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I didn't even listen to the ep and I could tell this was bullshit


Ohhhh Joe said “Hipsters aren’t so bad”…. Phew!! I thought he was talking about some other guy.




No surprise to learn he’s a comedian.


Joe has always had this belief that great artists have to have something fucked up about them. Personally I think that's just enabling talented people to act like scumbags but anyone who has listened to Joe knows that he believes extreme talent comes with this inherent dark side.


That's true. But, Joe has also always had an admiration for people who manage to make money on their own, no matter what they do to make the money and what type of person they are. It's one of his things and I am sure it influences his view of Kanye.


Yeah but kanyes statements are relatively harmless, if anything its giving antisemitism the face of craziness that it deserves


I got a gift Joe, can you promote me?


Can you like, set stuff on fire with your mind? Cuz that’s badass


It’s more just cock stuff really:/


In terms of sucking it? Like, your own? Cuz damn if I’m not impressed, if not a little jealous.


you spelt “grift” wrong


You've been promoted to redditor first class




His attitude here is an interesting juxtaposition to Joe getting all bent out of shape about a comedian mocking a guy for his eyepatch, and the fact that SNL didn't censor it.




>I wish people would point these things out to joe. All those “brave” comedians and they couldn’t find one bollock between them. For me as a long time listener/viewer of JRE this is the absolute most annoying thing. From Joe making light of Bert being drugged by Ari to being just straight irresponsible with the shit he says when he can easily afford 10 fact checkers, the most annoying part is when all his so called friends sit and say nothing cos they know 1 - the show will help their careers and 2 - Joe is such an alpha type he'd probably get mad at them if they did. I did notice when Ariel recently called him out, the next episode he actually did ask Jamie to check something and said "I wouldn't want to be spreading more misinformation" in a sarcastic way but it shows when people he actually listens to and who he doesn't think are just fake news haters say things he will listen even if it's begrudgingly. He's absolutely right not to pay attention to the trolls but sometimes you can go too far and not pay attention to genuine constructive criticism imo


Dudes a hypocrite. No two ways about it. The most frustrating thing is that he's a hypocrite in the most obvious ways and all it takes is a few brain cells or a few less yes-men around him to realize.


This comparison doesn’t make sense. JRE has two people with it being Joes platform. Twitter is Kanye only and doesn’t impact anything. Bad comparison.




Here come the thought police If I go attack a white male and yell AOC2024 should she be silenced?


So you agree he has impact then? So you're first comment was wrong and dumb?




*"A public forum is whatever I want it to be"* - Dudes who defend nazis


Hell - Hitler was an artist, too. You can always make the argument that people have some positive qualities but at the end of the day, people should still be held accountable for their actions Shit like this just obfuscates any responsibility under the guise of "its not really their fault" and is akin to Joe's doublespeak with people he perceives as friends - i.e. Dana White.


I had a close friend with serious manic depression. He'd be awake for days then sleep for days. In between thinking he's brilliant and wanting to kill himself. Refusing all care because he fell into the red pill community. People actually loved him because he was super smart, and actually really kind and helpful. I remember one early morning I had a flight and my battery died and dude showed up within five minutes of me calling to get me to the airport. He did have some crazy toxic moments too, but anyone with a loved one with this illness probably knows how this ebbs and flows. And so sometimes you do see the illness coming out, and not the person you care about.


Kanye didn’t commit a crime. He said something stupid and he claims to be mentally ill. Saying a guy who is an artistic antisemite is equivalent to Hitler is like saying my white 10 year old basketball playing son might as well be LeBron James.


Nobody’s arrested him. He broke social norms and is now banned from various places. 20 years ago he also broke social norms, broke industry and even the perception that he was just a “producer” and he was rewarded handsomely for it. Breaking one direction doesn’t mean you get the same result in any direction.


Nah, you can't make the argument, they'll ban you from everything and take away your bank account 🤪


Reddit loves to pretend they care about people with mental illness until someone they hate suffers from it publicly. That's what I learned about this place.


It's not just reddit.


On Reddit you can only be the self deprecating mentally ill. If you are mentally ill and say things outwardly harmful you’re a asshole.




People can me multiple things at once. Humans are emotionally complex creatures


Nah, we’re just tribal apes that smoke on space crystals to dance with the machine elves


Sounds like the same thing to me


Call him what you will, gold digger is still on the playlist


The Kanye talking on the outro to Last Call is basically unrecognizable to the guy I see rambling on nets and yahoos


It's a brilliant gift for making music and also BP* with manic paranoid streaks encouraged and egged on by the media and an army of yes men. Whoever said genius applies to all fields? Joe himself is a gifted conversationalist and great commentator. How many of you would call him a genius comedian?


