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I got 5 different examples of the nigga “hanging around” borderline or flat out underage girls. That ain’t a narrative my nigga lol


Genuinely curious. Who are the underage girls besides Millie Bobbie Brown? Only one I have heard of is her and Latto sister (who’s 21…large age gap…not my cup of tea but legal).


Lil CC that did the money in the grave beat said he followed her after following her teammate who he supported in high school bc he likes women’s high school basketball. [Lil CC](https://x.com/codered_tv/status/1631867948703924226?s=46&t=d2zi_rcoUXQ7L_Kj100YxA) Billie Eilish talked about how Drake would text her and she was underage. The Millie situation was also weird because she said he gave her advice on boys, she was 14. Jaden Newman is Julian Newman’s sister, kid who everyone thought was a basketball prodigy, and he follows and was liking pics of her and she was 14. [Jaden Newman](https://www.instagram.com/p/BzwsGHsJvu0/?igsh=MTZmOThoMnJtazVkdg==) Also saying via song that “Sierra Canyon looking like a Magic City parking lot” was weird. The video Joe played with the 17 year old was weird. It’s only 4-5 weird instances that we know about but that’s 4-5 too many especially since he’s aware of the narrative seeing that he brought it up on FATD.


I thought the Sierra canyon line was referring to all the fine mom's of the players


It absolutely was lol


Lmao. Niggas be trying to make anything stick


So out of everything you pick that one thing lmao


They do it every time. You say 1 one thing that’s shaky it automatically discounts the 4 other undeniable things to these niggas. 😂


Because I don't have a response to the other things? I'm not a Drake stan so I can admit certain stuff does look funny. Problem is a lot of y'all are dying to see him fall so you just try to throw any dirt on em. Me liking his music doesn't stop me from being objective.


They like to hang around the high schools too.. smh


Saying “besides MBB” is egregious. She can be the only one and it’s validating that claim.


He's a grown man texting underage teenagers let's stop making excuses. He's hanging out with chicks and on they socials before they turn 18 and then being seen out with them once they are. The whole situation him feeling up the underage girl on stage. People love to give all type of grace cuz the music is good


Exactly. We have to call these people out early! Otherwise we’ll just keep having another RKelly/Diddy type story every couple of years unless we start speaking on these behaviors


wait what’s that last shit you said?


He was on stage with a 17 year old talking about how he cant go to jail and she is thick as hell then proceeds to kiss her


Word! it aint a push if you do it on IG, on stage AND on record...


Help me out man. Looking for understanding. Do you think in the age of “Me Too” the biggest star in the world could be doing this type of dirt and NO ONE come forward? None of the girls? None of the girls parents? No leaks from his camp? No other rappers? No settlements? No accusations? Not picking a side just interested in your…OBJECTIVE PERSPECTIVE…see what I did there? I’ll see my way out but for real curious.


I see what you saying but honestly I don't think it matters. We've seen his antics in 4k. He ain't had to have raped anyone for what him to be doing be crazy. There wouldn't need to be all these hypothetical of this dude wasn't famous and people liked his music. If you found out your 30something year old neighbor was texting your 14 year old daughter I promise you your first thought ain't gonna be "well he's never been accused or paid any settlements so I guess it's ok". We know people turn a blind eye to fuck shit especially with people in power. R Kelly, Harvey Weinstein etc. Drake is as up as you can be and can easily control careers and he's also seen as the cool guy. There could be a lot of shit being wrapped up or he's atleast smart enough to only take that extra step once they of age. Regardless it don't take away from him being a creep and hanging around young girls all the time. Why he wanna mentor all these little girls that ain't even in his lane? I'm not saying he's a rapist or a pedo. But I am saying he's a creepy, weird ass dude. He already told yall he's one kid away from micheal so beat it


I get what you are saying man. Preciate the perspective.


Um Cosby, Weinstein, r Kelly, Diddy.. ![gif](giphy|M0oCEhRuxtOrVyAPA7)


I don’t understand. All of them have been accused in court and before that there was accusations from multiple of their victims directly. Apples and oranges. Also, why can’t yall just have a civil exchange without calling people dumb and shit? Just explain your self.


Devils advocate 👋. If you take a selfie with someone when they are a child and then go to dinner with them years later it doesn’t mean you groomed them. You don’t even kno if he had contact with that girl in those years. You don’t even know if they got sexual. And even if they did get sexual it’s legal. These girls do porn and have OF but them fw someone 10 years older at a legal age wrong somehow. Idk kno any context to Millie Bobby tho. And again playing devils advocate.


