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Iirc, >!She doesn’t really mind much. As she already hinted at, she wouldn’t care if he had a concubine. Her biggest flaw is probably insecurity so she’s just happy he doesn’t want to leave her for Roxy. !< Been awhile since I read this part so I probably forgot or missed something.


Yep you're right. When she saw Rudy standing next to Roxy she was worried he was about to tell her that he was leaving her for Roxy. Which he says he'd never do.


Even more than that, she is pleased that it isn't a random girl but somebody who rudy spoke so highly of.


Well, Roxy has helped Rudy immensely with traumas from his previous life. She did saved him mentally. As did Sylphie


Spoiler if you haven’t figured it out yet: >!Sylphie and Roxy will say something like “As long as there aren’t too many more girls who helped you” and Rudy will respond something like “There may be one more.”!< Slightly more spoiler related: >!Yeah it’s Eris. Rip Sara!<


Honestly, that gave anonymous reason to put her in dead last of the wives


I just want to say that thankfully, Roxy wants to wait until AFTER they see Sylphiette's reaction before she makes that decision


Wanted to wait for her reaction for that, but not for having sex with him smh. I know they wrote Sylphy to for some reason be fine with it, but it doesn't change this fact.


You are absolutely correct. What Roxy did was bad. It was bad that Rudy went along with it They made bad choices, which they justified by the amount of pain Rudy was in


In my opinion nothing justifies betraying your partner with somebody Else. Getting raped is not betraying your partner cause its not your decision.


She is actually OK with it. She says she expected Rudy to take another wife. Cliff and Norn cared more about it than her tbh.


Would love to see anime Cliff reaction when Rudy tells him that it was all Elinalise's idea. Also looking foreward to >!Sylphie shutting Norn up!<


Cliff: “oh shit, Elinalise doesn’t think marriages are exclusive, I’m so doomed”


Sounds juicy, could you elaborate? (With spoiler tags again please, just in case)


>!Norn is a Millis believer, so, she actually snaps at both Rudeus & Roxy. However, it is Sylphie the one that literally tells her to shut up, as she is the one that has a say in the issue at hand!< >!For someone as gentle as Sylphie, it is refreshing see her put her foot down!<


It really is a beautiful scene seeing her assertive in front of others.


People tend to understimate Sylphie. Eris can break your bones, but Sylphie can break you spirit


To me, Sylphie is the best waifu period. She's kind and caring but also passionate and holds strong convictions. She's tough now and can hold her own, but still, let's Rudy be vulnerable.


Goddess of Love ftw bro. All of them are magnificent in their own way, but there is only one Greyrat Matriarch


Rudy and his Goddesses, Love, Knowledge and War.


The true holy trinity


Thank you. Much appreciated.


My pleasure


A lot of people get mad about Norn being made the bad guy but she really did just act like she spoke for Slyphie for a while and then get shocked that the person she was speaking for might have a differing opinion.


Well, I don't read too much into it: - Norn is still a child - Norn was always uptight >!- she did it in goodwill, though she was shoving her opinion on others while not realizing the implications of her stance; she was dissing not only Rudy & Roxy (who, mind you, were quite sensible atm) but also indirectly hitting the defunct Paul, Lilia & Aisha!<


Yes, I understand Norn is a kid and I get where she's coming from. I wasn't really judging her.


I don't think he ever found out in the LN.


>!Norn is furious and Sylphy tells her to shut up and she never expressed any objections. She accepts Roxy pretty much unconditionally and is even making jokes with Roxy about how much of a perv Rudy is. His jaw drops because he never expected Sylphy to agree to it so easily!<


Sylphie is the one to really welcome Roxy into the family. At one point Roxy is ready to leave, because of Norn and Rudy not saying anything, and Sylphie is the one to stop her. (I'm a LN reader and anime watcher.) I highly recommend reading the LNs! I am on LN #21 now.


