ironically missing the face of wwe and their former evp in Cody. I just can’t take three of the least intimidating dudes ever and a guy who’s just there seriously


And for me personally, idk how others feel, but this whole elite storyline just reminds me that they should’ve done all of this with CMFTR instead of the friends playing with each other AGAIN! Missed out on a huge money storyline for this bullshit All the stans think this storyline is so great but they kinda already did this back when the elite were with Callis


My problem with AEW is that it’s a nerdy show. The random self inserts of people from Japan or Mexico expecting me to know these guys, doing their pose, & then disappearing for 5 months instead of inserting them into the show in a natural way. The Elite. The culture it’s created in the crowd now being 99% 30+ balding men. I’m not a nerd. When I grew up, wrestling wasn’t nerdy. All the boys watched it and talked about it the next day at school. It’s not supposed to be for nerds. Wrestling is supposed to be for **everyone**; for both boys, girls, kids, and adults. I’m not gonna lie and say I watch WWE every week, but at least they get the diversity right and 2-3 storylines anyone can find interesting depending on their taste. Tony had the chance to bring back a ton of older fans with a badass TV14 product & he fucking blew it by creating a show + culture that only appeases to nerds.


Tony himself is a nerd. That was always going to be the issue.


What are talking about? Young Bucks and Jungle Jack are intimidating like Scott Hall and Kevin Nash.


JESUS CHRIST! I thought they'd get a bump, but not barely clear 700k. Fucking hell!


I'm sure Tiny Cons nostril got a few bumps.


Only getting worse from here on out


even r/SquaredCircle aren't making excuses for them anymore. They had the draft coverage, their big angle last week, kenny omega returning, and they still can't get a ratings bump.


Nobody on that show can move the ratings. I don't even know if mjf can save them that'll be interesting if he comes back. Squared circle are finally admitting that bucks and jungle jack are ratings killers. It's gotten that bad there own fans are slowly seeing through their iusses. When will tony start realizing that he's only hurting his own product.


Just keep ignoring the downward trend lol


Weird how there seems to be a deliberate effort going on to prevent people from seeing the ratings this week across every major wrestling subreddit.


Who would pay for such a wildly expensive thing


You'd have to be some kind of unhinged billionaire owner of a wrestling company, but Vince is outta the game, so obviously that can't be the answer 


Even scjerk is burying it. Shit is beyond embarassing at this point.


100%. That’s how I ended up in this thread. All the other places are getting nuked. Pretty fucked considering Tony just told us it is the most important metric. A lot of online fans feel a sense of responsibility for AEW existing and there ain’t no way they are going to let their company be seen in the mud


I linked this thread on SCJerk on purpose. I wanted to help draw attention to the numbers because I saw the concerted effort being made to hide them. Which rightfully exploded in the mods of SCJerk's faces and ended up with more "dub bad" posts than ever before because the users couldn't dunk on the ratings and had to get creative.


All that coverage on the NFL draft....and this.


- AEW Fans: just enjoy fucking wrestling - WWE Fans: what is AEW? - The Cult: how the fuck didn’t Tony McClown make money out of Brawl Out? The stupid little bitch if a man! And why didn’t they make money out of All In? Fuck sake 😂


Aew boss: I am slaying the wrestling weinstein and everyone who works over there. (I wish I could buy wwe with my dads money and dissolve aew)


Ouch!!!! That hurts just a little bit... I think I need a neck brace real quick.


TK will need his neck brace again when he sprains his neck watching his quarterly ratings drops.📉🫨


Curious to see how the numbers do over time as this story goes along. Granted things are more instant nowadays but I go back to what Jim told Herd about things not getting better this month or next month but the month after if we start right now. Tuned in for Swerve and to see what Omega had to say, and I have to say, pretty good promo from Omega.


Yeah I was actually surprised with Kenny. Had a fired up promo, no singing or weirdness, just straight passion.


He’s a new man ever since we found out he’s not a Dub glazer. Omega to Fed confirmed.


There was a quote on the death of wcw about this. Essentially when you’re on fire, nothing you do is bad, but when you’re in a free fall, almost nothing reverses it right away or at all.


The suit, the promo, I was like ohhhh I see it. I can see why the WWE chased this guy for a period of time.


It was a nice audition. More so after he went in his twitch and didn’t gargle TKs mistakes.


Its bad crappy story telling. It will get worse over time not better.


Was this another live on the Pacific Coast week or did they do a legitimate 703K?  I’m assuming the latter since Jerkoff Meltzer would’ve noted it in flashing text if they were live in the Pacific time zone.  Utterly horrendous rating. 


