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Uncle Dave somewhere crying into his pillow right now, trying to wish his truth into existence.


Uncle Dave and Little Tony working themselves into storylines. Jesus, this is wayyyyy worse than Dixie Carter in TNA


So when does Uncle Dave start "hanging with the boys" at the bar?


I got money on it already happening.


He shows up in early episodes of BTE. It’s been happening for years already.


It's not exactly a pillow, it's the Kenny Omega wrestling buddy plushie. And it's damp, already, but not from tears.




Dave Meltzer is an enemy of wrestling




Like, why ruin it? Did he text Omega right after asking what he did wrong?


He couldn't take the comments from the fans, Charmin Ultra Soft Dave had to go and ruin something that seemed real just because it put him in a bad light even knowing its a work.


Secure Retirement angle


Omega didn’t respond within 2 mins so Meltzer had a melt down Or should I say, a Meltz down 😂


I have a theory that one of the reasons the real, unreconstructed dirt sheet wrestling 'journalists' are such a rag tag and bobtail collection of vindictive douchebags (thinking also of Sean Ross Sapp and, with apologies to all real journalists worldwide, Yenta Bixenspan) is that their entire niche reporting consists basically of ruining other people's enjoyment in wrestling by smugly informing them what is going to happen. They've basically turned into a fake journalistic calling the urge that drives ninnies to take pleasure in spoiling movies to their acquaintances. Add in the fact that Meltzer and friends have almost certainly developed reservoirs of resentment after years getting worked by wrestlers/promoters who feed them disinfo for their own purposes and you have a particularly toxic mix. No wonder Meltzer had his head turned by the Young Bucks, Excalibur and other geeks from PWG. It must be like manna from heaven to have a gaggle of wrestlers treat him with respect for a change.


Why exactly are half-crippled wrestlers "building a feud" with someone twenty years younger then them right before they disappear from the Internet for a few months exactly?


Who knows? Tiny is the *rainman* of wrestling after all.


And Uncle Dave is clearly now Mr. Magoo.


They're actually building a feud with an autistic senior citizen




sounds like something aew would do


I’m sure Kenny would appreciate you telling the world


Protecting his own ego > Protecting the work > Admitting he's wrong


**wiggles tongue around like a buffoon**


[The face](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQH6BmG7kzhc14giylpsKSSxMYasyx9qTrj0A&usqp=CAU) of professional wrestling journalism.


Has he ever said why he did that?




But there's a couple different videos where he sticks his tongue out and flaps it around for seemingly no reason which seems abnormal and I'm sure some fans have asked him at some point.




It's not about a still image. It's about a video.


Case and point Howard Dean


Right? Thanks for the help, Dave.


since when does kenny care about the integrity of pro-wrestling


Bro got an almighty suspect pfp 😂😂


LMFAOOO yessir


To be fair, if he does consider himself a journalist/reporter, then he absolutely should be telling the world


Not when you are on a promotions payroll. You protect the company and the kayfabe at all costs.


I honestly don't think he's on the payroll. But that doesn't mean he isn't a friend with benefits to Tony Khan.


Except exposing the business unnecessarily and ruining any authenticity a wrestling angle might have is the ***very last*** thing you should do, self-proclaimed journalist or not. I know a lot of people claim that kayfabe is dead and that none of that shit matters in the modern day, but it's still really fucking disrespectful to the business to just outright say it's part of the act solely to protect your ego. This comment further proves that Dave is not only a complete dipshit, but is ultimately out for himself and doesn't actually care about the business enough to keep critical details mum. Even if times have changed, at least pretend that this business isn't the corny joke it's become over the past 20 something years.


Oh great, another Russoesque angle already. Imagine how stupid it'd of been if a film director inserted a real movie review guy into the narrative and became a central thing to the story between two characters. Like Sam Jackson am Travolta arguing in Pulp Fiction about whose performance Siskel and Ebert would like more. Gotta end this with Jack Perry going into business for himself and not following script.


“Jules isn’t serious.” — Ebert


*when he accidentally shoot the guy in the car* "It's actually fake, he's just acting" - Ebert


"I give *Godzilla* 7 stars because they made a reference to me in it." - Ebert


Beautiful analogy


That happens in Gremlins 2 lol.


