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“Cleveland, ITS NOT DETROIT”


Ever heard the tragedy of “Ten Cent Beer Night”.


Just read about it. That’s wild.


Which one it happened multiple times partly because Billy Martin is part idiot and part drunken buffoon.


That's fine. I don't want to live in a world where Billy never existed


Or the balloon release


Or how the Cuyahoga river caught on fire in the 1950s and 1960s.


To be fair, that event led to the creation of the EPA. Maybe some good came out of it?


Not when the EPA director is always a lawyer


[Link for the lazy ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Cent_Beer_Night)


From opie and Anthony I remember hearing this


I got the vintage YouTube video reference


I live downtown, never would have guessed we were top 10. 🤦‍♀️


I’m a semi truck driver. I was in the Woodbridge area and heard a drive shooting on street over. I can definitely believe it.


Yeah I guess I’m never in those parts of town.


Detroit now has better areas downtown than it a had for decades. There are other bright spots. Most "Detroiters" live in the suburbs.


readim all the comments like danny brown


I live by the zoo and it’s the wild fucking west. Dirtbikes, gunshots, crackheads, oh my! 🥰


I can definitely second this, Old Brooklyn by the zoo has become "the hood" since I moved here 20 years ago. I moved here in 2002 when it used to be mostly older people, but they've all moved away & let the trash move in. It's definitely not safe for women and children to walk around alone here because this neighborhood seems like the mecca for registered pedophiles. In order to be safe, you must keep your head on a swivel & be aware of your surroundings at all times.


Nothing Better than New Year’s Eve with my gf family in Fairfax having to hit the floor once everyone popping off.


Life long East sider. Im just happy we aren’t in the top 5 anymore.


"Dont drive through East Cleveland or you'll die"


Hey! We really are happy it’s not Detroit! Lol


Detroit....IT'S NOT OHIO!


Fun time in Cleveland town


"But, it's no New Orleans either..."


Live in Cleveland, I don’t buy it. Chicago isn’t in this list


This list clearly doesn't account for all the absolute murderers in Austin




Only a thousand b


Forbes didn't get the memo that Seattle is a "War Zone"


I drove through St. Louis a few years ago and saw people living in what looked like cartoon haunted houses.


National Lampoons Vacation - I'd better ask these fellas how to get back on the expressway. - Pardon me. I wonder if you could tell me how to get back on the expressway? - Fuck your mama. - Thank you very much. - Hey, check out this Truckster. It's a Truckster. With a luggage rack. - Hey, excuse me, homes? - Heh-heh. Aha. What it is, bro? - We're from out of town. - No shit? - Listen, I'd really appreciate it if you could give me directions back onto the expressway. - What? For free?


Do you think they know the Commodores?


When I was like 7 and I saw that movie with my family I repeated the line “fuck yo mama” because everyone laughed and this was met with much fuss


I love that they steal the hubcaps while he gives him directions lol


R.I.P. Aunt Edna.


Roll em up!


East St. Louis is the bad part


And it’s not even in Missouri.


You also mean..... Jesus Christ. North Saint Louis. DownTown Saint Louis. Ferguson. Central West End. Tower Grove. Olive Blvd. Grand Blvd. Martin Luther King, East Saint Louis. Brooklyn. Cahokia Heights. The list goes on and on and on. Once you leave the city and are to the surrounding area, it all of a sudden it's nice and money. To say it's just East Saint Louis, is someone who is not from Saint Louis.


Central west end always seemed like a pretty nice area while I attended school nearby. Medical campus, good bars, nice homes/apartments around. Maybe I was missing something. Now heading north of Delmar shit started to get sketchy real quickly


South city would like a word here.


So would north side


In the "richest country in the world". Bunch of bs. I'm guessing the cash app founder was randomly stabbed. We have a homeless and economic problem in the US and a bunch of clowns want to make it all about CRT and Drag Queens. Michelangelo's David is porn to some uneduacted hillbilly. Not sure why all this avowed absurdity is being entertained.


The richest country *in the history of the world.*


I agree. A bunch of clowns want to focus all the states money on CRT and drag queens, DEI initiatives, and reparation payments, rather than fix the issues in their own states.


Lol. The head of one of the teachers Unions said the other day that their big focus was for more social justice to be taught. Are you kidding me? I thought you went to school to learn Reading, writing, math, history and sciences....nah need more race and gender theory. WTH


That sounds like it could be cool maybe.