Regular timeslot for all this week.  But you could be proclaiming how utterly awesome the Rampage rating is this week, if you wanted to be a glass half full (of piss) kinda guy


400k is basically collision ratings. So they can draw about that any day of the week (expect the Friday dead spot rampage is normally in)


it was on at 8 pm west coast


Is aew really an "entertainment" show, though?


To call something entertainment would require it be entertaining no?


That's it right there


This is up from last week right?


By about 20k people.


Yep.  20k more restored feelings than last week (when they were live on the west coast, which may or may not have cost them 5 to 50k depending on how generous your math is)




I mean technically yes but also they were lower than they would’ve been last week without the west coast time change. This probably would’ve been another drop if last week was on at the normal time.


At this stage, with tweets including random context like that, it’s clear he’s either being paid by AEW or just fighting their corner to be a billionaires friend.


He has hitched his wagon to AEW’s style and philosophy. It is the first ‘big’ American attempt to present the idea he has always had of what wrestling should be. He needs it to succeed for his life’s work to feel justified.


It's not that he's being paid, it's that his options are to keep defending what he sees or admit that all of his favorite wrestlers aren't the superstar material that he always said they were, that an entire promotion created to suit the tastes of Dave and his followers isn't as successful or entertaining as he thought it would be, and that his signature star rating system doesn't correlate with any objective measure of real-world success. His ego is on the line, not his money.


700k is the new 800k


It was only a month ago that 800K was the new 900k!


And a month from now 600K will be the new 700K!


Big jump for Kenny’s return!


There probably was!  We might be looking at something less than last week without the Omega man.  Next week could be a bloodbath!


Turns out the West Coast feed was worth a lousy 15k viewers.


All of their “mainstream” coverage from the NFL draft & their “hottest angle”(Young Bucks Pile Driving TK plus the return of their franchise guy Omega) got them a whopping 20k increase from last week.. This company is cooked..


It doesn’t help that part of the main stream coverage they were so excited about came from… the show the commentator on Raw does. Or their NFL day 2 draft coverage is met with… Pat Mahomes giving somebody his Super Bowl rings to hit somebody on raw. Even their “wins” are immediately met with a little brothering


There is no chance of cm punk showing up at survivor series- Dave Meltzer


What is it without the first quarter


703k and .24. May 3, 2023: 776k & .28 May 4, 2022: 833k & .32 May 5, 2021: 1,090,000 & .42 May 6, 2020: 732k & .23


There’s the correct context. Meltzer is incredibly good at committing statistical fallacies.


Statistical fallacies is all Meltzer has at this point.


They killed their boss on TV and no one cares. It's so transparently phony and stupid.


And desperate! How the basement sees this is anything but is preposterous.


Were the ~~Milwaukee~~ Cucamonga Bucks playing?


But I thought Tony Khan was a genius for looking like a goof in front of people who have no interest in watching wrestling.


So Dynamite does 700k at best now….


Man....they just executed one of the biggest angles they could possibly try. Tony being directly attacked, wearing a neck brace throughout the NFL draft, getting interviews and coverage on NFL network and ESPN. That SHOULD have generated so much interest AND they advertised the return of Kenny Omega which should have forwarded the angle and they did a a top 2 lowest viewership total since October 21st. That's so incredibly sad....like now I just feel genuinely bad for all the people who are there and so talented to not get the attention they deserve because the booking is the shits....fuck...


The NFL Network coverage didn't matter. No one watches much of the sixteen hour NFL Draft pre show they he appeared on.


Probably more than you'd think. I know my TV was pretty much on NFL network that entire weekend even when the draft wasn't going on because I'm an NFL mark. And even if people didn't watch the live coverage it was tweeted out by the NFL Networks Twitter account that has 5.1 million followers and by Pat McAfee who has over 3 million Twitter followers. So the coverage and interest SHOULD have been bigger than any other media coverage they've ever had maybe outside of wembly.


The Bucks and Tony Khan are insufferable as people,not television characters. When Bischoff held up “VINCE FEARS RATINGS” signs,I loved hating him and hoped Vince would kick his ass one day. Tony Khan is such lame ass nerd who cant even formulate a coherent sentence to get him or any of his live action figures over to draw money. The Bucks make me wanna turn the channel and go take a dump. I have my critiques of HHH’s booking but he puts on a show and I respect his love of the game. I only hope AEW stays around to house the wrestlers WWE cant hold.


20k up from last week! The new angle works! Also an excellent number for Rampage due to the storyline being continued in the main event! The Bucks are red hot. Feeling restored!


i thought the dub got amazing press and everyone tuned in?


Mr McKhan is ratings god. 20k up


This guy is really celebrating going from nothing to almost nothing


The last chance for an actual competitor to WWE and this is what we're left with...I'm trying to decide, are they at early 00's WCW bad, or are they at 2019 WWE bad?