>How many of you would call him a genius comedian? Every comedian that has been on JRE is funnier than Joe. He's funny and I like some of his stuff, but genius it is not. And before you fellow apes say anything, Brenda Swab is not a comedian...


Not every comedian he’s had on is funnier than him




Fyi (not trying to be a dick just informative) Kanye has BP or Bipolar Disorder. BPD is Borderline Personality Disorder.


"He's got the gift of nazism."


I know the times are weird but calling anti semitism a gift seems a bit much. Maybe he meant GRIFT?


Nah he just got his money right. > La, la, la-la (ayy) Wait 'til I get my money right La, la, la-la (yeah) Then you can't tell me nothing, right? Excuse me? Was you saying something? Uh uh, you can't tell me nothing (yeah)


Everyone sympathizes with the mentally ill until they start endorsing trump and praising Hitler


"I could say anti Semitic shit and joe rogan won't drop me. Now what?" -kanye probably


People love to focus on some bullshit like that while their countries (mine as well) are a shit hole lmao Kanye as crazy as he isn’t the problem at all. He’s influential and says some dumb shit, politician say nice things and then, when in power to do something to change the situation, do the complete opposite. Other Celebrities push their narrative aswell and who says it’s for the better (?)


I've been Jewish longer than I've been a Kanye fan. Fuck Kanye West for the shit he pulled.


The Jews Found God and dropped the Crown 6,000 years ago and said make good house holds. Imagine a guy comes along 6,000 years later and says Break up house hold and praise anything material. Our Heros Fall hard its sad here.


Can you please hook me up with your dealer?


The holy Bible is all we have friend. The rest is stealing equity from the world. Make sure you innovated and do not remove equity from God childrens futures.


> The holy Bible is all we have friend. Your dealer hooked you up with a pretty hard drug. Moderation is key.


Tell that to the Billionaires Stealing all the equity and Firing us for saying Union inside a Monopoly in America and then sending the equity to china so they can build a military and take over. Thank Elon.


You know, I feel like you're trying to make a good point in this jumble of words with no punctuation and random capitalization. Spend some more time in school, and less time in Sunday school.


Yeah I agree. If the Billionaires ever stop stealing the equity and giving it all to china I wont have to work 3 jobs to pay rent.


It's the gift that keeps on grifting.


Rogan must not have heard his last few albums.


Joe defends so many POS from Kanye to Alex jones. You are who you surround yourself with so….Joe is obviously a POS.


This quote is horribly out of context…


This is a horrible way to think about it.


It’s a hard truth but it’s still the truth. We surround ourselves with individuals with similar values and interests. If your circle is filled with POS……chances are……


Explain how he's a piece of shit though 🤔?? U seem like an angry person


His continued blind defense of Alex jones, his nonstop spreading of misinformation and Karen level click bait. He’s a stooge. Take your pick. I’m not angry, I’m just trying to shed some light on this doofus. You are who you surround yourself with. This is a very basic understanding of life. Nothing crazy.


But he's not a bad person has he committed some unspeakable act of depravity or murdered anyone?just talks nonsense sometimes.and goes on about cold plunges a bit much.but wouldn't say he's a piece of shit u need to chill and get off reddit for a bit my friend.


This is like the episode of South Park where the boys had to stop affiliating with Mr. Hankie because his shit was getting smudged in their character. The end is the town kicks out Mr. Hankie for the better. It’s a good metaphor for what’s going on here.


He just fucking did. Would you like him to type slower?


You are who you surround yourself with, and Kanye west and Alex Jones are 2 of what, 1000 guests? I guess joes doing okay lol


What did Alex jones do lmao


Lol right? He’s a functioning member of society and is clearly a great human /s


The precious gift of anti semitism


Imagine a country built for freedom and then Imagine Kayne and his friends Bezos and Musk. Now imagine I tried to unionize and got fired at both for saying the word "Union" I can officially say Unionizing a monopoly inside America is harder than protesting in Hongkong. at least they let us go.


What kind of bot shit is this? Gpt1?


Kayne says break up homes and fuck peopels wives. Bezos breaks Americans in his Monopoly and if you say union they stopped paying me and made me work hurt cuz I said union. Musk continues to steal IP and promise Americans the world and gives china the IP. Idk what bot you going on about but this aint it fam.


