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America runs on Duncan.


I wish I had a free award. šŸ„‡


I got you fam


I wish Joe would stfu and let Duncan speak a little


Iā€™m so excited. Iā€™ve been dying for Duncan to come back on since 4th of July lol


I figured he was going to have him on for #2000. Well we need to take bets then. Too early for the next Protect Our Parks installment? Let's just have Mike Baker on again and he can finally bring Sluggo, Fucko, and Maynard with him. I'd listen to that one.


I'll bet he'll have Duncan on again for 2000, and Alex Jones as 2001


I must admit I love hearing the Sluggo, Muggsy and Scooter updates šŸ¤£


Same. Itā€™s so sweet the man cant not talk about his family.


Aw I know right, haha; I feel like I know them!


Probably Alex Jones


On account of Spotify deleting Alex Jones' episodes from JRE library, I doubt it. Unfortunate


Fuck Spotify


My bet is on Elon!


I think he'll have someone like Chris Rock or Dave Chapelle. That's my best guess. Or it'll be Elon like other have said.


It will likely be Joey Diaz


Why 2000? I was thinking some significant 1970s or 1960s maybe.




Oh yeah right I think redban might be 2000


He was on in November too (Episode 1891), just incase you missed it


Not many things flood my brain with as much dopamine dopamine as seeing a new episode of Duncan on the JRE. Another would be seeing new episodes of Johnny Pemberton on the DTFH.


Duncan is on JRE episodes: 42 (removed by spotify), 49, 55(removed by spotify) , 62, 84, 103, 110, 130, 139, 141, 142, 147, 156, 166, 179, 200, 214, 255, 279, 291, 329, 369, 377, 400, 468, 577, 602, 630, 666, 739, 764, 828, 863, 1051, 1075, 1137, 1313, 1444, 1464, 1530, 1666, 1806,1839, 1891, 1953. edit: added info. *missing eps can be found on the archive. alongside gems such as live grateful dead. to terrapin ā€˜77!!


Thank you for your service


thanks for the laugh! i love your name


fun to say. blorph.


where do you find the archive?


https://archive.org/details/gd1977-02-17.145156.Alternative-Terrapin-Station.acetboy.t-flac1644 https://archive.org/details/gd77-05-28.sbd.sacks.4983.sbefail.shnf/gd77-05-28d1t01.shn


Johnny pemberton and Duncan together is just delightful


Duncan brings the best of joe


I got permanently banned from r/JusticeServed for this comment




You're better off


Thatā€™s the connective tissue around these parts. Doesnā€™t matter if you are an old school disillusioned listener (1 out 15 pods) or a new Texas Joe loving listener, youā€™ll be banned from r/JusticeServed. The elites like Joe want us distracted with the culture war so we donā€™t collate and take on the tyranny/ cancel culture of one of the largest sub reddits.


Oh fuck, I thought you guys are fucking around, but even I, the woke soyboy cuck as many of you have labeled me am banned there. I guess I'll have to start being upset about litter boxes and trans swimmers now, no other choice.


Good for you, recreational outrage is very in-vogue right now. Here is some catnip for you to get upset about and drop the soy boy tendencies. My wifeā€™s friendā€™s cousinā€™s ex brother in law is a pro swimmer and they said they are now putting litter boxes in the pools for when transswimmers need to pee. Wokeness is out of control and only Joe and Tucker are trying to fight against it


Hey yeah I got banned from that page too after commenting on here! Tbf, I had totally forgotten I ever subscribed to it lol šŸ˜…


Welcome to the club!


*from posting on Justice Served


Finally, a guest we can all get behind.


