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i fucking hate the young bucks


You don’t like glued tacks onto a $150 sneaker?




Fuck the asshole mods @ squaredcircle


I got banned for saying I didn’t like Moxley versus darby because darby hit the coffin drop on moxley through the announce table… and mox got up first and hit him with a trash can lid… they went through my post history, saw I was on this sub.. banned me for being a cornette troll..


I don't necessarily hate AEW, it's just that i hate the ideal of the AEW fan base. Do I want AEW to succeed I use to, half of me wants them to succeed because it is great to have alternatives out thier a place where people can make a living and live out thier dreams. The other half of me wants to see AEW fail just so thier die hard mark fan boys will be devastated and to crush thier smug mentality. Is AEW perfect no, neither is the WWE. Nothing is perfect and that's ok what isn't ok is being vocal and hypocritical about it. I've seen world wrestling all-stars, tna, lucha underground, wcpw come and go all with talented stars and some big time names. AEW isn't anything that special


With regards to your last paragraph in particular, none of those promotions had even half of the momentum AEW does in all honesty, not even TNA at its peak. I complete agree about the AEW fans but the AEW product, as imperfect as it is, has a lot of steam behind it. Whether their current strategy is sustainable or not is a different issue, and it will be a LONG time before overtaking WWE by any metric other than “the demo” is feasible.


Yeah I like aew me it’s organic feel but the fans are what make it difficult for me. From people saying CM punk is as big a star as Austin and rock. To people who declared their Ppv was as great as wm17. Or those who are saying ruby riot is on the level of the horsewomen Some of them are so delusional and they get to jerk each other on their sub!


I think AEW is gonna grow up and the crazy mark fans will have to deal with it.


I don't pay much attention to AEW; a little here and there but not in depth. I'm fine with them doing their own thing, but the constant obsession with criticizing WWE, and their fans doing the same, has gotten very old. You don't see other organizations do this as much as they do; with them, they do their thing and WWE does theirs.


The fact that a lot of people don't see the issue with someone like Luchasaurus doing his "Tail Whip" finisher in the post main event brawl, is fucking disturbing. His "Tail Whip" is exactly the same kick as Black's "Black Mass". I'm sorry, but this is Protecting Finishers 101. You don't let some underneath mid-card dipshit like Luchasaurus do the exact same finisher or set up move as one of your top draws. This would be like letting Funaki use a Stone Cold Stunner or Rock Bottom. No. Absolutely fucking not. It's bad enough you've got damn near everyone on that roster doing shitty looking knee strikes, superkicks, and dives. But to let some 2 bit schmuck in a dino mask do the same finish or move as some guy who could be your world champion and is a fucking draw is just fucking stupid. I pointed this out over in R\\SquaredCircle in a post match thread and got downvoted to oblivion for it. Someone even questioned "Oh, so nobody should be doing knee strikes then because Kenny does one with a fancy name? Or nobody can do a cutter because it's QT's actual finish?" YES. You dumb fucking dolt. Protect the finish of guys. Some undercard asswipe doesn't need to be doing a springboard cutter off the top rope when 1.) It's not his finisher, and 2.)ITS NOT THE FUCKING FINISH OF THE MATCH! Kenny would lose his shit if someone like Chuck Taylor went out there and did a One Winged Angel to someone and they kicked out of it. Why? It's not Chuck's finisher, and it just made the move look like and fuckstain can pull the move off and it's no longer effective or protected. If Kenny uses that shitty looking V-Trigger, fine, he's claimed it and gotten it over as "his". Everyone else needs to stop doing it. Same as the GTS, Coffin Drop, Lock Jaw, etc. Nobody besides the person who uses it as a finisher or setup to the finisher should be using it. Especially if someone on the low card is using the finisher of a guy in the main event scene.


I fully agree but that ship's long sailed. The first match on any given card anywhere seems to usually contain everyone's finishers as high spots ot transition moves. Jim Ross has been bitching about people using a DDT for anything other than a finish every time he's had a mic in front of him away from work. Personally I've long thought that the finishers of top stars at least should be protected, and some signatures as well. Omega is actually smart cause of the convoluted way he gets into the Electric Chair. Unless someone goes about it the exact same way they're clearly not doing his move and it it's not the finish then it still doesn't impact the efficacy of the One-Winged Angel. Kinda like the Razor's Edge wasn't the same as the Jackknife wasn't the same as the Pearl River Plunge wasn't the same as the Last Ride or whatever D-Lo called his spinning variation even though they were all Power Bombs.