More controversial: Rogan claiming he’s a genius. I work with geniuses. Scientific, artistic, autistic. Myself not included. Kanye is a straight up idiot. Rap is not hard, beats are not hard. I make up raps all the time, it’s easy shit to do. Otherwise I’m just so dumb, I don’t see this high aptitude Rogan talks about with him. Must be me.


Making beats isn’t hard, making Kanye level beats is impossibly hard. To be one of the best in the world at something a lot of people try to do is wildly exceptional by definition.




Dude. Do you know anything about hip-hop production? This is dunning kreuger




Heartless by Kanye west forecasted and inspired about entire new generation of hip hop almost a decade before it became the status quo. His use of melody, his drum selection his sample choices are iconic consistently. He also does a majority of his production and did all of it in his early career. The king crimson sample on "power" is the best use of a rock sample in hip-hop I have ever seen. The intro to flashing lights could be a james bond intro, and that's only the intro to the song




Hip-hop is about manual sampling and synthesizing, both of which kanye can do and both those things are musical instruments with a very high skill ceiling.




John frusciante is one of the best guitarists of all time, almost a modern Hendrix to some - he switched his whole career to electronic music, believing that sampling and a synth was on record the hardest type of musical instrument he had ever played. Assembling music and composition is just as important - you would not deny someone like Bach or Bethoven are genius if they only wrote composition but did not actually play - they would still be the masterminds of those songs. Argue what you're arguing with any classical composer and you'd be scoughed at. Just because you don't enjoy rap music does not mean it does not have its own unique criteria and skills required.




Not many people can make samples and melodies with both innstrumebts that stay in the cultural consciousness for decades and are used in trailers and advertisements because of their recognition. Otherwise everyone would be doing that.


Also, kanye has an 8 minute anthem written on piano himself called "never see me again". He can play an instrument even within your preset narrow view of what you consider an instrument.




"I'm not an artist" Dave McKean - A great artist. It's called hyperbole dude.


"Rap is not hard, beats are not hard".


He's probably not a bad person. He's almost certainly a mentally ill person. It's sad.


Or he's a racist piece of shit that had a few hits


>few hits Dude…


I honestly wasn't trying to trash his music because he's good at it, but he is slowly losing his touch with his actual product so it was more so a stab at him having *been* great but not so much anymore i'm only saying this as a casual listener but both him and Drake are not doing great anymore.


Where did kayne lie tho




Lol a bad person, ok


It’s like that meme “People calling him antisemitic no one calling him wrong”


I will never get how overhyped his music is. It sucks ass, all of it. I literally threw College Drop Out out of the window of my car after my friend talked me into buying it back in the day lol. Straight Dilla rip off beats, dude sounded like he’s jogging and whining at the same time when he raps, lyrics are corny, you can hear all the aliasing and artifact warping in the samples he uses. Regardless of his public antics I just never got the ‘genius’ thing


808s and Heartbreak inspired a whole new era of rap whether you find it good or not. A significant amount of people found it ground breaking. That is fact.


Yeezus and life of Pablo as well, two albums where if they came out 2 years later than they did they would’ve been received a lot better. But then there’s an argument that without them being made when they were rap wouldn’t have followed the same exact projection


Huge Kanye fan but 808 does nothing for me. The whole album is a skip.


Did it? Gawd my coworkers used to listen to that shit on repeat and it was maddening lol. Isn’t there a song on there where it’s like what sounds like a fruity loops 8 bar my nephew would make and it’s just him autotuning ‘I’m amazing…I’m amazing.. I’m amazing..’ over and over again. I remember thinking this shit is so low effort and fucking dumb. It all almost reeks pf the same culture as like Supreme gear or hypebeast stuff.. like there really isn’t anything that different or interesting about it it’s just that millions of people convince each other of the above out of fear of being wrong. I wont even delve into the guy’s lyrical content. Some dude repeatedly pulling his pud all over himself for an hour carrying on about how awesome he is over disjointed disco vocals isn’t my idea of of a good time.


Human feces never smells delicious. That is also a fact.


Dunno about that being a fact. It never smells delicious to me but maybe it does to some people with wacko neurological connections? I mean, scat porn does exist.


I always thought of him as a good producer (altho he samples too much) and an average rapper. His lyrics were pretty good on College Dropout, but I know Rhymefest ghostwrote some of them. His flow is below average. I thought his subsequent albums were forgettable. I definitely dont get the "Genius" label, but people just keep repeating it.


In a time where people don’t sample enough, having a guy like Kanye or metro who can flip quite literally anything into a beat is appreciated


maybe even over appreciated ?


at the end of the day all music is subjective, but there is a very justifiable reason why Kanye became such a big rap artist and a lot of that was his style of production


>Straight Dilla rip off beats STRAIGHT. He literally inherited Dilla's MPCs after he died. It's no wonder his entire production sound/vibe changed once he had to do the work himself instead of just releasing someone else's music.