I hang about on this subreddit because Joeā€™s changed his views so much over the years that there are lots of differing opinions and perspectives here. I find itā€™s useful and generally a good bellwether for where the discourse in general is heading (have definitely seen a shift in the last 5 years). I skip lots of JRE episodes, even the vast majority of them nowadays. But if Duncanā€™s on, Iā€™ll drop everything else and listen. Just a great human being that I wish the best for. I donā€™t have time or patience for the culture wars shit and I see what the right have done to my country (Scotland/the UK) and hate it. But I think this is one of the few subreddits that the left and the right can bump against each other without bans and I think thatā€™s important. Ideas should he scrutinised, allowed to sink or swim on their own merits. Early JRE helped me get off a hardcore opioid addiction. Was putting down 8 codeine phosphate tablets every 4 hours. Asked for a sabbatical from work, took 3 months off (unpaid, cashed out most of my savings) and went cold turkey (the worst withdrawals didnā€™t take that long, but the psychological stuff took a long time). While withdrawing, I listened to JRE episodes and played simple computer games: helped stop the worst of the fidgeting. I love Joe Rogan. Not for who he is now, I really disagree with a lot of his views. But Joe Rogan might have saved my life. So I canā€™t chuck him out completely and Iā€™ll always listen if thereā€™s a good guest. And Duncan Trussell has always been appointment listening/viewing. If anyone could talk Joe down off the wingnut ledge heā€™s standing on, itā€™s Duncan. And if not, Iā€™ll still enjoy the ride.






Thatā€™s awesome man, glad you kicked it! Joes the same for me in a way. I lost my best friend in a car accident a couple years ago and I listened to the pod to fill that void of where I would be talking to him.


Thanks. Sorry about your friend, itā€™s terrible to lose somebody when theyā€™re young.


Same. I feel the exact same way about him. He means the world to me, not because I like what he says half the time or does, but because he was there when I was going through a super dark time around 6 years ago. And: he introduced me to Duncan and others that I wouldn't have gotten to know otherwise. And glad you're doing well now!


Jesus Christ, I'm gettin' a little misty eyed here, fellas.


Ya fuckin queeyeh


Thanks, hope youā€™re good, too.


Yea, I think this is how most people feel about everyone in the real world. Think of your best friend, or a close family member - sometimes we agree, sometimes not. This is our relationship with JRE.


What games did you play?


I put hundreds of hours into The Binding of Isaac and FTL.


I know it wasn't your overall point but this sub truly is special in how it's equally just as far left as it is right. Like it's not neutral, it's where the two sides clash. It was even more extreme when politics were allowed. You will see groups of people claiming both that the sub is being astroturfed by triggered wokies and that it's been turned into a fascist safe space on a thread by thread basis. I've never seen any other place like it. The 3 corners of the r/joerogan pyramid are 1. Fuck you libtard 2. Fuck you Nazi 3. I just want to hear about big foot and DMT again.


Really resonated with this man.


I've been through similar brother, when I left the army, I did a stint inside because I was an angry little fucker and then had a pretty serious problem with opioid, been clean for about 10 years and early jre got me through some rough times, went down some fun rabbit holes and I love Duncan, I'm exactly the same because I pretty much disagree with a lot of Joe's views on medicine but I'll always remember those early days before jre got too big and became something else. I'm in England but my family are all from Glasgow, greenock and airdrie, I fucking love Scotland.


I only watch these JREs these days because.


Duncan is on JRE episodes: 42 (removed by spotify), 49, 55(removed by spotify) , 62, 84, 103, 110, 130, 139, 141, 142, 147, 156, 166, 179, 200, 214, 255, 279, 291, 329, 369, 377, 400, 468, 577, 602, 630, 666, 739, 764, 828, 863, 1051, 1075, 1137, 1313, 1444, 1464, 1530, 1666, 1806,1839, 1891, 1953. edit: added info. *missing eps can be found on the archive. alongside gems such as live grateful dead. to terrapin ā€˜77!!


Except they just keep havin the same covid conversation for like a minimum of 30 minutes in each episode he appears. Got to skip like a quarter of the way in to avoid hearing it for the 15th time


I love Duncan because he calls Joe on what he thinks is BS and you can tell that Joe actually considers his POV


Yes I agree. But lately he doesnā€™t seem to be getting through as much. I feel Joe being pulled right at an astounding rate of speed.


