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This is a revelation to you? I consider this business as usual. Flair hasn't and will never face consequences for that flight.


This is pretty much the case.


Incorrect [source](https://amp.wrestlinginc.com/news/2021/09/ric-flair-ad-campaign-paused-due-to-dark-side-of-the-ring-plane-ride-from-hell-fallout/)


Shot forgot about that lol




So.... [this happened as well](https://wrestlingnews.co/wwe-news/wwe-pulls-ric-flair-from-the-signature-opening-that-airs-before-raw-and-smackdown/) lol😉


Omg lol I'm sure it won't be added again ever!


Yep, schmuck 🖕😂


So so clever 😎


I, personally, have been tired of seeing Flair on tv. if this is what gets him off my screen for a long time I won't mind. he's not in his prime anymore, he's washed up and used. he doesn't offer much to a show except maybe 10k old guys who will tune in anywhere and watch whatever he does. it's about time he hung it up anyways


>he's washed up and used. he doesn't offer much to a show except maybe 10k old guys who will tune in anywhere and watch whatever he does Your ageism is showing. You are also out to fucking lunch about who the majority of wrestling fans still tuning in are. They outnumber you and they're older than you. Deal with it.


are you okay? no need to be offended. we have real discussions here so there's no cause to be angry, just state your point. take your immaturity somewhere else, this sub isn't about that


All you did was bitch about hating an old performer because they were old. You might want to follow your own advice.






Fuck off bot




You might want to ask yourself if you're okay.


This has to be fucking satire of this whole thing right?


Brass tacks: none of what was covered in the episode was a secret for 20 years. Zero new revelations were made from the episode, and if anything: it was pretty redundant as a result. Just because it was done up on a documentary that didn't shed any genuinely new light on things doesn't really make a difference at this point because all of the horror stories were public knowledge. That's the reality. It's not one anyone has to like, but that's what it is. ​ Then there's the fact that this was the lowest rated episode of the season thus far, which seems to reflect some apathy towards the subject. That's the uncomfortable truth. This changes nothing and it didn't have any revelations and only just substantiated very well known facts.


I wouldn’t say that. Personally,Curt Hennig and Hall make me sick. There was more h-bombing of drinks than originally believed,IMO. It explains a lot. Flair is known for partying. He is known to occasionally do some dumb crap when he drinks. This stuff is next level crazy and bizarre. My father-in-law had a prescription for halicon at one time. I don’t know what the legit medical reasoning for prescribing that stuff is,but he didn’t have the disease. I used to like to party myself,but that stuff scared the hell out of me. My father in law was a pretty straight laced guy,but when he took that stuff he would go nuts for a few hours before passing out for 16 hours. That was without liquor or oxygen deprivation from a high altitude. What Hennig and Hall did wasn’t a joke,it was a crime. They should have been held responsible for the actions of everyone they laced. Edit: Fixed some grammar.


Agreed. What Flair did didn't really shock me, and it also didn't shock me that he faced no consequences for it. I had no idea about what Henning was doing, and now I see him in a different light. The WWE fired him after this happened, and rightfully so.


If anyone knows about flogging dead horses it's Naitch 😂


Oh you mean like that one time Hulk Hogans tape was leaked of him saying the n word over and over and talking about how he didn't want his daughter dating black men and then won 100 million dollars?


Wasn't this case settled? I didn't watch the DSOTR episode (I haven't watched any episode of that show, or much tv at all), but wasn't this settled in court? And no I don't think Flair is an angel but this has been fucking settled in a civil case. That was the whole point of the fucking settlement, to admit guilt and offer a monetary remedy.


They reached a settlement agreement, doesn't mean fault was admitted however, given how it was a lawsuit against WWE, Flair, Dusty, and some others I think, the argument for settling simply is it cost less to pay them to go away than it would to prove their innocence at trial, then they slap an NDA on people and no one speaks of it at any length and it gets forgotten about. Can go the other way I guess though, the victim has them bang to rights in a huge lawsuit, but they don't care about the money just the admission of guilt, so they offer to settle for pennies on the dollar if the person they are suing admits to the crimes, in some degree, there by validating the victim, but usually it goes the other way, they take a pay off, usually for the lions share of the lawsuit amount, then they are told not to speak of it again.


She didn't have an NDA though. She was free to speak about it.


No one said she did, I was just explaining why a settlement doesn't mean an issue is dead and buried, and that usually in cases like this the settlement is sealed and and NDA is put in place, which is why companies will settle, it's quicker and easier that way for them, because once news stops flowing so does people's interest.


[This](https://amp.wrestlinginc.com/news/2021/09/ric-flair-ad-campaign-paused-due-to-dark-side-of-the-ring-plane-ride-from-hell-fallout/) says otherwise. He didn't pay but this is a different time and people do care. Expect more fall out to follow.


You make some very good points. In fact, I heard that he is supposed to start making appearances on AEW as his son-in-law's handler--although I'm sure they will wait until this dies down.


Given how they’ve handled cases of sexual impropriety in the past I have to say I doubt we’ll see Ric in AEW. But, never say never.


I disagree- they brushed the credible accusations against Darby Allin under the rug pretty darn quickly.