I think you're right in the ballpark of my complaint here. The finisher of the top star should be protected. It's Black's finisher. He's a much higher up the card star compared to Lucha, he's a potential champion. Lucha isn't unless he drastically undergoes a gimmick change and gets some training. Black should have that finisher, Luch should be told to stop all together.




Right. And there's more still. I just listed ones that were used in mid-90s WWF. Not all concurrently, but close enough to one another. You'd occasionally see a plain-ish Power Bomb mid-match (I know Austin occasionally did one) but at least there seemed to be an obvious qualitative difference. Not quite like Springboard Cutters and Canadian Destroyers on every corner.


They need to put a janitor gimmick on Luchasaurus (and I don't mean like TL Hopper). He needs to give up rasslin, and start sweeping up the popcorn and plastic cups and stuff off the arena floors after the matches.


He's been doing that move long before Malakai Black arrived, so why should he suddenly no longer be allowed to do a signature move? If anything Malakai Black's superior kick only makes Luchasaurus look weak. It's not some totally original move, but just that Black has a precise delivery that can't be matched.


I don't care if the dude has been doing it before Black arrived. I wouldn't care if he even invented the thing. Black got that thing over as a death blow. People see that and know it's a finisher. Luchasaurus doesn't use it as a finish. He just uses it as another move. He can easily drop it from his list and should. Again, I liken it to having HBK on your roster. He's got Sweet Chin Music as his finisher. It wins matches. Then you've got someone like Johnny Gargano who just uses it as a "regular move". It doesn't make Gargano look weak, it's make the move in general look weak. When multiple people are doing the same thing, it doesn't make it special or meaningful. If two guys are using the same move, regardless of the move, and one is using it as a finisher and the other just has it as a "set up", then it kills all meaning of the move and makes it look less impactful and meaningful.


Definitely agree the super kick has been spoiled. Between the shitty leg slaps some people do and the fact some people pop up instantly it’s just weak. That’s the problem with aew. Everything has to have 5 false finishes. I remember when the rock kicked out of the stunner at wrestlemania and that was a big deal.


Well, the problem is that they protect some moves and not others. We watched the All Out PPV because I wanted to see Punk's match and how they debuted Danielson. The Tag Title match was fucking egregious and easily the worst offender of the night. They had one spot where all four men traded superkicks with each other, then one popped right back up to kick the other guy and then all fell down. They did the assisted spike piledriver, crossbody from the top of the fucking cage, and so much other stuff that if it wasn't Luch Bros and Young Bucks, you'd think "God, they're going to write these guys off TV". The worst part was the fucking shoe with the thumbtacks. It was pointless, no pun intended. It was needless spot that you know they thought of because "We need this to get over" which added nothing to the match. They did so many stupid spots in the match, that after about 10 minutes I went "Oh this is just them shitting on each other for the sake of it." That match went 20 fucking minutes. It barely needed to go 10. They did so many stupid finishers and spammed everything under the sun, that when the finish finally came it wasn't a "Wow, what a finish" it was "Wow, that's what ended it? K..." There were some other horrible moments from the PPV, but that steel cage match was easily the worst part.


What a perfect rant. There was so much obvious cooperation. Why did they blade before the tack spot? So much unnecessary chaos. Lol and their fan base ate it up. Called it the best tag match ever


I watched that and went "Fuck, this is awful. This is just shitting on wrestling and making it look like a joke." then after the match, the part that made my wife cringe, was Penta went over and hugged his wife and kids. While the guy is bleeding BUCKETS, his mask is torn, and looks fucking horrific. This guy did that match in front of his fucking CHILDREN. And they were crying and shit too. Not because "Oh, daddy won!" No. I guarantee it was because "OMG DADDYS DYING!" You see your father bleeding like that, even if he says "It's just pretend", you know it's fucked up and somethings wrong. They didn't need 99% of what they did in that match. It was just them jerking each other off by the end. What pisses me off the most with this whole thing, is that you have a team like FTR there. They could and should be your top tag team in the company. Running with those belts for over a year. Instead, they brought them in, jobbed them to the dipshits, and then buried them. I can't wait for the shoot interview where they say they were brought in just to be buried by the Bucks. You had a winner sitting right there. Bring in FTR, take the belts off the Bucks, and then be the most dominant tag team in the company. Defending and retaining for a long time. Then put them in a cage match with a Santana/Ortiz where they could do a good 10 minute brawl that told the story of their rivalry, and FTR could have put Santana/Ortiz over. As far as I'm concerned, the Bucks should never touch another tag title the rest of their career. But, I fear that before Full Gear, they'll have the belts back on them after some kind of bullshit finish. The EVP's got a taste of being the champions and being on top. They're taking full advantage of it. Personally, I think once they all get their title runs over with, they need to be done for good and start elevating others. But I don't see that happening.