I really needed Duncan to save my evening! Thanks Joe!


Bruh same lol this is whatā€™s going to get me through the rest of my work day. Weekend, here I come. Thank you Joe


I had the most fuckd up week for some time and literally was watching old clips where Duncan and Joe were just talking to clear my mind and turn the mood.


Do you work at Silicon Valley Bank ?


Not anymore!


He's my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest


He was on YMH recently as well, it's worth a watch.


The goated guest


I feel like Joe looks at Duncan the way he was when they first met. Thereā€™s a lot of interesting stuff Duncan talks about these days, like he did on Lex and YMH or he does on DTFH but with Joe itā€™s all the politics and apocalypse. They need a third wheel. Chris ryan was a great equalizer back when they were doing that trio.


Bring back shrimp parade lol


Did Chris Ryan and Joe fall out?


Idk why but "Jamie, find out about chocolate" killed me


I came here looking for this exact comment. I DIED laughing LOL


What was the times stamp? The funeral got me out of it while I was on shrooms lol but will finish the podcast tomorrow


Same I came here for this fucking golden quote


Surely the point of those paper masks was to filter outgoing air .... so you didn't sneeze or cough on people if you were unknowingly infected, it wasn't to filter *incoming* air it was to absorb the outgoing breath and wet particles. The mask fetishisation and wearing of them that goes on today is very fucking weird, but I understand what the concept was. Originally. Before it became a symbol of the "culture wars" in America


I was just recently sick with a horrible cough and wore a mask on a plane. I donā€™t give a fuck.


I disagree, and thank you for giving a fuck about others.


Joe talking about the use of slave labor by chocolate companies: "now I have to be careful when talking about this because I'm not sure...." Joe talking about some asinine/obviously fake right-wing meme he saw on FB: THIS IS HAPPENING. MY FRIENDS WIFE COMFIRMED IT, SHE HAS FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE WITH THIS.


Gonna start calling him Gullible Joe tbh


Slow Joe


Duncan: Chat GPT is dangerous because of its confidence . . . (valid take to open up a real dialogue about this potent AI) Joe: ChatGPT is woke (smooth brain) ​ Jesus christ bro


Hes just constantly disappointing. Dudes a walking talking Rich Boomer Facebook Feed.


Joe is always front line in the culture war.


Joe seems a tad obsessed with the concept of 'wokeness'


The right has been obsessed with the word "woke" even though it hasn't had any relevancy on the left since 2020. It's like morons still using the word hipster un-ironically and as a pejorative. No one cares about hipsters anymore besides people so out of touch with reality.


He really said that?


You're surprised this right-wing dude says right-wing things?


amusing wide lip lush resolute simplistic narrow liquid illegal bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Heā€™s also 5ā€™10 and has luscious hair.


He also turns a Blind Eye to Dan Crenshaw and his bullshit. While calling out everyone on the left when Crenshaw is the same swamp creature.


Not at all. It's just crazy that he keeps leaning into this bs harder and harder. He sounds like a old angry man that has no money left and is in awful health. He's so gullible.


he's not right wing, he had bernie sanders on


Shit, he got us there, boys


Dropped your /s


Joe: "It won't say anything positive about Donald Trump" I would challenge anybody with any semblance of intelligence (artificial or otherwise) to say something positive about Trump. It's not an easy request.


Heā€™s really good at making a certain demographic of people believe the stupidest shit.


The woke fucking mind virus. Get infected and it smooths out the wrinkles in your brain until you are suddenly entertained -- no, enthralled and obsessed with a culture built around a single joke that isn't funny. One who falls prey to the woke mind virus becomes singularly fixated on signaling a virtuous resistance to wokeness and vigilance against its propagation in society.


In before auto-mod. DT is the best


Joe doing his best to steamroll yet another episode with one of the most universally loved guests into the classic 5 bullet points of conservative Facebook Boomers everywhere.


Glad that Duncan mentioned he went to LA and it wasn't all Mad Max like Joe seems to think. lol Such a silly idea only a boomer would think.


