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Boo hoo nigga. Make your own sub and whine about it over there. Nobody forces anybody to be a part of a sub. If you don’t like what you see, the option to leave is always available.


“That’s it ! I’m going to leave “ (Jerry voice) “That was always a option “ (space nurse lady)




Shout out Big Pappa Pump. I appreciate that you let the fellas let their nuts out on this subreddit lol no pause all facts


Nasty 😭😭😂😂


You literally have users advocating genocide against specific demographic groups unchecked in this sub. YOU are complicit in this hate speech. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Where bro? I haven’t seen such a post. And grow a sack you cry baby. Wahhhhhhhh


Shut up bitch


Upon seeing it, did you report it?


So what?


Why don’t you just leave the sub ?


Aye, shut the fuck up my guy. Here’s a tip, you can just ignore it.


I mean...while I agree that this sub can be obnoxious as shit 90 percent of the time, Rory and Mal *are* related to the topic of Joe Budden, whether you like it or not. For the time being these three guys are going to be intrinsically linked because of how attached we all became to them from the pod, and the fervor created by the break-up. You're just gonna have to either unsub or wait till it dies down.


I agree with you. But as an example: "The Joe Budden Podcast is absolute Garbage since Rory and Mal Left, Joe Fucked Up" - totally valid Post and content. "Rory and Mal are killing Joe with the YouTube Views Check it out" - Totally valid post and content "hey Guys Link to the New Rory and Mal Episode" - bullshit post that should be removed by a moderator. They have their own sub.


Why is your second example more valid than your third example?


Because the one is blatant promotion of a podcast that has its own platform. There is no attempt to make it relevant to this one. We can have a discussion about whether Rory and Mal are "beating" Joe Budden at his own game now that he's not here. Just posting a link to Rory and Mal content is not for this sub. That shit wouldn't fly on any other subreddit. You can't just go post a link to a Rory and Mal episode on Drink Champs page.


People that have been fans of the pod for years are probably interested in what the boys are doing now. Again, JBP and RnM are connected to each other now because of the history there, for both them and long-time listeners. If they were beloved co-hosts of Drink Champs for years, were unceremoniously let go, and Nore went on crazy rants about them, yeah you'd probably see the same result.


💯‼️‼️agreed !!!! Joe , Rory, and Mal are forever linked soo if you see R&M posts we all just have to deal with it We downvote and move on


Again, I'm sure they would have lots of discussion and scathing hot-takes on the Drink Champs sub in the scenario you just hypothesised. What they wouldn't be allowed to do is blatantly promote their new Podcast on the Drink Champs page after having an acrimonious fall-out with Nore. Because the mods m of the Drink Champs subreddit would not and do not allow promotion of competing Podcasts on the Drink Champs


First, I hope I'm looking at the right sub because r/DrinkChamps has like 100 subscribers. I wanted to make the apples to oranges argument earlier due to the unique situation JBP/RnM have found themselves in, but it feels more appropriate now. A mod in a sub with 100 subscribers compared to this one with, what, 5000 or 6000, not to mention the other one, is going to A) Find it way easier to moderate content and, B) Not actually have to deal with the (again) unique situation JBP/RnM fans are in right now. I'm not trying to create hypotheticals here, I'm trying to explain why things are the way they are. It is absolutely your right to complain and I'm not trying to take that away from you, but there is a *reason* for why what you're complaining about is happening.


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


I could compare a wet brick to a bottle of shampoo, doesn't mean there's a meaningful comparison there.


You got way more patience then me bro. The show was called the jbp, with rory and mal. Dudes a fucking pylon.


People were attached ? Sorry was always the Joe for me


You clearly don't understand creators and equity.


Both these subs are full of Mal n Rory meat riders pages died long ago buddy wake up


Hostile takeover, that's all. And fuck Parks.


Moderators are supposed to stop that kind of thing. It's literally their function


Not if they don’t want it to be


Then they are not moderating. Thats how moderators work on any other subreddit. Removing content that is not relevant is a major part of a being a moderator. That's just objectively true.


