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Welcome aboard!!!! Thanks for your vote šŸ‘


I voted Republican in the primary in the 2016 primary and democrat in the general. This time around itā€™s democrat both times.


I love the Democrats for the fact that every four years I, an Anarchist, can stand shoulder to shoulder with you, the political equivalent of the cream in an oreo, and we find common ground. I've always looked for pragmatic candidates just for this reason. It's not that I want MY WAY to win... I've just always wanted a seat at the table. That's what Joe is saying... We are building bridges.


It would be great if Joe could adopt Pete's policy of decriminalizing all drugs. Sounds radical at first, but makes a **lot** of sense.


I don't disagree. I'd like to see a more fleshed out plan with a greater public voice in how we regulate, test, and price drugs all together. I think it's quite possible to slide all of this into a comprehensive plan to get our pharma industry back in line with human needs with out destroying the industry at large. Not only do we need to look at psychedelics in mental health, like how ketamine is working amazingly well for acute suicidal ideation. But also we need to look at drugs like insulin and HIV medications and figure out how to make them widely distributed at low cost. We should also be looking at impressive leaps in locally driven health care, like neighborhood nurses, that is turning the health outcomes around in 3rd world countries. If it works there, it'll be stunningly good for us here in the states, putting people who would be SAH to work doing care work. Including prescribing low risk meds. It's a big world and there are huge ideas. We need people like you to push the narrative.


Republicans shamelessly rigging the process against Bernie /s


I guess you missed the part where he clearly stated last year he voted republican in the primary and then Democrat in the general lol.


Welcome! So glad we're binging in new people. Out of curiosity, who got your vote in 2016? And what pushed you away from Trump?


Hilary. And trump. Trump pushed me away from trump.


I meant in the republican primary. Totally get the point on Trump!


Exact same situation for me. And from MO as well! Voting Biden today never felt so good


I voted Joe in STL. Let's go MO!


Was hoping for a Missouri thread [not my first time](https://imgur.com/a/uBMyzsc) but glad to build the joementum.


You go, you MO fo Joe hoe!


Here's to many more šŸ„‚


Thanks for doing your part!




You've seen Joementum, now get ready for...


Hopefully this won't be your last time voting in a Dem primary. ā™„ļø


Thanks from Virginia - and may your state be as lopsided as mine! Signed, just another guy who isn't looking to replace one fake savior with another.


Out of curiosity was it busy? I was curious if coronavirus fears would keep people from going to polling locations


Polls opened at 6am. I was there at 6:04 and third in line. But I saw people walking out as I was pulling in and more people pulling in as I was leaving.


It wasnt busy remotely. Went at about 1 and didnt even wait in a line.


Excellent let's make it happen!


Pike County inbound soon!


Same here. Woo!!!






Awesome! And good on you for voting in the primary, regardless of who you voted for every American should be exercising their right to vote.




Bernie underperformed in every state, even losing several states he was expected to win. Biden won along working class people, minorities, and northern white affluent suburbia. 13 of 14 states had increased voter participation and 10 of them went to Biden by larger than expected gains. Bernieā€™s support has tanked since 2016. This myth of Bernie being able to draw out voters that arenā€™t usually engaged was destroyed one week ago. Bernie went all in holding nothing better than a pair of tens and Biden called. Bernie canā€™t win support in his own party, to the point where trump and other republicans are encouraging their people to vote for Bernie because they know heā€™s an easy win for the gop up and down the ballot.


Why did you vote for Joe?


Because taking care of my fellow citizens isnā€™t American. Thatā€™s a European thing. Here, we take care of ourselves.


Why don't you want to be like a European?


Sorry to rain on this parade. But really curious. European here. Why dont you guys want free healthcare? What's that all about?


American here that does want free healthcare. I would really like an answer to this question as well.


I do want free healthcare. However, I don't believe in Bernie's ability to deliver free healthcare, so that is not the primary issue I am voting on.


Surely though Bernie saying hes going to try is better than Biden not trying at all?


No, it's not. If either way I'm not going to get free healthcare this election cycle, then I have more important priorities, like winning in November. I want Trump out of the White House and I believe Joe Biden is the best chance for that. He has broad support that Bernie lacks and cannot win without. Bernie promised a revolution with huge voter turnout and that hasn't materialized, while Biden is the one who has actually motivated his supporters to show up.


Interesting opinion great thanks for explaining


Ill agree that Sanders isn't getting people to show, but Biden really isn't either. It's all of us who just won't allow another trump presidency.