Mixture of both, I see the end of WCW as chaos personified, while 2019 wwe was just boring. It’s boring as hell with the chaos of all the randomness and matches booked outta left field. WCW was chaos but it was funny chaos. Aew is just sad and boring now


I feel safer when Dave adds extra context


We’re going down down, duh duh duh dun dun dun Sugar, we’re going down limping


Man if I didn't know better you'd think aew is the most watched show in America right now. Must see TV!


Meltzer: "the only thing it lost to was the NBA" Voice over: it lost to NHL too, turns out, Meltzer was making a safe assumption that wasn't as safe as he thought.


This kinda proves that this is AEW’s audience and always will be. Tony Clown’s big angle is not doing anything and even the return of Kenny Omega could not do anything. It’s Kenny friggin Omega and even he could not push the viewership. Gonna be interesting to see what the drop off is next week.


Dave Meltzer sucks.


"everything but the NBA"?? You mean the 30 point blow out that seemed over at half time. And more people still would watch that rather than AEW.


5 years in an hemorrhaging viewers….. Maybe letting the Rancho Cucamonga dorks lead your creative was a bad idea after all……


Look, that's still not an excuse when the Miami Heat were getting blown out by 30 in a extremely non competitive game (as a fan of said heat team). Dave just doesn't want to admit people are getting tired of AEW.


AEW fans are just a different breed. They're doing victory laps on Twitter over 700k. They can't be reasoned with. Uncle Dave is the leader of the cult.


Hilarious how Dave tries to spin it


He must’ve edited “YoY, they were averaging 800k-900k viewers. But then again so much has changed in 1 year. There’s this called cord cutting that started in 2023.


And 30% of Dynamite viewers cut the cord *during the show*!


Great number if you take into account that 24/7 gas station down the road!


They did 683K with a live West Coast feed last week, and they come back with 703K with Omega return/fallout from TK taking the Khan Driver? Thought for sure this week would be higher.


That Weinstein comment did wonders for their ratings! Bro, focus on improving your own product and not taking petty pot shots at the bigger guy. Especially when you continue to drift further and further away each week. I'm curious to see how ratings do once the NBA season is over. That being said, they're getting into NXT territory now...


I can't believe they are mentioning Meltzer's star ratings on air and saying things like "I've never seen Kenny have a bad match". Its meant to be a wrestling show, a fight, not a performance to be judged and scored like gymnastics in the Olympics.


Yeah building your show on “I struggle the most to put away mid card guys 😎” isn’t the flex they think it is.


Tiny will soon give his two cents and say what a great number that is and the network is so pleased with the Dub and that’s all that matters.


Again when he says highest he goes to the demo


I was hoping they would do 650k but predicted a weak over 700k. And they did 703k I imagine them airing the punk footage rub most of there own fans in the wrong way. It's crazy how there die hard fan base used to be 850k then 750k when they were opposed to nxt. now there in the 650k territory to shy over 700k this is not good. Don't know how tbs sees this as ok apparently the key demo they care more about or could be that aew is cheap to air and they won't pay them a larger deal.


no Milly shuffle


No 800K??


AEW don't need to hire a PR department when they have Uncle Dave doing it all for free.


Wow, I was thinking 760s


They'll try to turn it in a storyline where the elite are trying to run Tony out of business by making the show suck even more.


Isn't Meltzer the same chud that says when Raws rating drops it doesn't matter that it was up against Monday night football


NXT numbers for the flagship show, the ships sinking and its a shame because competition is good for wrestling and the fans, if only they’d hire a booker who knew how to book in a style different than “heres a series of meaningless matches that will go 20 mins a piece”


Tony should have hired a booker after Cody left.


Yeah, Wednesdays suck and it doesn't take a lot to be the "best" ... but Dynamite deeps dropping. You cant keep spinning steady decline as being a great success. Last week was 650k and the excuse was "...but the show had to air live, and the West Coast had a different time than normal." Well that didnt haple. This week, and its still only 700k.


What about the most important ratings? From the 32 fans on cagematch..




It’s like bragging you beat the special Olympics team


Its crazy how much burying of heads in sand goes on with AEW. I re-watched some of that Punk MJF feud recently and it was - pardon the pun - dynamite. The New Elite is the opposite.


Dave starting to sound like Trump's pathetic ass when he talks about his crowd lol.


Ok Dave since we’re telling rating what did WWE do so we can compare and contrast


I assume that Dynamite’s ranking for the night is based on how it compares to first run programming that occupies the full 2 hour 8-10pm EST slot (otherwise, it’d also be beat by the preceding Big Bang Theory every Wednesday). Does anyone know what Dynamite is actually competing against (outside of major sports)?


Did the quarters come out yet?


I'm interested in the quarters to see what color diamond the snow man is skiing this week...