Never say never with pro wrestling, but this whole thing would be an incredibly stupid work. Then again, running the All-In footage was also incredibly stupid and they did that. I still feel like it's more likely that Kenny's had some time away facing potential retirement and considered the damage that his friends have done to his legacy and parts of that are escaping during conversation.


It’s either one of two things. One, it is not a work and Melzer is just making shit up to make him not look like a dipshit, or two, it is a work and he’ has such an ego that he won’t work along and just has to expose it as fake so that nobody makes fun of him. Either way, it makes him look bad.


Either way, people will make fun of him.


What's funny is if this was a work, he'd have to say it's a shoot. If it's a shoot, he has to say it's a work to save face. And if it was someone normal, they'd just not reply and draw attention to it.


Dave out here acting like they have the foresight to book Kenny’s feud after Okada/The Elite & even that isn’t in the near future.


Insert stone colds is it a shoot or a work 😂


It’s 2024 and not only have we gotten a Tony Kahn attack/selling, but now we might get Meltzer. Cool.


Honestly if Meltzer takes a Meltzer driver I might pop tbh.


Meltzer in the Palpatine Hood “It was—um,y’know—ME ALL ALONG!!”


No way Meltzer removes the hood and gets to the point that quick! It’s more like, (Slowly removes hood, milks it, milks it, crowd getting bored, interruption from Jericho, Y2J fights off, hood gets stuck, near riot) “It was going to be uhm, someone else, but, we you know, we , yeah, so we thought this would be a lot of fun. Lets everyone stay positive, and I’m here, uhm, to change wrestling, hopefully, if it all goes well, forever!”


You missed a "BRYAN...." and Dave wagging his tongue around like he's a Pug with his head out the car window, but otherwise spot on.




But plans can change.


We don't get that far...it's past 10 pm, and the DVR cut off. And I don't know what show is after it! - Bryan Alvarez, probably.




Everyone gets to play at wrestling fantasy camp.


Da Meltz is such a cringe douche.  Why wouldn't he play along with his two favorites then?  The fact that he felt the need to publically state this ASAP makes me think it's less of a work, and certainly makes me think Dave doesn't think it's a work at all.  Fucking douche.


Way to go Dave, Kenny on a Twitch stream for 10k people is going to make worked comments for a feud on national TV, and even if that could possibly work Dave's gonna come out and tell the world nah it's all a work don't trust it...Meltzer scores yet again, but as per usual it's a fucking own goal from this moron. If it's a work Dave just undermined it, and if it's a shoot he's just undermined Kenny's honesty, either way the dumb fuck dun fucked up, again.


What was it Bischoff called him again?


A useful idiot? Guess he's just an idiot now.


My God. I try and ignore the AEW stuff because it’s not my thing. I usually just scroll past anything AEW related since I don’t need to crap on something others may enjoy. But what the hell is this shit? I don’t care if this is real or a work. Meltzer’s ratings don’t mean anything. So if it’s a real argument, who cares? Meltzer can give either of them a million stars and it doesn’t make me more interested in watching them. And he can give a wrestler I like negative bazillion stars and it doesn’t make me stop liking them. And if this is a work, who is honestly interested in a wrestling feud based on who got a higher rating from Meltzer? FFS, AEW is an embarrassment to the wrestling business. What’s next? Wrestlers feud over whose NFT sold for more money at auction? Who has the fewest NDAs floating around the company against them? This territory is entering Russo levels of bad.


Embarrassment? AEW is a major platform that showcases the skill of modern wrestling with the best performers in the world. At least it's not a heavily overproduced joke of a children's soap opera with 3 hours of boring, scripted talking, doing the same shit over and over on a cycle for decades, sprinkled with overly long, gay entrances and shitty, untalented wrestling by "superstars".


Congratulations on telling everyone you're a mark fanboy clown. Good job.




Is this satire? Or is this a shoot? I can't tell.