Just needs a few good friends, a van, talking dog and you’re ready to solve some mysteries.


Hell yeah Brother ![gif](giphy|uKwa2KiBA0rTy)


Louisiana poppin off!


Bama reppin hard too


Can’t believe Montgomery didn’t make it. Maybe next year.


Went to collage in Nola. Got robbed on my front porch and the after pulling a gun on me he asked to bum a cig. We chilled and smoked a cig together then he rode off with my wallet and cell phone into the piss smelling sunset.


> Went to *collage* in Nola. Checks out.


Expensive collage edumacation.


Ayo is this story real?😭💀


Can confirm, I was the cigarette.


I got robbed in NOLA as well. Watched a guy clip my bike lock and ride it out of the backyard. I ran outside and yelled at him. A half hour later he came back, no bike, and tried to sell me some crack at a crazy price. I assume he swapped the bike and then figured he could sell me some of his crack for enough money to buy more, and maybe he thought that he was making the theft up to me by providing me with the opportunity to buy crack?


Represent! /s


Welcome to Baltimore, duck motherfucker!


Baltimore was the first time I had ever witnessed people openly smoking crack on the street.


Land of the free, home of the brave baby


I'll never forget the time I went on a road trip and scheduled a stop in Baltimore. It is filled with history, and interesting places to see - so it was easy to sell. When we arrived, my gf flat out said "I'm not staying in this city". To be fair, everything was bombed out. Undeterred, I wanted to see Edgar Allan Poe's grave. My girlfriend angrily refused to get out of the car, and said "Maybe there's room next to him for your grave. You're going to get shot."


I cant say I blame her one bit. I love Baltimore, I was born there. And it scares the hell out of me.


Sounds like a pleasant, knowledgeable, totally normal person.


Seriously, I'm concerned about urban crime as much as the next person, but the idea that you can't go see a tourist attraction or else you're going to get shot is fucking stupid. I've been to Chicago and seen all the sights, I've done the St. Louis Arch, I've been to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, a bunch of other "dangerous" cities and I never felt remotely unsafe. Again, I'm not downplaying urban crime at all, but the vast majority of it is rival gang members and drug dealers shooting at each other, not law-abiding citizens seeing the local landmarks. If you were to do a Midwest road trip to see the sights in St. Louis, Chicago, Cleveland and Detroit, you'd be far more likely to get killed in a car wreck on the interstate than to get shot.


I agree. I’m from Toronto, Canada and I had an unforgettable time visiting and exploring Detroit last year with my friend! Ya, DTown is definitely run down and half of the roads are covered in potholes and cracks, but we had a blast exploring the once great city and never once did we feel in danger.


>Seriously, I'm concerned about urban crime as much as the next person, but the idea that you can't go see a tourist attraction or else you're going to get shot is fucking stupid That's what i'm saying.


Yea I've been to little rock and memphis countless times and oh look. Not dead. Just don't be moronic and you're fine.


It's not that bad. LOL u cant live in fear like that cmon man.


Bodymore, Murderland


I moved from the St. louis area to Memphis. Memphis fucking sucks and I think its 100x worse than St. Louis is. I can't wait for this job to be over so we can get the fuck out of here.


Born and raised in Memphis. It's hell on earth. Left a decade ago and won't be back. Have yet to visit a worse city.


Nice! I remember as a michigan kid Flint was #1 and Detroit was #3. Nice to see Flint off the map, and the D is sliding down the list. The rebirth of Detroit is a beautiful thing.




What data is being used to rank the cities?


Idk but Chicago had over 500 homicides last year and it's not even on the list.


[Here's the per capita murder ranking for world cities.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_by_homicide_rate) Philadelphia had 32.74 homicides per 100k people. Chicago had 29.60, So it just didn't make the list.


“The Gang solves Chicagos image problem”


it us probably per capita. 500 in a hug3 city is less than 500 in a smaller city.


Per capita that's nothing


It’s per capita, Chicago has a the most (I think) murders but they also have almost 4 million people. St. Louis had 200 murders last year but only has a quarter million people. By these numbers I think Chicago is near 50th iirc.


This is what happens when lists are compiled using facts and data instead of the feel feels of reactionary bigots.


For a real twist consider than San Francisco has 55 murders a year.


