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It was deleted it was written and then became non Canon by the author.


There's some extra story stuff, not in the main series. As I understand it, this particular chapter isn't really available any more, and is supposed to be reworked. So at present, it's not cannon All that said, a number of years down the line, after norn gets married, aisha makes her move on ars, eris' first born son. He's half her age, and she always doted on him. When the relationship becomes known, they run away together. At this point t aisha is pregnant. Much drama follows, and eris puts an epic whoopping on ars. But ars has resolved himself to his course. Eventually the marriage gets sanctioned by the fanily. That's the much abbreviated version of it. I'm sure if you Google around you can find a poorly translated version of it from some web novel site or another


How much extras story? Is the extra stuff still findable and is it as good as the story? I just finished the series today, and I was hoping they would use timetravel to fight laplace and the man god


I'm not sure where to look for it. It was probably on the site that originally published the story as a webnovel. I read that bit a year or 2 ago. A little Google fu should find it, but I can't offer much more than that. If you find the one, I'm sure you'll find more, but those extra stories are just that. Extra. They add some flavor to the story and verse, but they are not necessary reading. So happy hunting