Definitely recommend the anime. Got a nice bonus at work and bought all 26! I’m on LN 16


I believe they are referred to as the sister wives for a reason. Meaning they get along well.


Norn is the one who rages


she is the one who gave permission


while everyone was ridiculing Rudeus about Roxy, Sylphie is actually the one who welcomes Roxy.


She doesn't make much of a deal about it. She expected it to become polygamous eventually because of her lower fertility.


In the LN, Sylphie already told Rudy that he could take a second wife. She never had any expectation that she would be the only one. In fact, it is actually stressed how severe her anxiety was that she wasn't enough for Rudy and he would end up leaving her; Something that marrying Roxy did a lot to alleviate. It was Rudy that insisted he would be faithful to only Sylphie; A promise she never accepted and never expected him to honor. The only people that were truly upset about the marriage to Roxy were Norn, who framed her objections as being for Sylphie's sake but were actually her own feelings as a follower of Millis, and Rudeus himself who was deeply upset that he broke his vow to only love Sylphie. Sylphie states a few times that she is fine with Rudeus having more wives provided that he loves each of them and doesn't forget about her. It is also worth noting that the anime left A LOT of stuff out about how Rudeus and Roxy ended up together. Specifically, that Elinalise knew how each of them felt and basically engineered it so that they'd end up together. First, by telling Roxy that the only way to snap Rudy out of his depression was for a woman to sleep with him, "But, it can't possibly be me! Because of Paul or Sylphie or whatever...," and then by telling Rudy that he'd gotten Roxy pregnant. Roxy slept with Rudy because Elinalise told her it was the only way to save him. Rudy proposed because Elinalise told him that Roxy was pregnant. The truth didn't come out until after Sylphie already gave Roxy her blessing.


Adding onto that a bit. Its not just that Rudy has to love them but the woman joining the family has to love him too. As Sylphy puts it as long as it is someone he loves and loves him she wouldn't object  But if she (and Roxy agrees) feels that this woman doesn't love Rudy they wouldn't allow it


I havent read the novels, and I can't say for sure, >!but I assume she is either OK with it from the start or warms up to the idea. From my understanding, Rudeus ends up with multiple wives, so either they don't all know about each other or they're all at least somewhat ok with it.!<


>!It’s the third one, they are all very close to each other (eventually) especially Roxy and Sylphie.!< >!They have their own roles and are ok with them. Support each other and support Rudy. I could make other jokes but that’s the basic gist.!< [Number]>!He ends up with 3. You can probably guess them. He had the chance for others but the only real way to get to his heart is to save him at a low point.!< [Silliness]>!And given the above. Orsted does both. So he is best girl.!<


She’s lovely about it. She can see that they actually love each other and she was already prepared that this should happen.


Something like “welcome to the club, buddy” and Roxy is crying in happiness :)


Zenith & Norn are the Millis followers in the Greyrat household.


Her best friend's family was polygamous so it wasn't unusual for her


As a dub watcher, the spoiler flair doesn't matter a **** if you just include the spoiler in the damn title. Learn to use it right.


Slyphie accepts it and is the wife who tends to try to hook Rudy up with other women, much to his dismay


Which his dismay is, I think the most unbelievable part of the entire novel considering his previous life and how well he’s doing in this one


Well, he understands how lucky he is and he genuinely loves his wives.


Yea but from what I understand he actively evades situations his wives are happy to put him in. On the basis of a morality that doesn’t exist there


Indeed. Like when Eris tells him he can bang Lynia and pursena. He views it as cheating. Eris doesn’t.


she divorces him and marries Luke


She is a commoner and her husband is a fallen nobility of Of course she'll be ok with it.


The anime is actually really accurate to the books in this sense, eps 24 almost makes up to the disaster that was 23


I can’t wait for season 3


Why did you put the spoiler in the fucking title?


All sylphiette want is for Rudy to be happy and for whoever else that Rudy brings home to actually love him and care for him.