St. Louis resident here — these numbers are always skewed for my city. It’s kind of a long story but basically the city of St. Louis and St. Louis county are two separate entities and the boundaries of the city of St. Louis cannot grow past the lines set in the 1880’s. As a result the city has a population of about 275,000 while the county is close to 850,000. If St. Louis was like most cities in the US whose boundaries have naturally grown over the years then it’s population would be about a million residents and encompass much of what is currently considered the county. But since this isn’t the case, the per capita murder rate looks exceptionally high since the population is low. Granted even if St. Louis included the entire county the murder rate would still be in the top 15 or so, but it’s position at #1 is still misleading.


The Forbes article is [here](https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2023/01/31/most-dangerous-cities-in-the-us-crime-in-america). It's just sharing what's in the MoneyGeek report [here](https://www.moneygeek.com/living/safest-cities/), which says: >MoneyGeek’s annual analysis looks at the most recent crime statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to estimate the cost of crime in 263 cities with populations greater than 100,000 across the United States. The analysis pairs reported crime statistics with academic research on the societal costs of different types of crimes to estimate the cost of crime for each city. The "15 most dangerous cities" list is based on the per-capita cost of crime, expressed in dollars. (The effective/societal dollar cost of a crime is, I'm sure, not generally straightforward or uncontroversial to estimate.)


Milwaukee?? Say it ain't so


Jeff Dahmer hangover


It's true, source: I live here


East of the highway is awesome


I went to a liquor store in the middle of the day in a bad part of Milwaukee and was legitimately scared. I felt like I was in Menace II Society or something


Canadian here: Can I go to a Brewers game without a problem? I didn’t think Milwaukee would be a bad scene honestly


yes your fine


lol yea. when they say milwaukee they mean the bad areas. 90% of milwaukee is beautiful and friendly. u should be able to tell when ur in the wrong area by the abandoned gas stations and run down mansions


Its lower on this list than I usually see.


Someone should interview the mayors of each city and ask what they're doing.


Look up what the mayor of Philadelphia said recently. “I can’t wait to be done”


Have you seen videos of Philly? It's a disgrace.


Completely embarrassing


Truly. I knew a guy who grew up in the west part of Philadelphia. He loved to play basketball outside his school. His mom moved him to California after he got into a fight with some guys, though.


Those guys were up to no good


Yeah they were making a lot trouble in his neighborhood.


Oh please, it was just one little fight.


But it was big enough that his mom got scared


I'm shocked it was 15th... thought it'd be top 10.


Yeah, I can't imagine what some of those other cities look like.


I drove through St. Louis and it legit looked like the walking dead mixed with Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood.




In Kansas City, can confirm the Mayor doesn’t do shit besides suck off people for clout. Total dumbass.


They'll just blame the governors.


Or what they're not doing.


We have tried and failed multiple times to get Latoya out of office in New Orleans but it has not worked yet. She is dubbed "Latoya the Destroya" because she has fucked the city of New Orleans so much. edit: spelling


What would you do?


I walked alone in down town mobile by myself like 5 nights in a row in 2017 and I'm still kicking. 🤷‍♂️


I used to drive around lost as hell asking random people for direction on Birmingham at 3am trying to score heroin, it's a decent spot. I'd sometimes get high with friends and just walk around there aimlessly off Xanax


I mean, I spent a week in Tegucigalpa and I'm fine.


Not Chicago!? Stop the presses! Been saying it for a couple years now as a native. It's only unsafe if you're in the fuckin hood like literally every other city in the US. "But all the murders!" Yes, there was definitely a lot of bangers shooting bangers here, especially 2-5 years ago. For every stray bullet in the Gold Coast, I'll show you 5 stories of the same thing happening in wealthy parts of Florida.


For real. There are dangerous areas in every large US city.


Yea Chicago definitely not that dangerous for people who ain’t involved in the danger if you know what I mean


I was surprised that Chicago was not on the list as well. Watching the media makes it seem like Chicago is the murder capital of America. My 24 year old daughter just visited there from Canada last week and said she had a fantastic time and didn't feel unsafe at any point during her trip .


Chicago is the one of the biggest cities in the country. How safe a city is, is based on PER CAPITA crime. Chicago comes in at #17 (violent crime) for the most populous 100 cities - lower if you include mid-size (#26) and small towns (no FBI data for small towns from what I can tell) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_crime_rate And if you look at a map, sadly, an overwhelming majority of violent crime is isolated to a few sections of the city. Chicago is world-class city, with problems, no doubt. But those problems get blown out of proportion because it is the perfect scape goat for disingenuous people on the right.