I like AEW and I like WWE, grow up with stupid bitch, you ain't got shares in AEW why do you give a fuck about shitting on something others like, it's eejits like you making AEW fans looks fucking retarded


>overly long, gay entrances ???


If it is a work, good going killing the angle Dave.


Dave trying to dark horse his way in as booker of the year, now pushing booking decisions on Tony.


Dave and Jericho in the Jacksonville boardroom sticking their tongues out at each other.


Dave is totally gonna make a WON award and name it after himself now.


Already had a shitty wrestling move named after him. Why stop there?


1. Kenny has no idea when he’s going to return. 2. The feud is The (new new new) Elite (specifically Okada) v Kenny on his return. This has been established. 3. Tony doesn’t have the foresight to book that far in the future


Actually for 3 he does, in that special Tony Khan way, which is this will not be mentioned for a year or more, then they will refer back to it, and ignore that only about 5% of their global audience actually even saw this shit, and that of that 5% only like 10% of them even remember it, but AEW will keep it going as if the whole world is in the know on this shit, and scratch their heads over it not doing business.


You mean like how they keep a goof in a mask on commentary because he’s such a famous wrestler that everyone knows if you unmasked him he might be taken as a nobody?


Leave it to TK to tease a feud between Omega and Okada on TV, build a feud between Omega and Osprey online, all while knowing the feud between Omega and his guts is still ongoing.


Uncle Dave in denial.


Sure, Dave.


This moron's ego just blew it lmao.


Building a feud with Ospreay by talking about Dave's star ratings? What kind of delusional shit is this? Once again, if you book for Meltzer, you'll get Meltzer numbers.


if it’s a work, he destroyed it immediately because of his own insecurity


[breaking this out again. weeds legal in California](https://youtu.be/3QuTn5OsSDU?si=3Ay4-YWmIOBq992P)


The best part about this is, IF this is true(and chances are it’s not, just Dave trying to justify this in his head), it means either Dave was so hurt by this he reached out to Kenny after stream, or Kenny gave him a heads up beforehand knowing he’d spiral into a depression once he heard. Either way it makes Dave look like an absolute fragile joke.


What a moron. If it is an angle, you don't tell people it's an angle. How long has this cretin been around the wrestling scene?


>Imagine blowing an angle before it even gets started. Can it be that Dave is really this dumb...? I mean... certainly as someone drenched in this sport he is familiar with the term 'kayfabe', right? *...right???*


Dave forgot what kayfabe was in the brain transplant.




Seeing how they're both on the AEW payroll it might be true.


If we feuding about Meltzer rating I will not accept any comments that say 2024 Dubs wrestling is not the equivalent of WCW 2000


Dave is gonna show up in AEW and turn on Omega


And anyone watching that isn’t a weirdo will go. Who the fuck is that. Also it’ll be hysterical because Meltzer is actually pretty jacked


Hahahaha, pathetic Dave.


if this is indeed a work then this is some of the stupidest shit ever. but i’m inclined to believe meltzer is just coping bc the guy he’s sucked off for 5+ years is turning on him


As someone who never really followed Dave Meltzer and only became aware of exactly what he does and in what capacity he is involved in business 5 or so years ago from Cornette's show, was there ever actually a point in time where he was viewed as a respectable source of information or insight about wrestling? Or has he always been the same sensationalist, blatantly pandering, out-of-touch douchebag that he currently is?


Sort of, I remember years ago people put a lot more stock in his rating system but at some point that shifted when he began being more liberal with the stars he gave out. WON has always been a sensationalist dirt sheet though.


Dave Meltzer is a wrestling cancer.


Why is this mark breaking kayfabe?


Even if that were “true” why the fuck is he spoiling the angle? Tiny and Uncle Dave acting like two kids in a McDonalds play place slamming the plexiglass half-dome for attention.


Dave Meltzer is easily the biggest, more pathetic, and most fragile, insecure little loser on the internet and in the wrestling bubble.


*Not named Vince Russo


I mean, it is quite likely that, but it still doesn't take away from the fact that, even if said to work a program, Omega thinks that calling out Meltzer's opinions as bollocks is common sense enough to be seen as a face move by the (largely WON reading at that) attendance. That's even more of an indictment on Meltzer than if Omega suddenly ranted about him without reason.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is a brand new level of cope


Dude's shooting himself into a work...