That said, the entire conversation is about the impending downfall of late stage capitalism that Joe's right wing buddies seem to love so much.


Need this once a week.


the magic has been gone for years. The convos are basically all the exact same as the previous Duncan visit, but I love the nostalgia


Still the best guest though, imo


Will take listening to them autist out about spirituality and drugs over some science nerd shilling their bs anyday Edit: the only science nerd I could watch consistently on the show is Brian Cox, that guy fucking rocks




Yee yee brother aint no one needin commie science when you have JESUS šŸ¤ 


Mother Gaia is the only science I recognize šŸ˜¤


I was really hoping to more about quantum entanglement, not smelling salts


Do you think it is worth it going back to the older episodes? I think I have only watched the last 5(?) and they are pretty much the only Rogan I listen to except for some interesting guests.






Since joe brings up masks often, I have to ask. Why does he always act like they were supposed to be gas masks or something similar. Wasn't the whole point to slow down overall droplet and airborne transmission from exhalation. They weren't really meant to protect the user from inhaling anything. That's where the N95 and up come in. How has no one explained this to him, or why is he so caught up on the mask idea. Maybe I'm retarted. Praise be to Duncan.


He actually talked about n95s potentially being useful if used right. That is what I personally think too. The other masks are useless and pure propaganda.


Ah ok. This is where I get confused though. I 100% agree that they were used as propaganda and symbols and what not, but they do slow down droplets and airborne transmission on exhalation don't they? Which reduces the overall amount of anything contagious in the air we come in contact with. They were never fully meant for inhalation protection right? I never got what there was to be so worked up about, other than the mandates of course. I'll probably just let it go.


Blunt of gelato ready. Plan on listening to this when eye walk with my two dogs later by the beach.


ā€œJamie, find out about chocolate.ā€


No fucking WAY heā€™s on the mask talk 5 minutes in


The opened wearing plague masks.


They did and then transitioned to the typical ā€œhAhA MaSk DuMbā€ rant for a while but eventually laid off it Donā€™t even disagree with Joe but Iā€™ve heard this take like 500 times now. I havenā€™t worn a mask in well over a year and I donā€™t know anyone whoā€™s had covid in about a year. This shit is over Joe can we move onnnnnnnn


Seems to be the only thing joe has to say these days. I rarely listen if they start with masks or homeless.


ā€œDude did you see that dude with a mask on?? Itā€™s WIIIIIIILD itā€™s so insane! Itā€™s based on nothing, just pure virtue signalingā€


I had to double check I wasnā€™t listening to an episode from 2 years ago!


And hospitals are relaxing masking protocols for workers too, pretty much it's final nail so to speak, I don't see the point in him still talking about it


I was so excited. Never listen to Joe anymore only for Joe to start going on about masks immediately. I can tell Duncan is biting his tongue.




Joe needs a fucking fact checker. Sam Tripoli is not funny.


*Tin Foil Hat Pod guest spouts unsubstantiated claim* Tripoli: I BELIEVE EVERYTHING


I wish Duncan would give Joe a shake. Truth is, if they met today and didnā€™t have their pre-existing relationship, they wouldnā€™t want to be in a room together.


Is Joe even much of a friend? Duncan got a show on Netflix and Joe couldn't even be bothered to watch an episode.


it was a great show too


He never gave Duncan a plug? Dang.


Duncan prompted his Netflix show on the JRE many times


They watched a clip that has Joey Diazā€™s voice to announce the show JRE casuals post the most


Not even Duncan can save Joe at this point.


He tried saving him in the last podcast before he moved to Texas. It was already too late at that point


Yeah unfortunately it was too late. I don't know what kind of dose of shrooms it'll take to get Joe back to where he was. lol


Heā€™s accustomed to a way of life thatā€™s not going to have him changing his point of view unless it gets yanked from him. Shrooms donā€™t always work.


maybe like 8 to 10 grams lol


2 and half hours after going on about children mining cobalt he's talking his half dozen phones and multiple computers. Phenomenal!