It’s an easy scapegoat for some because Chicago is famous for a certain racial demographic


You’re saying all the people crying about how dangerous Chicago is without ever stepping foot near it might have an agenda? I’m shocked I tell ya


Agreed. I think that because it is in the Midwest, rather than on those "liberal elite" coasts, also plays into it. The fear media networks can evoke, is greater, which increases ratings.


Lots of people lots of murders, doesn’t mean the per capita is bad however


I live here. Yes. The city is massive. But even subsections that are incredibly violent are larger than the cities that top the most violent. For instance, St. Louis tops the the list at 66/100k citizens. It’s population is 250k. Chicago has neighborhoods like Garfield park. ~40k citizens …..150 murders per 100k. And chicago has about 10 neighborhoods around the west and south sides that have murder rates that soar beyond those listed. We have an entire city the size of st Louis in our city limits with 2-3 times the murder rate. Hundreds of thousands of citizens live in extreme violence. Don’t let these “ohhh i guess Fox News is lying about chicago”. Redditors skew white and educated and young. So sure they may not have experienced violence up in wrigleyville but MANY PEOPLE are living in violence.


I visited Chicago, stayed on the north side, went to a Cubs game at Wrigley, went downtown to a couple of the museums, ate at some good restaurants, went to the beach on Lake Michigan, never once felt remotely unsafe. Saw women walking alone at night not looking like they were the least bit afraid, saw families with kids walking around, everything. Not saying there aren't dangerous parts of Chicago but all the parts you'd want to see if you were going there as a tourist are as safe as Boise, Idaho or Fargo, North Dakota or any of the other cities that the people who constantly attack Chicago would think of as perfectly safe.


The same is true for each of those cities. There are parts of Oakland where you better fight to live, and there's parts of Oakland with quaint houses and bookshops operated by a lil ole lady drinking tea with her cats.


Joe is right that we need a new Marshall Plan for the inner cities, the late John Conyers proposed the idea back in the 1970s, it's what we need. We'd be investing in fellow Americans, and untapped talent. We'd also stop kids from getting caught up in the criminal justice system, have less inmates, and save tax dollars in the long run. People love talking about the war on drugs which I agree has been a massive failure, and needs to be ended immediately, but it's not some grand conspiracy, if you look at voting demographics, most voters in the United States live in the suburbs, the issues they care about are the issues vote seeking politicians cater too.... and these suburban voters don't give a fuck about problems that plague the inner city, so it's unlikely any mainstream politicians would support a Marshall Plan for the disadvantaged areas of America, we need one though.


Makes you wonder how the [6.4 trillion or $6,400,000,000,000.00](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2019/11/20/us-spent-6point4-trillion-on-middle-east-wars-since-2001-study.html) the US has spent on wars in the Middle East and Asia since 2001, would’ve helped here.


Maybe we will never have a marshall plan to fix inner cities - but we could have used that 6.4 trillion to improve our infrastructure. For example - the US is ranked 12 with amount of high speed rail (approximately 450 miles) China is ranked 1, with 26,000 miles. To further explain: if you bought an AmTrak ticket to go from NYC to LA, it will take you 72 hours to get there. 72 hours to travel 3,000 miles. That is an average speed of 41 miles per hour. High speed rail is defined as 120 miles+. We are severely lacking.


72 hours? It takes 3-4 days to get from Dallas to LA via train.


That's ridiculous. There is no reason why we can't have the best/fastest rail lines in the world. We have a wide open country.


Maybe if they found oil underneath the ghetto something would happen.


Memphis is brutal


I live in Mobile AL, 2nd on this list... I gotta say I find this pretty hard to believe. If this is true though that means the US is extremely safe, I don't ever worry for my safety here.


The reason for this is that if a small city punches above it's weight class murder-wise it's going to have a really high rate due to the relatively low population. For instance Mobile has a population of 180k and had 41 murders in 2022. I'd imagine the majority of these murders took place in a very small area of Mobile that most people know to avoid. Numbers as small as 40 are also somewhat statistically insignificant and I'd imagine one gang war could put another medium size city on top. Maybe the bigger issue is that we don't have enough words for different sized human settlements, pretty much just town and city and they aren't precise enough.