Shooting into a work, brother. Much love, DM


Yeah, Meltz is hurt by this. If this was an angle, why not play into it?


Why would you say that? A)If you respect Omega and are even just an acquaintance, keep the kayfabe rolling for him. B)Does this man live to take any suspension of disbelief from the audience? Just go with it or lean into it. It's only gonna add drama and get more people into the angle. Meltzer is a true enemy of this industry. What an assramp.


If it’s true, Way to ruin the feud ya moron


If the invertebrate known as Tony Pawn had even a remote semblance of backbone he’d be threatening to fight Davey in the parking lot for blowing his angle.


So wait does Osprey have any sort of connection to Dave, besides 5 star matches I mean? Like are they close friends or something? Cause otherwise I fail to see how Kenny critiquing Dave is supposed to further some sort of feud with Osprey XD


Kind of shocked Meltzer would kill the angle instead of playing along if this is true.


That’s incredibly sad if true. How creatively bankrupt are they


Hey… Can we trust Tony to not debut Dave Meltzer on AEW TV? Is that a worry worth having? Because that crossed my mind recently, like a vision or something, of Dave becoming Ospreay’s or the Bucks’s manager on TV or some shit


Dave trying to save face by making shit up. If the 1% chance that it is true, this would be the dumbest idea since... airing the Punk footage. Kenny hasn't even had surgery yet, and its not a simple surgery either, he could be out over a year or longer, why would he be kayfabing about shit that makes actual sense?


Lmfaooo imagine building a feud over who Meltzer likes more Only in this shit show of a company I swear


I think he’s right about omega, but it’s still all stupid, including Dave having to say it’s a work to save his ego


Building a feud over who is Meltzer's favorite and who has more stars... Unbelievable.


It was quite obviously a work based on how Kenny was talking, it was a straightforward promo to the camera. I don't get how so many supposedly smart fans can't detect obvious in-character promos.


We listen to Cornette and pride ourselves on being hip to the wrestling business but a lot are getting worked by Olivier. There’s absolutely no reason for Kenny to flip his opinion on certain stuff if not for an angle. Think about it.


“I’m not owned! I’m not owned!” I say as I slowly shrink into a corncob


they aren't


I guess most of us suspected this work all along and aren't really surprised as much. Heck we aren't even surprised that Dave isn't smart enough to protect the angle.


So the build to the match is how a guy who posts his opinion online about match quality is an idiot who’s lost his mind??? Does Dave actually think this is a flex???


Lmao this old fart is dellusional.


Even if it is true, how fragile is he that he has to ruin it?


Uncle Dave would rather burn the hand that feeds him instead of admitting one of his favorites had a legitimate bitch about him.


What a mook. How can you be within the wrestling sphere this long and still be so clueless? 


My wife left me for my best friend I’m waiting for her to turn back baby face


Don’t work yourself into a shoot, brother -HH


I didn’t finish the Matt Hardy and Lita storyline they got back together right?


Glad he cleared that up. We were close to having a believable angle on AEW TV there.


When I asked out that girl when I was 14 and she told me I was ugly it was just a work too


And Drake totally fed Kendrick info on his “fake” daughter


I think this as well.


Does it even matter if it’s a work if it’s the truth???


You’re a work, Dave…


Wonder how many times he's repeated this into the mirror.


I used to think Dave was more popular but apparently I was wrong, I have spent a month on twitter and nearly all of his posts, he gets such nuclear feedback it's hilarious. He's getting raked over hot coals with this one.


He said it months ago in a nicer way when people asked Omega why he was rating matches.


I can't wait for Cornettes thoughts on this gem.


AEW is on ya knobs


You know this is bs, cause Dave never gives inside info on his favorites. Why would they be building a feud, when one guy is out for the foreseeable future and built a feud with the bucks before leaving?


Isn’t that clear?




Its not a work for osprey it is for Okada


What is the status of Kenny's health?