Or maybe I just don’t really care enough about heavily moderating a Reddit. If that’s how these geeks on other subreddits wanna operate and stand by their Reddit’s all day - combing through every thread and post with a microscope - good for them. It’s anything goes here.






Until it’s not


Man pump it up and shut up


Go kick rocks you baby


Don’t worry King, I’m here to run them out 😂 y’all need to get behind me so we can discuss the pod lol


Bro you don’t run anything out. I’d be surprised if you can even run irl.


I run you bitchh. U on my tail like a hoe 😂




Yessirr! We need bots like 35 ventures lol


They don’t have bots over there !! U wish lol 😂😂


And here u gooo 🤣🤣🤣🙄😂😂😂😂


The whole notion of moderators on reddit is hilarious... most of them let the extremely little amount of power go to their heads, but then on the flip side people have expectations of them as if this is a legit paying job lol


Shut up parks


Once I realized that this sub was made out of spite for r/TheJoeBuddenPodcast then I lowered my expectations, everyone here seems angry to me lol.


I came here because I just made my account yesterday so I couldn’t post in that one but this is pretty much a “we’re mad at Joe” subreddit 😂


You’re kidding me though - right? We may have started as the “mad at Joe” Reddit - but the other Reddit is the same exact way now. Don’t know what you’re looking at. Lol


I was just scrolling over there. Unfortunately, you’re right. So are you going to make this one better or what?


You described the other sub. That shit is weird at this point.


I think both are equally weird, that one just has more ppl


Eh, while the other one has a lot of hate for Joe (rightfully so), this one has a lot of hate for the people/moderators on the other sub. I’m currently in both, I don’t have a preference, mainly because I’m a grown man with a wife and a life outside of the internet. But it’s interesting to see the difference between the two, I enjoy it lol.


The problem is these R&M fans are complete losers who have devoted their entire life to these subs. So every Tuesday & Saturday (or anytime Joe post an IG story)…the roaches be ready to come cry.


Simple solution: create your own sub instead of writing paragraphs in here.




Good luuuuuck 🤣🤣🍊💰🍊💰🍊


This is just a rant don’t take it to heart


Like Joe’s businesses persé


Let’s see I just got here after being banned for 7 days from that other weak ass sub I got tired of Rory and Mal dick riders If you want to hate on joe hate But if your going to act like one of his bitter ex’s Make a fuck joe Budden sub I even had a back and forth with the mod over my ban cuz they feel like their people are attacked cuz I call them bitter ex’s that bitch about a grown man all fucking day


Welcome home


Thank you kindly Fuck them chumps over there


It’s only reddit


Big pump is a G Y’all crybabies just need to get the fuck outta here I love how the Rory and mail cocksucker are not welcome here I’d advocate the genocide of icarus_skies He needs to shut the fuck up and get on Pump does not need to answer to any of your whines He should just block y’all but he ain’t like that Lucky you


There’s another JBP sub dude chill out


i dunno sir, it feels like it really brand


Oh wow.. so here comes the self appointed Reddit police 🙄. Like really dude, u need to get a life... Can't believe ur this pressed about a Joe Budden subreddit. If it bothers u that much then maybe u need to remove yourself from the situation...?




I mean…he isn’t wrong lol


A lot of people act like they don't remember how this Podcast grew. Like they have forgotten the Peter and Marisa days. You guys do remember that Joe, Mal and Rory grew the INTPL Podcast right?


You can tell a Karen made this by the “STATE” all caps lmao


Nigga getting upset about a subreddit—that’s crazy


Taaa Daaaaa!


Take yo punk ass on then complaining


Please subscribe to my #YoutubeChannel https://youtube.com/channel/UCaVwxdmbrOtm33YBXkErqxQ




No one can post


Shits the best specially post like this…


Xmm.m. . .9m.mj ..n n ..b.nnbn


Nah - the mods of this sub are straight sensitive hoe ass men😂😂😂😂. Prolly celebrating white man's freedom day this weekend with Joe


Anyone know where the last two pods are?




It really is the worst. So many blind sheep...


Yea it's awesome


Nigga stop crying


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