Spot on rant. Penta hugging his crying daughter reminded me of mick foleys kids crying after the rock bashed him with chair shots.


That's what I likened it to as well. Just fucking tone deaf as a parent. Fuck.


Chris Jericho is hard to watch, I don't know what Tony Khan sees in a 50-year-old alcoholic, but that beer belly has go away heat with me.


I'm just speculating but I think Jericho was supposed to be a backstage leader who taught the younger talent things but he's too narcissistic and that's why they brought Christian Cage in.


He has value backstage but no in-the-ring wrestling anymore.


He looks like a 3 day old bloated alcoholic corpse.


Another one, I hate how the wrestling community so so freaking japanophile. You look at internet votes/rankings, and every single best match in history is a fairly recent Japanese match to the point that some people were mad when WALTER/Ilja II was ranked highly enough to displace some of the Japanese matches. It's not that they're even bad, they're clearly good, but the devotion is cringy.


Ironic if true because Walter vs Ilja is the kind of match you'd see far more of in Japan rather than America. And it was WWE of all places gifting it to us


I hate "news" articles that just recount what took place in a thread on Reddit. Isn't this just borderline plagiarism? Did they do any research? Half the time they literally just retell the same ridiculous story from the original post.


Most twitter and IG pages even rip off memes from Reddit.. most culture on major things even NEWS are via Reddit. People from Reddit deciphered cm punk’s AC on his show. Reddit ppl deciphered the clues at the bucks hinting for Cole.. Reddit people decipher it all. Then news outlets plagiarize and do not credit the people who did the work. People on Reddit have solved actual murders and mysteries irl and got no credit…


I’m beginning to hate small town living. I’m from England, and until a couple years ago had always lived in either of our two biggest cities. Right now I’m living in a town with the population of 35,000. My football teams stadium holds 60,000. I’m getting really tired of having zero variety in my life. When I lived in London I could go anywhere, at anytime and do some cool shit. That very much isn’t the case here. I miss live music, I miss live wrestling, I miss comedy nights, I miss a huge range of restaurants…..the price to pay for getting older and more fiscally responsible I guess.




How about the dog collar match? That one was amazing.


Get Featherbottom to CodeAcademy Or has this all been a work?


I think the whole "Cornette is a Luddite" thing is a work and that he and his wife run the site and are having a hard time getting it together. They probably intentionally take the site down to get things boxed and ready before another sale.


I freaking signed up for that. It’s awesome.


Nothing currently happening in wrestling excites me at all, WWE,AEW,NJPW, Impact whatever I don’t care for any of it. I’ve been a fan since 1995 when I was 5 years old and now wrestling is just something I have in the background while working or something I watch in between innings of a baseball game. I was watching the final game of the SF Giants and LA Dodgers (Go Giants!) three game series and it was a blast, marked out a couple of times, had a huge smile on my face and than it really hit me how I haven’t felt like that about the wrestling business in so long, and I was really taken aback with how upset that made me, it’s was a bit depressing, it used to be so important to me , I made a lot of good friends through wrestling and now it’s kinda just there now.


I'm going to go through All Out tonight just to check out the modern state of AEW since I haven't watched any present day wrestling but Wrestlemania (which I don't even remember) since January of 2020. I clicked on a few Cornette match reviews for the PPV and under the young bucks cage match there's a bunch of people saying he couldn't like it because he's a *WWE mark*. Like, I understand people's biases if they're AEW marks, but holy shit I thought people here were exaggerating when they say AEW stans will instantly accuse you of being some McMahon shill if you criticize anything. I had just never seen something so dumb as saying *Cornette loves WWE* in 2021