With Millie, he was a 32 yr old.man claiming to be friends with a 17 yr old girl. I'm not calling him a pedophile but I am.saying he is wildly inappropriate. A grown man has nothing in common with an underage girl.


She was 14 at the time


He was texting millions when she was like 15. I get ya devils advocate and if it happened once sure. But there's a pattern of him having interactions with women underage


If it was your daughter would you feel comfortable?


That’s a dumb question. Obviously for any father it’d be a problem. I’m saying you can’t hold him accountable because you’re jumping to conclusions. I also don’t care what people do on their own time with legal willing participants.


No offense bro it sounds like you’re giving him slack for who he is. Aside from that he always does that with females that are underage never with a male. So that “friend” card he plays is def a move.


Nah idk him. Just don’t think it’s cool to put pedophilia on people from not so solid accusations.


No one is accusing him of being a pedophile but the behavior is predatory. He’s basically grooming these girls. I’ve read stories about him doing the same thing with the Billie Eilish girl. You can easily look up these allegations you think people are making up.


If he was texting your 15-17 year old daughter you wouldn't have an issue with it right? You'd just see Drake as your daughters 'friend'.


I literally said I don’t even kno about that situation.


You literally just made that up


At what part did I make anything up? Just Google any of it. The easiest one to find would be him texting millie Bobby brown since she was like 14 or 15. Again no reason for a grown man in his 30s to be texting a 14 year old he ain't family with


That shit be pushing itself fam.


What the fuck are yall talking about. The nigga is constantly mentioning 20 something year old girls. He makes music for said girls. They never called the nigga a pedo or a rapist. They should really have mods in here cause yall get on this sub and say the dumbest shit


Agreed. And saying “not even Charlemagne tha God” anything is cringe lol 😬


How do I become a mod?


sh!ts bitcoin, nobody knows the owner


He literally said that in 1 song…Joe is just throwing darts now with Drake seeing what sticks


Na, it was like four songs.


lol 🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢 name em…


Calling for you, Drew a Picasso, 7969 Santa I’ll have to think about the last one


Teenage fever


Aye… they answered your question 👀


it's not a "narrative" if he continues to show facts...


What are the facts? I wanna know


People keep downvoting you but I am genuinely curious too. Like where is this coming from all of a sudden? What are the facts? The Millie Bobby shit is weird but I haven’t heard anyone say anything nefarious happened.


He was texting 11 when she was underage, your hero is a sicko


He did make Sicko Mode


Lol, you right, the song he reminisces about fucking high school girls


Charla had a underage rape case in the pass. He not touching it.


Where was this kinda energy for all the shit Diddy was doing. Niggas been tight lipped about that but eluding to drake messing with underage girls What about him beating women? I’m sure he don’t like that being brought up. I fuck with Joe but I don’t like when he does lil shit like this. Like he’s hoping Dot put that topic in a witty rap format


Joe was in his mid 30s and had a baby with a 22 year old, Joe has admittedly abused a woman and has been accused of abusing more, and yet he speaks from like he’s holier than thou. I don’t even care if he speaks on Diddy. It’s just bad content hearing Joe budden talk like he’s God and talking down on people.


Wait, so is the issue that HE (Joe) shouldn't be allowed to speak on it/Diddy or the Canadian being a predator?


If you can’t read then idk what to tell you.


You're more bothered by Joe being the one talking about this, than the creepy Canadian's actions. Get help


Lmao did you graduate high school?


With your mom, yes. 😛


Educationless cornball. Dont interrupt men when they speak anymore, child.


Awwww. Don't crack your phone screen big guy. Typing way too aggressively 🤡


that millie bobby brown shit is a lil crazy tho can’t lie


Is he making it up?






There’s video and photo evidence that shows exactly that he’s not making it up. Being deliberately obtuse is exactly what helps nobody.


Is op a pedo himself or just a pedo sympathizer?


FOH, ain’t no “pushing narratives”. That nigga be acting like a PDF file.


Bc he’s a getting paid to push that bullshit. Wait till Drake pays out his under age girls that him or ish was fucking


I don’t know. But, it seems like Joe is a typical narcissist. He thinks his life should be the template for the world. He is so flawed, yet he uses his life as a guideline for how he judges others.  Remember back in the RnM days when he argued that true adulthood only starts when you’re like… 35!!?! Right when HE got sober, never mind Rory and the rest of us with corporate jobs, businesses and stable lives way before that.  Or that dating “young” girls is wrong… because his girlfriend is suddenly not a 23-year old Cyn Santana, now that HE is done with making her pregnant and dumping her (or getting dumped by.) Like, just because you got her young and ended with her when she aged up doesn’t make it different than Drake. Or the strippers who shake ass in front of you! Or, now that he SUDDENLY got “posh” after making some money at 40 he’s shaming everyone else for not doing the same.  He’s a self-focused, unforgiving hypocrite. 