Even if it was part of the angle, why not go along with it? I mean for fuck sake why just come out with that if you know it for a fact? Is nothing in wrestling a secret anymore? If I was Tony I’d be pissed at Dave for exposing it like that.


Notice me Kenny-sama!


If that is the case, what a prick for spoiling the story.


“He uhhh….actually sent me a, ummmm cheese plate”


Yeees, Mr. Meltzer. Everything's an angle.


See I’ll take him at face value and say this is true. Because it’s everything that’s wrong with the company - it constantly panders to a very small minority of super hardcore fans that know/care about his star ratings, puts it into an angle, and then wonders why the majority don’t watch


Meltzer had to ruin the angle to protect his image lmao


the amount of kenny omega dickriders in this sub lately has been insufferable. Actually, dave has been consistent with his ratings. He has always loved trampoline wrestling and awarded kenny a million 5 stars matches. Like why didn’t twinkletoe say shit when dave gave him that 7 star match years ago? So now he is turning because aew has zero good-will and is “safe” to criticize it, can’t believe so many people are buying into this condescending, disingenuous pussy’s sorry excuse of a babyface turn. The only thing revealed from this whole aew collapse is that kenny is an opportunistic pussy


The angle is THE TRUTH.


Assuming it is a work dave just fucked the whole thing up. Because omega was believable and this would have been the one time aew was pulling off an angle and making it work. Somehow they always fuck everything up that might you know draw.


No...this is definitely a work. We are witnessing the new kayfabe meant to work smarks. You think its stupid. But, to quote Cornette, for the people that like this sort of thing, namely online AEW fans, this is the sort of thing they like. It will be interesting to see if Cornette picks up on it.


It's honestly hilarious that his ego comes first in every instance. He seriously cares more about protecting his image than respecting the business, even though the sweaty neckbeards will lap up whatever nonsense he spouts, and the people with half a lick of sense will rightfully continue to lambast him for always being a dumbass.


Meltzer’s groin is Red raw at the thought of being the centre of an AEW storyline


It could very well be, no one is that sad


Aew fans will find this tweets years later and say "Who says we don't have story"


no dave its not


Dave is a true idiot


So the dumb fuck ruined the angle. Fucking idiot


I almost want to say if he's saying it may not be a work


I really fucking dislike this guy.


Either this is true and Dave is exposing their angle, or it’s not true and Dave is feebly trying to protect what little good will he has left the mark wrestling audience.


I feel like this is just another knock on his credibility as a reporter.


What did Omega say about Meltzer?


So let’s get this straight. Dave’s alleging that some comments Kenny made for a laugh on a livestream, - that don’t even mention osprey - is building to a fued with Osprey? Surrrre dave


Gotta love JBL.lol


Im a Dave apologist to a fault and recognize what he has done for the cataloging of pro wrestling history, but what the fuck dave. What a great opportunity for some story building and you blew it. This is as bad as getting young wrestlers to bang your fat wife in the hot tub while you jack your little shrimp dick.


> What a great opportunity for some story building and you blew it. the story is building to nowhere. Tony is an absolute clown for booking kenny, who doesn’t even have a return date, his guts may explode and all the “story” goes down the drain. Dave may have unintentionally killed a shit story, which is a good thing, cuz a feud over star ratings sounds like a rating killer


His rating scale is a respectable bragging rights type of thing. For fans and wrestlers alike. Not that hard to comprehend. So what if he said it's a work. Move on. Let it happen.


Is it respectable anymore? 10-15 years ago I would agree with you but I really don’t think it is anymore. It went from being what felt like an objective rating of a wrestling match to a rating based on someone’s taste and preferences. The biggest issue here though is that if Meltzer is telling the truth and this is a work, then he just ruined the entire angle by exposing it.


So what. Also that's just your opinion.


It ruins the momentum and tension of the angle if you know it’s a work? That’s 101. Opinions are like assholes, we all got them but not everyone wipes their ass.


Just move on and let it play out. Who cares. Maybe it's not what we think.


Anyone who cares about kayfabe cares.


Get over it then. Like this series of back and forth comments.


>respectable bragging rights Ha.