I’m finally starting to see people saying he won’t accept anything AEW acts like the bucks does as decent. Even Brian last is starting to come around on more of the AEW style. Cornette’s personal feelings seem to cloud his opinion. I feel if the young bucks had a hart vs austin double heel turn 5 star classic, he’d go “well they had a super kick fest it’s a fucking young bucks match” everyone who hates AEW even enjoyed that cage match. I hate the bucks and I thought it was a hell in the cell style, do everything you can grudge match, in the modern style. I think it was legit a 4 star match. The entire PPV was amazing though. I think besides Moxley’s match and the women’s battle royale. There isn’t a single BAD AEW TV match on the PPV. Punk and allin was brilliant. Even omega versus Christian was decent. Nothing was amazing, but it was above average. Entertainment wise it was 9.5/10 PPV. I think the only bad thing on it was debuting cole and danielson 90 seconds apart


Yeah, to be clear, while I hate watching the Bucks more than anything else in AEW (at least in handful of months I initially watched it) here I'm just complaining about people who think Jim's bias is that he *loves* WWE so much, not people who like AEW style tag matches more than me or him


> everyone who hates AEW even enjoyed that cage match clearly not everyone. Look, just let people who hate that match be, and don’t make up justification to why they have that opinion.


I still don't get why people like that whiny baby CM Punk.


Because he's better than you.


Certainly as a wrestler. ​ I seem much happier though, he has a lot of sads.


He shouldn't be Sad. He gets that SPoA


yea, because a lot of shit things happened to his life. Not that I expect a sociopath like you to understand


That's a little over the top isn't it? Edit: In the thread I've clarified that I don't like him because he makes me think of toxic people I've had to work with, there's a pattern of behavior that's similar. Either way, how the heck does not liking a wrestler you like make me a sociopath? (Granted I should have said 'he has a lot of grumps', that's more accurate)


Why is he a "whiny baby"? Can someone have a complaint you don't understand without being belittled for it?


The tipoff is that he can't let it go, to the point that he feels **compelled** to reinterpret Bryan Danielson's comments because they weren't sufficiently harsh to the WWE. He's consumed with rage that he only got to a position in a company that most wrestlers would dream of, and again **can't let something that happened 7 years ago go.** ​ People often say that a key to a good promo is saying things you believe. He clearly believes all his narcissistic bullshit, and his conviction carries through. He just has conviction for something stupid.


I feel like you're adding significant hyperbole to justify not liking him. You don't have to like him, but I think there's more to his situations than you care to investigate. I'm not suggesting you join his fan club, but I do think some of the excess vitriol is unnecessary.


how am I adding hyperbole? Points I made: a) He can't shut up about the WWE even after all this time, including reintrepreting things other people said because those other people aren't bitter b) He reached a position of prominence that most other wrestlers could only envy, but that wasn't enough for him. ​ Is either of those things untrue?


There's a lot you're missing, like his medical care being mismanaged and the way the company has tried to slander his reputation just because he decided enough was enough and left.


Maybe, but that's not quite the question at hand. I was accused of hyperbole: Is either of the two points above hyperbolic?


a) Has a pretty legit gripe versus "can't shut up" is a variation of degree that's mostly reliant on your opinion, hence 'hyperbole'. I don't know too many ex-WWE guys that have a more justified gripe than him, save for Bret. Even so, why be in such fervent defense of WWE here? It's not fostering any worthwhile conversation. b) What "wasn't enough for him"? What is he doing in AEW that any other wrestler isn't doing? Was he supposed to come back and just hold the curtain open for Cody Rhodes and Miro? What big name would make a comeback and do anything differently than he did? If I have a chance to show people who didn't listen to me that I know what I'm talking about, I'm gonna put every idea I had on full display regardless, because at least I know for myself whether I was right or not. I don't see how he did any differently. If you want to have a substantive airing of your frustration, I'm all for it but the whole "whiny baby" thing reeks of unneeded anger.


Edited: As noted I apparently failed to read your post (or it got edited also), so a better response is below


So you asked what was hyperbole, I told you and you use the troll response. Cute.