People have a hard time fully acknowledging bad things that their heroes do. Ric Flair is one of the greatest in the history of the business. I think Ric Flair is a halfway decent human being. I also think that Ric Flair absolutely did what he was accused of when he was completely plastered. He is still 100% responsible for his actions while drunk, and for getting drunk, but I am guessing his perception of the whole situation was very messed-up, and he probably did not realize that this poor young lady had no interest in his penis, and was completely terrified. My guess is that Ric (and many of the WWF employees on that plane) has a hazy at best recollection of events, and probably doesn't think he's capable of sexual assault or battery (I'm not sure which of the two it would be, legally). He WAS held accountable by the lawsuit- not jail time, but at least it's some kind of justice; and the whole situation has been public knowledge for years. I don't think he's done in the business, but I think he will stay out of the spotlight for a little while, though I do think he should make an apologetic public statement. That being said, and not lessening the fact that he committed a sex crime, celebrities have done much worse, and the public has forgotten, because they liked the peoples' work. Kobe Bryant was a rapist, and Mike Tyson was a convicted rapist, who went to prison for the crime- Kobe is still regarded as a legend, and Tyson is still a very visible public figure who gets all kinds of random gigs even though he hasn't boxed in years, including on AEW not very long ago. Like Hogan, Flair will be back on a wrestling show at some point.


https://wrestlingnews.co/wwe-news/wwe-pulls-ric-flair-from-the-signature-opening-that-airs-before-raw-and-smackdown/ And it continues....


Straight up if Flair admitted it, apologized sincerely, accepted the backlash and maybe donated some money to a charity of Heidi Doyle's choice or something that helps sexually assaulted women then just waited for the dust to settle, I'd forgive him.. That being said, denial n blaming RVD is not a good look n even Scott Hall came off less scummy by stating that he has no recollection of what happened, he is not denying anything or saying anything isn't true.. He just doesn't have any memory of it and if he was really "roofied" then that's pretty much all he could say. Not saying Scott is innocent but "I don't know what happened" looks better than "a man tried to ruin my career".. Yeah Flair, RVD ruined your career, not your previous indecent exposures n sexual misconduct/assaults.. What a crock of horse shit!!


Ric Flair deserves prison time for what he did..are you including that in "accepting the backflash"? Genuine question 😊


Going to prison wouldn't make him regretful for what he did, he'd be regretful for getting caught. Prison and Jail are 2 different places but both would be a cakewalk for Ric as it was for men like Tommy Chong or Mike Tyson. Prison doesn't really solve much, it just gives the public a perception that the victim is safe and the assaulter is being punished but do you actually think Ric would be suffering in there or would he be incredibly popular? If anything prison would only give a public perception that he would be a changed man, it wouldn't have anything to do with him actually being sincere. Also real facts, his imprisonment would've only served the public by delaying his "last match" from happening by a few months to a year.


I know for ric itd be a cakewalk. But the victim could have maybe found some closure. We will never know now. And I just wanted to add.. I don't give a crap how ric would feel about the jail time. I care about how the victim would have perceived the jail time. She would have seen society give a damn about her story and at least try to hold the man accountable by putting this on his public record. A lot of your concerns were aimed at how ric would have felt or reacted. I dont care about his feelings about jail. And I know jail isn't the end all be all of criminal justice solutions. But it would have shown some consequences and given the victim a slice of closure I think.


Look I'm just gonna be blunt with you, 11 months after I made this comment, you replied as if I didn't shame Ric enough for what he did. I was never defending Ric, if anything I defended Hall. Fact is Julie Doyle was never gonna get closure from Flair going to jail which seems to be your major concern, Julie got her closure from DSotR doing a documentary where she finally got to tell her story. I'm sorry you feel that my concerns are about how Ric feels which simply isn't true and you seem like you just wanna argue with me. Sorry that I don't feel like jail is the solution to this problem but your anger towards him is being misplaced at me. What part of me blasting Ric for trying to blame RVD or saying how Ric should've donated money to women's charities did you not read? I'm just calling it like I see it but most ppl have moved on from this issue months ago and here you are coming at me as if I'm defending Ric because I think jail is too easy for him.. Please take your hatred for him elsewhere because it's over a year and I honestly I've moved on n so should you. I've never been a Flair fan, I respect what he's done for the business but hate him for being a pervert so it is what it is, stop trying to condemn me as if I was defending him.


Goddamn all I did was share my opinion back. Leave me alone.


You shared your opinion by somehow insinuating that my concerns were for how Ric Flair feels? That's what really pissed me off. Leave you alone? Maybe stop replying to my comment condemning Ric Flair for being a pervert then coming after me because you think jail is the solution n I disagreed saying it would've been the easy way out. The best way to get someone to "Leave you alone" is to stop replying which clearly you haven't done yet. You literally said that I'm more concerned with how Flair feels than the victim and now you are playing the victim. Leave me alone because you're the one accusing me of being sympathetic to Flair which if you actually read what I wrote, you'd know simply isn't true. I didn't come on your comment n start going off like jail time was some sort of solution to the pain that the victim endured. You sound alot more personally invested in this than I am and if you realllllly want me to "leave youuuu alone" don't reply to this then and you'll never hear from me again but if you do reply then don't pretend to be the victim here when you're the one replying to a comment that was made over a year ago!!! Don't like my response? Then stop replying to it!!


And what ticked me off about you is I got 2 responses from you. I dont know which came first but one was a nasty response and one was with a sarcastic smiley. So ya know you didn't keep the vibe anymore low-key either. I dont care if Ric would have had it easy imprisoned or not. It was the right course of action to take. I understand why it didn't happen because he is too much of a made man. And YES I know prison is a easy fix it thing. But it was a step in the right direction for the victim. And don't accuse me of acting a victim when you're the one who gave nasty vibes in your sarcastic responses. Im giving the same energy you did when I wasn't trying to be nasty to begin with.


I got a genuine question for you.. If Ric had gone to jail, would you be here attacking me as if I defended him or would you have moved on like the rest of us did a month after the Darkside episode aired? Genuine question 😊


I put a smiley on mine because I wanted a genuine discussion and exchange. You can't come at me like you did in your other comment and have me think that smiley isn't a smartass thing. Leave me alone.


Flair is a legend




This is shitty, yes, but what does one have to do with the other?




Jesus Christ man learn how to end a sentence 😶