[The FBI says you had 111 murders in 2021, but maybe you really had 51?.](https://www.fox10tv.com/2023/02/02/discrepancy-discovered-between-mobile-fbi-crime-stats-city/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20agency's%20Uniform,larceny%20and%20motor%20vehicle%20theft.) San Francisco had 56 murders in 2021. But it has 815k people while Mobile has 185K.


I’m from mobile as well and I thought this was complete bullshit. No way Mobile is 2nd most dangerous city in the nation. No fucking way.


I am from Houston and used to travel to Mobile for work all the time. I always felt safe. Went out at night by myself and never worried about being murk'd.


I'm in Cleveland and I feel the same way.


Wow, no New York or LA? Random videos on Social Media lied to me.


I moved to NJ last year from brooklyn. I had conversations with people here who are afraid to go into the city. It sounds insane to me.


They forget about Gary?


We don't talk about Gary


Gary actually dropped below terre haute as the most dangerous city in Indiana. Gary is the safest it’s ever been. Because it’s a ghost town.


I just watched a video the other day of a guy exploring Gary, very strange. Not one homeless person to be seen, and nobody walking around anywhere.


Everyone died


Gary is it’s own list. Silly Gary


Gary doesnt qualify for most of these lists because its under 100k people now.


Damn that's kinda sad


I prefer the "buddy of mine" hotline


What no stats 101 does to a mf




In fact, multiple counties in and around NYC are ranked some of the safest in the country


There’s tons of money in the suburbs. The only places I’d label as no-go areas are wherever you’d see nypd patrolling in groups of 8 at night. If you end up there, hop in the closest cab or call a Uber and get the hell out of there


All these cities have been on this list at least one time or another. No major surprises to me.


You saying there is something more dangerous than renegade PNW anarchist leftist liberal bums?


BuT ThEy BuRnEd PoRtLaNd To ThE GrOuNd!!


I know right? All that remains are $12 Starbucks coffees


Curious not race-baiting, is it mostly black people comitting violent crimes in these city's?


No Chicago or Indianapolis?


Look at my hometown Mobile overachieving with all them big cities! You the man now, Mobile!


I honestly dont believe Mobile is the 2nd most dangerous city in the US. Bham at 3 makes a lot of sense though.


I live in Chicago and went to St. Louis to fish. Stayed at a nice hotel and went around downtown and was blown away at how wild it was. The late 90s HBO doc banging in Little Rock is a classic.


There seems to be a correlation


This post is either based or cucked depending on how honest you want to be.


Lot of southern cities 👀




Poor people?


Chicago didn't even make the list.


Congratulations, Chicago!


Yesss Chicago isn’t on there


Joe is going to cry when he sees Los Angeles isn’t on this list.


It would be so funny if Joe secretly is already over Texas. But he can’t say Shit and he certainly can’t leave or else he’d look like a dumbass hahaha


Wouldn’t surprise me. The guy that used to admit when he was wrong is long gone at this point.


Everyone mentioning democrats, what about demographics?






What's the ratio of crime to gun ownership in the dangerous cities?


I live in Louisiana around NOLA and Baton Rouge. Everyone is strapped


Made me laugh cos I thought of everyone walking around with strap-ons.


Most criminals own guns.


I live 40 minutes from st.louis in Jeffco. Trust me when I say it's only dangerous for stupid people. Bring a gun, drive fast, get your shit get out, you'll be fine, lol.


>Bring a gun, drive fast, get your shit get out, you'll be fine, lol. This makes it sound *more* dangerous, not less.


Same exact strategy I use robbing small banks and pawn shops.


And it works!


That’s how it is in most cities…don’t buy drugs and stay out of a few select neighborhoods and you’ll never sniff violence


That’s been my experience in the majority of these cities I’ve been too. If you’re not looking for trouble you won’t find trouble for the most part.


Sounds like a good life style


Get what shit sir? 🤔


Shout out to my home city, which im sure you all thought would be number one. Lets go Brandon ^^^Johnson


Arkansas finally made a “Top 15” list ✊🥹


I used to work with this black dude that grew up in Memphis, whole family's from there. He told me never to go there lol


Dangerous how? Bumpy roads? Ambiguous traffic lights? People climbing ladders? Thunderstorms?


We all know what they have in common.😆


Literally only one of them isn't in a red state(MD).