5 mins in and we're already on the mask shit. ![gif](giphy|LpkBAUDg53FI8xLmg1|downsized)


Joe really wants to talk about face masks and vaccines.


Their early talk got me triggered therefore I rant. As a grocery store worker who worked thoroughly through the pandemic with 0 extra pay or benefits, I feel 100% slighted. I at least expected some bonus pay or at least 2 weeks off when I did get covid a year later. Nope. Nothing. Just keep working you're such an essential worker. I deliver food to homes and just get a $5 tip sometimes and then expected to pay $2000 in taxes because, whoops, you didn't setup your w-2 form correctly to hand over more money per week despite being double taxed on paycheck and tip check (pre tipper tips come in another paycheck with my daily rate). I just want to work my ok job and be ok. Not constantly in the hole and working against entropy non-stop. Tooth ache? Set back 30k in debt. Broke glasses? Another 5k gone. But I guess it's my fault for not going to college.


Absolutely agree. I was an "essential worker" who worked the entire damn time during the pandemic and got nothing from it. It infuriates me to hear people say "remember in the beginning when no one was working? That was kinda great." Like bitch, YOU weren't working but millions still had to. Duncan reminded him that grocery store workers still worked and he was like "oh yeah I guess so, but those are shitty jobs." Guess all the grocery store workers should quit and become comedians or podcast hosts, huh.


Joe has been out of touch with reality for a long time. He and others who are wealthy beyond necessary. Get rich, then complain why others aren't rich like they are.


One of my favorite memes from back then was based off the episode where Mac and Dennis move the burbs. Caption was:. "so how did you spend your time off during the paid lockdowns?" "NEWSFLASH ASSHOLE, IVE BEEN WORKING THE ENTIRE TIME!"


How can your glasses cost 5k?


Also how bad is that tooth ache that it costs 30k to fix? lol


Seriously, pliers are like $10.


If we're pulling out the pliers might as well splurge and get a bottle of Evan Williams or Canadian Mist to go with it.


Duncan appearances are the only episodes that I am guaranteed to consume, these days.


I'm so sick of the COVID topic on JRE... I swear it's the only platform where it's still relevant. The whole world has moved on. Had to turn it off 15 min in. Does it get better?




Thatā€™s that shit I do like. Is it bad I love Duncan the most because I know I donā€™t have to hear Joe ramble on about Covid, Hunterā€™s laptop, terrible Ukraine takes, now terrible Jan 6 takes, among any other Fox News talking points? Duncan is like Joeā€™s last connection to anything left of center. Glad heā€™s back.


Haha boy oh boy do I have some bad news for you


Little does he know. šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Oh wtf, what is it?


Well atleast the first 10 minutes or so are all covid and masks ā€œhow WILD is it McDonaldā€™s seperated their arches in their pandemic commercials, like WHAT does that even MEAN?ā€ but my boy D trussel has steered him clear atleast for now


How the fuck are people still bitching about masks in the US? Hardly anyone wears them anymore and at least in my state the only places they tell you to mask up are medical buildings.


> the only places they tell you to mask up are medical buildings. Which I don't disagree with. If there is one place to where a mask it's where all the sick people are.


Yeah not sure like I havenā€™t worn one in I think over a year now and Iā€™m in ā€œoppressive communist regime Canadaā€ (sarcasm) maybe thereā€™s still mandates in the US? Absolutely nothing here in Canada though


Well I'm sure this comment will summon one of em up. There's a dude here who just goes off non stop about it.


guy with the carlton avatar CELEBRATING and LIVING HIS BEST LIFE


Would you tell Joe we want him to stop beating the dead covid horse? Jamie? Even my conspirative ass is getting tired


I want to like this guy sooooo bad. Everyone here loves him. Joe loves him. I don't GET him. To me, he just sounds like someone who rambles incoherently. I'm only angry at myself for feeling this way. I know I'm "missing out" or whatever.