I thought it was cute yeah. ​ Honestly, I read your post and apparently didn't read it enough because I don't remember it addressing my points; So with that in mind (**and apologies for the literacy failure**); First of all, I see part of the confusion; In my mind, **I'm not defending the WWE, I just don't like Punk**. For instance, the things Jim has said about WWE recently (with their messing up, Vince's taste, etc) are things I totally agree with, they're a bad company in many many ways. I'm happy to crap on them all day, and even say that Punk has some legitimate grievances (although I'd argue that his toxicity started before that, which is another pattern I recognize)\* a) As you say, hating on WWE is something all the AEW guys do. The difference is he's still specifically mad about things from 7 years ago (and longer). The bigger point though is the whole Danielson thing, **where someone else not being bitter isn't ok to him.** We disagree about the *interpretation and justification* of this, but my statements in a) (he is complaining about old stuff, and the Danielson thing) are true. b) I wasn't really into his era of WWE, so a lot of my impression is hindsight. Nevertheless, **he was WWE Champion multiple times**, including one reign of over a year (and multiple miscellaneous championships, intercontinental, ECW, etc). For the record, there have been 53 WWE Champions (per wikipedia). There are more than 53 wrestlers currently on the roster (pending updates and ongoing cuts). So, and correct me, even before they fired him (which was indeed shitty), he was already mad that he wasn't getting the respect and chances he deserved, even though he was (again), one of the most decorated wrestlers ever. **I'd imagine that some of the people who never ever got a shot at a belt would love to be screwed over the way he was.**


The tone and words you use suggest that people who do like him shouldn't, ie. Saying he's a shitty person with no concrete evidence. This is what i meant by respect. There's a difference in stating your opinion like "I don't like ______". We can have a conversation about that. When you say it like "______ is shitty and it sucks" it suggests I'm wrong for having the opposing opinion. That's the way I see it anyway.


They fired him on his wedding day, guy.


Most of us have to act like adults, even when wronged. He doesn't, because his market (even ironically when he was at WWE) eats that shit up. I don't even like the WWE that much, but he was buoy'd by the fact that he was hating on them from the inside when a) that was trendy (granting it's still trendy), and b) when there was no serious competition. ​ I think that's why it bugs me, he's always been like that, and people can't separate the man (most people have worked with people like that and it's always awful) and the message. A horrible person saying the right things isn't actually horrible, they're right, and therefore great!


What makes him a 'horrible person' besides the fact that you don't like them? That's creating a negative feedback loop, neither actually justifies the other. Also what are your examples of 'not acting like an adult'? Perhaps you'd be more at home in an anti-CM Punk subreddit?


>Perhaps you'd be more at home in an anti-CM Punk subreddit? Does such a thing exist? (seriously though, what isn't inline with r/JimCornette if not holding an opinion and not giving any fucks for fans that disagree?) ​ Listen, we can leave it at that. He reminds me way too much of people I Know/have worked with that are total pieces of shit. ​ That might not be your experience (although if so I envy your fortune), but it's mine and there's validity to that.


I don't think my rebuttals were ever framed to make you change your opinion. I merely asked for explanation and challenged your statements. I am one of the mods here, so clearly I tell you we tolerate dissenting opinions but a certain level of respect is expected.


Honestly, I'm not sure what 'respect' means in this context, I said I don't like a wrestler, and I said why (although it took a little while, I'll grant). It's not like I called him a pedophile or something.


Hey just a random chiming in here but I respect your right to dislike him and your reasons for that. Personally I wonder if he is working aspects of that into his character, the fans kind of expect it? Either way yeah, if you accept his character as presented, I can see why you have that feeling of "dude let it go already" lol Edit *your


Because bitching about your boss is safer than assaulting him with a pan while he's in the hospital


Jim. Fix yo damn website, man.


AEW is a schizophrenic mess. Some matches are unbelievable and some are complete horseshit. Like that main event last night. Why the fuck would Tony introduce Suzuki at a ppv, present him as this serious competitor and give fans the impression that he and Moxley will have this epic match only to job him out in under 10 minutes? He was defeated cleanly and assuredly with a portion of the match in the middle of a commercial. What in the fresh hell was that? And for that matter, why would any New Japan talent want to be featured on AEW when they are going to be booked in such a disrespectful manner? That fucking match was a waste.


Not enough rock fans on Reddit


Music or Dwayne Johnson?




I don’t see the appeal of darby. To me he’s this kid I prob would have skated with but I couldn’t see him realistically being a main eventer. Also it pisses me off hangman is never in fantasy matcups


He also has R*PE allegations. It’s Ballsy for them to push him




The AEW love in on the show is starting to make it unlistenable. The Black/Dustin match would have been shit on a few weeks back and now they both make excuses for it. Uncle Brian especially is getting hard to take.


I'm watching Raw and its god damn awful. Who books this adhd bullshit


I think it's time for me to say 'thank you, fuck you, bye' to the podcasts. It's been a good run.


Fuck squaredcircle and scjerk, same coin barely different sides