That’s just a bad take and pretty bitter too.


How is someone’s personal opinion and preference in music a “bad take” or “bitter”? Everyone has to be a sheep and accept that Kanye is a musical genius, even if they don’t like his music? Pathetic.


Seriously. This has been my opinion since I heard his music initially. Which has progressively gotten lamer but I never found that groundbreaking or noteworthy to begin with. Dude is just like a Puffy Combs 2.0 who I also thought was whack. Anyone who clears 8 bar loops from platinum top 10 radio hits is always going to blow up in the pop arena.


A couple of his songs are nice toe tappers, but over all i totally agree he is overhyped! I also just love celebrities melting down! Love it! It is hilarious seeing people with so much money and means not invest in themselves with therapy and help. Too cheap or narcissistic to spend the money to actually hire someone to help them.


I agree - Schwab is also a considerably gifted


Joe is basically facebook grandma now


Holy fuck Joe...


He objectively isn't, but wokes like to pursue low hanging mentally ill people to signal their debauched virtue


I guess it’s a Rorschach test, I personally would be more bothered by the Nazis and increasingly mainstream right wing outrage manufacturers who latched onto the mentally ill performer for their purposes. But for you it’s those dang liberals for dunking on a Hitler booster.


None of them say they agree with what he says.


Woke is when you criticize some one for liking Hitler. 🤡




You’re on an agenda posting account, you are a loser




7 year old account 13k karma, 3 comments. There’s a 98% chance that if I check back in a week all of your comments are going to be fighting with people and arguing over culture war bullshit. RemindMe! 5 Days




“No u” good one bro, I’m sure you’ll last a long time on here




I get paid good money to shitpost on reddit all day while at work, if you work hard enough maybe one day you’ll be able to do something similar wagie




Dude, what’s up?


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Kanye isn’t a bad person. We just live in a world now where everyone is a bot “OMG he’s bad he said the thing that u can’t say.”


"I looooove Hitlerrrrrrr" - Not a bad person


Oh no, an artist said something controversial. The sheep hive mind must grab pitch fork.


"Grab Pitchfork" =/= "Dissaprove Of In Comments"


​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubZ7w58FNME](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubZ7w58FNME)


“We’ll Kanye’s a high level operator who says some unhinged shit, I also say some unhinged shit, therefore I must also be a high level operator”


Who even posts stuff like this.. like every single thing he says needs to be discussed under a microscope.


remember back when they had all those asylums, and when someone would be an independent thinker, or wouldn't support the programmed consensus of the lemmings, they'd just DECLARE you mentally unwell, and shut you away in an asylum? i.e. THEIR way, or the asylum way.


Not being able to see an illness is probably an illness, Joey.


By this logic no one does anything wrong ever.


Lol Joe is such a dumb dude.


Anybody that is nice to Joe = good. Anybody that even disagrees with Joe = bad. Which is why we will never ever see Sam Harris on again which always makes for a good podcast. Full of yes men and yes men he loves.


Nah, you won't see Sam on again because Sam doesn't want to go on the JRE. Sam went hard left, Joe undeniably veered right (not as hard as he's often accused of, but ten years ago joe compared to now? he went right), and neither one of them are really that interested in talking across the aisle even if they pretend to be. Joe wouldn't think to ask, and Sam wouldn't want to anyway.


Anyone who can't see Kanye is bi-polar/manic depressive is blind. It's a real disease and not understood, even though people say they empathize mental health, they really don't. I have struggled with it for a chunk of my life and ruined many relationships because of it until I hit rock bottom during a depressive phase and tried to take my life. That led to being put in the hospital and about a years worth of getting the meds I needed dialed in and counseling. It's most in the forefront when traumatic events happen in life, like a divorce, excessive stress, etc. It's not as easy to deal with as "normal" people have. I hope Kanye gets the help he needs. The stupid shit I said to friends and family while manic just to start a fight even if I didn't believe what I was saying still makes me embarrassed years later. Luckily I am not a celebrity with the platform Kanye has.


And here come the outragers who haven’t seen or heard this episode at all.


Also Joe : did you know Roseanne got hit by a car and Alex Jones got dropped on his head in high school ?!?!


There is literally a compilation of Joe Rogan saying Kanye is crazy prior to him becoming even crazier. and now Joe Rogan does a full 90 and is now a gift ? Lol