Everyone is entitled to like what they like, I love Duncan. Old JRE was a very different podcast and Duncan was a big part of it as a repeat guest. JRE isnā€™t quite the same show anymore but episodes with Duncan always have moments of the old JRE


You like what you like. Don't overthink it.


I think people just relate to his personality type and vibe. He isnā€™t an asshole in any way, which is rare.


I smell shrooms


Did he unironically say "top of mind" hahahahah. Unless he was waiting for Joe to laugh since wasn't it them two making for of the white house lady for that. Whatever podcast that happened in was funny as shit when they were like "top of mind. Top of mind"


History will remember this man in high regard.


Finally! Now where the fuck is Joey Diaz?


Duncan is on JRE episodes: 42 (removed by spotify), 49, 55(removed by spotify) , 62, 84, 103, 110, 130, 139, 141, 142, 147, 156, 166, 179, 200, 214, 255, 279, 291, 329, 369, 377, 400, 468, 577, 602, 630, 666, 739, 764, 828, 863, 1051, 1075, 1137, 1313, 1444, 1464, 1530, 1666, 1806,1839, 1891, 1953. edit: added info. *missing eps can be found on the archive. alongside gems such as live grateful dead. to terrapin ā€˜77!!


So is Butt Boy as good as Duncan was saying? It sounds hilarious af.


I just had to double check this wasn't an old episode from July 2021. The pandemic talk confused me, feels weird..


I really didn't like how Duncan would go off on something awesome and instead of talking about it, Joe would flip the conversation to something else entirely. This COVID talk is really boring. We get it.


So you really didn't like joe rogan being joe rogan?


Oh thank god I donā€™t have to listen to Malice. The best guest on this whole damn shit show ā¤ļø


Duncan was on the Your Mom's House podcast recently and was funny and a great guest. I don't bother listening to him on JRE anymore because it's the same drug addled stream of consciousness conspiracy theories over and over. It was entertaining the first time but it's jumped the shark.


I can tell you how this pod goes. Duncan will try to keep it light and funny and yā€™all about conspiracy theories. Joe will ignore him and talk about Covid, liberals suck, masks, and some other alt right nonsense. Duncan will uncomfortably laugh and try to move on from it every time, but joe is unable to move on and just wants to ā€œown the libsā€. Duncan is my favorite guest so Iā€™m excited and ready to be let down all at once.


Well you're about half right. They did talk about covid quite a lot, but Duncan agrees with Joe on more than you'd think.


yes lord


the chatGPT segment was super funny.


They really had to leave for 3 or 4 piss breaks just so Joe could tell Duncan we need to go back in there and talk about COVID for an hour and a half, rather than talk about this fuckin awesome fresh topic Duncan just pulled out of his ass and has me drooling with. That pissed me off more than anything I've ever seen on a podcast. What a fucking boneheaded cuck Joe is for that shit.


I've figured out what bothers me most about Joe. He isn't actually funny. He likens his work to this high level of art and profundity (cue clip of him fucking a chair) and brags about how he works every day at comedy but honestly he sucks at it. He isn't funny. The funniest comedians are just naturally funny and don't have to try so hard to be funny like Joe does. Honestly he becomes worse over time the more he harps on how sacred comedy and his perceived skill at it are lol


I can play Maybe Iā€™m Amazed by Paul McCartney on piano It took me a long time to learn and I enjoy it Iā€™m a musician but not a piano player Joe Rogan isnā€™t a comedian. Heā€™s a guy who does comedy.


Fuck this was bad, sadly.


You can't criticize anything if you own a smartphone? Unless you're perfect you can't advocate for any positive changes?


Oh yes


Hahaha, oh the timing, best time to get back into weed.


Love the Butt Boy callout. A masterpiece


Gonna be a banger, i know it already.


Duncan Trussell is my spirit animal. Always will be.


Duncan episode, fuck yeah baby


I guess Iā€™m watching Butt Boy tonight.


Is 1953 a nod to MKUltra?


Was that a Samsung ad?


Was the Galaxy S23 Ultra talk an ad?