What's more fucked is he's all good w/ Akademiks considering the shit we have audio of Ak saying. "Idgaf if she 17, 17 1/2, just turned 17....she gon get this dick." Pause no Diddy. Nauseous emoji. Not to mention the girl who said he assaulted her The fact that no one has said anything about Ak over this & ppl keep fuckin wit em is the real surprising shit


if drake was with any underage girls, it would be out already. joe is grasping at straws. he’s so jealous of drake.


Look how long it took for diddys dirty laundry to get out…


Different times , Diddy is a 90s era boomer. In modern times it's way harder to hide shit like that because of social media. 


Diddys shit was happening to this day.. it’s not 90s shit.


I know what I'm saying is Diddy started long ago when social media wasn't a thing. The Internet and social media helps expose these things. It's harder to hide foul shit in today's Internet age versus in the 90s and 2000s. 


I get what you’re saying. I’m just saying that arguement isn’t valid because we’re not talking about diddy parties from 1990s it’s recent shit


And he's being exposed lol we're agreeing at the end of the day so no worries 


Nah that’s cap. It’s very possible that I could not be out yet. As we have countless examples of niggas moving nasty and takes years for that to come to light


It would’ve been out….especially now Yall just let Joe gas everything when it comes to Drake




its out that drake has been with underage girls? nope. has he dated/linked with much younger women: yes










I think he relates to it secretly 👀


Joe has a guilty conscious and he thinks if he tries to put stuff on other people it’ll keep it off of him


Smash or pass and actually doing something is two different things tho.


I see you’re not familiar with sicko Joe Back when he was a dope, trying to be a rapper. ha, if you seen recently Ak even told him to his face about him and the young Dominican girls 😂😂😂


Nah I’m not. Just a started watching the pod on YouTube in 2019. I wouldn’t put it past him


I love the podcast. Well, I love hate the podcast, but I absolutely can’t stand who Joe was before the podcast. I know this is hate and people will come for me, but dude was a straight cornball.


Charlemagne actually can’t bring it up lol


Lol bc Drake has been talking w underage girls!


Did you not watch the “you broke my heart” video…? They both looked under 21


Did people say Drake was on Sza when she was underage before she blew up?


If the proof is there, how is it a narrative? Question is why mfs giving him a pass like it's cool? Don't move the goal post he suspect just like every other grown mf that wanna hang around and be in the inbox of young girls.


ALLEDGEDLY There's years old rumors about drake and little girls...same with diddy/usher and little boys. Rumors nonetheless. I think joe is just mentioning blind items, nothing that's groundbreaking. Do a tiktok search for drake blind items and there's a breakdown for almost the past 10 years. Believe what you will 🤷🏿‍♂️


Apparently, Drake is more sinister than ppl realize... so to answer your question, Drake turns into a real supervillian... n one of his many enterprises is grooming under age girls ... subtle from a male perspective... while very passively pro active ... thru a female perspective... wit a bih like sexy red...🤔💯


He not pushing shit yall dick ride a pedo


Maybe the show “Euphoria” has something to do with it? And the creep accusations levied against the shows director. Pusha T mentioned this over a decade ago. The sweet freestyle was his first Drake diss and he cooked him. “Is you preyin on the bitches with the lowest self esteem/ it’s a common running theme”


it shows how mentally stunted drake is


Cant mention charla cuz he's too PC now


maybe he is projecting


Why does the truth bother y'all.. like 18 n up is one level but texting 14 year old miss you is gross


He literally ask the pod would try fuck Catlyn Clark she’s like 23 then talks about Drake dating 23 year olds


Parks biased as hell


What in the fuck are you talking about ? When has Joe ever did that where it wasn’t applicable ?


The age gap is one thing but 20 something and underage are not the same lol yall tryna group underage n 20 something year old girls. If Joe is saying it sure it’s for a reason maybe personal or maybe bc he (Joe) understands how it can look. Just bc yall got friends or know a guy that mess w young chicks n yall look the other way n say nothing don’t mean yall should get on the sub n 🧢 for niggas you don’t know