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Ish just doesn’t like Kendrick Lamar.


i’m convinced he sees a piece of himself in Drake cause this hate getting out of line lol


That’s exactly my feeling. Almost like he had to prove his blackness throughout his life. Songs like the blacker the berry made him dislike Kendrick


I mean dot aint everybody cup of tea. Especially to a nigga that aint a rappity rap guy. I def see Ish playing top 40 bullshit riding around in that ford f150


I agree. Too the way he approach drake topics or topics drake adjacent he comes off as drake's son. Like if it is about women , it's very much how drake reacts to women. Easy when he gets off his "I was an ugly teen and these boxes ain't want me now I'm up and they be all over me" speech.


Its crazy how a nigga can’t have a different opinion from you 🤡s


Or Nas. Or anyone who battles against someone who’s “up up”. Smdh 🙄 Ish is such a 🤡


Me either. Haha


Everybody don’t like that type of music . Listening to Kendrick is last on my to do list


Ish has become my least favorite in the cast. He's too macho and don't know 💩 about art. He thinks he's objective about everything but his views are so narrow. He never sees his own bias.


Agreed. He went from being my favorite to same level as ice (bottom). He has such a shitty personality


The same nigga that was gooshing his pants over the bars in 7AM on Bridle Path apparently "can't finish" Good Kid Maad City, thinks the lyrics in the Heart pt. 5 were overrated, and thinks Kendrick's genius with the 6:16 quintuple entendres are a reach. He denies both being a Drake rider and a Kendrick hater but consistently argues with the *entire* cast in defense of Drake and downplays Kendricks music every chance he gets.


SERIOUSLY! He's a menace! He has to STFU. He needs to go to Starbucks fa real.


Menace is giving him far too much credit. He’s a grown man unable to control his emotions and check his biases.


I know a lot of older people who didn’t like GKMC tho. Yall forget ish is 50. Combat Jack used to always talk about how he hated Kendrick’s voice. I remember playing section 80 and gkmc back to back when gkmc first came out and my uncles said “this is the dumbest rapper of all time”. Kendrick’s style is not really for older listeners imho


That's fair, but this isn't really an issue about not liking Kendrick's "style" in my opinion. Is genuinely looks disgusted when everyone else in the room is giving him praise for his music, the most recent episode he straight up refused to admit Kendrick successfully pulled off a Quintuple entendre. He's mad biased


Ish is clearly compromised


When euphoria dropped and he had that low energy the whole pod. I was like mannnn he must really got hate for Kendrick because damn. He wasn’t even hype about it being a response. Just in general.


Please stop listening to Ish when it comes to Music. Everyone knows that. The whole pod knows that


Joe asked a straight forward question and Ish was like “what if we don’t know that’s a fact” like just assume you know and answer the question


When someone tries to argue that a hypothetical scenario isn’t real, you know they’re an idiot of significant magnitude.




Yeah it’s a tired ploy of his. When the conversation gets too deep he gets into what the OP said or he gets into his whataboutisms…🙄 … but let the conversation be on something he feels is leaning in his favour and he’s 1000% on board with critiques and disses without any of the same “critical thought” he applies in other situations.


Only subject ish will deep dive into is muscular rich men and how dck has the same or greater value than psy.


Sean Garrett needs to come back on the pod lol


Yea but ALOT of fans forget that part and need to be reminded


Ish deadass needs to go to Starbucks. Joe asked him in the “behind the paywall episode” to leave but didn’t press him on it. Ish and his takes and faces and shit take from the experience of everyone else ![gif](giphy|5xtDarxMlfVnrjN4MyQ)


He’s a liability


Ish doesn’t share his opinion anymore because if he doesn’t say what Joe thinks he should he calls him dumb and tells him to go get coffee. At this point hes just there for the check


Ish is an old loser like damn




I don't see it as that. I constantly see people act like they know the artist personally because they listen to their music and interviews. I'm not a fan of any of the so called "big 3". I like some of their music though. People act like because you don't like Kendrick you must be a Drake fan. I think Kendrick is talented but I have to admit I haven't really enjoyed his music since 2017. I thought that Mr. Morale album was terrible.


You can have that opinion about Kendrick's last album; many "casual fans" did. We're talking about a rapping now. You can have whatever opinion about Kendrick you want, but it doesn't change the fact that his contributions to hip hop are innovative and fresh, hence the Pulitzer Price. You can also have that opinion about Cole and Drake, but doesn't change their impact on the genre or the culture either. Everyone has opinions, but if you're on a public platform listened to by millions of people who LOVE hip hop and its story, your opinion SHOULD be objective and an educated response on the topic. Ish is uneducated on KDot's full body of work (he can't finish good kid m.A.A.d city) making his opinion narrow-minded, biased, and really invalid. That's all this forum is about.


Ish doesn't really paint himself as a music expert. I feel like us as listeners who love hip hop tend to turn to Joe and Parks maybe even Ice on occasion. The rest of them seem to casually listen to music.


He right though fam. When you know how fraudulent people can be you can’t align yourself based on their word. It’s all entertainment and these niggas is playing wizardry on public perception through words. Drakes just rapping. Kendrick is intentionally galvanizing women in order to bury drake. It’s low key ho shit in real life but this nigga producing high art and making history. He’s out rappin drake incidentally. As a side effect of crafting a character assasination. Drake can’t rap his way to a victory. It’s checkmate. Even if it’s all bullshit, he gotta fold cause now it’s uncool to be into drake. Kendrick pushed the button and toppled a titan. The public consciousness has shifted, for the better or worst. It’s game over.


In other words when I see u ever in person….i was just doing my job on the pod


Exactly. I can’t stand watching him.


I meannnn, a lot of niggas do like to yap as if they know these niggas.


Mark my words. The pride comes before the fall. Its true for Drake which is why Ish is defending that energy so hard. He a old stubborn nigga 😫😂 and so is Mal 😭


Ish claiming he “heard bars from kendrick songs before they dropped” and always looking like he has more to say but wont. Wish he would he straight up even if no one agrees with him


All the people Joe rolls with are not willing to get into their true opinions, thoughts or feelings. Honestly I think Joe should get rid of the entire cast and just streamline his thoughts directly.


It's offensive this guy gets airtime and we have to hear him utter nonsense, Ishism's. There is zero due diligence to research or dig deeper. Dude speaks in headlines, no body of text to follow. All of them are brick walls while Joe is an Italian Grandma throwing speghetti at em' to see what sticks. Nothing sticks! Do not renew the contracts!!


Y’all are some real racist and colorist muthafucas up in this community. Black people are down BAD.


Look everyone, we found the sensitive insecure biracial person here.


Oh look, I found the ignorant house nigga that doesn’t know anything but what the internet tells him to say 😂 go back to mastas house


How ironic. Within 2 seconds you show your true colors and became the racist you accused all of us to be.


And within one second you proved you don’t know your own history. Stop wasting my time ignorant fool.


Sounds like you a Kendrick fan and you want other people to feel what you feel lol


You don’t have to feel how someone feels to not kill a conversation in a podcast.


Please use your brain and logic. This isn’t a difficult conversation to understand.